Project: Zocalo (Trilby & College)
Reviewer: Dan Evans
Model Submital Date: November 10, 2023
Model File: Proposed College and Trilby SC_100-yearPROP.inp
NOTE: JR updated and changed the name to the proposed SWMM model
Descrip�on from the model:
INP file created on 11/8/2017 8:20:35 AM by trosburg with inpPINS version
INP file updated on 3/25/2022 by eschneider with Wilson & Co. version 5.1.015 Proposed Model in the
area of College and Trilby. Included storm system for Improvements to College and Trilby Intersec�on
Edited by JR 11/10/2023 for the College and Trilby Mul�-Family project
Model version: 5.2.1
NOTE: JR has responded to these comments in red for the updated College and Trilby Mul�-Family
Submital for 5/1/24
1) The model was run in version 5.2.1. There are several bugs in this version of the model that
fixed so recommend upda�ng to the most current version 5.2.4 or just s�cking with the original
version 5.1.015. JR Response: The Proposed SWMM model is now being run on SWMM version
2) JR is using an outdated model from Wilson&Co. Wilson&Company has updated the model to
include revised pond grading and removed conduit L366_SF3 based on comments from the
previous review. This does not affect the proposed pond, but just wanted it to be noted. The
College and Trilby intersection project will be constructed before this development project. JR
Response: Noted.
3) JR added the following basin to their model that were not in the Wilson model: OS1-OS6 (basins
on Trilby roadway), basin OF1&OF2 (subdividing large master plan basins to account for offsite
flow to the proposed development) and CT-1 through CT-4 (onsite basins at a master planning
level). Because of these added basins they modified the following basins (B830. B840, B850,
B876, B910A, B910C, B930). JR Response: Yes, see proposed basin map for addi�onal detail.
4) JR used a ra�ng curve calculated using spreadsheets for the outlet to the P366 instead of using
an orifice, and 30-inch ou�all pipe with grate in EPA -SWMM to calculate the outlet rates.
Wilson’s model used EPA -SWMM to calculate these rates. This comment is just to note the
difference. JR Response: Yes, Noted.
5) They changed conduit L363_SF3 for a link to a weir (P366_WEIR) which is probably a more
accurate way of calcula�ng overflow from P366. JR Response: Yes, Noted.