Community Development and
Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
November 08, 2019
Russ Lee
Ripley Design Inc.
Fort Collins, CO
Re: 609 S. College Ave. Mixed-Use
Description of project: This is a request to build an addition to an existing single-family
dwelling and convert the building to mixed-use including office space, studio space and
temporary (less than 30 days) artist-in-residence accommodations at 609 S. College Ave.
(parcel #9714114017). Four on-site parking spaces are proposed. Access is taken from
S. College Avenue to the east and Dalzell Alley to the west. The property is within the
Downtown (D) zone district and is subject to Basic Development Review as an extension of
the Music District.
Please see the following summary of comments regarding 609 S. College Ave. Mixed-Use.
The comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in
preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project. If you have any
questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review process, please contact
your Development Review Coordinator, Todd Sullivan via phone at 970-221-6695 or via
email at tsullivan@fcgov.com.
Comments in red – Tree Line Builder (Owner Representative), Forest Glaser
Comments in yellow – Dengler Architecture, Kim Morton
Comments in green – Ripley Design Inc., Sam Coutts
Comments in blue – Northern Engineering, Ben Ruch
Comments in purple – APS Inc. , Randy Bremmer
Comment Summary
Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Todd Sullivan, 970-221-6695, tsullivan@fcgov.com
1. I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting
process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or
need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist you and your
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team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me
informed of any phone conversations.
Ripley Response: Understood
2. The proposed development project is subject to a Basic Development Review. The
decision maker for your project will be the Development Review Manager and/or Director
of Community Development and Neighborhood Services. All documents submitted to the
City in association with your Basic Development Review project are available to the public
through our website. Formal public notice of your project is at the discretion of the
Development Review Manager, including a posted sign, mailing to surrounding neighbors
and/or published notice elsewhere.
Ripley Response: Understood
3. I will provide you a roadmap specific to your development review project, helping to identify
each step of the process. For more detailed process information, see the Development
Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg . This online guide features a color-coded flowchart
with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide
includes links to just about every resource you need during development review.
Ripley Response: Understood
4. I will provide a Project Submittal Checklist to assist in your submittal preparation. Please
use the checklist in conjunction with the Submittal Requirements located at:
http://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/applications.php .
The checklist provided is specific to this Conceptual project; if there are any significant
changes to this project, please let me know so we can adjust the checklist accordingly. I
can send an updated copy of the Submittal Checklist to ensure you are submitting the
the correct materials.
Ripley Response: Understood
5. As part of your submittal you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. This letter
is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses
to each comment for your submittal, using a different font color. When replying to the
comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should be
thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans or explanations of why
comments have not been addressed, when applicable.
Ripley Response: Understood
6. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule:
https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/fees.php .
I will provide estimated fees, which are due at time of project submittal for formal review.
This is an estimate of the initial fees to begin the development review process based on
your Conceptual Review Application. As noted in the comments, there are additional fees
required by other departments, and additional fees at the time of building permit. The City
of Fort Collins fee schedule is subject to change - please confirm these estimates before
submitting. If you have any questions about fees, please reach out to me.
Ripley Response: Understood
7. Submittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut-off for
routing the same week. Upon initial submittal, your project will be subject to a
completeness review. Staff has until noon that Friday to determine if the project contains all
required checklist items and is sufficient for a round of review. If complete, a formal Letter
of Acceptance will be emailed to you and the project would be officially routed with a
three-week round of review followed by a formal meeting.
Ripley Response: Understood
8. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with me at
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least 24 hours in advance. Applications and plans are submitted electronically in person
with initial fees.
Pre-submittal meetings can be beneficial to ensure you have everything for a complete submittal.
Please reach out and I will assist in those arrangements.
Ripley Response: Understood
Planning Services
Contact: Pete Wray, 970-221-6754, pwray@fcgov.com
1. FOR APPROVAL: Vehicular parking requirements - Section 3.2.2 (K)
- Office Space: min. 1/1000 sf, max. 3/1000 sf. - calculate total commercial space in both
home and addition. Are the proposed four parking spaces paved?
Ripley Response: We have calculated parking by braking out the different spaces by use. The office space (music room, iso-booth,
office, office closet, and bathroom) and lodging (bedroom 1 and 2, kitchen, bathroom, dinning, living, storage, lounge, and foyer).
See plan for parking numbers. See exhibit for floorplan. Parking spaces are paved.
Please summarize parking calculations in table on site plan.
- With existing improved alley, how will proposed parking spaces match area in between
alley light pole cutouts? Will these poles need to be relocated?
Ripley Response: We would like to keep the light poles and are adjusting the cutouts. See plan for detail.
2. FOR APPROVAL: Downtown District permitted use.
- Change of use from single-family detached dwelling to commercial office with accessory
uses to include lodging and studio space.
Ripley Response: Understood. Building is changing to a commercial mixed-use building with office and lodging. See cover for land
use table.
- Per Administrative Interpretation (dated 9/18/14), this proposed use is subject to a BDR
review as an expansion of the existing approved Music District project.
Ripley Response: Understood.
3. Downtown District.
- Proposed project representing an small addition of an existing building, most of the
Downtown zone standards are not applicable.
Ripley Response: Understood.
- Lower story facades (required or otherwise) must be constructed of authentic, durable,
high-quality materials (brick, stone, glass, terra cotta, stucco (non EFIS), precast
concrete, wood, cast iron, architectural metal - or similar modular materials) installed to
industry standards.Building addition facade should be high quality materials and finishes
(brick, stone, , architectural metals etc.).
Dengler Response: See building elevations for materials to be used.
- Addition side yard setback of 5' is in compliance.
Ripley Response: Understood, setback is in compliance.
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4. FOR APPROVAL: Site plan. Please include setbacks, easements, dimensions of
proposed site layout of walks, parking area and building footprint. A summary table of
use, density, building information, parking, signature blocks and notes.
Ripley Response: Understood, the site plan has been labeled and dimensioned. A summary of the land use, density, building,
parking and signature blocks and notes have been added to the cover page and the site plan.
- Will the existing curb cut driveway off of College be removed?
Northern Response: Currently, the driveway will remain.
5. FOR APPROVAL. Landscape Plan. Please document existing tree mitigation for
removal, protection of remaining trees, extent of existing and proposed new landscaping
on site, details, notes and material summaries.
Ripley Response: Tree mitigation plan has been incorporated in the sheet set and includes removal and protection of trees.
Proposed and new landscaping is shown on the landscape plan. Details and notes sheet have been added to the landscape plan as
6. FOR APPROVAL. Section 3.2.5. Trash and Recycling Enclosure. Areas for the collection
and storage of trash, waste cooking oil, and compostable, recyclable and other materials
(linen service containers, returnable crates and pallets, and other similar containers) must
be enclosed so that they are screened from public view. Enclosures must be constructed
of durable materials such as masonry and shall be compatible with the structure to which it
is associated.
Dengler Response: Trash enclosure details and materials are included with this submittal.
7. FOR APPROVAL. Building elevations. Please provide color building elevations and
perspective views with dimensions. A summary table showing building materials, colors finishes.
Dengler Response: See submittal drawings.
Department: Historic Preservation
Contact: Karen McWilliams, 970-224-6078, kmcwilliams@fcgov.com
1. HISTORIC RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION: In accordance with LUC 3.4.7(B)(2), staff
has identified the structures on the development site and within 200 feet of the
development site that are designated historic resources or are eligible for historic
designation. Staff has found that the property at 609 South College is eligible for
individual designation as a Fort Collins Landmark. The property owner and applicant
have concurred with this assessment, eliminating the need for a separate professional
survey of the property to determine potential historic eligibility.
Dengler Response: Owners are not interested in submitting this property for historic designation.
Additionally, the properties on either side of 609 S. College, Canino’s and the Beebe
Clinic, are both officially designated Fort Collins Landmarks.
As the structures on the development site are identified as eligible historic resources,
the project plans must provide for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of those
structures pursuant to Land Use Code Section 3.4.7(D)(3) that meets the Secretary of
the US Department of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation to the maximum extent
feasible. According to LUC Division 5.1, Definitions, "Maximum extent feasible shall
mean that no feasible and prudent alternative exists, and all possible efforts to comply
with the regulation or minimize potential harm or adverse impacts have been
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Dengler Response: Following our meeting with Karen and Maren, it is our intent that State requirements for rehab and
adaptive reuse are being adhered to as much as possible in the design and material selection. Any additional
details will be found in the final construction documents.
NEAR THE SITE: If an abutting property is a historic resource, as is the case with
Canino’s and Beebe Clinic, the design compatibility requirements of LUC Section
3.4.7(E), Table 1 must be met relative to those properties’ site plans and architecture.
Those requirements are designed to create an appropriate design relationship between
new construction and nearby historic resources. When historic resources exist both on
the development site and on adjacent sites, the resources on the development site will
be used as the primary point of comparison.
Dengler Response: Following our meetings with Karen and Maren, it was decided that this design is indeed respectful
to the neighboring historic buildings as well as to the existing home.
containing and/or adjacent to historic resources, the Landmark Preservation
Commission will review the project for compliance with LUC 3.4.7 and Municipal Code
Chapter 14, Article III requirements, and will provide a written recommendation to the
decision maker. The Commission may provide comments that require adjustment of the
plans. For this reason, it is recommended that the project schedule a Conceptual
Review with the Commission early in the project. This may be done by contacting
Historic Preservation staff.
Dengler Response: Following our comments received from this submittal we intend to submit to the Commission
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Morgan Uhlman, 970-416-4344, muhlman@fcgov.com
1. Site Specific: This project will need to close the driveway that is currently on College
Avenue and replace it with our standard parkway and vertical curb.
Northern Response: Understood. The plans show the existing driveway cut being removed and replaced with curb and gutter.
2. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Transportation Expansion Fees are due at the
time of building permit. Please contact Kyle Lambrecht at 221-6566 if you have any
Treeline Response: Understood. Fees will be paid at the time of the building permit.
3. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
Ripley Response: Understood. TDRF has been attached to this submittal.
4. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Ripley Response: Understood, damages during construction will be restored to City of Fort Collins Standards
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5. All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps existing or proposed adjacent or within the
site need to meet ADA standards, if they currently do not, they will need to be
reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project.
Ripley Response: Understood, they will meet ADA standards.
6. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Northern Response: Acknowledged. LCUASS will be followed.
7. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are
necessary or required by the City for this project. This shall include the standard utility
easements that are to be provided behind the right-of-way (15 foot along an arterial, 8
foot along an alley, and 9 foot along all other street classifications). Information on the
dedication process can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php
Northern Response: No easements are required.
8. Utility plans will be required and if needed a Development Agreement will be recorded
once the project is finalized.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. Utility plans are being provided.
9. This site is adjacent to CDOT roadway and all access to the site is governed by an
access control plan. The access control plan will need to be followed and implemented
with any project. Plans will be routed to CDOT for review and approval and the applicant
may need to obtain access permits from CDOT. It is possible CDOT may require this to
be removed.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
10. LCUASS parking setbacks (Figure 19-6) apply and will need to be followed depending
on parking design.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. This does not apply to our project as the proposed parking will be off the alley.
11. All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. This will not apply to our project.
12. The development/ site cannot use the right-of-way for any rain gardens to treat the storm
runoff. We can look at the use of rain gardens to treat street flows – the design
standards for these are still in development.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. Rain gardens are currently proposed in onsite planters
13. Doors are not allowed to open out into the right-of-way.
Ripley Response: Understood, doors will not open to right-of-way
14. Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if
placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked
they do not extend into the right-of-way.
Ripley Response: Understood. Bike parking has been added to the site plan and a table on the cover page. The bike rack does not
exist or extend to ROW.
15. In regard to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for staging
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or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be
used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or
hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find a
location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary staging and/or parking
needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the
location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the
Development Construction Permit application.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. No staging will be permitted in ROW.
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Steve Gilchrist, 970-224-6175, sgilchrist@fcgov.com
1. 11/5/2019: FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Provide a brief narrative of the estimated daily
traffic for your building. The TIS will likely be waived but we would like a little information
on the expected daily use.
Ripley Response: A brief traffic narrative has been provided within our submittal narrative.
Department: Stormwater Engineering, Floodplain
Contact: Claudia Quezada, (970)416-2494, cquezada@fcgov.com
1. INFORMATION ONLY: A portion of this property is currently located in the City
regulated, 100-year Old Town floodplain and must comply with the safety regulations of
Chapter 10 of City Municipal Code. A Flood Risk map is attached.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. We are currently preparing a LOMA submittal.
2. INFORMATION ONLY: Any new construction and/or site work (e.g. structure,
sidewalk or curb & gutter installation/replacement, utility work, landscaping, etc.) within
the 100-year floodplain must be preceded by an approved floodplain use permit, the
appropriate permit application fees, and approved plans.
Northern Response: Floodplain use permit will be obtained.
3. INFORMATION ONLY: Additions are allowed in the Old Town 100-year floodplain, as
long as the lowest finished floor of the building, and all duct work, heating, ventilation,
electrical systems, etc. are elevated to a minimum of 12-inches above the Base Flood
Elevation (BFE). This elevation is known as the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation
(RFPE). RFPE = BFE + 12-inches. An approved FEMA Elevation Certificate,
completed by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer and showing that the addition is
constructed to the required elevation, is required prior to a Certificate of Occupancy
(CO) being issued.
Northern Response: Appropriate certifications will be obtained.
4. INFORMATION ONLY: Remodel of an existing structure is allowed within the
floodplain, provided that the cost of the remodel does not exceed 50% of the value of the
existing structure (only the structure not the property value), this is known as the
Substantial Improvement Threshold. If a remodel will exceed this threshold then the
entire structure must be brought into compliance with the floodplain regulations (by
elevating or floodproofing if a commercial structure). The structure value can be
determined by using the assessor’s value or getting an appraisal that meets the FEMA
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specific appraisal guidelines. Please contact floodplain staff for more information prior
to ordering an appraisal.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
5. FOR HEARING: Development review checklists for floodplain requirements can be
obtained at https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/fp-checklist100-
2018-update.pdf?1522697905. Please utilize these documents when preparing your
plans for submittal.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
6. INFORMATION ONLY: Please show the boundaries of the floodplain and floodway
on site drawings as applicable. Contact Beck Anderson of Stormwater Master Planning
at banderson@fcgov.com for floodplain CAD line work.
Northern Response: Current City of Fort Collins floodplain linework is shown on plans.
7. INFORMATION ONLY: Please contact Claudia Quezada with any questions about
these comments or to schedule a meeting to discuss any of the requirements for
development in the floodplain. cquezada@fcgov.com or 970.416.2494.
Northern Response: Thank you.
Department: Stormwater Engineering,
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
8. Master plan and criteria compliance (site specific comment):
The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Old Town
Master Drainage Plan as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. Please note,
a new stormwater criteria manual was released in December 2018:
Northern Response: Acknowledged. Stormwater Criteria Manual has been followed.
9. Documentation requirements (site specific comment):
A drainage report and construction plans are required and must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must
address the four-step process for selecting structural BMPs.
Northern Response: A drainage memo has been prepared.
10. Detention requirements (site specific comment):
In the Old Town Basin, for existing developed sites, onsite detention is only required if
there is an increase in impervious area greater than 5000 square feet. If it is greater,
onsite detention is required with a 2-year historic release rate for water quantity.
Northern Response: The proposed increase in impervious area is 1,950 sf.
11. Stormwater outfall (site specific comment):
The stormwater outfall options for this site appear to be surface flow to College Avenue
or to the alley west of the lot. There is also a storm drainpipe in Myrtle Street.
Drainage into alleys in the Old Town area can be problematic, causing damage to
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downstream and neighboring properties. As part of any construction with this
development, a drainage analysis will need to be completed by a Civil Engineer
addressing any additional drainage created by the development and show how
conveyance of site drainage is conveyed to an adequate public facility without impacting
downstream or adjacent properties.
Northern Response: Grading plan provided that improves the existing lot drainage. Proposed area draining to the west (alley) is
approximately the same as previous.
12. City Recognized Inadvertent Stormwater Storage Area - Old Town Stormwater Master
Plan (site specific comment):
This site is located within a City recognized inadvertent stormwater storage area known
as the “College and Mulberry storage pond.” This storage area is created by the
College Avenue road elevation which causes significant stormwater ponding west of
College Ave, extending several blocks (north, south, and west) from College and
Mulberry intersection. Site work within this recognized storage area cannot reduce the
existing stormwater storage volume. As such, there can be no net-fill permitted within
the ponding area, this includes proposed site grading and the building footprint.
For more information about this storage pond and requirements, please contact Dan
Evans, Stormwater Master Planning Manager, at (970) 416-2217, or
daevans@fcgov.com .
Northern Response: Per discussion with City staff, this comment is no longer applicable.
13. Imperviousness documentation (standard comment):
It is important to document the existing impervious area since drainage requirements
and fees are based on new impervious area. An exhibit showing the existing and
proposed impervious areas with a table summarizing the areas is required prior to the
time fees are calculated for each building permit.
Northern Response: Exhibit provided with drainage memo.
14. Standard Water Quality provided in Udall Natural Area (standard comment):
The City requires stormwater quality treatment of all new or modified impervious areas.
This is requirement has two categories: 1) ‘standard water quality’ treatment, and 2)
‘Low Impact Development’ (LID) requirement. For this site, the ‘standard water quality’
requirement is already provided for in the City’s Udall Natural Area water treatment
Northern Response: LID will be provided onsite by planters.
15. Low Impact Development requirements (standard comment):
The City requires the use of Low Impact Development (LID) methods to treat stormwater
quality on all new or redeveloping property, including sites required to be brought into
compliance with the Land Use Code. There are two (2) categories of LID requirements;
the development will need to meet one of the two following options:
1. LID with Permeable Pavers: When using the permeable pavers option, 50% of the
new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. Of the new or
modified paved areas, 25% must be pervious.
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2. LID - without Pavers: 75% of all new or modified impervious areas must be treated
by LID methods. This typically consists of a rain garden or bioretention system, but other
options are allowed.
Accepted methods are described in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual
(FCSCM), Chapter 7:
Northern Response: LID will be provided by planters located under roof drains. Water will filter through biomedia and discharge
through knockouts at the base of the planters into concrete pan.
16. Erosion control requirements (standard comment):
The erosion control report requirements are in Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Fort Collins
Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018, www.fcgov.com/erosion). If you need
clarification concerning this section, please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse
Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. This project disturbs less than 10,000 sf.
17. Inspection and maintenance (standard comment):
There will be a final site inspection of the stormwater facilities when the project is
complete and the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance
organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for on-going maintenance of all
onsite drainage facilities will be included as part of the Development Agreement. More
information and links can be found at:
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
18. Fees (standard comment):
The 2019 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $9,142/acre of new impervious
area over 350 square feet and there is a $1,045/acre of site review fee. No fee is
charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each
building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the
Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by
the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Northern Response: Fees will be paid at time of building permit issuance.
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
1. Existing Water Infrastructure (site specific comment):
There is an existing 8-inch water main in College Avenue, located in the northbound
lanes, with an existing 3/4-inch water service to the site. Please note that the College
Ave waterline is made from a material (Fusible PVC) that requires the waterline to be
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completely shut down before water taps, abandonments, or other work on the waterline
may be performed. Any proposed service line work, at the water main, will need prior
coordination with Fort Collins Utilities.
There is also an existing 8-inch water main in Myrtle Street.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. 8-inch main in College will be used for proposed building fire service.
2. Existing Sewer Infrastructure (site specific comment):
There is an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main in Dalzell Alley, west of the site, with an
existing sanitary sewer service to the site.
Northern Response: No improvements to sanitary sewer service is proposed.
3. Change of Use and Water Fees (site specific comment):
The proposed change of use for this property (single-family to mixed-use) will result in a
change to the water and sewer fee classification structure for this property and water
service. Currently this water service is classified as a ‘residential-use’ and the
proposed change would convert the property to the ‘non-residential/ commercial’ rate
structure. As such, new water and sewer development fees, Plant Investment Fees
(PIFs), and water rights fees will occur. These fees are to be paid at the time the first
building permit is issued.
Please contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 to discuss.
Information on fees can be found at:
Treeline Response: Understood. Fees will be paid at the time of the building permit.
4. Irrigation service line (site specific comment):
The applicant may want to consider if a separate irrigation water service would be
desired as part of this development. With the ‘use’ change to the Commercial rate
structure there are two key items related to landscape irrigation to note: 1) If irrigating
landscape from the primary domestic tap, the monthly sewer bill will include this water
use. 2) There is a specified annual water allocation for the commercial tap, based on
tap size. Water use beyond this amount results in surcharges.
Irrigation water services do not pay monthly sewer fees. However, an additional
irrigation water tap will incur new water development fees, Plant Investment Fees (PIFs),
and water rights fees. These fees are to be paid at the time the first building permit is
Treeline Response: There is no need for a second water line for irrigation.
5. Service sizing (standard comment):
Please prepare and submit water service and meter sizing calculations based on the
proposed uses and fixtures within the building. These should be based on the AWWA
M22 manual design procedure. A sizing justification letter that includes demand
calculations for maximum flows and estimated continuous flows will need to be provided
as a part of the final submittal package for this project.
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Treeline Response: Water service and meter sizing is in progress. We will submit calculations for the final submittal package.
6. Service abandonment (standard comment):
Any existing water and sewer services that are not planned to be re-used with this
project will be required to be abandoned at the main.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. No abandonment is proposed at this time.
7. Sewer discharge (standard comment):
Please note that all City of Fort Collins Utility Customers are subject to City Code
requirements for wastewater. These requirements include Section 26-306 Wastewater
Discharge Permit Requirements and Section 26-332 Prohibitive Discharge Standards.
A permit may be required depending on activities on the site; however, discharge
standards apply to every customer, both large and small, regardless of what activities
take place on the site. Please contact Industrial Pretreatment, (970) 221-6900, to
discuss these requirements and how they apply to this development.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
8. Water conservation (standard comment):
The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on
these requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Cody Snowdon, 970-416-2306, csnowdon@fcgov.com
1. The site is currently serviced from a 100-kVA submersible transformer and has capacity
for 150 amps. There is a secondary box on the property that could be used to upgrade
service to 200 amp but could require system upgrades. If any changes to the existing
electric system, service capacity or meter location are required for this project, please
coordinate power requirements with Light & Power Engineering. If 3-phase service is
required, there is 3-phase power within the alley that could be intercepted, but would
require a transformer to be placed on the property.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. Electric system upgrades (if needed) will be coordinated with Light and Power.
2. With the property changing to commercial use, the owner of would be required to install,
own and maintain the existing or updated service to the building.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
3. The City of Fort Collins now offers gig-speed fiber internet, video and phone service.
Contact Julianna Potts with Fort Collins Connexion at 970-207-7890 or
jpotts@fcgov.com for commercial grade account support, RFPs and bulk agreements.
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
4. Please reference our policies, construction practices, development charge processes,
electric services standards, and fee estimator at
Northern Response: Acknowledged.
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Department: Building Inspection
Contact: Katy Hand, , khand@fcgov.com
1. This is change of occupancy from an R-3 to a mixed occupancy R-3, B, and possibly
A-3 (depending on the function of the music studio).
Dengler Response: This will be confirmed when we schedule our pre-submittal meeting for building permit.
2. A full NFPA13 sprinkler system will need to be installed.
Dengler Response: noted
3. the residential sleeping areas will need to be separated from each other and the
business areas with 1 hr fire barrier.
Dengler Response: noted
4. The shower shown on the 1st level will need to be accessible.
Dengler Response: it is planned to be accessible.
5. Please see the linked handout on change of occupancy:
Dengler Response: see response to #1
6. INFORMATIONAL: Please visit our website for a list of current adopted building codes
and local amendments:
Dengler Response: These will be adhered to in the final construction documents.
Pre-Submittal Meetings for Building Permits
Pre-Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early in the
design, that new commercial or multi-family projects are on track to complying with all of the
adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early
to mid-design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically scheduled after the
Current Planning PDP submittal. Applicants should be prepared to present site plans, floor
plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy, square footage, type
of construction, and energy compliance method being proposed. Applicants of new
commercial or multi-family projects should contact their Development Review Coordinator to
schedule a pre-submittal meeting.
Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes and standards as
2018 International Building Code (IBC) with local amendments
2018 International Residential Code (IRC) with local amendments
2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) with local amendments
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with local amendments
2018 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with local amendments
2018 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) with local amendments
2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) with local amendments
2015 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017.
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Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Loads:
Risk Category ll (most structures):
* 140mph (Ultimate) exposure B or
* Front Range Gust Map published by The Structural Engineer's Association of
Risk Category l: 130mph (Ultimate) exposure B
Risk Category lll & lV: 150mph (Ultimate) exposure B
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5.
Energy Code Use:
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2018 IRC Chapter 11 or 2018 IECC Chapter 4
Residential Provisions
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2018 015 IECC Chapter 4 Residential
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2018 IECC Chapter 4 Commercial
Current codes and amendments are effective as of January 12, 2019. Copies of the code
amendments can be obtained at www.fcgov.com/building/codes.php or at the Building
Services office.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
Fire apparatus access is required to within 150' of all exterior portions of the building's
perimeter. For the purposes of this section, fire access cannot be measured from an
arterial road (College Ave.). Alley access is not usually considered an acceptable
method of providing for perimeter access; however, as Dalzell Alley has been previously
upgraded to meet minimum access standards, fire access requirements are
determined to be met in this case. No further action is required.
Ripley Response: Understood. Thank you for clarification. No further action required.
A fire hydrant capable of providing 1500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure is required
within 300' of any commercial building. An existing hydrant on the SW corner of College
and Myrtle is located within this allowable distance.
Ripley Response: Understood. Fire hydrant along College and Myrtle is within allowable distance.
An R-2 occupancy and mixed-use group will require an NFPA 13 automatic fire sprinkler
system. Smoke alarms shall comply with IFC907.2.10.
Dengler Response: understood
> The building shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly
legible, visible from the road fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of
eight-inch numerals on a contrasting background.
> Individual residential units shall be given separate identifiers (eg. Unit A, B).
> An approved route to each unit's accessible door is required to be identified (eg. sign
on fence gate, etc.).
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Dengler Response: understood
Fire pits & grills fueled by natural gas may be allowed in association with multi-family
buildings with prior approval of the fire marshal. Wood burning or smoke producing fire
pits & grills are strictly prohibited. Fire pits & grills shall be located in a permanent/fixed
location, such as a built-in kitchen or fireplace with UL fixtures as appropriate; or as
otherwise limited by manufacturer's installation guidelines. Connections shall have hard
pipe, not flex pipe and be equipped with an emergency shut off. Fire pits and grills
fueled by natural gas shall have a 10' separation to combustible construction and/or
vegetation. This distance is measured both horizontally and vertically from the fire
Ripley Response: Understood, fire pits will be natural gas with permanent/fixed location and hard pipe. Vegetation will have 10’
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Stephanie Blochowiak, 970-416-4290, sblochowiak@fcgov.com
1. City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)], requires that to the extent
reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate water conservation materials
and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants and grasses in landscaping
or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much as possible. Native plants and
wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds) landscaping and maintenance are
also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins Native Plants document available
online and published by the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department for guidance
on native plants is: http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. Also
see the City of Fort Collins Plant List : https://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf.
Ripley Response: Understood. Design has small turf areas in front and back of lot. Turf area has significantly been reduced. We will
incorporate plantings that provide habitat as possible through the planting design.
2. Contact the assigned Development Review Coordinator (DRC) prior to PDP submittal
for the project if trees may be impacted. A review of trees shall be conducted by City
Forestry staff to determine the status of existing trees and any mitigation requirements
that could result from the proposed development. LUC Section 3.2.1(C) requires
developments to submit a landscape and tree protection plan, and if receiving water
service from the City, an irrigation plan, that: "...(4) protects significant trees, natural
systems, and habitat, and (5) enhances the pedestrian environment. " A significant tree
is defined as one having DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of six inches or more. Please
contact assigned Development Review Coordinator directly at 970-221-6689 or email
DRCoord@fcgov.com to schedule a tree inventory site visit. Please plan for at least two
weeks to get an onsite meeting scheduled, especially during April - October.
Ripley Response: Understood. A City Forester has completed a tree walk and the information has been recorded on our tree
mitigation plan.
3. Site light sources shall be fully shielded and down-directional to minimize up-light,
spill-light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on adjacent property [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(3)].
Please submit a site photometric plan and luminaire schedule.
APS Response: Okay
4. Please submit a site photometric plan and luminaire schedule. All lighting shall have a
nominal correlated color temperature (CCT) of no greater than three thousand (3,000)
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degrees Kelvin [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(11)]. Please also consider fixtures with
motion-sensing or dimming capabilities so that light levels can be adjusted as needed.
Regarding outdoor lighting, cooler color temperatures are harsher at night and cause
more disruption to biological rhythms for humans and wildlife. The American Medical
Association (AMA) and International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) both recommend using
lighting that has a CCT of no more than 3000K to limit the amount of blue light in the
night environment. Thank you in advance for supporting City of Fort Collins Night Sky
Objectives. For further information regarding health effects please see:
APS Response: Okay
5. Our city has an established identity as a forward-thinking community that cares about the
quality of life it offers its residents now and generations from now. Thus, the City of Fort
Collins has many sustainability programs and goals that may benefit this project. Of
particular interest may be:
1) ClimateWise Program: http://fcgov.com/climatewise, contact
climatewise@fcgov.com or Kelsey Doan at KDoan@fcgov.com, 970-416-2410
2) Zero Waste Plan and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance Program
(WRAP): http://fcgov.com/recycling/wrap.php, contact Jonathon Nagel at 970-416-2701
or jnagel@fcgov.com
3) Utilities Building Energy Scoring:
https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/building-energy-scoring , contact Kirk Longstein
at 970-416-4325 or klongstein@fcgov.com
4) Solar Rebate Program: www.fcgov.com/solar, contact Rhonda Gatzke at 970-416-
2312 or rgatzke@fcgov.com
5) Integrated Design Assistance Program: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact Gary
Schroeder at 970-224-6003 or gschroeder@fcgov.com
6) Nature in the City Program: http://fcgov.com/natureinthecity, contact Julia Feder at
7) Bike Share Program: http://fcgov.com/bikeshare, contact Stacy Sebeczek at Bike
Fort Collins at stacy@bikefortcollins.org or 970-481-5577
Ripley Response: Thank you for providing these resources. We will use them as applicable on our project.
Department: Forestry
Contact: Nils Saha, , nsaha@fcgov.com
1. 11-5-2019: PRE-SUBMITTAL: Forestry Tree Inventory
There appear to be existing trees on the property, including one tree in the parkway.
Please schedule an on-site meeting with City Forestry to obtain tree inventory and
mitigation information. Existing significant trees should be retained to the extent
reasonably feasible. This meeting should occur prior to first round PDP.
Ripley Response: Understood, we have attended a tree walk. Please see our tree mitigation plan for details.
Please provide a landscape plan that meets the Land Use Code 3.2.1 requirements.
This should include the existing tree inventory, any proposed tree removals with their
locations clearly noted and any proposed tree plantings (including species, size, quantity
and method of transplant). The plans should also include the following City of Fort Collins
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General Landscape Notes
Tree Protection Notes
Street Tree Permit Note, when applicable.
These notes are available from the city planner or Nils Saha (nsaha@fcgov.com)
Required tree sizes and method of transplant:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped
Required mitigation tree sizes:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 8.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Ripley Response: Understood. Thank you for the resources. See our landscape plan, notes and details, and tree mitigation plan.
Please include locations of utilities on the landscape plan including but not limited to
water service/mains, sewer service/mains, gas, electric, streetlights and stop signs.
Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility separation.
10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines
6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines
4’ between trees and gas lines
10’ between trees and electric vaults
40’ between canopy shade trees and streetlights
15’ between ornamental trees and streetlights
20-40’ between street trees and stop signs
Ripley Response: Location of utilities have been added to the site plan and landscape plan. We have provided the appropriate
separations between utilities as noted above and seen on our plans.
If applicable, please provide an “Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter” for City
Forestry staff to review. Proposals to remove significant existing trees must provide a
justification letter detailing the reason for tree removal. This is required for all
development projects proposing significant tree removal regardless of the scale of the
project. The purpose of this letter is to provide a document of record with the project’s
approval and for the City to maintain a record of all proposed significant tree removals
and justifications. Existing significant trees within the project’s Limits of Disturbance
(LOD) and within natural area buffer zones shall be preserved to the extent reasonably
feasible. Streets, buildings and lot layouts shall be designed to minimize the disturbance
to significant existing trees.
(Extent reasonably feasible shall mean that, under the circumstances, reasonable efforts
have been undertaken to comply with the regulation, that the costs of compliance clearly
outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably burden the proposed
project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any potential harm or
adverse impacts resulting from noncompliance with the regulation.) Where it is not
feasible to protect and retain significant existing tree(s) or to transplant them to another
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on-site location, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) according to City mitigation
Ripley Response: We have attached at Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter in this submittal. Please see the tree mitigation plan
for tree mitigation numbers and the landscape plan for tree locations.
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. As of January 1, 2015, all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
work. Please contact our office for up to date Benchmark Statement format and City
Vertical Control Network information.
Northern Response: Acknowledged. Benchmark statement matches most recent statement.
2. If submitting a replat for this property/project, addresses are not acceptable in the
Subdivision Plat title/name. Numbers in numeral form may not begin the title/name.
Please contact our office with any questions.
Northern Response: No replat is being submitted.