6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
303.770.8884 • GallowayUS.com
December 2, 2020
Todd Sullivan, Development Review Coordinator
City of Fort Collins, Community Development and Neighborhood Services
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: Alpine Bank Redevelopment
SEC of S. College Avenue & E. Prospect Road
Fort Collins, CO
Dear Todd,
Thank you for the written comments from our Conceptual Review with staff on January 10, 2020 and
follow-up Conceptual Review with staff on August 6, 2020 for the referenced location. As required per
the Development Review Submittal Checklist, please find below our responses to comments dated
August 6, 2020. To better facilitate your review, we have included the original comments in italicized
font, and have provided our responses in bold.
Comment Summary
Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Todd Sullivan, 970-221-6695, tsullivan@fcgov.com
1. I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting
process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or
need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist you and your
team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me
informed of any phone conversations.
Thank you!
Response: Noted.
2. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 review and public hearing, the
decision maker for Type 1 hearings is an Administrative Hearing Officer. The applicant for
this development request is not required to hold a neighborhood meeting f or a Type 1
hearing, but if you would like to have one to notify your neighbors of the proposal, please let
me know and I can help you in setting a date, time and location for a meeting.
Neighborhood Meetings are a great way to get public feedback and avoid potential
hiccups that may occur later in the review process.
Response: Noted. We believe our client would like to have an in person open house
style neighborhood meeting, but current COVID related limitations on public meetings as
directed by Larimer County have made this unfeasible at this time. We will make you
aware if this changes.
3. I will provide you a roadmap specific to your development review project, helping to
identify each step of the process. For more detailed process information, see the Development
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Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg . This online guide features a color-coded flowchart
with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide
includes links to just about every resource you need during development review.
Response: Noted.
4. I will provide a Project Submittal Checklist to assist in your submittal preparation.
Please use the checklist in conjunction with the Submittal Requirements located at:
The checklist provided is specific to this Conceptual project. If there are any significant
changes to this project, please let me know so we can adjust the checklist accordingly. I
can send an updated copy of the Submittal Checklist to ensure you are submitting the
correct materials.
Response: Checklist received. We have completed checklist for initial application as
required and added notes as needed for clarity.
5. As part of your submittal you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. This letter
is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses
to each comment for your submittal, using a different font color. When replying to the
comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should be
thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans or explanations of why
comments have not been addressed, when applicable.
Response: Noted. Completed comment response letter to be included with application
6. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule:
I will provide estimated fees, which are due at time of project submittal for formal review.
This is an estimate of the initial fees to begin the development review process based on
your Conceptual Review Application. As noted in the comments, there are additional fees
required by other departments, and additional fees at the time of building permit. The City
of Fort Collins fee schedule is subject to change - please confirm these estimates before
submitting. If you have any questions about fees, please reach out to me.
Response: Fees have been confirmed and we are prepared to pay by credit card. Please
contact Todd Goulding at 970-331-1732 for payment information.
7. Submittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut -off
for routing the same week. Upon initial submittal, your project will be subject to a
completeness review. Staff has until noon that Friday to determine if the project contains all
required checklist items and is sufficient for a round of review. If complete, a formal Letter
of Acceptance will be emailed to you and the project would be officially routed with a
three-week round of review, followed by a formal meeting.
Response: Noted.
8. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with me at
least 24 hours in advance. Applications and plans are submitted electronically in person
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with initial fees. Pre-submittal meetings can be beneficial to ensure you have everything for a
complete submittal. Please reach out and I will assist in those arrangements.
Response: Noted. Plans to be forwarded using a Sharefile link since in person meetings
are not possible at this time.
Department: Historic Preservation
Contact: Maren Bzdek, 970-221-6206, mbzdek@fcgov.com
1. The primary question regarding your proposal's compliance with Section 3.4.7 of the
land use code will relate to the impact on the Craftsman residence's historic integrity if it
is moved. While historic resources may be moved to accommodate redevelopme nt as
compromise solutions that are preferable to demolition, this question is typically
considered in conjunction with several other related issues. Specifically, it will be helpful
to know the proposed treatment of the building in its new location. How will it be used,
and what exterior changes might be required to accommodate that new u se? How can
existing historic features, materials, and workmanship be improved through
rehabilitation? (A strong rehabilitation effort can offset, to some degree, moving the
building and changing its setting.) Are there opportunities to recognize through site
design the original building location? And most importantly, what efforts have been
made to create a site design that does not require moving the building? Can you
effectively demonstrate that moving the building is the only or best opportu nity to
adaptively reuse it as part of the proposed redevelopment, perhaps as a function of
other site constraints such as stormwater requirements?
Response: Response: A conceptual review package was submitted to the Landmark
Preservation Commission (LPC) on October 26, 2020 for conceptual review on
November 18, 2020. The package included a Request for Modification which included a
summary of site planning efforts to keep the building as-is. Based on conceptual level
feedback received from the LPC we believe we have effectively demonstrated that
relocation of the building not only makes sense for the overall redevelopment, but also
for the adaptive reuse of the building given existing and proposed site constraints such
as ROW dedication and consolidated access along College Avenue.
2. The secondary consideration regarding your proposal's compliance with 3.4.7 relates to
the new building's design compatibility with the Craftsman residence. Along with the
concerns outlined in the first comment, design compatibility will be evaluated in a
hearing with the Landmark Preservation Commission, which can be scheduled as staff
review is underway for a development application. The LPC would be providing a
recommendation to the decision maker regarding the proposal's compliance with Table
1 requirements in 3.4.7, which relate to massing, fenestration, design features, and
materials used in the new construction. Please provide a detailed analysis of how your
proposed design complies with those standards. As with the considerations outlined in
Comment 1, the greater degree of design compatibility with the historic building, the
more you would be offsetting the negative aspects of moving the building to a new
location on your development site.
Response: A conceptual review package was submitted to the Landmark Preservation
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Commission (LPC) on October 26, 2020 for conceptual review on November 18, 2020.
That package included design compatibility standards. Based on comments received
from the LPC we have a general understanding of expectations that need to be met in
advance of submitting our application for formal review and recommendation from the
LPC. While we have not set a date yet for a formal review by the LPC, we expect to take
this next step in early 2021 following receipt of staff comments on the PDP materials.
Planning Services
Contact: Jason Holland, 970-224-6126, jholland@fcgov.com
1. Why are three lanes shown on the site plan? The application says two lanes?
What is the use of the future addition?
Response: Our apologies for the confusion here. The proposed site plan includes three
total drive-through lanes, two for teller service and one for ATM service.
Outdoor plaza/courtyard space, this must be a public space, and a high quality space.
This is not reflected in the site plan design.
Response: A more detailed public outdoor plaza/courtyard space has been incorporated
into the building access route on the south side of the building.
2. The building is too close to the street. There is a minimum 10’ build to line, easements,
utility setbacks, sidewalks and street trees are required. A 10’ to 12’ sidewalk is required.
Street trees are required to be at least 4 feet away from the sidewalk, or a half parkway
Response: Location of building has been revised and we have incorporated an 8’ wide
tree lawn and 10’ wide sidewalk into the current site plan.
3. The parking is too close to the street, please see more detailed code explanation in the
first conceptual review letter. Comment 14. Parking needs to be pulled back behind the
face of the building along the streets.
Response: Parking has been pulled back behind the face of building as noted.
4. The building design does not meet the TOD standards. Brick and or stone are
recommended as predominant materials. At least the base portion must be masonry.
Response: Noted. Exterior elevations have been revised to address both TOD standards
as well as historical design compatibility with building identified as a historical resource
on southern portion of site. Please note that brick has been incorporated into the base of
the building on all four sides.
Just a suggestion but is there something strange about the roof rafter spacing, with them
centered above the windows?
Response: While not necessarily a structural issue rafter spacing has been revised to be
more aesthetically pleasing.
5. Ground floor window transparency issue per the TOD standards. Minimum glazing is 60%
for the ground floor and 40% for the upper floors.
Response: We will need to consider some alternatives here as the historical design
compatibility with the building to be relocated will likely make it difficult to meet this
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requirement. Current calculations are as follows:
College Avenue - Lower at 35%, Upper at 20%
Prospect Road - Lower at 27%, Upper at 17%
6. For the site walls, the design does not seem very compatible with other development at the
intersection. It does not read as a gateway design at the intersection per the Midtown
Subarea standards.
Response: Wall(s) at intersection has been modified to be similar in design to existing
wall recently installed along Prospect further east. We believe the proposed design
meets the intent of the design standard.
7. For the trash and recycling enclosure, this could be oriented towards the alley. This
would help make trash pickup easier. Also, the enclosure would be further away from the house.
Response: Trash enclosure has been moved further east and oriented towards alley as
8. Staff recommends moving the two parking spaces that currently face south.
Response: South facing stalls removed as noted.
9. All landscape islands must be 8’ wide.
Response: Landscape islands have been revised to meet this minimum requirement.
10. The east and south property lines must have a minimum 5’ landscape setback.
Response: 5’ minimum landscape setback has been incorporated into both east and
south property lines where possible. We have also submitted a Request for Modification
requesting relief from the setback along the entirety of the east property line.
11. Sidewalk is on top of the city trees along Prospect.
Response: Sidewalk location has been revised to incorporate recent improvements
along Prospect including the trees.
12. All of the parking and vehicle use area, including the drive through must have at least 6%
landscape space. Tree stocking requirements must also be met. See first CR letter.
Response: Parking and vehicle use areas meet the 6% minimum landscape requirement.
Tree stocking requirement has been met.
13. The HC spaces, too much striping is shown for the two spaces.
Response: Striping has been revised as noted.
14. Parking setbacks are not met along the streets. See first conceptual review comments.
Comment 22
Response: Parking setbacks have been addressed along both College and Prospect by
pulling parking back behind face of building.
15. Scale bar is wrong on the site plan.
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Response: Scale bar has been revised as noted.
16. See bike parking and lighting standards and submittal requirements.
Response: Noted. Bicycling parking/rack has been incorporated into site plan on west
side of building. Enclosed bicycle storage has been located at NE corner of building.
Site lighting has been designed per code.
17. The historic structure seems too close to the south property line. At least ten feet is
Response: Noted. Structure has been located further north and east of original concept
18.This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins
Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire
LUC is available for your review on the web at
Response: Noted.
19. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a
Modification of Standard Request will need to be submitted with your formal development
proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of the LUC for more information on criteria to apply
for a Modification of Standard.
Response: Please find attached two Requested for Modification – one for the on-site
relocation of the historically significant structure (Section 3.4.7 – Historic and Cultural
Resources of Land Use Code) and the other for Section 3.2.2.(J) – Access, Circulation
and Parking, Setbacks of the Fort Collins Land Use Code.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Spencer Smith, 970-221-6603, smsmith@fcgov.com
1. This project is responsible for dedicating any easements and/or rights-of-way that are
necessary or required by the City for this project. Based on the submitted site plan, it
appears that there will potentially be emergency access easements, cross access
easements and utility easements along Prospect Road and College Avenue, dedicated
to the City. Additional easement requirements may be identified by other City
departments. These easements will need to be included on the plat that will be
prepared for the project. Right of way dedication for College Avenue to the back of
proposed sidewalk will be required.
Response: Right-of Way (ROW) dedication for deceleration lane has been incorporated
into the proposed plat. We have also proposed a 10’ sidewalk and utility easement
adjacent to the ROW dedication. A 24’ wide fire land easement has also been
incorporated into the Plat.
2. Existing sidewalk along the College Avenue frontage is currently an existing 4-foot wide
attached sidewalk. As part of the Midtown in Motion Corridor Plan, a 10 -foot wide
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attached sidewalk is planned along this portion of College Ave. PDP page 11 of the
following link shows the corridor plan:
Please note that construction of the sidewalk along College Avenue is eligible for
reimbursement through the City’s Transportation Capital Expansion Fund (TCEF), for
the difference to oversize from the local street sidewalk width of 4.5 feet to the 10 -foot or
8-foot width.
Response: A 10’ wide sidewalk has been incorporated into the site plan.
3. The existing driveway accesses onto College Avenue do not meet current City
standards and would need to be reconstructed to City standards, per Larimer County
Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS) detail 707.1 and 707.2.
Response: Noted. ADA accessible ramps have been added to a new site driveway along
with corresponding pedestrian crossing striping and signage.
4. This site is adjacent to a CDOT roadway and all access to the site is governed by an
access control plan. The access control plan will need to be followed and implemented
with any project. Plans will be routed to CDOT for review and approval and the applicant
may need to obtain access permits from CDOT. Tim Bilobran is the CDOT Region IV
Access Program Administrator and can be reached at
Response: Acknowledged. A CDOT Access Permit has been drafted and will be
submitted directly to CDOT under separate cover.
5. The condition of the existing alley along the east side of the project will need to be
improved with this project. The alley adjacent to the site will need to be brought up to
current City alley standards. This may include undergrounding of the existing overhead
power lines.
Response: Noted. Several portions of the alley will be reconstructed to accommodate
proposed improvements directly adject to the alley and to combine the two separate
entries off Prospect into a single shared entry. Existing overhead lines will be routed
underground in coordination with dry utility providers.
6. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Transportation Expansion Fees are due at the
time of building permit. Please contact Kyle Lambrecht at (970)221 -6566 if you have
any questions.
Response: Noted. Thank you
7. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
Response: TDR Application has been completed and fees calculated. Fees to be paid at
time of application.
8. All necessary permitting will be required of any proposed work/improvements within the
public right-of-way, prior to construction. This may include a Development Construction
Permit (DCP) from Engineering.
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Response: Noted. Thank you.
9. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Response: Noted.
10. All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the
site, need to meet ADA standards. If they currently do not, they will need to be
reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project.
Engineering staff will conduct a site visit to determine the extent of pedestrian facilities
that would need to be brought up to current ADA standards. This site insp ection would
occur after the initial project submittal so that this information can be provided with the
first round of staff review comments.
Response: Noted. ADA standards have been met for ramps, parking, and sidewalks.
11. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Response: Noted.
12. Utility plans will be required, and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the
project is finalized.
Response: Noted. Utility plans have been created for the site.
13. A utility coordination meeting on this site is suggested. Utility coordination meetings, if
requested, are typically scheduled after the preliminary submittal of the project, but can
be scheduled prior to submittal upon request. Please provide a site plan with a
preliminary utility layout for routing with the meeting notice. If you are interested in having
a utility coordination meeting, please contact the development review engineer for
Response: Noted. As suggested, we will schedule a utility coordination meeting with
staff following our initial submittal.
14. LCUASS parking setbacks (Figure 19-6) apply and will need to be followed where
Response: Noted. Per coordination with City of Fort Collins staff the proposed site
layout meets LCUASS parking setback standards.
15. All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right -of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to the Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
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16. The development/site cannot use the right-of-way for any Low Impact Development to
treat the site’s storm runoff.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
17. Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if
placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked
they do not extend into the right-of-way.
Response: Noted. Bike racks and storage have been located accordingly.
18. With regards to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for
staging or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall
it be used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for
or hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find
a location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary staging and/or parking
needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the
location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the
Development Construction Permit application.
Response: Noted. A construction staging and parking plan will be provided at the time
we apply for a Development Construction Permit. Thank you.
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Steve Gilchrist, 970-224-6175, sgilchrist@fcgov.com
1. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY: A Traffic Impact Study will be required to detail the
anticipated changes in traffic volumes with the development of these parcels. Please
contact Steve Gilchrist at 224-6175 to set up meeting to scope the extent of the study
Response: A Traffic Impact Study by Kimley Horn dated 11/23/2020 has been included
with our application.
2. FOR INFORMATION: Fort Collins standards indicate that an individual parcel have just
one access. In the case of this development combining the multiple existing accesses
off of College into a single access, while maintaining the existing access off of Prospect
would better meet the City standards. Both of these will need to remain as right in/right
out accesses.
Response: Noted. Multiple access points from College Avenue have been combined into
a single access point located per recommendations found in the traffic impact study
provided by Kimley Horn. We have also eliminated the existing access from Prospects
Road in lieu of using the existing alley access point further east. We believe combining
there to adjacent access points into a single access results in a much safer condition.
3. FOR INFORMATION: Traffic queues on College are becoming an issue from drive
through establishments. It will be extremely important for the proposal to c learly show
and justify how there will be no queues onto the arterial roadways. It also looks as
though the drawing is indicating 3 drive up lanes, while the narrative details 2 lanes.
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Please confirm whether it is 2 or 3, as this detail will alter the available queuing.
Response: We are currently proposing three drive-thru lanes, two teller service and one ATM
service. It is understood that drive-thru facilities are seeing increased demand due to the
current pandemic. Due to this, we’ve been directed to the Mike Spack queuing study
attached to verify that vehicle queues will be accommodated on site by other jurisdictions in
Colorado. As demonstrated by this study, the recommended drive -thru queue length for
banks is 160 feet or eight (8) vehicles which includes vehicles in the teller or ATM position. The
site as currently proposed will accommodate three (3) vehicles in each lane. Therefore, we
believe that queues for the bank drive-thru will be acceptably accommodated on site and not
interfere with traffic operations with adjacent right-of-way.
4. FOR INFORMATION: College Avenue is a state highway and under the jurisdiction of
the Colorado Department of Transportation. Their review and approval will be needed
as the process continues.
Response: Noted. A CDOT Access Permit has been drafted and will be submitted
directly to CDOT under separate cover.
5. FOR INFORMATION: Will need to work with Engineering on the location of the
northbound right turn lane on College at Prospect. The conceptual drawing with respect
to the aerial photo, would not maintain the 3 northbound travel lanes and the additional
right turn lane. We will also need further design details to determine the if the signal pole
on the southeast corner will need to be relocated or not.
Response: Noted. Right turn lane has been designed based on actual survey information
and recommendations from our traffic engineer and follow-up discussions with city staff.
Based on our understanding of the existing utility and easement conditions in around the
signal pole there are no reasonable options for relocation. We have proceeded with
design based on the assumption the existing traffic signal pole is to remain as-is.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
1. INFORMATION - 2018 IFC CODE ADOPTION. Poudre Fire Authority and the City of Fort
Collins have adopted the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC). Building plan reviews shall be
subject to the adopted version of the fire code as amended.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
2. FIRE CONTAINMENT VS. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. Should the proposed building
exceed 5,000 square feet, it shall be sprinklered or fire contained so that no single fire area
exceeds 5,000 sq. ft. If containment is used, the containment construction shall be reviewed and
approved by the Poudre Fire Authority prior to installation.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
3. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS. Fire access is required to within 150 feet of all exterior
portions of any building ground floor as measured by an approved route around the perimeter.
For the purposes of this section, fire access cannot be measured from an arterial road (i.e.
College or Prospect). Fire access shall therefore be required on the property. Any private drive
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serving as a fire lane shall be dedicated as an Emergency Access Easement (EAE) and be
designed to standard fire land specifications (provided below).
Response: A 24’ wide Emergency Access Easement has been incorporated into the Plat.
4. FIRE LANE SPECIFICATIONS. A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to
installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and
policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements:
> Fire lanes established on private property shall be dedicated by plat or separate
document as an Emergency Access Easement.
> Maintain the required 20-foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum
overhead clearance. Where road widths exceed 20 feet in width, the full width shall be
dedicated unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.
> Additional fire lane requirements are triggered for buildings greater than 30' in height.
Refer to Appendix D105 of the International Fire Code.
> Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons.
> Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an
approved turnaround area for fire apparatus.
> The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25
feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans.
> Fire lane to be identified by red curb and/or signage, and maintained unobstructed at
all times.
> Fire lane sign locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans.
Refer to LCUASS detail #1418 & #1419 for sign type, placement, and spacing.
Response: Noted. A 24’ fire lane easement has been implemented into the site.
5. REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY. A fire hydrant capable of providing 1500 gpm at 20 psi
residual pressure is required within 300 feet of any commercial building as measured along an
approved path of vehicle travel. An existing hydrant located on the NW corner of the site meets
distance requirements: however, it is always the responsibility of the applicant to verify pressure
and volume. Please contact the water department for further assistance.
Response: Noted. The existing fire hydrant along College Ave. is to be relocated 7’ to the
east in the proposed landscaping.
Department: Stormwater Engineering – Erosion and Sediment Control
Contact: Chandler Arellano, (970) 420-6963, carellano@fcgov.com
1. INFORMATION ONLY: The site disturbs more than 10,000 sq. ft. and/or meets the criteria
for a need for Erosion and Sediment Control Materials to be submitted. The erosion control
requirements are located in the Stormwater Design Criteria in Chapter 2 Section 6.0 a copy of
the requirements can be found at www.fcgov.com/erosion
Response: Acknowledged.
2. FOR FINAL: Please submit an Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria.
Response: Acknowledged.
3. For Final: Please submit an Erosion Control Escrow / Security Calculation based
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upon the accepted Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
4. INFORMATION ONLY: Please note that the project is just under 1 acre of disturbance. If the
project meets or exceeds an acre of disturbance, a State permit for stormwater will be
required. If the project meets or exceeds an acre of disturbance, an Erosion Control Report will
need to be provided to meet City Criteria.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
5. Master plan and criteria compliance (site specific comment): The design of this site must
conform to the drainage basin design of the Spring Creek Master Drainage Plan as well the Fort
Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM). The stormwater criteria manual is available on
our website here:
Response: Noted. Thank you.
6. Documentation requirements (site specific comment): A drainage report and construction
plans are required and must be prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of
Colorado. The drainage report must address the four-step process for selecting structural
Response: Noted. A Preliminary Drainage Report is included with this submittal.
7. Stormwater outfall (site specific comment): The majority of this site drains east to the alley.
There are several potential stormwater outfall options for this site, these include:
- An existing storm inlet and 18-inch storm drain in College Avenue immediately west of
the site;
- An existing onsite storm inlet and 18-inch storm drain located at the northwest corner of
the site; and
- An existing 12-inch storm drain in the alley east of the site.
Response: Noted. Stormwater is being directed to the existing storm pipe in the eastern
8. Offsite Flows and Existing Drainage Problem (Site specific comment)
This site receives offsite stormwater flows from College Avenue. The proposed site will
need to accept and pass these flows. Also, the alley east of the site has experienced
flooding problems. There is a future City project to improve the size and capacity of the
alley storm drain, however, the time frame for this project is not known. The City would
like to work with this development to find ways to reduce flooding in this area. We would
like a stormwater focused meeting with your development team while the site plan is
being developed.
Response: A meeting was held with Wes Lamarque on November 13, 2020. Per this
meeting, offsite flows entering the site from College Avenue have been provided by the
City and incorporated into the site drainage design and Preliminary Drainage Report.
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9. Detention requirements (standard comment): Stormwater quantity detention requirements
are not anticipated for this site. Stormwater quantity detention is required when the
improvements increase the net impervious area by 1000 square feet or more.
Response: Noted. A storm water detention system is not proposed for this site because
the overall impervious area is not increasing.
10. Water Quality and Low Impact Development requirements (standard comment):
All new or modified impervious areas require stormwater quality treatment. In addition,
the City requires the use of Low Impact Development (LID) methods to treat stormwater
quality on all new or redeveloping property, including sites required to be b rought into
compliance with the Land Use Code. There are two (2) categories of LID requirements.
The development will need to meet one of the two following options:
1. LID with Permeable Pavers: When using the permeable pavers option, 50% of the
new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. Of the new or
modified paved areas, 25% must be pervious.
2. LID - without Pavers: 75% of all new or modified impervious areas must be treated
by LID methods. This typically consists of a rain garden or bioretention system, but other
options are allowed.
The remainder of the water quality treatment can be accomplished ‘standard’ or LID
water quality methods. Accepted methods are described in the Fort Collins Stormwater
Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 7:
Response: Noted. Please reference the Preliminary Drainage Report for details.
11. Imperviousness documentation (standard comment): It is important to document the
existing impervious area since drainage requirements and fees are based on new impervious
area. An exhibit showing the existing and proposed impervious areas with a table summarizing
the areas is required prior to the time fees are calculated for each building permit.
Response: Noted. An imperviousness exhibit has been included with the Preliminary
Drainage Report.
12. Detention drain times (standard comment): Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8)
that became effective August 5, 2015, criteria regarding detention drain time will apply to this
project. As part of the drainage design, the engineer will be required to show compliance with
this statute using a standard spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in
the drainage report. Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to uplo ad
the approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will apply to any
volume-based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins.
Response: Noted. Proposed release rates from the site will be at or below existing flow
rates but detention has not been provided.
13. Erosion control requirements (standard comment):The erosion control report requirements
are in Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018,
www.fcgov.com/erosion). If you need clarification concerning this section, please contact the
Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com
Response: Noted. Thank you.
14. Inspection and maintenance (standard comment):There will be a final site inspection of the
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stormwater facilities when the project is complete and the maintenance is handed over to an
HOA or another maintenance organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for on -going
maintenance of all onsite drainage facilities will be included as part of the Development
Agreement. More information and links can be found at:
Response: Noted. Thank you.
15. Fees (standard comment): The 2020 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is
$9,447/acre of new impervious area over 350 square feet and there is a $1,045/acre of site
review fee. No fee is charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the
time each building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the
Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by
the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Response: Noted. Thank you
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
1. Existing Water Infrastructure (site specific comment): There is an existing 12-inch water main
located under the College Avenue sidewalk (approximately). The required separations from a
water main should considered in the development of the site plan. This includes 10 -feet of
separation to other utilities and new trees and 15 -feet to buildings. It is unknown if the existing
12-inch waterline is currently in an easement – if not, upon development of this parcel, a 20-foot
utility easement (10-foot each side of water line) will need to be dedicated.
Response: Noted. A utility access easement has been created.
There are three (3) existing ¾-inch water services to the existing buildings located within
the site. The project will receive credit for these existing services. There may be an
abandoned ¾-inch service on the north side of the site.
Response: Noted. The southernmost water service will be used for the relocated historic
building. Others are to be removed and capped at the main.
2. Existing Sewer Infrastructure (site specific comment): There is an existing 8-inch sanitary
sewer main in the alley east of the site. There are three (3) existing sanitary sewer services to
the existing buildings located within this site.
Response: Noted. The proposed bank building and the relocated historic building will
tie sanitary connections to the main in the alley.
3. Service sizing (standard comment): The water service and meter for this project site will need
to be sized based on the AWWA M22 manual design procedure. A sizing justification letter that
includes demand calculations for maximum flows and estimated continuous flows will need to
be provided as a part of the final submittal package for this project . You may want to consider
sizing the service for the future building addition.
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Response: Noted. To be provided at Final Development Plan once plumbing engineer has
confirmed sizes.
4. One building per service (standard comment):Separate water and sewer services connecting
to the City main, will be required to service each building.
Response: Noted. Addressed per building.
5. Service abandonment (standard comment): Any existing water and sewer services that are
not planned to be reused with this project will be required to be abandoned at the main.
Response: Noted. All abandoned services are to be capped at their respective main.
6. Sewer discharge (standard comment): Please note that all City of Fort Collins Utility
Customers are subject to City Code requirements for wastewater. These requirements inclu de
Section 26-306 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirements and Section 26-332 Prohibitive
Discharge Standards. A permit may be required depending on activities on the site; however,
discharge standards apply to every customer, both large and small, regardless of what activities
take place on the site. Please contact Industrial Pretreatment, (970) 221 -6900, to discuss these
requirements and how they apply to this development.
Response: Noted. This is not applicable since no industrial discharge will be generated
from this site.
7. Water conservation (standard comment): The water conservation standards for landscape
and irrigation will apply. Information on these requirements can be found at:
Response: Noted. Thank you.
8. Fees (standard comment): Development fees and water rights will be due at building
permit. These fees are to be paid at the time each building permit is issued. Information on fees
can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Tyler Siegmund, 970-416-2772, tsiegmund@fcgov.com
1. Light & Power has existing electric 3-phase power running North & South along the East
side of the existing alleyway, west of the project. No electric facilities exist along College Ave.
adjacent to this site.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
2. Any relocation or modification to existing electric facilities will be at the expense of the
Response: Noted. Thank you.
3. Any existing and/or proposed Light & Power electric facilities located within the limits of
the project must be within a dedicated utility easement.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
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4. Transformer and meter locations must be coordinated with Light & Power Engineering
and shown on the plan set. Transformers must be located within 10’ of an all -weather
surface accessible by a line truck. Please adhere to all clearance requirements in the
Electric Service Standards at the following link.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
5. This project will need to comply with our electric metering standards. Electric meter
locations will need to be coordinated with Light and Power Engineering. Reference
Section 8 of our Electric Service Standards for electric metering standards. A link has
been provided below.
AL_18Novem ber2016_Amendment.pdf
Response: Noted. Thank you.
6. A commercial service information form (C-1 form) and a one-line diagram for all
commercial meters will need to be completed and submitted to Light & Power
Engineering for review prior to Final Plan. A link to the C-1 form is below:
Response: Noted. This will be provided with the Final Development Plan.
7. The secondary services to the buildings will be consider commercial; therefore, the
service line from the transformer to the meter is required to be installed, owned and
maintained by the property owner
Response: Noted. Thank you.
8. Electric capacity fees, development fees, building site charges and any system
modification charges necessary to feed the site will apply to this development. Please
contact me to discuss the preliminary estimate or visit the following website for an
estimate of charges and fees related to this project:
Response: Noted. Thank you.
9. For additional information on our renewal energy programs please visit the website
below or contact John Phelan (jphelan@fcgov.com).
https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/go renewable
Response: Noted. Thank you.
10. The City of Fort Collins now offers gig-speed fiber internet, video and phone service.
Contact Julianna Potts with Fort Collins Connexion at 970-207-7890 or
jpotts@fcgov.com for commercial grade account support, RFPs and bulk agreements.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
11. Please contact Tyler Siegmund with Light & Power Engineering if you have any
questions at 970.416.2772. Please reference our policies, construction practices,
development charge processes, electric service standards, and use our fee estimator at
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Response: Noted. Thank you.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Kelly Smith, , ksmith@fcgov.com
1. FOR INFORMATION: City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)],
requires that to the extent reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate water
conservation materials and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants and
grasses in landscaping or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much as
possible. Native plants and wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds)
landscaping and maintenance are also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins
Native Plants document available online and published by the City of Fort Collins Natural
Areas Department for guidance on native plants is:
http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. Also see the City of Fort
Collins Plant List : https://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
2. FOR INFORMATON: The City of Fort Collins has many sustainability programs and
goals that may benefit this project. Of particular interest may be:
Solar Rebate Program: www.fcgov.com/solar, contact Rhonda Gatzke at 970-416-2312
or Integrated Design Assistance Program: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact David Suckling at
970-416-4251 or dsuckling@fcgov.com
Response: Noted. Thank you.
3. FOR PDP: Please submit a site photometric plan and luminaire schedule if exterior
lights (wall or pole mounted) will be installed. Site light sources shall be fully shielded
and down-directional to minimize up-light, spill-light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on
adjacent property. All lighting shall have a nominal correlated color temperature (CCT) of
no greater than three thousand (3,000) degrees Kelvin [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(3)].
Response: Noted. A photometric plan has been provided.
Department: Forestry
Contact: Christine Holtz, , choltz@fcgov.com
1. 07/31/20: PRE-SUBMITTAL: Forestry Tree Inventory Trees provide many environmental and
socioeconomic benefits including reduced cooling expenses, providing natural wind breaks,
improving air quality, and increasing property values. The tree inventory we conducted showed
us that there are existing private trees on-site and near the limits of development. What are the
anticipated impacts to them associated with this development? Existing significant trees should
be retained to the extent reasonably feasible.
Response: Unfortunately, the majority of the existing trees inventoried on site will need
to be removed in order to accommodate the proposed development. The proposed
development will include the construction of both on and off-site improvements that will
make salvage of most of the existing trees unfeasible.
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2. 07/31/20: INFORMATION ONLY FOR PDP. Please provide a landscape plan that meets the
Land Use Code 3.2.1 requirements such as ‘full tree stocking’. This should include the existing
tree inventory, any proposed tree removals with their locations clearly noted and any proposed
tree plantings (including species, size, quantity and method of transplant). The plans should
also include the following City of Fort Collins notes:
General Landscape Notes
Tree Protection Notes
Street Tree Permit Note, when applicable.
These notes are available from the city planner or Molly Roche (mroche@fcgov.com)
Required tree sizes and method of transplant:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped
Required mitigation tree sizes:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 8.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Response: Noted. A landscaping plan has been provided.
3. 07/31/20: INFORMATION ONLY FOR PDP. Please include locations of utilities on the
landscape plan including but not limited to water service/mains, sewer service/mains, gas,
electric, streetlights and stop signs. Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility
10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines
6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines
4’ between trees and gas lines
10’ between trees and electric vaults
40’ between canopy shade trees and streetlights
15’ between ornamental trees and streetlights
20-40’ between street trees and stop signs
Response: Noted. Thank you.
4. 07/31/20: INFORMATION ONLY FOR PDP. If applicable, please provide an “Existing Tree
Removal Feasibility Letter” for City Forestry staff to review. Proposals to remove significant
existing trees must provide a justification letter detailing the reason for tree removal. This is
required for all development projects proposing significant t ree removal regardless of the scale
of the project. The purpose of this letter is to provide a document of record with the project’s
approval and for the City to maintain a record of all proposed significant tree removals
and justifications. Existing significant trees within the project’s Limits of Disturbance
(LOD) and within natural area buffer zones shall be preserved to the extent reasonably
feasible. Streets, buildings and lot layouts shall be designed to minimize the disturbance
to significant existing trees. (Extent reasonably feasible shall mean that, under the
circumstances, reasonable efforts have been undertaken to comply with the regulation, that the
costs of compliance clearly outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably
burden the proposed project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any
potential harm or adverse impacts resulting from noncompliance with the regulation.) Where it is
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not feasible to protect and retain significant existing tree(s) or to transplant them to another
on-site location, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) according to City mitigation
Response: Noted. This letter has been included with this submittal.
5. 07/31/20: INFORMATION ONLY FOR PDP. According to Land Use Code 3.2.1.(D)(c),
canopy shade trees shall constitute at least (50%) of all tree plantings.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
6. 07/31/20: INFORMATION ONLY FOR PDP. If the project is responsible for frontage
improvements along College Avenue or Prospect Rd., please incorporate new street trees
within the right of way. If tree grates are necessary, please explore grates larger than the
minimum required by code (5’x5’).
Response: An 8’ tree lawn with street trees have been incorporated into the PDP.
Department: Building Code Review
Contact: Russell Hovland, 970-416-2341, rhovland@fcgov.com
1. The historical building to be relocated must list what occupancy it is. If single family
dwelling is must be 5ft from property line. If commercial it must be 10ft from PL. If this
house was converted to commercial and the intent is to change back to dwelling, a
change of occupancy permit and process is required.
Response: Future use of historically significant building is not known at this time.
Please note that we have provided a 10’ setback from PL.
Pre-Submittal Meetings for Building Permits
Pre-Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early in the
design, that new commercial or multi-family projects are on track to complying with all of the
adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early
to mid-design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically scheduled after the
Current Planning PDP submittal. Applicants should be prepared to present site plans, floor
plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy, square footage, type
of construction, and energy compliance method being proposed. Applicants of new
commercial or multi-family projects should contact their Development Review Coordinator to
schedule a pre-submittal meeting.
Response: A Pre-Submittal Meeting will be scheduled once we determined the
appropriate time to begin construction documents for the building.
Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes and standards as amended:
2018 International Building Code (IBC) with local amendments
2018 International Residential Code (IRC) with local amendments
2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) with local amendments
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with local amendments
2018 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with local amendments
2018 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) with local amendments
2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) with local amendments
2015 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
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2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017.
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Loads:
Risk Category ll (most structures):
* 140mph (Ultimate) exposure B or
* Front Range Gust Map published by The Structural Engineer's Association of
Risk Category l: 130mph (Ultimate) exposure B
Risk Category lll & lV: 150mph (Ultimate) exposure B
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5.
Energy Code Use:
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2018 IRC Chapter 11 or 2018 IECC Chapter 4
Residential Provisions
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2018 015 IECC Chapter 4 Residential
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2018 IECC Chapter 4 Commercial
Current codes and amendments are effective as of January 12, 2019. Copies of the code
amendments can be obtained at www.fcgov.com/building/codes.php or at the Building
Services office.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. As of January 1, 2015, all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
work. Please contact our office for up to date Benchmark Statement format and City
Vertical Control Network information.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
2. If submitting a replat for this property/project, addresses are not acceptable in the
Subdivision Plat title/name. Numbers in numeral form may not begin the title/name.
Please contact our office with any questions.
Response: Noted. Thank you.
Zell O. Cantrell
Senior Site Development Project Manager