AUGU5T 1994
Prepared for:
Taco John's International, Inc.
808 W. 20th Street .
Cheyenne, WY 82001-1589
Prepared by:
3413 Banyan Avenue
Loveland, GO 80538
Phone: 303-669-2061
The Taco John's Restaurant is a proposed commercial
development, located ea.st of South College Avenue and north of
Horsetooth Road within the Square Shopping Center ar.ea in Fort
Collins, Colorado. This site access study involved the steps of
trip generation, trip distribution, trip assignment, capacity
analysis, traff9.c signal warrant analysis, traffic signal
progression analysis, accident analysis, and parking analysis.
This study assessed the impacts of adding a Taeo John's
Restaurant to the Square Shopping Center in For.t Collins. As a
result of this analysis, the following is cancluded:
- The implementation of the Taco John's development is
feasible from a traffic engineering standpoint. At full
cieVelopment as proposed, approximately 13Q0 average weekday trip
ends will be generated at this site. Not all of these will be new
trips. Some will be pass-by trips alrea�.y on the area streets as
part vf the background traffic.
- Based upon current�traffic volumes and exist3.ng geametrics,
the Horsetooth/JFK signalized intersectinn operates acceptably.
Operation at the College/Horsetooth signalized intersection i.s
near eapacity during some peak hours with the existing geometry.
The JFK/Square/Marriott intersection operates acceptably. At the
Horsetooth/Square intersection, left-turn exits operate at level
of serviee E during the weekday aftern�on peak hour.
- By 1995, given implementation of the restaurant and an
increase in background traffic, the signalized and unsignalized
intersections will operate si.milarly to the existing levels of
- By 2010 with the projec�ed volumes, the Horsetooth/JFK
signalized intersection will continue to opex-ate acceptably. It
is recommended that east/west left-turn phases be added to this
signal by/be£ore the long range future. Upex��ation at the
College/Horsetooth intersection will be at level of service E
during the weekday afternoon peak hour with right-turn lanes on
College Avenue. A diversion of as little as 10-20 percent of the
College Avenue traffic will achieve acceptable operation. This
diversion could occur with the completion of the Timberline Road
improvements. The Horsetooth/Mitchell/Sqi�are intersect3on should
be a limiteci turn intersection when Mitchell is completed to the
south. The JFK/Square/Marriott intersection will operate
- With proper traffic control and the recommended geometrics,
the accident rate should be minimal for typical ur.ban conditions.
- A parking analysis indicates that there will be adequate
p.arking in the south parking a.rea of the Square Shopping Center
with the Taco John's Restaurant.
This traffic impact study addresses the capacity, geometric,
� and control requirements at and near a proposed restaurant
development known as Taco John's. It is located north of
Horsetooth Road and east of South College Avenue in Fort Collins,
� Colorado. This study addresses the traffic impacts at full
development at a short range future (1995) and a long range future
During the course of the analysis, numerous contac�s wexe made
with the Taco John's staff, the project planning consultant
(Cityscape Urban Design), the Fort Collins Pla.nning Departm.ent, and
the Fort Collins Transportation Division. This study conforms with
typical traffic impact study guidelines. The study involved the
following steps:
- Collect physical, traffic, and development data. '
- Perform trip generation, trip distribution; and trip
- Determine peak hour traffic volumes.
- Conduct capacity and operational level of service analyses on
key intersections.
- Analyze signal warrants.
- Analyze signal progression.
- Analyze potential changes in accidents and safety
In addition to the typical traffic study guidelines; City
staff requested a parking analysis for the Saturday noon conditi.an
{11:30 AM to 1:30 PM). Due to the nature of the existing land uses
i.n the area and this specific proposed use, the peak hours for
analysis purposes were determined to be Saturday noon and weekday
afternoon (4:30 to 5:3U PM).
The location of the development is shown in Figure 1. Since
� the impact in ,the shart range, as well as, the long range is of
concern, it .is important that a thorough understanding of the
existing aonditi.ons be presented.
Land Use
The development parcel is currently part of the parking lot
for the Square Shopping Center. The adjacent land uses near the
c.levelopment are as follows: 1) to the east, acr4ss JFK Parkway,
is the Marriott Hotel; 2) to the north are various retail uses,
including specialty retail stores, restaurants, and the Foothills
Fashion Mall; 3) to the w�st, across College Avenue, are retail and
� s
1 1
� f
� SIiE L.00ATION �igure 1
restaurant uses; an
a vacant lot and an
is located north of
is essentially flat
d 4) ta +�he south, across Horsetooth Rvad, is
office building. The center of Fort Collins
the devel.opm.ent. The topography in the ar•ea
from a traffic operations perspective.
The primary streets near the developmPnt are sZiown in Figi.t.re
� 2. College Avenue (U.S. 287) borders the developrnent nn the west.
It is a north-south street designated as a rnajnr arterial on the
- Fort Gollins Master Street Plan. Its existing cross section has
three 12 foot lanes in each directior�. A center turn lane exists
� at a numbsr of intersections in the raised median. The posted
speed limit is 40 mph an College Avenue in this area.. Sight
distance is generally not a�rohlem. Currently, inters�ctions
along South College Avenue are signalized in ihis area at Harmony
� Road, Tr.outman Parkway, Boardwalk Drive, Bockman Dr.ive, Horsetooth
!�,,. Road, Monroe Drive, and Eoothills Parkway. I� is expected that in
the futttre, a 5ignal may be warranted at the South College/
� Kensington intersection to the sautii. This ��tential signal
location is identified in the "South Gollege Avenue Access Control
Plan." The "South College Avenue Ar.cess Con�tro.l Plan" also
� identifies the locations of unsignalized intersecta.ons along
College Avenue. No accesses are proposed to South College Avenue
as part of this development proposal.
Horsetooth Road bor-ders the development on the south. Tt is
an east-wpst street designated as an arterial on the Fort Coll.ins
Master Street Plan. Horsetooth Road is cu.rrently a fau.r lane
street both east and west of South College Avenue. It is 75+ feet
wide west of C�llege Avenue and 80+ feet wide east �f Gollege
Avenue. At the College/Hor.setooth intersecta.on, the H�rsetooth
approach geometrics are: eastbou:nd - oiie left-turn laz�e, one
through lane, and one through/right-�ur.n lan�; an� west.botznd - two
left-turn lanes, two ��.hrough la.nes, and ane right-turn lane. The
posted s��ed on Horsetooth Road is 35 m�.�h. There are bike lanes
on each sicte of Horsetooth Road.
�':.. , -
JFK Parkway is a two lane north-south street, approximately
950 £eet Past of South College Avenue. Tt will f�.inction as a
recirculation street £or College Avenue when completed to Boardwalk
Drive. I'he Horsetooth/JFK intersection is signalized.
Existing Traffic
Saturday noon anc� weekday a.fternac�n peak hour t.raffic data was
obtained at key intersections. ThP peak hour turning movements are
shown in Figure 3. All r.aw peak hour traffic data is gresented in
Appendix A: In comparing these recent peak hrnir counts with
simila.r counts conducted in 1989, it is noted ttzat volumes on South