The Ridge Homeowners Association
Fort Collins, CO 80526
October 5, 1993
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Planning staff and City Council members,
We have reviewed the preliminary plan for Fossil Creek Estates PUD and offer
the following comments and concerns:
Our major concern is with the proposed density. The proposed Fossil Creek
Estates PUD is adjacent to the Cathy Fromme Natural Area. In our opinion, three
dwelling units per acre is not compatible with the natural area. We feel that the city
should study and address the impact to wildlife from this development and future
developments adjacent to natural areas.
Another concern is street lighting. Please address and study the impact of street
lighting on the nocturnal activities that occur in the natural area.
We would like to point out that the natural area should not be treated "just as"
open space. This key property was purchased by the city to preserve natural habitat and
It is our suggestion that a design be considered that provides for larger lots and
open space adjacent to the natural area.
Construction activity should also be monitored so that no damage occurs to the
habitat or wildlife.
Street lights, if installed, should be as low a luminance as possible.
Protect the investment the city has made in the Cathy Fromme Natural Area and
the wildlife and habit that it represents.
If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to contact
board members Bob Kulovany at 225-0234 or Ken Hoornbeek at 223-1677.
Thank you for considering our concerns.
Board of Directors
The Ridge Homeowners Association