Commur• Planning and Environmental �rices
Current Planning �
26 June 1997
Ric Hattman
Hattman Associates
145 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Dear Ric:
Ci#y staff has reviewed the revisions submitted for the Spring Creek Village
P.U.D. Final, #2-870, and offers the following comments:
1. The Zoning Department offered the following:
a) Please show handicapped ramps at the retail/office (Lot 29).
2. TCI of Fort Collins offered the following:
a) TCI of Fort Collins would like to see Tract C as a utility easement. We
� would also like to see utility easements along all roads on the plat
3. Stormwater Utility stated that "Stormwater will not review incomplete
submittal pacKage, because it does not comply with the Drainage Design
Griteria. It does not include complete hydraulic and hydrologic calculations
floodplain delineation, complete details, and legend."
4. Comments from the Engineering Department are attached.
5. Comments from the Water/Wastewater Utility are attached.
6. Traffic Operations offered the following comments:
a) We need a Sheet #11 for the Shields Street Plan.
b) Are there signal reconstruction plans?
7. The Light and Power Utility offered the following commentsc
281 North Gollege Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 •(970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020
a) Some f�ees may need to be moved to maintain a 40' distance between
� streetlights and trees.
A minimum of 5' was requested between curb and sidewalk. The
residential detail shows 4.58'.
c� The 5' side setback for single family lots is too narrow to allow space
for utility services to building.
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d) Trees planted on the lot line will interfere with utility services.
e) The water and sewer services need to be stubbed at the center of the
lot line, not at the lot line.
f) An utility coordination will be required for this project. Please contact
Leanne Harter at 221-6750 to schedule such a meeting.
8. The Current Planning Department offered the following comments:
a) Rob Wilkinson, Senior Environmental Planner with the Current
Planning Department, offered the following comments:
(1) See the redline notes regarding changing grass mix to a
native mix and other tree and shrub species along the
Spring Creek side of the project.
(2) The preliminary plan that was approved had shown _a 100'
setback of all buildings from the Spring Greek Channel
whereas this plan shown a setback of 60-80'. This may
create a problem as this continues through the review
process because of a growing concem about the adequacy
of buffer zones. Please define the Limits of Development
line on the plans. In addition, we highly recommend that this
line be defined on the site, and that a site visit is conducted
in regards to the bufferzone from Spring Creek. Please
contact Rob at 221-6750 for further discussions on this
b) On the signature page, please specify the land use for Lots 26-30, and
please reorganize the page so that the analysis is not broken by the
General Notes.
c) Please a general note regarding bicycle parking and site lighting.
Comment Letter-June 26, 1998, Page 2
9. Transportation Planning offered the following comments:
d) The ramps at various locations should flair out to function at a more
effective level (please the site plan for locations and an idea of
possible design.)
e) The crosswalk in front of Lot 29 should be defined.
f) Please continue the sidewalk for the retail on Lot 27 through to the
parking area.
g) A connection needs to be made from the cul-de-sac on West Stuart to
the trail. This connection could go along the property line of Lot 9
(between Lot 9 and the pond) to connect v�ith the trail.
h) On the elevations, please label materials, I did not receive all the
elevation with the revisions, just those for the grocery store.
i) The roof shingles are to be high-profile dimensional shingles.
j) On the landscape plan, three addifional trees are to be located in the
islands in front of the building on Lot 27.
k) Turf is to be used rather than rock mulch on the main pedestrian spine
from the sidewalk along Shields to the main entrance of the grocery
I) Please contact Kathleen Reavis regarding the treatments for the
enhanced crosswalks and where these are to be located.
m) Please review the enclosed redlined plans for additional comments.
a) The buss furn-out will need to be extended enough so as to
accommodate left tum buses.
b) The street must be designed to include bike lanes.
c) Please redesign the ramps so that they function more effectively,
specifically on locations defined on the site plan attached.
d) Additional comments are attached,
This completes the
forthcoming as the
review this request.
review comments at this time. Additional comments may be
various departments and reviewing agencies continue to
Please provide a written response to each of the above stated comments with
Comment Letter-June 26, 1998, Page 3
.. � �
the submittal of plan revisions. Please contaci me at 221-6750 if you have any
questions or concems that are related to the comments. Ifi you would like to
schedule a meeting, please call me as soon as possible. We will want to
schedule a utility coordination meeting, including representatives from Light and
Power, Stormwater Utility, Engineering, Water/Wastewater and Forestry.
Revisions may be submitted at any time. . With the submittal of revisions, please
include the enclosed redlined plans. Please contact me for the number of
revisions required.
Best r gards,
Leanne A. Harter, AICP
City Planner
xc: Sheri Wamhoff
Stormwater Utility -
File/Project Planner
Comment Letter-June 26, 1998, Page 4
DATE: May 27, 1998 TO: En�ir�eerixig
PROJECT: #2-870 Spring Creek Village P.U.D. -(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Leanne Harter no later than the staff
review meeting:
VVednesday, Jnne 17,199�
Spring Creek Village PLTD
Site Plan
*Row and easement widths are not correct.
*See utility plan comments for layout comments.
June 30, 1998
*Add signature line for Spring Creek ? Who owns this?
*This is a replat and the title and legal should refleet that.
*Dedicate Row across spring creek for Shields Street.
*How much Row is being dedicated? Does the property line actually extend to the centerline of
the street?
*Label all utility and Row widths.
*Provide reaz lot easements as neecieii.
*Need to indicate who is to own and maintain the tracts.
* West Stuart Row needs to be 88 feet at the intersection of Shields and should taper to a width of
76 feet at the entrance to the superinazket and then taper to a width of 66 feet at Emma Drive
*Cul-de-sac Row needs to be 50.5 feet (radius)
Utility Plans
*Add note to the General notes: "The developer is responsible for all costs for the initial
installation ..."
'*Showimprovements to be done on the west side of Shields at Stuart.
(Continued on next page)
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Date: �/����� Sig��aih� � '�-` -
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Spring Creek Village PUD (page 2 of 3) June 30, 1998
*West Stuart needs to accommodate 4 travel lanes (east bound thru, left, west bound thru, and a
right) and two bicycle lanes (62 feet flowline to flowline). Existing Stuart street should be
restriped as follows and the new street extension designed to align: two 6 foot bicycle lanes, and
four 12 foot travel lanes (east bound tl�ru, left, west bound ttiru, and a right) '
*The center turn lane needs to remain in Stuart until the supermarket access and then it can b`e
tapered out. (A collector without parking, but accommodating the tuming movements:)
*Show the work that is to oceur at Hobbit Street.
*The handicap ramps need to provide a minimum of 4 feet behind the ramp - can even extend all
the way back to the ROW.
*The bus bay needs to be designed to accommoda.te two busses based on the current transit
design standards. Which is not the detail that is in the street design standards (the�detail you
provided). Copy of standards provided. -
*Provide the existing grades that are being tied inta Show curb returns and slopes. A couple of
grade changes are greater than .4%.
*The existing street grades on Sluelds street can be used - except at:the intersection with Stuart
where the grades need to be flattened out to provide a better intersection design. Additional
crown modification may be necessary in some locations with median design to keep drainage
away from median. (Further info will be provided on this) -
*With final cross sections provide them at every 50 feet including the median, new sidewalk
location and grading.
*A proposed striping plan will be needed for Shields Street and Stuart Street. '
*Stuart street is not meeting design standards: Per section it needs to intersect Shields
Street at less than 10 ° or provide a minimum tangent length of 200 feet. Centerline radius for a
Collector is 610 feet. And it is not meeting the min tangent between curves.
*Provide intersection details for all intersections or provide the elevations on the plan view.• •--
*The enhanced sidewalk, across Stuart would be better placed on the east side of the intersection
as to not conflict with the majority of turns.
*Provide a midblock ramp on the south side of Stuart at Emma Drive.
*Indicate the loeation of the transition from vertical curb to drive over curb and the transition
location o� �� �` t walk to 4.5 foot walk on Stuart.
*Provide slopes across the intersections on the profile sheet.
* With detached walk the cul-de-sac radii need to be 40 feet to the flowline.
*Access drive radii need to be 15 feet or less.
*Provide high point elevations in the cul-de-sacs.
*The intersection of Hobbit Street and Emma Drive does not meet the intersection design
*Midblock crosspans and crosspans across a street intersection need to have a minimum slope of
*If inteiseefion eross pans aze greater than 6 feet they need to be indicated and detailed on the
interseetion detail.
*Show tlie lim:its of repaving necessary on Hobbit Street to have the streets properly tie together.
*Provide detail for midblock x-pan.
*Provide a driveway intersection detail. D-17 can be used as a template and modified for
conditions. Concrete to property line, reduced radius, and modified cross section.
Spring Creek Village PUD (page 3 of 3) June 30, 1998
*Provide detail No. 4 dowel detail.
*Provide street intersection gutter detail D-17. Indicate if different width of x-pan is being
provided, other than the sfandard 6 foot pan. Note: 12 foot pan has different depth requirements.
*Provide a modified detail for ramp where walk does not extend on OR use details D-123 or D-
'�Provide a mid bloek detached walk ramp detail.
*A type A bus shelter shall be provided.
'�The medians, in Shields, need to be designed to create a 3/4 aceess for Hobbit and extended
north to the existing median.
DATE: June 19, 1998 DEPT: �Vater/Wastewater
PROJECT: #2-870 Spring Creek Village P.U.D. —(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Leanne Harter no later than the staff
review meeting:
. ,... Wednesday, June 17,1998 ,.
-Provide utility easements for all Irrigation service curbstops.
-Provide 15 foot utility easement on all sides of sanitary sewer lines and 10 foot utility
easement on all sides of water mains. �
-L�bel utility easements on plat as such:
-Place all curbstops 1 foot from rear of utility easements and meter pitis 2 feet beyond that
-Move water and sewer services to center of lots to avaid conflicts with other utilities.
-Typically electric is between curb and gutter and sidewalk and gas is 4 feet behind
sidewalk. Utility layout along Lillie Court will not aUow this. What is being proposed for
electric and gas along Lillie Court?
-Provide proposed grade and stationing on ezisting water and sewer profile sheet
-Appears that 30.inch water main is extremely shallow and 1.5 feet is being cut along West.
Stuart Street cul-de-sac. What is being proposed to protect pipe with this atinimal amount
of cover?
-Lowering will be required on water main at interseation of Emma Drive and West Stuart.
Street Provide detail of lowering.
-Show andlabel ezisting water/sewer mains and appurtenances along Shield Street on all
plan sheets. Label any adjustments required to manholes and valve boxes on street profile
-See site landscape and utility plans for other comments.
Date: � // e/�g Signature: / `
X Plat X Site Drainage Report _Other
X Utility X Redline Utility X, Landscape
Cifi► uf Fort Collins
C O��/IEI�TPI' S I��'T
DATE: May 27, 1998 TO: Tr�e Pl�o
PROJECT: #2-870 Spring Creek Villa�e P.U.D. -(LDGS)
- All comments must be received by Leanne Harter no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesclay, June 17,199�
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DATE: May 27, 1998 TO: Tr�fort
PROJECT: #2-870 Spring Creek Villa�ge P,U.D. -(LD�C'. S)
A11 comments must be received by Leanne Harter no later than the staff
review meeting:
VVe�esday, June 1i,199�
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DAT'E: May 27, 1998 TO:1VIappin�/Draf _tin�
PROJECT: #2-�70 Spring Creek Village P.U.D. -(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Leanne Harter no later_than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, June 1�,199�
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