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nnr�rm�r �r�• �.�T�t.�.n )ss. AFFIDAVIT OF PL�LIC�iION
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Rc�i:. ;:. :iause , being first duly sworn uFon oath, deposes
and sa s: That said is tre LeQal Clerk �t �o r �
y , o.oradoan:
that said has oersonal knowledge of all facts set forth in this aifidavit; that The Coloradoan
is a public daily newspaper of general circulation, having its principal office and place oi
business situated in said County of Larimer; that said Coloradoan is printed and published
dailv; rhai said Caioradoan is a daily newsnaner, duly qualified for the pu:-pose set forth
within the meaning of Chanter 109, Article 1, Sections 1-1 to 1-8 inciusive of Colorado
Revised Statutes 1963, and any amendment thereof passed prior to the date hereof; that
sa:d newsnaner ?�ad, prior to January 1, 1936, and has ever since said date been admitted to
L`�e Ua:t2d States �sails as second ciass matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3,
1879, and any amendments thereof, that said newspaper is printed in whole in said County
oi La.rimer and has a general circulation therein: that sa.id newspaper has �een so printed
and puolished as a public daily newspaper of general circulation in said County oi Lar-
uner, uninterruptedly and continuously, during the period of more than iifty-two consecu-
tive weeks r�ext prior to the first issue thereof conta.ining the annexed legal notice of
advertisement; that said annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the
regular and entire editions of said newspaper for
1 successive weeks on Tuesday of each successive week; that the
first nublication of said legal notice or advertisement was in the regular and entire edition
of said newspaper on the 6th day of September , A.D. 19�; that the last
publication of said legal r.otice or advertisement was in the regular and entire edition of
said newspaper on the 6th day of SPnrPmhPr , A.D. 19 �$ , and that
copies of each number of said paoer in which said notice or advertisement was published
were delivered by carriers or tra.nsmitted by mail to each of the subscribers of said paper,
according to the accustomed mode of business in this office. X 0�
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Subscribed and sworn to before me, at and within the County of Larimer. Sta.te of Colorado
«�S 6th day of September , A.D. 19$$_.
'.Sy commission expi: 2s `�ai* !� . 1991 _
City nf
P.O.- Box
Fort Colli....
For tCollins, CO_ 80522-0580
De�;ver�d ro
NOgTICE IS hereby given ihat, on
Colli�ns cr�eated ah Vested fPropt
erty Right for ihe foliowing
described land:
General Location:
Light and Power Utility Service
Center P.U.D., consisting of an 80
foot radio communication tower
on approximately 11 acres,
located at the City Service Cen-
ter, 700 Waod Street, City of Fort
Collins, Colorado.
Le9a1 Description:
Lot 1, Service Center, Second
Dated This Sth day of September,
Thomas J. Peterso�
Director of Planning
The Coloradoan X0�
September 6,1988