Center for Drug and Alcohol Education
Employee Assistance Program
406A Universitv Sen•ices Center
Fort Collins. Colorado 80523
July 24, 1992
Ted Shepard, AICP
City of Ft. Collins
Planning Department
281 North College Avenue `
P.O. Box 580
Ft. Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Mr. Shepard:
Thank you for your letter informing me of the proposed subdivisions
to be built around my neighborhood, known as Hillpond.East.
I just purchased my home April of this year. I am very concerned
that the proposed homes apparently priced from $60-$-100 will
negatively impact the value of my home. I will happily support a
builder to put in homes of higher values, but I am very opposed to
homes in this price range.
Additionally, I am very opposed to having apartment buildings built
on the property north of Hillpond. These units will seriously
decrease the value of my home and will probably cause the
neighborhood to revert to rentals. Currently there are very few
renters, and because of that situation the people -who do -rent are
influenced by the homeowners living in _their dwellings in a
positive manner. I am also concerned about the traffic on Spring
Creek bikepath behind my home, as my home is -located on the pond.
The noise from this traffic as well as the noise from the dwellings
themselves is not acceptable to me. I purchased my homes to live in
not to use as rental property. I purchased in a neighborhood where
the majority, I understood felt the same. These units will force
me to at some point in the near future to use my home as a rental
and seek other housing for myself. I do not want to do that!
Thank you again for your notice. Please know that I will actively
take part in all legal efforts to stop these builders.
Sinc rel ,
Yit Ann G ndler
Baseline Colorado State Program Coordinator
Faculty/Staff Coordinator