HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNRISE RIDGE THIRD FILING - FDP230015 - LEGAL DOCS - Legal DocumentsAccount #: FTC-003425 `I J � .�,. �. , ..r .___ � FORT•COLLINS ' ���� � � ���� ' � r t � � i �' , � im�oice 3'cxt " � � ' � J' ��� � NOTICE OF APPROVAL NOTiCE is herreby given U�at on Novembe STATL OP COLORADO COUNTY OP LARiMER ArFIDAVIT Oi' PUBLICATIOTI CITY OF FC-PLANNING-LEGALADS 283 N COLLEGE AVE I 7iI.Y ��Iil� � I� 6YKe=:;�b'3�L! I, being duly s�von�, deposes aod says tha� said is ihe legal clerk of Uie rort Collins Coloradoan; that the same is a dai(y netivspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Port ColEins, i�i said county and st�te; Uiat tl�e notice or �dvertiseEnen� of'wt�ich the annexed is a ti�ue copy, lias been published i�i said daily ne��>spaper and tltat the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number oisaid ne���spaper during die period and timc of puUlication of said noticc, and in the newspaper proper and �iot in a supplement dzereof; [l�ac the puf�licatio�� of said notice �vas conlained in the issues of said ne���spaper dated on I1/1Gl23 that said Forl Collins Coloradoan has heen puUlislied continuously and unintenvptedly cluring the period of at least si� months nc;�t prior to Uie (irst publication of' said notice or advertisemen[ above referred to; th�t said newspaper fzas been admitled to tbe United States mails as secand-class mattcr under Qte provisions of the Act of March 3, i879, or any amendments thereof; and lhat said aewspaper is a daily ne�t�spaper dufy qualificd far puUlisliing legal no€ices and advertisements »�iUlin the meaning of lhe laws of the State oi' Color•ado. Legal Gcrlt Subscribed and s�rorn to befo��e me, ���ithin t6e Counry of IIro�i�n, Slate of Wisconsin this 16th of November 2023. .. iG<.� Natary Public �� — `-�' � hatar� Ex��ires Ad#:0005858486 Pa: This is not an invoice # of A�davits: � �ENISE ROBERTS �Iotary Public StBtP, OT WISGOIlSl11 ' �.ru,�u«.c . Lcgal No.0005$584$6 Affidnvit 1'repxred Thursday, Novembcr IG. 202:8:52 am # ofANidavits: NOTICE OF APPROVAL NOTECE [s herebv aiven thot an lJovem- ber 9, 2023, ihe City of Fori Coliins cre- ated a Vesied Propertv Rishf uaon the following described tand: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: SUNRISE RIDGE THIRp FIUNG, Ffle i! FDP23Q015. This is n repuest far camtrined Maior Amendment iM.1A} ond Final Devefopment Plan (FDP) for �ots 7• i and Troct A, Sunrise Ridge Seco�d Filing (parcel #5 660A43b001, 860a436a02, 8b044360U3, 66044360QA, a604436005, 9604436006) iocafed at Sun- gEow Ct. The MJlVFDP proposes subdi- vfdins cach of these lot� into two. Thls subdivision wiU allow 1he existtng du- plexes on Lots 1-S to be on seporate proQerties and be sold individuallv. This site is in the Urba� Estate {UE} zone d[stric} and is sui�iect ta Administrative (Type 1) Revlew. LEGAL DEStRIPTtON: SUNRtSE RiDGE THIRD FILING—BEING A f2EPLAT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 AND 7RACT A, SUNRISE RIDGE SECOND FII.ItVG, SITUATE IfV TtiE SQU7HEASi QUAR- TER OF SECTIOtJ 4, TOWNSHIP b NORTH, RANGE b9 WEST OF THE 67H P.M., CITY OF FORi COLLINS, COUNTY pF LARtMER, STATE OF COLORADO. �.;. ; _ ��� � � ���� ; , i '. df 0�05858486 Coloradoan N ov 16, 2023