HomeMy WebLinkAboutGILMARTIN SUBDIVISION AND DUPLEX - FDP240008 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - Project Narrative1 Gilmartin Subdivision 341 S. Ta� Hill Road March 15, 2024 The Gilmartin Subdivision Includes: Lot One for a Duplex: .58 acre Dedica�on of Pennsylvania Street: .09 acre Outlot: .15 acre Dedica�on of Public Right-of-Way for S. Ta� Hill Road (Two -Lane Arteria): 12’ Dedica�on of U�lity Easement along S. Ta� Hill Road: 15’ Parcel Number #9709404005 Zoning: L-M-N, Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood The owner, Mr. Evan Gilmar�n, has owned the subject site since 2006. It is currently described by a metes and bounds legal descrip�on. The area contained within the Subdivision matches this legal descrip�on and the aforemen�oned parcel number. This is a request for a one lot subdivision to allow for a two-family dwelling (duplex). The proposed duplex on one lot, .58 acre, equals 3.45 dwelling units per acre which exceeds the LMN required minimum density of 3.00 dwelling units per acre. Exis�ng Public Improvements: Ta� Hill Road is a Two-Lane Arterial and includes a four-foot atached walk, ver�cal curb, guter and striped bike lane. There is currently 30 feet of half- width as measured from the centerline. There are no overhead electric lines. The nearest fire hydrant is at the northeast corner of Ta� Hill Road and Mulberry Street. The duplex would be under one ownership on one lot. It is not intended to be divided into two single family atached dwellings (townhomes) each on its own lot. Lot One and the Outlot would be owned by a single en�ty. Therefore, there are no common areas and, therefore, no Homeowners’ Associa�on. The objec�ve is to create an approved plated lot for the purpose of construc�ng a duplex in the near future. As such, the approved lot would then be ready for a building permit without the need for any further Planning and Zoning en�tlement. 2 Right-of-Way for Pennsylvania Street is dedicated for 57 feet of width per the requirement for a Residen�al Local Street in accordance with LCUASS 7-9F, and aligns with three previous dedica�ons (Farmstead, Stead and Cherokee Flying Heights Subdivisions). The proposed Outlot lies west of Pennsylvania Street and is not intended to be served by u�li�es un�l the construc�on of this public street. As an Outlot, it is not intended to be a parcel eligible for a building permit at this �me. A Conceptual Review for a five-lot subdivision for single family atached dwellings was held in May of 2023. The comment leter and applicant responses are included in this submital. The request is for a One-Lot Subdivision for an exis�ng parcel already defined by a metes and bounds legal descrip�on and parcel number. Since the request is for one lot and one building, we ask that the project be considered a Residen�al Limited Scope Development Plan. We have also provided responses to the Conceptual Review Comment Leter from May of 2023.