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POLESTAR VILLAGE - FDP240010 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - Supporting Documentation (9)
TFa�'1�'{:)KAk�" G'ta�iSTRt?C:TtON ��SFMF�7' TNt� 7°�Mi'�)RARY C:C?I��TRi�C"!`lC3N E�:ftS�M�I�T dat�d f�r �fe�nce p�rpns� o��y, as t�f �nvrmhPr 1. 2f�23 {,••l;�.�emsnt"}, is entereci i�ta b�twc�n thc Charlc.� C. B�ll R�vc�cablc 7'rust dxr� C�emE�r 1. 2�046 �n�i C"h��ies �i�rdv �afi {ct�ilectively, .'Grantar°`� and Poiestar Vil1��� I�c�idin�s. lnc. ("Gra�►tee''). v��hnse address f�rr pur�scs s�f this t:�sem�nt is t942 Brc�adway St� 3 i 4C, �a�+lder, CO �03(i2, W�1 ��:�tE:A►Sf Gr�ntc;� nce�s tc� �cquire �'femporar1t Consuucti�nn Easement �mss cert��r� rc:�t �r�perty �vv�scd h}� C�t�ntc�r. des�ribe:ci in �°xhibit A attaChed hereto atid inuar}�cis�ted i�cr�in t'`�asernen� Area"�. fnr th4 �urpc►�c �peci�+�d i�erein, �n the te�ns and ciutditi+�ns sei f�rth i�erein. Aft)i�t, TI•i�R��t�Rt:, Yur �oud �nd �aluablc car�sid�ra�ion, th� receipt �nd suf�ici�uy s�f whicl� ar� he�eia�� s��n�wied�tcd, Gratttnr �nd Gra�at�e hec�ct�y agrsrn.e �s %�ilc�t�rs� t. Uran�nr ttar�bl� sR:tis, �r�t� and c�nvey�s to Cit�ente� a'i'emporarg� Constructic�n h..�seme�t in, can, aver, und+na�, acrass sad through the L-'ese�eni �,rea,, es mor� particulsrl� de�crihcd �nn ��chiE�it A f�r the p��sc of' sucv��in�, t��in�, s�►pling, gr�din�, �acr�atv�at�g, remova! nf t�e�s and v��ef�tion, rem�di�t�an, r�st�ratiant rev�g�tatic�a, installing, c�nstructing, t�constn,ctin�, �pi�cing �ndlor r+emnvin� drninage and swrn�wgter iacililies, and relat�xt app�rtena�c+i:s (.`Impra�vc����tts°'j on C;t�tt�r's re�l property in t�e �it�� af �prt Gc�l�ins, t.arim�r Cc�u�ty. Cvl�s�ci�. tirant�e alsu �h$li h�ve the right i� excavate, ��I and c,har�g� �the gc�de crf 1h� ��scm�nt Ar�a, instali znvironm�tai and crasion cn��ra! measures, muve, plac� and scor� in�t�riats, Gti, �quip�n�nt and arry �th�r items re;sted to tite purpas�s set fr�rth h�rein c��, uvcr, unde�r, acr�rss and thtat�,�h th4 ��n�nt A�� a�nd t� undert�t� �y e>t��r actit�ity t��t�abl�� a�eiat��l tn th� c�ns�ru+�tiu� rnntemp�te,� by thi� !•:,�ment �tr the tm�mv�m�rits. 2. 7''he Graratrc, ita a�ents> su+rcessors �nd pemnicted �ssi�ms, shait l�ave and �x��is� th� r��ht rs#' i���res.� and egre.�s in, pns �a. through, �v�r, �ndec and $zr�nss ttte Easerr�cnt Ar�, fc�r any pur�se n�s;�ss�r�r for th� C�ti�rUCtipn Of th+C (ttt�ripv�tit�rttS. �. Tif� term o�' thi� t:as�ment shall takc effc�t upun mutual �xt�ution c�f th�s inssrurr�ent, bux �rr�ntr�: sitad! not +�x�ise its ri�hts her�ein uni�ss +Crant� prs�vtd�s C;r�ntar wcitten natic� nCno I�s� than %� (10j days pric�r t� cntry. The t�mp�rar� �i�hts grant�d 14�reir� sha!! rem�in av�itablc: C�r Cr�nt�r's u� fr�r ���ri��d �f n� mure than ii�r� l5) y�ars, w up�r� thc c+�mp(eiic�a c��' th� Crente�'� t�ra�na�e srnprc�v�rn+��zts ir� t#�e �aser��nt Area, v��hichev�r is sc�ant�r. ai �,r�hich time Grar�cc.�e's ri�hts h�rei�n sli�i �a,.�ite and be oino fc�rce c�r +�t%ct. Extensior�s af ti��. ifanv, unst�r lhis Scclian sh�tf he s�b,j�ct io n�gc�tiatiun �nnd writt�n memariali�,a�ion b}� the pnrti�s. �. t.�pnn �crm�ri�ti�n �f �+nnst�,ction ,�otiviti�:s. Cis�nt�ee s1�a�li r�storr t�� f�ss��t�t�nt Are� ta as t��.�ar a�:c►ntliti�z�� as it �v�.s in priar to th� Commen�em4r�L �f Cit�ntee's activitiea pursuant ta tl�is'�as���neni �.� i� re;�..tionab3y �r�ct;e.:�bl�. Gr�mee sha11 psvp�riy b:#cl�tili ai! i�r�nchc.�:s uien� ori�ii��� snrl'�ce s�it as mu�� as is f�asi�ie, 5. 11p�n �:xpiratic�a of �h� i���day natice period dc�scri�ed i� st�ti�n 3 above, Grantor. !"nr itseif and iis succe�mrs and aszigns, s�tali hav� �o right tc� acr�ss th�: ��mcnt At� tor ar�y Page 1 �f � ���` �� reast�n antil suc� titn+e �s this F�sement e�;�ir�s ut i� tetmin�teti b�� Lirantee �,� proe�idr�i her�inT �hichez�er «►��urs first. In the +�vent t;rant�r vic�tates the �sravisions c�f this �asemer�t, Grantor �hail cnrrec� such vfolatican �n�m�d��i��,� u�n the r�ceipt nt' 1�=ritt�n nulice c�f such vit�tatic�n fr�m C;rantc�� and. in the ev�nt �rant�r f�ils Ar reFus�s to c�rrcct such vitila�i�r�, Cr�ntce ma�� da sv immcdiatet?° �t t�� �t�i� c.►�se�nse nf'Crantc�r. Grantc�r further agre�:s that it wilt nc�t, in �ny martn�r, inEerf�rs �vith i#te pur�es i'c�r v�fiiett this �asem�m is cc>nve}=�d. 6. Eact� �rt} siwit b� c�ntit(ed ic� �il rc�n�cli�� at iavv +�r in equity t�r the �nft�rG�m�nt af this I:a,�ment. 7. The t�en�:�ts and �urdens tst'this �asement �r� cUv�nunts th�t tauch, conc:�rn anci run a�lith the iand �and s�a�l inure ta citie ben�Ft c�f, anc� be bindin� on. �he r���tis�e heirc. r�re��ntatir,�es. sa���rs �nd essi���� �►f'thr Cr�ntnr and t�r�ntee. 8. Th� Cirantor ��rra�#s tha2 �t is th� nwn�r cat't�i� sut�ject �m�rty i�� fe� simple flnd has �uthorit� tc� �rsnt tlic �as�emc�t tr� Gcgnt�e. �3. 't'his l�;.as�ment rr�a� be cxccute�l ir� any n�mb�r c�f c�a��t�r�arts �ch a�'which whea s�r execwted sh�il he tie��ncd w he an nrigina� anci �!� trf't�hich takzrr tc��ether shali c�r�stittat� ane ar�� the same �:�m�ni. ���'i�,rrtatur�s r�rr�tUr:icen,�,�n'�,�1 1�'agc� � ttit'3 �� •: , ., , ,� '� ``'�:y��� � . �- �.�',r;.t'i ;.rI_) ��.; i,i r�.;; �f;'st� _;i s�. �.,a��i �3�a;�k's:, Gk�►4VTt?k: Ch�rles " tl Itevc�cabie'1'rust dated [�►�cernlser l. 20Ub .,..�. ������� B�: Charl�s C. f3�11. firustcc__. ..,.a. I�U`S��RY At�KNE'�1��I�#;[3C[=M��'`i' s�i�a ��� ar +��o�tc�c� � � SS c�c�u�-�'� o� ' ' � ad�kt 'fiac: %�re�uing inscrument ►v�s sckna�vled�ed bef4re me ihis � dav c��' ��$�! b�-202� b�. C.h;�rlc� +�, �ia�i, in h�s �ap�icy as Trus��` fcar (;canxor. My a Ac�ss is� ���C• <S" � h, �,� i�.� � �>� .,, �, , j" i -� � ; t ��Jo�� �� r` .� r ' A ��4 ' �y n�i�°V'1�i'i'��y .����L.Lri�r�i.6C ..Te.._.�...� �!i' 2`� iWe�%\��1�'R���WJV ' �it�l8�'j �Ub�aC ;' 'r� �$ 14. �% a.,,,��' � �f ?��I`• rs�mrnissit�n e�x�irec� z�'�/ ��at� a �'i trl��1'i'i?�t; _.Lr1'�...,�E�: !tL�r.�c.�. J� -.�+�.: E3}�: �Charlcs Eiardy��"�`� ,�'t�'1"AR1' ACi�;�'UVdt..i;�?Cil:±i11F.N�' '+'1'�'i'�: C:��� C.��.v�p;.a ; i �� C�}il��1 Y' tlf°�r�,� __� `t'he ft�r��+�iny instrum�t�t was ac�:nc��vledged t�f+�re r�e thix �d�v c�f �i���3�. ��}� =` b�� �'harle4 !-lard3r t�all. r tviy addresa is: IDtc� S 1�,�a,� � 1,�,� E Ga�...�.0.4, +�:� b'�t�+ �� ��� , , , r C�i31�iE �t11PLE:Y �� — � ♦ - r--- — �i�1l,4ti'!,' ��'11C ' "���8� $*r, 1 , � � �i � ����� N�} cummissic�n e:x�ir�s: : � �0%�,�2 � �, . , �Y �� E�a �e :� wz• i�'u�� 3 ��f�3 � �j K ENG�NE�RING PROPERi�' ��CRtP'i1qt� �'EMPORARY CO�ESTRUCTlON EASEMEMT-l.t3i 22 8 23 A PAR�EL OF �ND B�lNG A PURTtfi1V OI� THE PROPER7Y DESCRIBEl3 tN THE WARRANi'V DEED RECORGiED UNDER R�C�P7'f�]t�t I�kQ. 2076pqOf?50S !N 1'HE R�CORDS C�F 7NE 1 AR{MER COi1N7Y CLEit1( ANp REGpRDER tCyC�4TE[} iN NOF{THWEST QUAFtT�R E)F SECitQN 16, TOWNSHIP 7�+lOFtiH. RklVCE fig W�gT' OF ?HE 6�'H PRiNClPAL MERIt7tA�i, CI7Y QF �'ORi COLIIMS. COUN7Y OF LARIMER, STATE QF COLC3RAfl0. �Elt�G MORE PAR't(CULARLY DE$GRiBEti !�S F4LLOW5: BASiB OF BEAR1Nl3S. fH� SC►U1"H I.iNE O� THE NflRTHW�Si QUAftTEi� C)F SECTlC1N 4fi. 70WNSHIP ? NC}FtTH. RAP1�i� 891iUES� Q� TH� StN PR1NCiPAI MERiDtAN, 9EING MQNUMENi'EQ �iT TH� �VESi �ND BY A 3-11�' ALt�MiNUP�i CAP Sl'AMRPEL2 "PLS 20123 f987• !N A RANG� �OX A�tb A7 THE F,1tST ENC18Y A 3' Ai.UMII�UM CAP STAMPED `PLS 20123198g" iN A f2ANGE �4X. B�,R4NG 58�'07'36" AS ft��ER�NCEO TC? CO�ORA�3� STATE PIANE NOR�� zorv�. GUMMEM�ING Al" 7'HE W��ST QI�ARTER CORNER OF S�CTIt�N 16. TpiNNSHtP 7 NOR1'1�, F2APJGE 691�EST OF iHE 6TFt PRIf�ICIPAL h1ERlC}fAN: THENCE !�}55`�19'2!`E A DISTANCE 4F t,#Ii5,15 FE�T. Tp THE NORTtiWE8TERI.Y CORN�F2 OF Lt`i7 2�. MfltJNTAiR� SUBOiVIS10N, REC4R[7ED tN BC10K 17T0 A7 PAGE 8991N THE RECCiRDS OF TNE LARIMER COUNTY G�L�RK a�l� REC4R�E�i AN� 1'ME Pt3iNi OF SE��NNING; TH�1C� ON THE NOi�THERLY LiNE OF SAID �.C�T 22, S89"59'08"E A 015SANG� OF 1�7.ttQ FEE�', '(`t) 1'Fi� EASiERLY i.INE aF SA1D I.Oi 22; TH�NGE ON SAlD EASTERLY �,INE. &QI)`42'38"E A DlSTAMCE OF 3tl.i}Q �EET� 7HEt�CE DEPAR7"tNG SAif] EAS7ERl.Y LINE, N89�58'08"V� A DISTANCE UF � 19.88 FEE� TO THE WEST�RLY IINE O� i.OT 22. Ml3Ui�tfAtR� SUBDIViS10N; iHEMCE UN SAID W�STE�tIY tlNE. Pl42`3D'+18"W A OtSTA�ICE O� 1�.57 ��Ei': 7HEI�C�. N8��59'08"W A DtSTANC� OF 18.3� FEET. Tt7 TN� WESi�RLY LiN� aF L�}T 23, MaUN'�AtRE S138t�lV►S#UW: THEIVCE ON SAtO WEST£RtY LINE. Nf}0°04'S2"E A �4STANCE ClF 2C3.0(f �E�T'. TO iH� PCiINT p� �EGiNAiiNG. CON7 AlNtIVG A CALCUI.AT�p ARE� C�� d.186 SC�UAR� �EET' aR 0.0969 ACRES. PRCIPERTY L3�SCRiP7'1C11+! SiAiEMEirt7 I. DEREK LEE VACIItS. A PRO�ESSiONAl. LAND SUR'V�YQR E.tG�NSED !M THE STATE C3F GOLf�RA13C). QGi HER��Y S i A�"E TH�1T 'tHE A�OVE PROPER'T Y I�ESCt21PTION AND AiTACH�D EXHtBi7 WERE PREPARED UNDER MY R�SPaNSiBLE CWARGE. A�ND C�N T�lE SAStS U�' MY K�IQWt,ED�GE. IN��R�+W'ii4N AND BEi.t�P, AR� COR�ECI' DEREK 1 EE VAGIAS. PRCIF�SSiC,NAI t At+tt? SURVEYUR COIORnDU NO 385i8� FQR.�taD C}N i3FHAI F C}f JF� FNC;�NEERINr", LLC' .�-�-- ' - :;'i•' . - -= ,_� ��i���� �.'' _�/�`�,� ..' ! � • : • 38578 ; �' .� t. � � a 1 F:��s fYli7f��i. $�L i6, '��i', R69W, 6Tti P,.til. `. -r'L L`i.Q L if�A RRA N I>' D� E l ���c ��c �n.?���>as��- p4iN T 4F BEG1N1+11 i� �' NOR7HIMES�E�:'; CaR1�ER OF L�)T � i � ► ! � UI t i � � I � _. _. � '..,, :y ��HIHI'I' , \. � i '' cani r r,� E.as� �s��v r ``', �� y '� , � � T��� unurt : nr �: � � 4 A SE�A�t: N T � -- .�_ � �.. __..� �89'�9'�?8'E 14�'.�D' � �._-___. _ E ,�... .� � v:� r; � �° �.s �es�ssros�w »9.ss' � ' 18.3�I�w. i (,� � ::C•% 1� � ,,+ W.CR��ANTY JE EC, ( ; N42'�0�48"W__ ��i � .�''^. R£C JVO. .e1I1601JDl15AF) � 13.5� � [ U � �_; �, I , . ` ' �oun�r.a�R£ svavr►�sion� i BGOh' r77U. P�4GE S99 '� . � \ � - ;� , � , , .�, . � � �.`�t�'un� - . `► i � £ASEME ' , i' . f'� `,�� I � ,_ _... '' ' -'�c•�� ^� � , , - � s�`�� � : i _ " 38576 ; ' � � " � � :��� � ;; . • /1 8-2�� ;,' � � cor �� . � - ,�.' ;`r � . . _ ,�,, �. . i +� ,9�` � I a��,/�, I + ,� � , I t��;h�� I . % , , , �; , �� t `� PQiNT Of' GtiM#�I�Nt�IutEN7 ' wl,/4 CUR. SE�: �6, T,�'h; R6'9�s' LOT 2,5 � �• � V R � k � � �` -,7— lf�' AL U�II�VUM CAP Cl/4 c:OR. SE� �6, T7N, R69►t� ' S'T.�MPE'O.� PLS ?ni23 l98� _;" ALUM/NC/�4! C�u 40 i` y'� �N A R�4li't�f BCIX S,�AMPED.` PL5 ?0723 ;989 —�` i r BASiS OF BEARit�CsS `. iiv A �s��,vc� 901 ` � �1. SQrV7#�! UNF �IIiVJ%4 SE� t6 -- - `� µ Ec �Z�BE rr+ ST �rf S��T 36 "£ ?S90. BJ' ` � — �` �1 �sQ 2a 0 50 iJtil'�: f�+��i13G EASEldElNTS n�E FEF. pLAi Of M4UNiAiRE SUBOIy1S10N nlQTE: 1Fii5 EXHIBIi DUES Ndi REPRFSE�vT A�(}i�jUlrjEiV'1'�O SURVEY. IT :s �nr?�r►oF� o��,r ra a�Q�cr �� A�ACF+� aROQ�arr ti�sca��no�. TE►.�PqF . i_. ; i � _ t'� �. , � 39797.Ot C�A t 2�22 , ?0 � GRA/NA�� '' c � SrA�f[NT , I [OT 21 I �' Un��rr ;=�'� E.45EMEN 1 ,� ��� � J , ., JA£f�'CFR C7 QRiGIPtpI SCAIE� � R = �a' '� ,j•R. Bi�C�iN�B�eIIa� _ .w..�w � .�„ . a�r�t 303-7:D�3 • � � tH�B�r �3�h YDD-�BF�9ees • awretirrsincnn ��� C;���!!�