1907 F Waters Edge
Fort Collins, CO 80525
July 27, 1992
Mr. Ted S:ac pherd
City of Fort Collins Planning Department
281 North College
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Dear Mr. Shepherd;
We are writing in regard to the two proposed housing projects
which will affect Hill Pond. One is the Polarbek student housing
project, the other is the Juliano single family development.
We go or record as not beinG opposed to student: ;ut we certainly
are opposed to the Polarbek project because of its density and the
negative effect it will 11RVE: on the traffic on Shields Street. We
applaud Mr. Juliano's efforts to redesign his zubdivision to make
i_: vore compatible with the area but are very concerned about the
access to that project which is on two narrow streets through
Fill Pond and Sunderiug both of which empty onto Shields Street.
The traffic on Shields is so bad that it is nearly impossible to
ge-- or and off the streetor.d into our subdivision during peak hours.
To dump another 1000 plus people onto this inadequate street is not
only unconscionable but dangerous. At present, it is virtuz.1.2y im—
possible to m«<:e: a left hand turn out of the subdivision anytime of day.
As Hill Pond homeowners we feel it is vital for the pi,iining department
to CELrefully weigh the gridlock traffic situation these projects
will cause. We would be in favor of Mr. Juliands project if alternate
access could be assured in the near future. The Polarbek project
needs to be denied. Even with an additional stoplight at Stuart Street
and a turning lane the impact of 700 students in that small, area is too
horrendous to imagine.
Si rely
Jay Parker
Rutha.r_ne Parker