HomeMy WebLinkAboutGILMARTIN SUBDIVISION AND DUPLEX - FDP240008 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - Responses1901 Bear Court / Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (970) 590-1579 / paul@secengineering.net Sorensen Engineering & Construction, Inc. Civil/Environmental Engineering April 17, 2024 Mr. Todd Sullivan Development Review Coordinator City of Fort Collins Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Subject: Gilmartin Subdivision 341 S Taft Hill Road, Fort Collins Response letter to comments of May 12, 2023 Dear Mr. Sullivan, Sorensen Engineering & Construction, Inc. (SEC) is pleased to submit this comment response letter to City of Fort Collins comment letter of May 12, 2023. As is indicated herein, the project has changed significantly since May of last year. Please see the attached Project Narrative for a complete description. The new request is for a Minor Subdivision consisting of one lot, dedication of right-of-way for future Pennsylvania Street, an Outlot west of Pennsylvania Street, dedication of right-of-way along Taft Hill Road and dedication of a utility easement behind the right-of-way. The one lot would be for a two-family dwelling (duplex). The original city comment letter of May 12, 2023, is attached, including the Applicants response provided in a different font color as requested, as well as in italic type. Please let us know if you have any questions or require additional information for your review and approval of this Minor Subdivision application. Sincerely, Paul C. Sorensen, PE Attachments: 1.Project Narrative 2.Comment Letter with Responses 4/17/2024 2 ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT NARRATIVE 1 Gilmartin Subdivision 341 S. Taft Hill Road April 17, 2024 The Gilmartin Subdivision Includes: Total Site Area: .8 acre Lot One for a Duplex: .58 acre Dedication of Pennsylvania Street: .09 acre Outlot: .15 acre Dedication of Public Right-of-Way Along S. Taft Hill Road (Two-Lane Arteria): 12’ = .019 acre Dedication of Utility Easement Along S. Taft Hill Road: 15’ = .024 acre Emergency Access Easement: .055 acre Parcel Number #97094-04-005 Zoning: L-M-N, Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood The owner, Mr. Evan Gilmartin, has owned the subject site since 2006. It is currently described by a metes and bounds legal description. The area contained within the Subdivision matches this legal description and the aforementioned parcel number. The parcel is one of several exceptionally long, skinny rectangles on the west side of S. Taft Hill Road across from City Park Nine golf course. The property has only 69 feet of street frontage and is 444 feet deep. Between LaPorte Avenue on the north and W. Mulberry Street on the south, these parcels were carved off from larger farms. Along section line roads, such as S. Taft Hill, dividing farms into the maximum number of parcels feasible, with access to publicly maintained roads, resulted in the land pattern that we see today. This was a common practice throughout Larimer County prior to annexation and resulted in maximum financial benefit for the subdivider. Historically, these parcels featured truck farms but now consist of large-lot residential properties and small subdivisions. The Gilmartin Subdivision is an infill project. The request is for a one lot subdivision to allow for a two-family dwelling (duplex). The proposed duplex on one lot, .58 acre, equals 3.45 dwelling units per acre which exceeds the LMN required minimum density of 3.00 dwelling units per acre. 2 Existing Public Improvements: Taft Hill Road is a Two-Lane Arterial and includes a four-foot attached walk, vertical curb, gutter, and striped bike lane. There is currently 30 feet half-width as measured from the centerline. There are no overhead electric lines. The nearest fire hydrant is at the northeast corner of Taft Hill Road and Mulberry Street. The duplex would be under one ownership on one lot. It is not intended to be divided into two single family attached dwellings (townhomes) each on its own lot. Lot One and the Outlot would be owned by a single entity. Therefore, there are no common areas and, therefore, no Homeowners’ Association. The objective is to create an approved platted lot for the purpose of constructing a duplex in the near future. Please note that the duplex is not designed currently. The objective of this application is to gain approval so that the platted lot, with approved civil, site and landscape plans, would then be ready for building permit review without the need for any further Planning and Zoning entitlement. Right-of-Way for Pennsylvania Street is dedicated for 57 feet of width per the requirement for a Residential Local Street in accordance with LCUASS 7-9F, and aligns with three previous dedications (Farmstead, Stead and Cherokee Flying Heights Subdivisions). The proposed Outlot lies west of Pennsylvania Street and is not intended to be served by utilities until the construction of this public street. Bringing in utilities from Taft Hill Road has been analyzed and proven to be exceedingly difficult. As an Outlot, it is not intended to be a parcel eligible for a building permit at this time. A Conceptual Review for a five-lot subdivision for four single family attached dwellings east of Pennsylvania, and one single family detached dwelling unit west of Pennsylvania, was held in May of 2023. The comment letter and applicant responses are included in this submittal. The request is now for a One-Lot Subdivision for an existing parcel already defined by a metes and bounds legal description and parcel number. A two-family dwelling in the L-M-N zone is permitted subject to administrative review per Section 4.5(B)(2)(a)2. Since the request is for one lot and one duplex, with a single set of water, sewer and electrical services, the project is defined as a Residential Limited Scope Development Plan. We look forward to working with the development review team as this project progresses through the application process. 4 ATTACHMENT 2 COMMENT RESPONSE LETTER Page 1 of 27 Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6689 970.224.6134 - fax fcgov.com May 12, 2023 Paul Sorensen Response to Comments Fort Collins, CO April 17, 2024 Re: Single Family Attached at 341 S Taft Hill Description of project: This is a request to develop a new residential subdivision at 341 S Taft Hill Rd. (parcel # 9709404005). The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing 0.80-acre lot into four lots for single-family attached dwellings. With a fifth lot of 0.2 acres on the west end of the property left for future development. Access is taken from S Taft Hill to the east. The site is approximately 0.05 miles north of W Mulberry St. and directly west of S Taft Hill Rd. The property is within the Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District (L-M-N) zone district and the project would be subject to Administrative (Type 1) Review. Please see the following summary of comments regarding Single Family Attached at 341 S Taft Hill. The comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review process, please contact your Development Review Coordinator, Todd Sullivan via email at tsullivan@fcgov.com. The program has changed significantly since May of last year. Please see the Project Narrative for a complete description. The new request is for a Project Development Plan, Administrative Review, consisting of one lot, dedication of right-of-way for future Pennsylvania Street, an Outlot west of Pennsylvania Street, dedication of right-of-way along Taft Hill Road, dedication of an Emergency Access Easement, and dedication of a utility easement behind the right -of- way. The one lot would be for a two-family dwelling (duplex). Comment Summary Development Review Coordinator Contact: Todd Sullivan tsullivan@fcgov.com 970-221-6695 1. I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist you and your Page 2 of 27 team. Include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me informed of any phone conversations. Thank you! 2. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 Review. The decision maker for your project will be an Administrative Hearing Officer at a public hearing. Staff will need to agree the project is ready for Hearing approximately 4 to 6 weeks prior to a hearing date to accommodate scheduling and notice requirements. For the hearing, we will formally notify surrounding property owners within 800 - 1,000 feet (excluding public right-of-way and publicly owned open space). As your Development Review Coordinator, I will assist with preparing the mailing and coordinating the hearing date with your team. A neighborhood meeting is not required for this development request. If you would like to hold a meeting to engage your neighborhood regarding the proposal prior to the hearing, I can assist you with this request. As revised, our request for a two-family dwelling, located on a one-lot subdivision, would be classified as a Project Development Plan, Administrative Review. In addition, the project qualifies as a Residential Limited Scope for purposes of determining the submittal fee. 3. I will provide you a roadmap specific to your development review project, helping to identify each step of the process. For more detailed process information, see the Development Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg. This online guide features a color coded flowchart with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide includes links to just about every resource you need during development review. 4. I will provide a Project Submittal Checklist to assist in your submittal preparation. Please use the checklist in conjunction with this comment letter and the Submittal Requirements located at: http://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/applications.php. If you have questions regarding items in the checklist, or the applicability of an item to your project, please reach out to me. 5. As part of your submittal, you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. The final letter is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses to each comment for your submittal, using a different font color. When replying to the comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should be thoroughly addressed. Comments requiring action should NOT have a response such as noted or acknowledged. You will need to provide references to specific project plans, pages, reports, or explanations of why comments have not been addressed [when applicable]. This letter is intended to thoroughly address the Conceptual Review comments. 6. Please follow the Electronic Submittal Requirements and File Naming Standards found at https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/files/electronic submittal requirements and file naming standards_v1_8 1 19.pdf?1566857888. Page 3 of 27 File names should begin with the file type, followed by the project information, and round number. Example: UTILITY PLANS_PROJECT NAME_PDP_Rd2.pdf File type acronyms maybe appropriate to avoid extremely long file names. Example: TIS for Traffic Impact Study, ECS for Ecological Characterization Study. Reach out to me if you would like a list of suggested names. *Please disregard any references to paper copies, flash drives, or CDs. 7. All plans should be saved as optimized/flattened PDFs to reduce file size and remove layers. Per the Electronic Submittal Requirements AutoCAD SHX attributes need to be removed from the PDF’s. AutoCAD turns drawing text into comments that appear in the PDF plan set, and these must be removed prior to submittal as they can cause issues with the PDF file. The default setting is "1" ("on") in AutoCAD. To change the setting and remove this feature, type "EPDFSHX" (version 2016.1) or “PDFSHX (version 2017 and newer) in the command line and enter "0". Read this article at Autodesk.com for more on this topic: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcart icles/Drawing-text-appears-as-Comments-in-a-PDF-created-by-AutoCAD.html 8. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule: https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/fees.php. I will provide an estimate of the initial fees to begin the development review process based on your Conceptual Review Application. As noted in the comments, there are additional fees required by other departments, and additional fees at the time of building permit. The City of Fort Collins fee schedule is subject to change – please confirm these estimates before submitting. Development Review Application Fees will be due at time of the project being submitted for formal review. If you have any questions about fees, please reach out to me. As noted, this request qualifies as a Residential Project of Limited Scope. This fee is $6,925. With the $250 fee for PFA, our total submittal fee will be $7,125. We are aware that there are a number of additional fees due at the time of building permit is suance. 9. Payments can be made by check or credit card. If paying by check, make payable to “City of Fort Collins”. This is accepted at the Development Review Center, 281 N College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524, by mail or can be placed in the blue drop box located at the west side of the building. Please mark it to my attention and reference the project it is associated with. If paying by credit card, I can process the payment over the phone with you. Credit card payments include a convenience fee of 2% + $0.25 added to all payments under $2,500.00, and 2.75% added to all payments over $2,500.00. 10. Submittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut -off for routing the same week. Upon initial submittal, your project will be subject to a completeness review. Staff has until noon that Friday to determine if the project contains all required checklist items and is sufficient for a round of review. If complete, a formal Letter of Acceptance will be emailed to you and the project would be officially routed with its initial round of review, followed by a formal meeting. Please check with me, your Development Review Coordinator, regarding review timelines. Page 4 of 27 As you are preparing to submit your formal plans, please notify me with an anticipated submittal date. Applications and plans are submitted electronically to me by email or secured file sharing applications. Pre-submittal meetings can be beneficial to ensure you have everything for a complete submittal. Please reach out and I will assist in those arrangements. 11. Upon the scheduling of a Neighborhood Meeting, or initial review of the formal Development Review Application, a Development Review sign will be posted on the property. This sign will be posted through the final decision and appeal process. A request for the removal of signs will be made by your Development Review Coordinator at the appropriate time. 12. Once your project has been formally reviewed by the City and you have received comments, please resubmit 180 days, approximately 6 months, to avoid the expiration of your project. Planning Services Contact: Katelyn Puga kpuga@fcgov.com 1. FOR INFORMATION: The property is located in the Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN), and is subject to the requirements of Article 4, Division 4.25 for properties located in the L-M-N District. Based on the information provided with the Conceptual Review, the development proposal requires a Administrative (Type 1) Review. As noted above, our plan has been reduced in scope to a two -family dwelling on a one-lot subdivision. This will be considered a permitted use subject to a Project Development Plan by Administrative Review. 2. FOR INFORMATION: This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire LUC is available for your review on the web at http://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm. 3. FOR INFORMATION: It should be noted that this project is located within the Northwest Subarea Plan. The guidelines in the plan should be used as a tool for understanding design options that are compatible with the character of the corridor. The plan is available for your review on the web at https://www.fcgov.com/planning/documents. City Staff has concerns regarding the implementation of the plan's vision with this proposal. The intent of the LMN zoning designation in this area is to ensure that future development is compatible with the integrity and density of existing neighborhoods. The plan calls for master planning of the neighborhood to lead to visually attractive, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods. City Staff urges that consideration be given to assemble properties to maximize ability to provide coordinated access, appropriate buffering and coordinated stormwater detention. Consideration of incorporation of nearby Page 5 of 27 properties into a larger development plan should also be given as developments should be cohesively planned and designed across property boundaries. We understand the value of land assemblage. Mr. Gilmartin has owned the property since 2006 and has had numerous contacts with the owner-occupant neighbor to the north. This neighbor has expressed no interest in land assemblage. The property to the south is not owner occupied and the investor has not been contacted regarding assemblage. The other property owner to the south is a place of worship. Mr. Gilmartin is of the opinion that a place of worship would not be interested in reallocating land f or purposes of land development assemblage. Therefore, this entity has not been contacted. Based on these circumstances, assemblage is not feasible and Mr. Gilmartin is pursuing a duplex and plat for only the property he owns. 4. GENERAL COMMENT: Policy LU-1.5 of the Northwest Subarea Plan states that all new buildings will be oriented to new internal streets where feasible and new attached housing should be buffered from existing single-family homes fronting Taft Hill. In addition, Division 3.5.2 of the Land Use Code for Privacy Considerations states that enhanced landscaping and buffering will be required to mitigate compatibility between uses and ensure privacy considerations have been made. Additionally, the development plan shall create opportunities for interactions among neighbors without sacrificing privacy or security. We intend for the easterly duplex unit to have a front door facing Taft Hill Road. Since the scope of the project has been re duced from multi-family (four single family attached dwellings) to a duplex on one lot, there is no attached housing /single family conflict that needs mitigation. Please note that we do not intend to design the building at this time. Building design and architect ural considerations will be submitted at the time of building permit application. We can commit, however, that the build ing will not mimic a yurt as was constructed on the Stead Subdivision. Compliance with this standard will be ensured by a Site Plan Note. 5. GENERAL COMMENT: Given the narrow shape and size of the property, it will be important to asses where site planning elements such as required parking, landscaping, trash and recycling, and community areas will be added to the site. We are keenly aware of the challenges associated with an exceptionally narrow lot. The building envelope is placed 30 feet behind the new (as proposed) arterial right-of-way line and in such a way as to not interfere with stormwater facilities. The envelope remains within 150 feet from Taft Hill Road to preclude the need for an emergency loop, turn-around or hammerhead. Parking will be to the west of the building and thereby screened from Taft Hill Road. Trash and recycling containers will be on a per unit basis, in typically sized wheel-out carts just like for single family homes (35-gallon trash and 95-gallon recycling). There will be no dumpsters. 6. GENERAL COMMENT (BUILDING ORIENTATION): Special attention should be given to the relation of the building to adjacent streets including sides facing both S. Taft Hill and (future) Pennsylvania Street. Every front facade with a primary entrance to a dwelling unit shall face the adjacent street to the extent reasonably feasible. Every front facade with a primary entrance to a dwelling unit shall face a connecting walkway with no primary entrance more than two hundred (200) feet from a street sidewalk and the address shall be posted to be visible from the intersection of the connecting walkway and public right of way. There will be an entrance facing Taft Hill Road that will be within 200 feet of the new right -of-way line (as proposed). Due to the exceptional narrowness of the property, our intention is that the driveway will also act as the connecting walkway. Page 6 of 27 7. GENERAL COMMENT (BUILDING SETBACKS): The minimum setback of every residential building and of every detached accessory building that is incidental to the residential building shall be thirty (30) feet from any arterial street right of way. The residential building (single family attached) shall meet the required setback of 9 ft. along a nonarterial street. The building will comply with all setback standards. 8. GENERAL COMMENT (BUILDING HEIGHT): The maximum height of one-, two- and three-family dwellings shall be two and one-half (2.5) stories. The building will comply with this standard. 9. GENERAL COMMENT (COMPATIBILTY): This property is directly adjacent to single-family properties on the east and west sides. Compatibility with existing developments needs to be achieved through the design of the building. There should be careful thought for how to transition from single-family dwelling to multifamily development on this section of Prospect. To help achieve compatibility with the adjacent properties the building design needs to reflect the existing character of the properties along S. Taft Hill including the way the building is massed, the architectural style through roof lines, window and door patterns, building materials, and building height. As noted, the project now consists of a two-family dwelling, therefore, these compatibility and transition standards do not apply. 10. GENERAL COMMENT (BUILDING DESIGN): When designing the building, the massing and scale needs to be proportional to the single-family developments next to the property. Building articulation through subdivision or step-backs should be considered to help address this requirement. See figure 7b in 3.5.1 for an example of infill building mass that can be considered. As noted, the project now consists of a two-family dwelling, therefore, these compatibility and transition standards do not apply. 11. GENERAL COMMENT (LANDSCAPING): A landscape plan is required for all development except single-family dwelling. For this project landscaping within the parkway, and around the foundations of the building should be provided wherever possible. Regarding the landscape plan, please include species and quantities of proposed plantings for your official submittal along with the proposed locations on the site Trees will be planted along Taft Hill Road but their placement is governed by proper separations from utilities, stormwater facilities, the Emergency Access Easement, and the potential widening to the full extent of a minor arterial. Page 7 of 27 12. GENERAL COMMENT (PARKING): Off-street parking spaces are required for Single-Family Attached buildings and are based on the number of bedrooms provided. Please refer to Division 3.2.2.K of the LUC for more information. Each unit will feature two bedrooms. There will be four parking spaces thus complying with the required minimum number. 13. GENERAL COMMENT (TRASH & RECYCLING ENCLOSURES): Enclosed trash and recycling enclosures shall be provided onsite to serve the development as required in Division 3.2.5 of the Land Use Code. As noted, for a two-family dwelling, there will be no dumpsters. 14. NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT PLAN: The existing neighborhood area should be considered for the layout and circulation of the site. Please provide a neighborhood context plan with the submittal to show all contextual elements such as streets, parking boundaries, buildings, easements, walls, existing trees, grades, lot lines, and other relevant surrounding elements at least 150 ft. beyond the development boundaries. A Context Plan is not required for one two-family dwelling on a one-lot subdivision. Please note that there are several existing duplexes on the west side of Taft Hill Road between LaPorte Avenue and W. Mulberry Street. 15. This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire LUC is available for your review on the web at http://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm. 16. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a Modification of Standard Request will need to be submitted with your formal development proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of the LUC for more information on criteria to apply for a Modification of Standard. We do not anticipate any Modifications. Department: Historic Preservation Contact: Jim Bertolini jbertolini@fcgov.com 970-416-4250 1. NO HISTORIC REVIEW REQUIRED: This proposal does not require historic review because there are no designated historic resources on the site and the nature of the project does not impact any historic resources that may lie on the development site or within 200 feet of the site. Department: Engineering Development Review Contact: Tim Dinger tdinger@fcgov.com Page 8 of 27 1. SITE SPECIFIC: Pennsylvania Street will need to have the full ROW dedicated through this property. The plans are currently showing what looks like 20' in width, but the required ROW width will be 57 feet, equivalent to a Residential Local Street per LCUASS Figure 7 -9F. The ROW should be generally aligned with the ROW dedications that have already occurred in properties to the north. See the "Farmstead" plat (rec. no. 20050063377), the "Stead" plat (rec. no. 20160010451), and the "Cherokee Flying Heights" plat (rec. no. 20040020914). Right-of-way for Pennsylvania Street has been provided in accordance with LCUASS Figure 7-9F and aligns with the three existing dedications. 2. SITE SPECIFIC: This property will need to have a turnaround constructed (either a cul-de-sac or hammerhead) in order to meet PFA requirements. If there are 2 points of access provided, you would not need the turnaround. As noted, the project has been downsized to a two -family dwelling. Our intention is to provide a driveway that does not exceed 150 feet in length. From this point, all exterior portions of the building will be within 150 feet of the fire apparatus thereby precluding the need for a turn-around, loop or hammerhead. 3. SITE SPECIFIC: Once Pennsylvania Street is constructed, we would prefer to see the access onto S. Taft Hill to be closed to the public. We could leave it open to emergency access vehicles only. The engineering and traffic departments in general prefer to have fewer driveways that access onto S. Taft Hill. We understand this comment and the desire to minimize or eliminate multiple individual driveways intersecting with Taft Hill Road in the long term. 4. SITE SPECIFIC: The requirement for the construction and connection to another roadway of Pennsylvania Street depends on what is being constructed with this project. If only a duplex or something similar is to be constructed, then the project would not be substantive enough to require the construction of Pennsylvania Street. Currently, the creation of 5 lots could be seen as substantive. Therefore the construction of Pennsylvania to LCUASS standards, as well as connection out to Mulberry Street or Laporte Ave, could be required. This will require more discussion with the City Planning, Engineering, Traffic staff. A payment-in-lieu may be required instead of construction. As noted, the project has been reduced in scope from one 4 -plex (east of Pennsylvania) and one single family lot (west of Pennsylvania) to a two-family dwelling. (Please note that the property between our property and Mulberry Street is an existing place of worship making a future Pennsylvania extension to Mulberry exceedingly difficult.) Page 9 of 27 5. SITE SPECIFIC: Since this lot is currently unplatted, you will be required to plat this property during the PDP/FDP process. The Gilmartin Subdivision is hereby submitted. 6. SITE SPECIFIC: An access easement will need to be provided to Lot 5, in order to establish the access that will be required in the future when this lot is developed with another project/phase. The area west of Pennsylvania is called out as an Outlot and not eligible for a Building Permit thereby precluding the need f or an access easement. 7. INFORMATION: Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Transportation Capital Expansion Fees are due prior to issuance of building permit. For more information, please visit https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/tcef.php. 8. INFORMATION: Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. 9. INFORMATION: All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the site, need to meet ADA standards. If they currently do not, they will need to be reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project. 10. INFORMATION: Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at: https://www.larimer.org/urban-area-street-standards-2021 11. INFORMATION: This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary or required by the City for this project (i.e. drainage, utility, emergency access). This shall include the standard utility easements that are to be provided behind the right-of-way (15 foot along an arterial, 8 foot along an alley, and 9 foot along all other street classifications). Information on the dedication process, as well as deed templates, can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php Page 10 of 27 12. INFORMATION: Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the project is finalized. 13. INFORMATION: A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site. 14. INFORMATION: LCUASS parking setbacks (Figure 19-6) apply and will need to be followed depending on parking design. 15. INFORMATION: All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment permits shall be made to the Engineering Department for review and approval prior to installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/landscape plan is in non-compliance. 16. INFORMATION: The development/site cannot use the right-of-way for any Low Impact Development to treat the site’s storm runoff. We can look at the use of some LID methods to treat street flows – the design standards for these are still in development. 17. INFORMATION: Doors are not allowed to open out into the right-of-way. 18. INFORMATION: Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked they do not extend into the right-of-way. 19. INFORMATION: In regard to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for staging or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find a location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary staging and/or parking needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the Development Construction Permit application. 20. SITE SPECIFIC: Taft Hill Road is classified as a 2-lane arterial street, per the City of Fort Collins Master Street Plan. You will be required to dedicate right-of-way (ROW) on the western half of the street so that you are providing 42 feet of ROW width from the centerline of Taft Hill Road. You will also be required to provide a 15-foot width utility easement adjacent to the newly dedicated ROW. Page 11 of 27 The Gilmartin Subdivision dedicates an additional 12 feet along the entire frontage of Taft Hill Road which brings the half -width up to 42 feet. In addition, a 15-foot-wide Utility Easement is dedicated behind the right-of-way. 21. SITE SPECIFIC: From the notes provided on the conceptual application, you intend to provide an access, emergency access, utility, and drainage easement in "Tract A" of the sketch plan. Where will you provide parking? It seems like you may be trying to fit too many things into this very skinny tract/easement area. You cannot have stormwater detention within a utility easement. Parking will be to the west of the building and not interfere with any Easements. We are aware of the narrowness of the lot. It is our understanding that a duplex under one ownership, on one lot, does not need an Access Easement. (The grantor and grantee a re the same entity.) And it is our understanding that a private driveway can be dedicated for an Emergency Access Easement whic h will be needed since PFA will not stage on Taft Hill Road as a two -lane arterial. We also understand that that any land area set aside for stormwater facilities cannot include any other easements, utilities or features such as parking, sheds or any other appurtenances that may interfere with conveyance, detention, and release of stormwater. By downsizing the project, these conflicts are resolvable. Department: Traffic Operations Contact: Steve Gilchrist sgilchrist@fcgov.com 970-224-6175 1. FOR SUBMITTAL: A Transportation Impact Study will be required with the submittal of this project since access will be taken directly onto an arterial roadway according to Chapter 4 of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. . This may just be a memo, but please have our Traffic Engineer contact me to scope the study. Since the project has been reduced from five to two dwelling units, in the form of a duplex, we expect that the driveway will be considered “Low Volume” and that a TIS Memo will not be needed. Please note that currently there are existing duplexes on the west side of Taft Hill Road. We understand that LCUASS discourages access onto an arterial. Taft Hill Road is a two -lane arterial and that the number and configuration of lots and parcels on the west side of Taft between LaPorte Avenue and Mulberry Street , mostly developed in the County prior to annexation, is unique and these conditions are not anticipated by LCUASS. 2. FOR INFORMATION: If possible and feasible a shared access should be considered with the adjacent property to the north. This may require a private access easement if the shared access is agreed to. Our response to the Planning Department comment regarding land assemblage is repeated here: Mr. Gilmartin has owned the property since 2006 and has had numerous contacts with the owner occupant neighbor to the north. This neighbor has expressed no interest in land assemblage. The properties to the south are investor owned and a place of worship making land assemblage rather challenging if not infeasible. Department: Stormwater Engineering – Erosion Control Contact: Andrew Crecca acrecca@fcgov.com 1. "Information Only: Page 12 of 27 This project is located within the City's MS4 boundaries and is subject to the erosion control requirements located in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 2, Section 6.0. A copy of those requirements can be found at www.fcgov.com/erosion . This project was evaluated based upon the submittal requirements of FCSCM. Based upon the provided materials we were able to determine a total disturbed area. Based upon the area of disturbance or this project is part of a larger common development, State permits for stormwater will be required should be pulled before Construction Activities begin. As we have noted, the scope of this project has been reduced. Because the net area of construction disturbance for this proposed project exceeds 10,000 square feet, an Erosion Control Plan is required, and “shall be found in the construction plans” (FCSCM, Chapter 2, Section 6.1.3). As is shown on the revised Erosion and Sediment control Plan included in the construction plan set , the Applicant will implement appropriate erosion control measures prior to construction initiation. However, we look forward to your revised analysis to evaluate if the threshold for a State permit is met or not. 2. For Approval or Final Plan: Based upon the supplied materials, site disturbs more than 10,000 sq. ft. and/or meets one of the other triggering criteria (sensitive area, steep slopes, or larger common development) that would require Erosion and Sediment Control Materials to be submitted. Please provide an erosion control plan for 'Final Plan or Approval Submittal'. This project disturbs under 3 acres so only a sequence chart needs to be provided on the erosion control plans. Please ensure that the Erosion Control Plans provided include a sequence chart in accordance with (FCSCM Ch 2 Section Based upon the supplied materials, site disturbs more than 1 acre or is part of a larger common development that requires Erosion and Sediment Control Report to be submitted. Please submit an Erosion Control Report to meet City Criteria (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.4) at time of Final Plan or Approval Submittal. Based upon the supplied materials, an Erosion Control Escrow Calculation will need to be provided. Please submit an Erosion Control Escrow / Security Calculation based upon the accepted Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.5) at time of Final Plan or Approval Submittal. The only buildable area proposed for this project is Lot One at .58-acre, 25,265 sq. ft. Because this project both disturbs LESS than 1 acre and is not part of a larger common development, the Applicant believes that an Erosion and Sediment Control Repor t should not be required. However, we understand this triggers the requirement that an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, which , as stated above, is included in the Construction Plan Set. Since it is under both three acres and one acre, an ECP will be submitted accordingly. Department: Stormwater Engineering - Floodplain Contact: Kevin Meyer kmeyer@fcgov.com 3. INFORMATION ONLY: This property is currently located in the City-regulated, 100-year Canal Importation flood fringe and must comply with the safety regulations of Chapter 10 Page 13 of 27 of City Municipal Code. A City Flood Risk map is attached. 4. INFORMATION ONLY: Any construction activities in the Canal Importation 100 -yr flood fringe (e.g. grading, structures, sidewalk or curb & gutter installation/replacement, roads, utility work, landscaping, etc.) must be preceded by an approved floodplain use permit, the appropriate permit application fees, and approved plans. 5. INFORMATION ONLY: If any construction activities will take place in the floodplain, please utilize the development review checklist for floodplain requirements when preparing your plans for submittal. https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/fp-checklist100-2018-update.p df?1522697905 6. INFORMATION ONLY: Construction of a new residential structure is allowed in a city regulated 100-year flood fringe, as long as the lowest finished floor of the building, and all duct work, heating, ventilation, electrical systems, etc. are elevated 18-inches above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). This elevation is known as the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE). RFPE = BFE + 18-inches. An approved FEMA Elevation Certificate, completed by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer and showing that the structure is constructed to the required elevation, is required post-construction prior to a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) being issued. The lowest finish floor and all mechanical equipment will be elevated 18 inches above the BFE for the Canal Importation Basin . We plan on complying with the regulations of Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code. We should not, however, be required to submit a FEMA Elevation Certificate because the Canal Importation Basin is not under the jurisdiction of FEMA. 7. INFORMATION ONLY: Please show the boundaries of the floodplain on site drawings as applicable. Contact floodplains@fcgov.com for floodplain CAD line work. These boundaries are shown. Department: Stormwater Engineering Contact: Water Utilities WaterUtilitiesEng@fcgov.com (970)224-6191 8. Master plan and criteria compliance The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Canal Importation Master Drainage Plan as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM). The stormwater criteria manual is available on our website here: https://www.fcgov.com/utility-development 9. Documentation requirements A drainage report and construction plans are required and must be prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must address the four-step process for selecting structural BMPs. Page 14 of 27 10. Stormwater outfall The stormwater outfall options for this site will require further investigation. The city requires conveyance of flows to a public facility after it has been detained and treated. The closest public facility is just south on Taft Hill just before the Mulberry intersection. 11. Detention requirements Onsite detention is required for the runoff volume difference between the 100 -year developed inflow rate and the 2-year historic release rate. Please note that the City has landscaping requirements for stormwater detention ponds. These requirements can be found in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, Chapter 8, Section 3.0 and in Appendix B (Landscape Design Standards and Guidelines for Stormwater and Detention Facilities). 12. Water Quality and Low Impact Development requirements All new or modified impervious areas require stormwater quality treatment. In addition, the City requires the use of Low Impact Development (LID) methods to treat stormwater quality on all new or redeveloping property, including sites required to be brought into compliance with the Land Use Code. There are two (2) categories of LID requirements; the development will need to meet one of the two following options: 1. LID with Permeable Pavers: When using the permeable pavers option, 50% of the new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. Of the new or modified paved areas, 25% must be pervious. 2. LID - without Pavers: 75% of all new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. This typically consists of a rain garden or bioretention system, but other options are allowed. The remainder of the water quality treatment can be accomplished ‘standard’ or LID water quality methods. Accepted methods are described in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 7: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/development-forms-gui delines-regulations/stormwater-criteria 13. Imperviousness documentation The existing and proposed impervious areas need to be documented in the drainage report. Drainage requirements and development fees are based on new impervious area. An exhibit showing the existing and proposed impervious areas with a table summarizing the areas is required with the first project submittal. 14. Detention drain times Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8) that became effective August 5, 2015, Page 15 of 27 criteria regarding detention drain time will apply to this project. As part of the drainage design, the engineer will be required to show compliance with this statute using a standard spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in the drainage report. Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to upload the approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will apply to any volume-based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins. 15. Inspection and maintenance There will be a final site inspection of the stormwater facilities when the project is complete and the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for on-going maintenance of all onsite drainage facilities will be included as part of the Development Agreement. More information and links can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/what-we-do/stormwater/stormwater-quality/low-impact-dev elopement 16. Fees The 2023 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $11,019/acre ($0.253/ sq. ft.) of new impervious area over 350 square feet. No fee is charged for existing impervious area. This fee is to be paid at the time each building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-develo pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 or UtilityFees@fcgov.com for questions on fees. 17. Offsite Stormwater Flows The development will need to accept and pass any existing offsite flows. 18. Stormwater Masterplan The Stormwater Masterplan for the Canal Importation Basin shows that the curb and gutter along Taft Hill will be raised to 9-inches. This would reduced the floodplain slightly on the property, but the addition of a new street would negate the benefits of the raised curb for the property. Thank you for this comment – so noted. Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering Contact: Water Utilities WaterUtilitiesEng@fcgov.com (970)224-6191 1. Existing Water Infrastructure There is an existing 6-inch water main in the east side of Taft Hill, with no existing services to the site. Page 16 of 27 2. Existing Sewer Infrastructure There is an existing 12-inch sanitary sewer main in the western part of Taft Hill with no existing sanitary sewer service to the site. Thank you for this information. We intend on tapping these mains to serve the duplex. 3. Service sizing The water service and meter for this project site will need to be sized based on the AWWA M22 manual design procedure. A sizing justification letter that includes demand calculations for maximum flows and estimated continuous flows will need to be provided as a part of the final submittal package for this project. As requested, a 1-inch water meter and service line was sized based on the AWWA M22 manual design procedure. A sizing justification letter that identifies fixtures and associated peak flows Is attached that provides the requested information. 4. Water conservation The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on these requirements can be found at: https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/watercode 5. Fees Development and water supply requirement (WSR) fees and will be due at the time the building permit is issued. Please contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 or UtilityFees@fcgov.com for more information or questions. Information on fees can also be found at: www.fcgov.com/development-fees We are aware of these fees and that they are due at the time of building permit issuance. 6. One building per service or 3-townhomes per service The city requires that separate buildings have separate water and wastewater service lines. In addition, the city only allows a maximum of 3 townhomes per water and wastewater service. As noted, the scope of the project has been reduced to one building. 7. Private drives and utility separation Buildings being served from private drives can be problematic meeting utility spacing requirements. When finalizing a site layout please consider utility spacing requirements - including the need for utility boxes, water meters, electric vaults, etc. on the site. Utilities may include water, sewer, electric, gas, and communication. Page 17 of 27 8. Utility Separations Based on the proposed site plan and the available space, utility services and required separations may be problematic on this site. For your reference, minimum water and sewer service separations are: > 10-ft min. between water and sewer services. > 6-ft min. between trees and water or sewer services. > 4-ft min. between shrubs and water or sewer services. > 10-ft min. between storm-drain pipes and other utilities. > Service lines of the same type may be joint trenched with 3-ft of separation. Other utilities, such as gas, electric, and communications will also have spacing requirements and will need space on the site. Last, please remember that there may be service lines on the adjacent properties for which clearances also need to be maintained. Thank you for providing these specifications. 9. Capital Project Coordination In the future there will be capital projects to upsize the water main in Taft Hill, and replace the existing wastewater main in Taft Hill. Thank you for this information. 10. Separate Irrigation Tap: Due to these being single-family residences, or even duplexes, a separate irrigation tap is not needed for this project. That is our understanding as well. Department: Electric Engineering Contact: Luke Unruh lunruh@fcgov.com 970-416-2724 1. This project will require system modification charges to supply electric facilities. Electric capacity fees, development fees, building site charges and any system modification charges necessary to feed the site will apply to this development. Please contact me to discuss development fees or visit the following website for an estimate of charges and fees related to this project: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-develo pment-fees 2. We are experiencing material shortages and long lead times on certain materials and unfortunately, this is an industry wide issue. We typically have stock of our transformers, and we work on a first come, first service basis with our inventory stock. I know that this may be a bit unsettling, but we will have to see what is available when this project gains City approval and progresses to construction. I will add that our Standards Engineering Page 18 of 27 group is working hard to secure materials, including transformers, and orders have been placed with our manufacturers to replenish inventory. 3. Any existing electric infrastructure that needs to be relocated as part of this project will be at the expense of the developer. Please coordinate relocations with Light and Power Engineering. There is an existing transformer near the northeast corner of the lot adjacent to S Taft Hill Road. Other than that, there ar e no existing electrical facilities onsite. 4. A transformer location will be needed to provide the proposed development. Transformer locations will need to be coordinated with Light & Power. Transformers must be placed within 10 ft of a drivable surface for installation and maintenance purposes. The transformer must also have a front clearance of 10 ft and side/rear clearance of 3 ft minimum. When located close to a building, please provide required separation from building openings as defined in Figures ESS4 - ESS7 within the Electric Service Standards. Please show all proposed transformer locations on the Utility Plans. The project has been downsized to a duplex. According to our telephone conversation of March 6, 2024, given that the Applican t will maintain ownership of the proposed duplex, we understand that Light & Power will not require a new transformer but rather the existing transformer is adequate for this duplex project (the existing transformer may need to be upgraded – to be determined). The electrical service will be considered “Commercial” with the service owned and maintained by the owner. 5. Any existing and/or proposed Light and Power electric facilities that are within the limits of the project must be located within a utility easement or public right-of-way. The utility easement for the transformer shall extent 3 feet past all sides of the transformer pad. The project has been downsized to a duplex. Accordingly, we understand that because the Applicant will maintain sole ownershi p, an electrical/utility easement will not be required. 6. During utility infrastructure design, please provide adequate space of all service and main lines internal to the site to ensure proper utility installation and to meet minimum utility spacing requirements. A minimum of 10 ft separation is required between water, sewer and storm water facilities, and a minimum of 3 ft separation is required between Natural Gas. Please show all electrical routing on the Utility Plans. Thank you for providing these specifications. We are undecided as to bringing in natural gas and may go with a heat pump. 7. Multi family buildings and duplexes are treated as customer owned services; therefore a C-1 form and one line diagram must be filled out and submitted to Light & Power Engineering for each building. All secondary electric service work is the responsibility of the developer and their electrical consultant or contractor. A C-1 form can be found here: https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/development-forms-gu idelines-regulations We are aware of the need for a C-1 Form and that we are responsible for secondary services. Page 19 of 27 8. This project will need to comply with our electric metering standards. Electric meter locations will need to be coordinated with Light and Power Engineering. Residential units will need to be individually metered. Please gang the electric meters on one side of the building, opposite of the gas meters. Reference Section 8 of our Electric Service Standards for electric metering standards. A link has been provided here: https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/ElectricServiceStandards_FIN AL_18November2016_Amendment.pdf We are aware that each unit needs its own meter. If we select the option of bringing in natural gas, we will place the gas and electric meters on opposite sides of the building. 9. All units other than single family detached at 200 amps or less are considered customer owned service; therefore, the applicant is responsible for installing the secondary service from the transformer to the meter(s) and will be owned and maintained by the individual unit owner or building owner. As noted, we are proposing a duplex, and we understand that the applicant is responsible for installing secondary service fro m the existing transformer to the meters. As stated above, the existing transformer may need to be upsized. 10. 11) You may contact Luke Unruh with project engineering if you have questions. (970) 416-2724. You may reference Light & Power’s Electric Service Standards at: https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/electricservicestandards.pdf?1 645038437 You may reference our policies, development charge processes, and use our fee estimator at http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers. Department: Environmental Planning Contact: Kristie Raymond kraymond@fcgov.com 1. INFORMATION ONLY: Our city has many sustainability programs that may benefit this project. Of particular interest may be the: 1) Solar Rebate Program offers up to $1500 in rebates to Fort Collins Utility customers for the installation of solar PV: www.fcgov.com/solar, contact Rhonda Gatzke at 970-416 -2312 or rgatzke@fcgov.com 2) Integrated Design Assistance Program offers financial incentives and technical support for new construction and major renovation projects. Must apply early in the design phase: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact David Suckling at 970-416-4251 or dsuckling@fcgov.com 2. INFORMATION ONLY: City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)], requires that to the extent reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate water conservation materials and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants Page 20 of 27 and grasses in landscaping or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much as possible. Native plants and wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds) landscaping and maintenance are also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins Vegetation Database at https://www.fcgov.com/vegetation/ and the Natural Areas Department’s Native Plants document for guidance on native plants: http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. 3. INFORMATION ONLY: Please clarify specific turf species on the Landscape Plan and the blend percentages to ensure the project water budget chart gets adequately calculated. Thank you for this information. 4. INFORMATION ONLY: All lighting shall have a nominal correlated color temperature (CCT) of no greater than three thousand (3,000) degrees Kelvin [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(11)] and light sources shall be fully shielded and down-directional to minimize up-light, spill-light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on adjacent property. Please also consider fixtures with motion-sensing or dimming capabilities so that light levels can be adjusted as needed. Regarding outdoor lighting, cooler color temperatures are harsher at night and cause more disruption to biological rhythms for humans and wildlife. The American Medical Association (AMA) and International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) both recommend using lighting that has a CCT of no more than 3000K to limit the amount of blue light in the night environment. Thank you in advance for supporting City of Fort Collins Night Sky Objectives. For further information regarding health effects please see: http://darksky.org/ama-report-affirms-human-health-impacts-from-leds/ All new lighting will be wall-mounted, down-directional and sharp cut-off. Department: Forestry Contact: Carrie Tomlinson ctomlinson@fcgov.com 1. If there are existing trees on site, please schedule an onsite inventory with City Forestry (ctomlinson@fcgov.com) to obtain inventory and mitigation information. This meeting should occur prior to the first round of PDP. Existing significant trees should be retained to the extent reasonably feasible. There are no existing trees on the property. 2. Please provide a landscape plan that meets the Land Use Code 3.2.1 requirements. This should include the existing tree inventory, any proposed tree removals with their locations clearly noted and any proposed tree plantings (including species, size, quantity and method of transplant). General Landscape Notes Page 21 of 27 Tree Protection Notes Street Tree Permit Note, when applicable. These notes are available from the City Planner or by following the link below and clicking on Standard Plan Set Notes: https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/applications.php Required tree sizes and method of transplant: Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped Required mitigation tree sizes: Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped Evergreen tree: 8.0’ height balled and burlapped Ornamental tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped A Landscape Plan is provided. 3. If applicable, please provide an “Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter” for City Forestry staff to review. Proposals to remove significant existing trees must provide a justification letter detailing the reason for tree removal. This is required for all development projects proposing significant tree removal regardless of the scale of the project. The purpose of this letter is to provide a document of record with the project’s approval and for the City to maintain a record of all proposed significant tree removals and justifications. Existing significant trees within the project’s Limits of Disturbance (LOD) and within natural area buffer zones shall be preserved to the extent reasonably feasible. Streets, buildings and lot layouts shall be designed to minimize the disturbance to significant existing trees. (Extent reasonably feasible shall mean that, under the circumstances, reasonable efforts have been undertaken to comply with the regulation, that the costs of compliance clearly outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably burden the proposed project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any potential harm or adverse impacts resulting from noncompliance with the regulation.) Where it is not feasible to protect and retain significant existing tree(s) or to transplant them to another on-site location, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) according to City mitigation requirements. There are no existing trees on the property. 4. INFORMATION ONLY Standard LUC standard for Tree Species Diversity states that in order to prevent insect or disease susceptibility and eventual uniform senescence on a development site or in the adjacent area or the district, species diversity is required and extensive Page 22 of 27 monocultures are prohibited. The following minimum requirements shall apply to any development plan: Number of trees on site Maximum percentage of any one species 10-19 50% 20-39 33% 40-59 25% 60 or more 15% The City of Fort Collins’ urban forest has reached the maximum percentage of the following species. Ash (Fraxinus), Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthose: ‘Shademaster’, ‘Skyline’, etc), Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), and Chanticleer Pear (Pyrus calleryana). The number of proposed trees is under 10. Please note that additional species might join this list as we work through the review process. 5. Please include locations of utilities on the landscape plan including but not limited to water service/mains, sewer service/mains, gas, electric, streetlights, and stop signs. Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility separation. Street Light/Tree Separation: Canopy shade tree: 40 feet Ornamental tree: 15 feet Stop Sign/Tree Separation: Based on feedback from Traffic Operations, it is preferred that trees be planted at least 50 feet from the nearest stop sign in order to minimize conflicts with regulatory traffic signs. Driveway/Tree Separation: At least 8 feet from edges of driveways and alleys. Utility/Tree Separation: 10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines 6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines 4’ between trees and gas lines 10’ between trees and electric vaults The location of all new trees will comply with these separation requirements. 6. Per Land Use Code 3.2.1.(D)(c), canopy shade trees shall constitute at least 50 percent of all tree plantings. Five trees are proposed for this project, including 2 Discovery Elms and 3 Pinyon Pines. 7. Canopy shade trees should be planted at 30-40’ spacing (LUC 3.2.1 (D)©) along street frontages. Page 23 of 27 The Gilmartin Subdivision is only 69 feet wide. We will be planting two canopy shade trees along Taft Hill Road thus complyi ng with the standard. Please note, however, that these trees will be placed behind the Utility Easement and not in the parkway as the parkway does not currently exist nor will be required for a project of this scope with such limited frontage. 8. Each landscape island should be 8’ in its smallest dimensions to allow for tree root growth (LUC 3.2.1 5©). This is a duplex so there is no parking lot per se and therefore, no landscape islands. 9. Please adhere to the updated LUCASS standards and include proper parkway widths. The property is narrow with only 69 feet of street frontage. We are dedicating an additional 12 feet along Taft Hill Road fo r the ultimate cross-section for a two-lane arterial street. This project will not be widening Taft Hill Road nor constructing thes e ultimate improvements. Rather, we expect the City to make these two -lane arterial improvements as part of a larger comprehensive capital project the extent of which would be at least the reach between LaPorte Avenue on the north and Mulberry Street on th e south. There is no TCEF or other capital project scheduled or budgeted for this project at this time. Department: Fire Authority Contact: Marcus Glasgow marcus.glasgow@poudre-fire.org 970-416-2869 1. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS – IFC 503.1.1 Fire access is required to within 150 feet of all exterior portions of any building, or facility ground floor as measured by an approved route around the perimeter. For the purposes of this section, fire access cannot be measured from an arterial road ( Taft Hill Rd). Any private alley, private road, or private drive serving as a fire lane shall be dedicated as an Emergency Access Easement (EAE) and be designed to standard fire lane specifications. The private driveway will be dedicated as an EAE. It will not exceed 150 feet in length. This EAE will allow emergency equipment to reach all exterior portions of the building without exceeding a hose length of 150 feet. 2. FIRE LANE SPECIFICATIONS A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements: -Fire lanes established on private property shall be dedicated by plat or separate document as an Emergency Access Easement. -Maintain the required 20-foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum overhead clearance. Where road widths exceed 20 feet in width, the full width shall be dedicated unless otherwise approved by the AHJ. -Access roads with a hydrant are required to be 26 feet in width. -Additional fire lane requirements are triggered for buildings greater than 30 feet in Page 24 of 27 height. Refer to Appendix D105 of the International Fire Code. -Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons. -Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround area for fire apparatus. -Dead-end fire access roads used for aerial access shall be 30 feet in width -The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25 feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans. -Dedicated fire lanes are required to connect to the Public Way unless otherwise approved by the AHJ. -Fire lane to be identified by red curb and/or signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. -Fire lane sign locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans. Refer to LCUASS detail #1418 & #1419 for sign type, placement, and spacing. Appropriate directional arrows required on all signs. As noted, the EAE will not exceed 150 feet in length. The Stead Subdivision at 249 S. Taft Hill Road consists of two lots and does not appear to have a fire lane that meets these requirements. Their driveway is gravel. We ask that our EAE be considered e qual to that of the Stead Subdivision. (Please note that the new dwelling unit within the Stead Subdivision is located considerab ly further west of Taft Hill Road than our proposed duplex). 3. ACCESS TO BUILDING OPENINGS – IFC 504.1 An approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access roads to the main egress door of the building shall be provided on this site. The walkway shall be capable of providing access for emergency personnel and equipment. Please provide details on site plan for the access walkway. A walkway will be provided to both entrances of the duplex. 4. PREMISE IDENTIFICATION: ADDRESS POSTING & WAYFINDING – IFC section 505.1.1 amendment Where possible, the naming of private drives is usually recommended to aid in wayfinding. New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. The address numerals for any commercial or industrial buildings shall be placed at a height to be clearly visible from the street. They shall be a minimum of 8 inches in height unless distance from the street or other factors dictate larger numbers. Refer to Table 505.1.3 of the 2021 IFC as amended. The address numbers for one- and two-family dwellings shall be a minimum of 4” in height with a minimum ½” stroke and shall be posted on a contrasting background. If bronze or brass numerals are used, they shall only be posted on a black background for visibility. Monument signs may be used in lieu of address numerals on the building as approved by the fire code official. Buildings, either individually or part of a multi- building complex, that have emergency access lanes on sides other than on the addressed street side, shall have the address numbers and street name on each side Page 25 of 27 that fronts the fire lane. The building will be properly identified. 5. WATER SUPPLY Hydrant spacing and flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of occupancy. A fire hydrant capable of providing 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure is required within 400 feet of any residential building as measured along an approved path of vehicle travel. For the purposes of this code, hydrants on the opposite side of arterial roadways (Taft Hill Rd) are not considered accessible to the site. The nearest existing hydrants are located across Taft Hill Rd and not considered accessible. A new hydrant will be required for this site. A new hydrant was not required for the two -lot Stead Subdivision. There are two hydrants on the east side of Taft that presumably serve all the existing houses (and commercial operation – Weitzel) on the west side of Taft Hill Road between LaPorte Avenue and Mulberry Street. We are not sure of the inconsistency between our proposal and Stead Subdivision. 6. PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL When you submit for your building permit though the City of Fort Collins please be advised Poudre Fire Authority is an additional and separate submittal. The link for Poudre Fire Authority’s plan review application can be found at https://www.poudre-fire.org/online-services/contractors-plan-reviews-and-permits/new-b uilding-plan-review-application. We are aware of this requirement. 7. INFORMATION – CODES AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS Poudre Fire Authority has adopted the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC). Development plans and building plan reviews shall be designed according to the adopted version of the fire code as amended. - Copies of our current local amendments can be found here: https://www.poudre-fire.org/programs-services/community-safety-services-fire-preventio n/fire-code-adoption - Free versions of the IFC can be found here: https://codes.iccsafe.org Department: Building Code Review Contact: Russell Hovland rhovland@fcgov.com 970-416-2341 1. A permit is required for this project and construction shall comply with adopted codes as amended. Current adopted codes are: · 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) with local amendments · Colorado Plumbing Code (currently 2021 IPC) with local amendments Page 26 of 27 · 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado · Projects shall comply with the current adopted building codes, local amendments and structural design criteria can be found here: https://www.fcgov.com/building/codes · Please read the residential permit application submittal checklist for complete requirements. · Snow Live Load: Ground Snow Load 35 PSF. · Frost Depth: 30 inches. · Wind Loads: Risk Category II (most structures): · 140mph (Ultimate) exposure B or Front Range Gust Map published by The Structural Engineer's Association of Colorado · Seismic Design: Category B. · Climate Zone: Zone 5 · Energy Code: 2021 IECC residential chapter INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: · 5ft setback required from property line or provide fire rated walls & openings for non-fire sprinkled houses per chap 3 of the IRC. 3ft setback is required for fire sprinkled houses. · Fire separation of 10ft between dwellings is required. · Bedroom egress windows (emergency escape openings) required in all bedrooms. · For buildings using electric heat, heat pump equipment is required. · A passing building air tightness (blower door) test is required for certificate of occupancy. · For projects located in Metro Districts, there are special additional code requirements for new buildings. Please contact the plan review team to obtain the requirements for each district. · New IRC code amendment R320 requires dwellings with habitable space on the 1st floor must provide a visitable bathroom and path to such. · The roof must be provided with solar-ready zones at outlined in IRC appendix RB. · Energy code requires short hot water supply lines by showing plumbing compactness. Stock Plans: When the same residential buildings will be built at least three times, a stock plan design or master plan can be submitted for a single review and then built multiple times with site specific permits. More information can be found in our Stock Plan Guide at fcgov.com/building/res-requirements.php. Thank you for all this information. Compliance will be demonstrated at the time of submittal for Building Permit. Department: Technical Services Contact: Jeff County jcounty@fcgov.com 970-221-6588 1. All development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design work. Please contact our office if you need up to date Benchmark Statement format and City Vertical Control Network information. Page 27 of 27 2. When submitting a Subdivision Plat for this property/project, the title/name may not begin with addresses in numeral form. Address numbers must be spelled out. Please contact our office with any questions. 3. If a Subdivision Plat is required and aliquot corners are shown, current acceptable Monument Records will be required. These are required with Round 1 submittal. 4. Closure reports will be required for all Subdivision Plats, Easements, and any other document requiring a legal description & sketch being submitted for review. These are required with Round 1 submittal. We believe our Plat complies with these requirements.