HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING CREEK VILLAGE PUD - FINAL - 2-87O - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORM: : _, w e q : M _y � ; a ; : : : 9 :, � a a y 9 9 � � q j � Activiiy A: ALL CRITERIA • � �� ���� I �p� t�, `�`� ` 1�,e�y, 0 ALL DEVELOPNiE[VT CRITERIA APRLICABLE CRITERIA ONLY ___ _ ___.__.. _ __ - - -.. _ _. Is the criterion Wilf the criterion applicable? be satisfied? CRITERION E � � . - LL z. n Yes No If no, please explain o _ A1. COMMUNITY-W�DE CRITERIA 1.1 Solac Orientafion _ _'_.' .'__ "'__" 1.2 Gompret�ensive,P(an : _ ___ 1.3 Wildlife Habitat 1.4 Mineral Deposit 1.5 Ecologically Sensitive Areas __.-- _ _ -- -- - 1.6 Lands of Agricultural Importance �1.7 Energy Conservation � 1.8 Air Quality 1.9 . Water Qualitv e)-►�erl A 2. NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATiBILl�'Y (;Rll- 2.1 Vehicular, Pedestrian, Bike Trans{�o�lati�n ✓ 2.2 Buildin Flacement and OrientaYior 2.3 Natural Features ✓ 2:4 Vetiieular Circulation and Parking 1/ _- -- -- - 2:5 Emergency Access �/ _ _ -- _ _._ __ _ 2.6 Fedestri'an Circulation. � _ ___ _�__ - 2.7 Arch:itecture � _ _- - - 2,8_ _ :Buildin.g Height and Views - ___------ --. 2,9 Shading ,% _--__. - _ _ - --- __ _ -_ 2.10 Solar Access ;,� 2:11 Historic Resources _ .. __.__ 2.12 Setbacks � _=-_.._ , 2.13 Landscape _ � ,/ 2.14 Si ns �/ ... _ _.___ _.. . 2.15 Site Lighting ✓ 2.16 Noise and Vibrat'ion :/ -- -- 2.17 Giare or Heat ;i -- -.. _ _. -- - _ 2.18 Hazardous Materials - A 3. ENGINEERING CRITERIA _ -- - - 3.1 Utility Capacity �,j __. 3.2 Design Standards ,/ _ � 3.3 Wate� Hazards ___ __ 3.4 Geologic Hazards ✓ ✓ �� �� �. �� �� -- �� �� �� � � � � �- �� - � �� Land Development Guidance Sysjem for Plan_ ned Unit Developments The City of Fort Collin.s, Co.lorado, Revised March 1994 -61- � ACTIVITY; � Neighborhood Service Center � ;�. DEFINITIDN; A shopping and service center, approximatelyfifteen (15) acres in size, designed to meet consumer demands from an adjacent neighborhood. The primary functional offering is usually a supermarket grocery store with an approzimately equivalent amoun[ of associated mixed retail and service-oriented gross square footage. Other func�ional offerings may include employment uses, such as offices, and%or commercial development, tradiuonally IocaCed along major arterial srreets. � CRITERIA; Each of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the developme.nt pian. • Y� No . N/A 1. Does the project gain its primary vehicular access from a street other than ❑ South College �venue? 2. Are all repair, painting and body work activilies, including the storage of refuse and vehicle parts, planned to take place within an enclosed s[ruc[uie? 3:. DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST FIFTY (50%) PERCENT OF THE MAXIMUM POIN7'S AS GALCIILATED ON POINT CHART "B" FOR THE FOLLOWING CRIT'ERIA? ❑ � ❑ � ❑ a. Is the proiect eontiguous to an exisung �ansit route? b. Is th. e project located at the intersection of a collector and arterial sueet? c. Is the projcct locatcd within "north". Fort Collins? d. . Is the projecf located more than three-quarters (3/4) of a mile from an existing or approved communi�}�/rcgiona] shopping centcr?. e. Is the projccllocated more than one a.n.d one-half (1-1/2) miles from an existing or appcovcd neighborhood service eenter? f. Is the project loeated outside the "South College Avenue Corridor"? g. Does the project gain its primary vehicular access from a non-arterial sa-eet? h. Is there direct vehicular and pedesvian access between on-site parking azeas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking arcas which con�ain more lhan ten (10) spaees? i. Docs the project include a supermarkct/grocery store? __ ..-- - _ . _ � Land uevelopm..ent Guidance S��stem for Planned Unit Developments The Ciry of. Fort Collins, Colorado, Revised Mazch 1994 -62- � � e� a`a, � �' � �.. Neighborhood Service Center (cont�nuea> j. Does the activity reduce non-renewable energy usage through the application of alternaave energy systems or through energy conservafion measures beyond those normally required by the Model Energy Code as adopted by the City? Refer to Appendix "E" for energy conservaaon methods to use for calculating energy conservation points. k. Is the projeet located with at least one-sixrh (1/6) of its pfoperty boundary contiguous to eicisting a.rban development? 1. If the site contains a building or place in which.a historic event occurred, has speeial public value: because of notable architecture, oi is of cultural significance, does the project ful�ll the following criteria? 1. Prevent creadon of influen. ces adverse to its preservation; 2. Assure that new s[ructures and uses will be in keeping with the character of the building or place. Imitation qf period styles should be avoided; and 3. Propose adap[ive use of the building or place that wilI lead to its continuance, conservaaon, and improvement in an appropriate manner while respecting the integrity,of th'e neighlior.ljood. � - . - - - _ _ - -- -- --- -- an eve opmen u� ance ys em or- anne Unit Developments ----- The City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Revised March 1994 -63- .. _ _ ; ____ : �; ,�: -� _._ :� ::..�,<..:ms-. �.— �:>✓'_..:�,. :t'� %:a� , � �.., � NEIGHBORHOOD SER\/ICE CENTEI? . � uc�.�� .�,?(�t-C�. .� �'�-�alvu POfNT CHART B For AlI Criteria , Applicable Criterig Only _ � �S I II III � IV tr,e � Criterion Circle Multlpiler Polnts Maximum CflteflOil Applicable the Earned Applicable Yes No Correct Score Polnts Ixll a. Transit Route X X 2 0 2 � 4 _ b, At Collector/Arterial X X 2 0 3 (� 6 c. "North" Fort Coilins X d. F�om Regional Center � X e. From Neighborhood Center X f, South College Corridor X g. Non-Arterial Aeeess X h. Joinfi Parking i. Grocery Store X j. Energy Conservation X k, Contiguity X __ .. I. Historic Preservation '�� � � '��� ���� '��� '��� '��� ���� iooaoo '��� '��� Percentage Earned of Maximum Applicable Points 3 3 2 5 2 � f� � � � 0 � � � � � : � � : � Totals �� �� v VI V/VI = VII �. % vii Land Development Guidance System for Flanned Unit Developments The City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Revised Mareh 1994 -64-