HomeMy WebLinkAboutGILMARTIN SUBDIVISION AND DUPLEX - FDP240008 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - Submittal Checklist' ; � ., E�� _ � � < � t � >::,, �M.. Submitta[ lnstructions � q � S, � , ��� ��` w�,� � g i �� � � ,,�'� @�� ��� � ; ` �. ar? {, ',�� § � : � C' j '.�} • + a� e ;� * A Citv Develapment Review Coordinator wll be assiqned to all projects - Your Development Review Coordinator is available to assist you with #he review process. If you do not have a review coordinator assigned to your project, please contact us at 97Q-221-6689 or DRCoord(c�fcqou.com for assistance. • Advanced no#ice of Submittal and resubmittals is appreciated - A comp3eted copy of this checklist, all submittal materials and fee payments are due at the time of project submittal. Please contact your Development Review Coordinatar at 970-221-6689 ar DRCaordCa�fcaov.com for mare submittal detaifs including turnaround times and next steps. • fJniy compiete submittals are accepted - The submittal may be returned to the applicant if any �equired materials or application fees are missing or insufficient. Submittals received Monday morning through Wednesday noon wiil be routed for review the same weefc and submittais received after Wednesday noon wifl be held and routed the fol[owing week. • This checkiist shall be used in tandem with the Submittai Requirements Document. The applican# must complete this checklist and acknowledgement of the Submittal Requirements Document. • The appGcant shal! be the designated contact person who wiil receive correspondence from city staff and referral agencies. Additional Resources • Development Review Guide and Flowchart: hi#ps://www.fcaay. com/dr�/ • Developmeni Review Applications and Submittal Requirements Main Page: https:/Iwww.fcaov.cam/developmentreview/aqplications. ph� • City Land Use Code: htt�s://librarv.municode.com/co/fort collins/codes/land use • CI�y U�I�I�I�'S: DeveEopment Forms, Guidelines & Requlations • City Engineering main page: hitps:l/www.fc�ov. com/enaineerinq! • The City's Comprehensive Plans: Citv PIan and Trans�ortation Master Plan • Online City Map Resources: https://www.fcc�ov.comJ isq /maps.p�hp • Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards: h�tps://www.larimer.or J�enqineerinq/standards-and-quides/urban-area-street-siandards Development Review Center � 281 N College Ave j Fo�t Callins CO 80522 � 970.221.6689 � DRCoard(a�fcqov.com � t ;�. �„ ` )v.�-�s,� ��.. � ., � � �:� y:_ ��� w �,� ti-,a� .�.. . � �1 Pro�ect rvame: Gilmartin Subdivision for Duplex Applicant Name: EVan Gilt1lat�tltl Project Type: . PDP/FDP Project Number (if assigned): ��� : New Submittal � Revision Review Round: � Submi�tal Date: a����12424 �� Project Review Meeting Date: 05l�2/2023 Deve(opment Review Coordinator:Todd Sullivan, TSuI(ivan@fcgov.com � This checklist is for the Final Review phase fiar al! develapmeni projects (see Step 7 of the process flowchart). This includes final detail required for Project Development Plans (PDP}. The checklist shall also be used for Basic Development Reviews (BDR) or plan am�ndments including Major Amendments (MJA) and Minor Amendments (MA) as determined by staff. All checklist items are required unless city staff indicates an item is {ItV)aived, (D)eferred, tN/A) Not Applicabie or already {R)eceived. If the staff code is bfank, then the i#em is required. This checklist must be reviewed, campleted and accepted by staff prior to project routing. Additional informatian may be requested fram ihe applicani during the review process, if necessary, to address specific issues tha# arise. Please note that all application materials, once submitted, became a matter of public record. Checkfist. Submittal Forms and Fees: Staff Appiicanf Item pescription Submittai Requirement Code Validation Resources REQUiRED ;�3` One copy of this checklist, completed and signed by app[icant Development Review Coordination REQUIRED ;�sr One signed copy of Development A�plication Form DRCoord(a7fcqov.com 970-221-6689 Payment for the above applicaiion form Pavments can be made by check or credit card. REQUIRED ^.�` Chec[t: Make payable to City of F'ort Collins. Mail to the Developmenf Review Center, 281 N College Ave, Fort Collins, CD 80524, OR place in the blue drop box located at the west side of the building. Credit Card: Would be processed over the phone_ Credit card payments inciude a convenience fee of 2°10 f$0.25 added to al! payments under $2,500.00, and 2.75% added to all payments over $2,500.40. 3/39I2023 2 FDP/BDR Developmenf Applicafian Submitta! Check/ist E[ectronic Copies* All capies must be pravided per City �1e naming standards and submitted electranically. All copies must be prepared psr city PDF formatting standards. See: Submittal Reouirements Section M— File Naming Standards 8� PDF formatting standards * Paper copies of plans and reports are not required during deveiopment review. See Submittal Requirements, Section D for drawing format guidelines. AIf plan elements shall be clearly drawn and labelled. A scale ba� must be peovided on all sca(ed drawings. Paper copies of plan sheets may be requested complete a timely review, including instances when the drawing scale is not accurately depicted. 1� Ceneral In�fo�rnation. Staff Applicant Item Description Submittal Requirement Code Validation Resources A comment response Ietter from the project's Conceptual Sectian C Review or Preliminary Development Review staf€ meeting; REQUIRED � for '4st round FDP include response from tf�e last round Development Review PDP; or for resubmitta3s include a cammenf response letter Coordination from #he prior round of review. To receive a finai copy of the staff comment fetter, contact yaur Development Review DRCoord(cr�fcqov.com Coordinator g70-221-6689 REQUlRED � p�'oject lnformation and Design Narrative i � f .� r. R :!�- ,��. Staff Applicant ��em Descripiion Submittai Requirement Code Validation Resources REQUIR�D �;� Title Block information on aU p(an sheets REC2UlR�a F,��� Cover Page, inciuding: Section D � D Title Block f��'� ❑ Land Use Table Sec#ion E Requirernen#s RE4UIRED Q0 Sheet Index aSection D z ❑ Signature Blacks 0 Site Plan Notes Standard Notes {also auailabfe in Word REQUIRED �;�' format at the Submittal Requirements web page} REQUIRED ���� Site Location Map Seciion D REG2UIRED ,,:� Legal Description 3l39/2023 3 Ft7PIBDR DevelopmentApplication Submittal Chec{clist REQUIRED ,�� Final Site Plan Sheet(s) (and related hardscape design Section F detail sheets, See Section I fior Requirements) NA �' � Fina( Architectura! Elevation Sheet(s), Materials and other Section G Detail Sheets (calor eEevations recommended) Section H and I Finai Landscape Plan Sheet(s) Standard Notes D � Standard city landscape noies, and relaied planting detai! (alsa available in Word sheets {See Section I for pianting detail requirements) format af the Subrnittal Requirements web page) Secfion H NA � � Preliminary lrrigation Pian Water Conservation NA � � Fina( l.igh#ing Plan, Photometric Plan and Lighting Detail Sheets Sec#ion I NA � � Final Trash and Recyciing Enciosure Details (include these details with the site plan sheets or efevaiion sheets} REQUlRED Confirmation that all Sheets provided incorporate City Section D ��' dra�iing and forma# standards REQUIRED � Staff Comments: 3/31/2023 4 FDP/BDR Development Applicaiion Submiifal Checklist 3j �inal Subdivi�ion P[af: Staff Applicant Item Description Subrnittat Requirement Code Vafidafion ResourCes A final subdivision plaf of the siie. This plat must conform to the subdivision requirements of the City. The subdivision -�,� plat shall contain proper designatians for public streets, Section J �'Q easements, flood plains, f[oodways with base flood elevatians if required and all other publEc rights-of-way. Approval by the Director for Type I Administrative Review, LUC Division 3.3 and approval by ihe Pfanning and Zoning Board for Type II �naineerinq Standards Review by fhe Planning and Zoning Board, of the final plan and subdivision pfat, and complete execution, together wifh all necessary certifications, shail be required before filing of the subdivision plat or issuance of building permits. City Contaci(s): • Technical Services — Each residential fot on the subdivision plat shail identify if �eff County, JCountysa?fqov.com fhe garage do�r(s) is recessed behind the front face of the . Surveying — building, Iocated on one of the other sides of the building, ,�ohn Von Nieda de#ached from the building ar located to ihe front of the front ,iVonNieda(r�fc ov.com face of the building. Please note that, with th� Recording submittal, the subdivision R�Q����p plat is required to be provided in CAD format at time of recordation. The CAD file for plat must be set up #o be in confarmance with GiS's Subdivision P(at Digi{al Submitial Standards. Refer to the Recording Submittal ChecEclist which will be provided by your Devefopment Review Coordinator. aMonument Records ,..�� Closure Report 3131/2023 5 FflPlBDR Devefopmenf Apptication Submittal Checktist 4) Final �ivil Cons�ruc�ior� Plans (tJ#ilit�+ Plams): Staff Applicant ttem Description Submitta! Requiremeni Code Validation Resources REQUIRED r�� Cover Sheet Utility Plans Checklistpdf > City Contact: Engineering REQUIRED r,.��` Standard Notes Sheet Deveiopmenf Review Eng DevRev{a�fcaov.com 970-221-6605 REQUIRED � � Existing Conditions and/or Demolition Plan REQUIRED �'� 4verall Grading Plan NA �, � Detailed Grading Plan Sheets REQUIRED ��� Overafl Utility Pian Sheet REctuERED ���� Deiailed litility Plan Sheets NA � � Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets NA � � Storm Sewer P(an and Profile Sheets NA � � Water Plan and Profile Sheets NA � � S#reet Plan and Profile Sheets NA � � Street Cross-sec#ions NA � � City of Fort Collins Standard Construction Details 3139/2023 6 FDP/BDR Development Applicafion Submittal Checklist 5) �inal Drainage and Erosion Cont�ol Report; Staff Appficant Iiem Descripiion Code Validation ��I Final Drainage and Erosion Controi Report may include the following: Items from the PDP Checklist: ❑ Detention Requirements andCalculations � Offsite Flows C7 Floodplain Zone -- Contact FEoodplain Adminis#ration stafF at 970-416-2632 forquestions Cl Hyciraulic Calculations �1 Detentian Basin Calculations ❑ Standard Water Quality and LID Calculations ❑ Include Drainage Flan or Exhibit in the repor# Additional Final ttems: U Hydraulic Calculations C� Four Step Process C� SDl Data Spreadsheet (if required) � Erosion Control Materials Note: All items shown above are components that may be necessary with a drainage report analysis. Not all components may be necessary. ihe drainage report anaiysis must be prepared by a professionel engineer. Submittai Requirement Resources Stormwater Criteria Manua! Resource Page Stormwater Criteria Manuai Appendices: A Required Submittal Content B. Stormwater Facilities Landscape Standards C. LID Implementation D. Erosion Control Guidance E. Erosion Control Construction Measures Fact Sheets F. Erosion Control Construction Measures Standard Notes City Utilities: Development Forms, Guidelines & Re ulaiions Far Stormwater or Floadp[ain questions, contact: waterutiiitiesenc�Cc�. fcgov.com 970-221-6689 Erosion Control ]nformation: www.fcqov.comlerosion 3I31l2023 7 FDP/BaR DeveJapment Application Submitta! Chacklist 6� Final Repor#s and Suppo�ting Docu�nents: Staff Applicant item Description Submittal Requirement Code Validation Resources Building Services: Please Nate: Buildinq EtEQUlRED iaRlOi� i0 FDP SlJ��1tT�Al. Permits will nat be reviewed until Development PEan Building Services Presubmittai Meeting: review process is comp(eted Confirmation of completed Pre-Submittaf Code Feasibility and rec�rded. Mee#ing Meeting with Buiiding Services. Date: Building Codes and New Commercial Projects require a pre-submittal meeting for Standards NA � buiiding code feasibility. This typically taKes place when drawings are 50% complete and in the mid phases of fhe {mm/ddlyy) Development Review Process, and prior ta Builciing Permit Buildinq Permit Fees Submit#al. Applicants are encouraged to review building requirements as earfy as possible in the process. For questions or to schedule this meeting contact your Development Review Coordinaior. P[anning Services: NA � � ❑ perspective views of ihe Building Exterior (Incorporated inta ihe building elevation sheets) Section G NA � � ����ctranic Building Material Samp3e Board (Physica! board maybe required upon request} � Neighborhood Conte� Plan NA � � (Overall site plan diagram indicating surrounding Section C neighborhood features, #o be incorporated into Site Plan sheets or cover page} ❑ Land Use Cflde Modification and Alternative Compliance �-UG Divisian 2.8 NA � Requesfs; staff review, and approval required prior to City Contact: Planning Develonment Review Com�ietion Services ([f Modificati�ns are proposad) s�lanninq�a,fcqov.com 970-416-4311 o Parking Alternative Compliance Studies LUC Section 3.22(K) City Contact: Planning NA � � Guidelines for #hese studies are heid by the Directar Services Parkinq (mpac# Study Guidelines planninq a�,fcaov.com (If Alternafive Compliance is propased) 970-416-4311 Certification of Mineral Estafe D � C] Certificafion of Notice ta Mineral Owner(s) Owner Notificafian C.R,S.A § 24-65.5-103 LUC Section 3.13 FCMC §26-148 to -150 NA � � C7 Water Adepuacv Determina#ion & Demand City Contact: Planning Summary Worksheet Services plann inp{t�fcqov.com 974-416-4311 1?J2012Q23 8 �DP/BDR Devefopmenf,4pplicafion Submittal Checklist Staff Appiicant Itern Description Submittal Requirement Gode Validation Resources Devefopmen# Review Engineering: D Sails Report NA � � Larimer Countv Urban Area In conformance with the Larimer County Urban Area �f�eet Startdards Street Standards NA � � ❑ Subsurface Hydrologic Study Engineerinq Main Page � Devefoc�ment Aqreement Information Form City Contact: Engineering NA •� � Develapmen# Review E n q Q ev RevCc�#cq ov. co m 970-221-6605 NA � � ����al legal descriptions for accompanying deeds of �asement and Riqht-af-Wax dedication by separate dacument Dedication Process p Finai [egal descriptions for accompanying easement Vacation of Easements NA � � vacafion request by separate document Process NA � � � C[osure Report for any Easements andlor Right of Ways submifted for review. NA � � ❑ Approved and Signed Engineering or Utility Variance Larimer CountV Urban Area Requests Street Standards Traffic Operations: Cl Transportation lmpact Study (TIS) OR waiver Traffic Operations NA � � indicated from Tra�c Operations staff Resource Paae City Contact: (Waiver indication to be provided with initial submittal} Trafftc Operations 970-22'f -6630 City Utilities: Development NA � � Utilities — Environmental Engineering: Forms, Guidelines & � Erosion Control Cost Estimate Requlations NA � � Uti[ities — Electric Systems Engineering: Ciky Utilifies: Development Forms. Guidelines & ❑ Electric Utility Service C-1 Forn� Requlations NR � � Utifiiies -- Water Development Fees: City Utilities: Water ❑ Water Fee Form development fees paae 3/39/2023 9 �DP/8Df? L7eveloprttant Appfication Submittal Checklist Staff Applicant �tem Description Submittal Requirement Code Va[idation ResourCes Environmenta! Planning: Section .1 ❑ Ecologica! Characterization Siudy {ECS} Section H LUC Section 3.4.1 NA � � If an ECS is required, this must be submitted at least ten days prior to the development review application. A City Contact: copy shal! also be submitted at the time of the Environmental Planning application with this checkfist. 970-416-4311 ❑ Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment NA � � Has there been previous uses on fhe site ihat could To be provided by qualified cause contaminaiion of some sort? i.e., mechanic third-party consultant shops, quick lube shops, chemical storage/processing, manufacturing, gas stations or anything wi#h fuel storage (above or below ground), dry cleaners, efc. Ciiy Forestry: ❑ Existing Tree Inventory Plan RE4UIRSCr � Prior to the review submittai, the applicant must schedule an on- site meeting wi#h City Forestry to obtain tres inventory infarmation for alI existing trees within the develapment area. The meeting is also See Submittai Requirements infended to discuss any proposed tree removal. Sections H and L for more informa#ion regarding FLEASE NOTE THAi EXIS'fING TREES SHOULD documen#ation of existing and proposed trees on landscape NOT BE R�MOVED OR DAMAGED PRIOR TO plans SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. City Contact: CJ Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Request Ci#y Forestry REQUIRE� � forestry .fc ay.com 974.221.666d Provide a letter to City Forestry auflining the justification for fhe removal of any sxisting trees, if proposed. City Forestry F2esources: www.fcgov.camlforesiry � Existing Tree Mitigation Plan Land Use Code Section: 3.2. 9{F Tree Protection and Rer�lacement At your site meeting, City Forestry will determine ihe NA � � characteris#ics and rnitigation requirements for al[ existing trees within the project's praposed Limits flf Disturbance. (!f tree removal is proposed). 3139l2023 90 FDPBDR DeveloprnentApplication Submitta! Checklisf fJther information and data as required for the fulC and comp[ete consideration of the deve(opment (to be compieted by City staff): NA � '-1 Hazardous Materials Impac# Analysis. Any specia[ wildiife, wetland, natural habitats and features, ecoiogical or environmental study or mapping pursuant to Section 3.3 and 3.4 of the Land Use Cade as requested by the Director. 4ther items required: Cify Contact: Development Review Coordination DRCoord c(�.fcqov.com 970-221-6689 Applicant Acknowledgement: I have reviewed the Qevelopment Application Submitta! Requirements, Sections A— M. All docutnents submiited are complete and the Deveiopment Application Submittal Requirements have been incorporated into the plans (See Development Application Submittal Requiremen�s for detai#ed descriptian of requirements). All documents submitted have been compared and consis�ent design informatian is shown on all plan sheets and reports. I understand thaf. submjt#a["�r'EqLirerp�t���ot suf�icientty addressed or de#erred may result in added review time. Applicant Date: 45/43/2024 Phone: g��-308-3927 ��a��: painterevan51 @gmail.com (See 6��e�el�sar��s��,�ts�a�6c��Bcsr� �uiar��i��� �e��ic��ae��� for detailed description of requirements) 3/3112023 9 9 �DPlBDR Devetopment Application Submifial Checklist