AMENDM= TO PONDEROSA PARK PUD - Preliminary - #17-87
Debbie deBesche gave staff description of amended request for 20 detached
patio homes.
Dick Rutherford, representing John Martin, owner, stated he was available
to answer questions.
Mrs. Patricia A. Hoffman, owner Skyline Mobile Home Park, section to the
east of the proposed project, had several major concerns. The original
application in 1978 was for four phases. Phase 1 ran into financial diffi-
culty and was not completed until 1983 and the open space had not yet been
completed. The open space is currently weeds and Canadian thistle and very
undesirable. She has talked with the City who indicated no future permits
would be issued until this phase was finished. She was also concerned
about Phase 2 which cuts out all access to the open active area by removing
a sidewalk and closing off access in two other locations. She reiterated
that a developer should not be allowed to start the next phase without
first completing Phase 1.
Mrs. deBesche indicated there was a diagram in the packet showing approxi-
mately a 20 foot open space area. The original landscape plan calls for 20
trees and there are currently at least that many plus several plantings.
Staff felt there was not enough traffic generated to the open area to
require a sidewalk.
Mrs. Hoffman stated that, because the plan was approved with the sidewalk,
the sidewalk should not be arbitrarily deleted. She also claimed the open
space area was nothing but weeds and their concern was that the next phase
would also contain a similar weedy area.
Mrs. deBesche noted all open areas are in native grasses. The site is
mowed to about four inches and some of the neighboring lots have even
incorporated the open space into their own lawn.
Planning & Zoning Bo* Minutes •
May 18, 1987
page 3
Mrs. Hoffman felt nothing had been mowed and nothing was in the open space
but weeds.
Member Dow asked if any administrative changes had been filed on the pro-
Mrs. deBesche indicated landscaping requirements were in the development
plan. Staff's feeling is that the only noncompliance is the missing side-
Mrs. Hoffman added that the City had received several letters addressing
these points and hoped the Board was aware of these.
Dick Rutherford explained this project was on the north half_ of the origi-
nal PUD. The open area is Tract E and the storm water detention pond.
Tract E currently has horses and the weeds are not extremely high. In the
new plan the sidewalk circles the development allowing access to the green
areas. This sidewalk is an added sidewalk. Mr. Martin is the owner of the
north half of the original PUD while Mr. Betz owns the south half.
Member Lang asked for clarification on how the handout related to the orig-
inal PUD and Mrs. deBesche explained the four phases noting the project
tonight is for Phases 3 and 4. Phase 1 is the only developed phase, how-
ever, some improvements have been installed and these will meet code by
final plan review.
Mrs. Hoffman presented Member Dow with a large original landscape plan.
Mr. Rutherford indicated much of Mrs. Hoffman's concerns were with Mr.
Betz's property and went on to explain a walk would be eliminated on the
south side of the Martin project.
Member Dow asked if the applicant would be willing to add the previously
proposed sidewalk and Mr. Rutherford replied they would if the City really
felt it was an integral part of the plan.
Mrs. Hoffman felt the agreement was binding on future owners and no excep-
tions should be made. If the open space was not completed the bond should
not have been refunded to Mr. Betz. If the developer doesn't perform the
City is liable.
Member Edwards noted he had been unaware of any opposition but now felt
sane issues were unresolved and suggested tabling the item. Member Kern
seconded stating a good share of the material hadn't reached the Board
until this evening and he hadn't reviewed it.
Member Brown requested an opinion from the City Attorney.
Mr. Rutherford stated a neighborhood meeting had been held and these items
had not been part of the discussion. The developer felt he was ready to
proceed on the item and it would not be fair to table it at this time.
Planning & Zoning B(D-*Minut(-s
May 18, 1987
page 4
Mrs. Hoffman indicated objections had been raised at the neighborhood meet-
ing as well as the letters written to the City.
Paul Eckman, City Attorney, noted the applicant was entitled to a decision
if he desired it. Board could impose conditions on the project as: 1)
Sidewalk, Phase 1 - should this be installed? relocated? 2) Phasing Agree-
ment - should this be amended to allow Phases 3 and 4 ahead of Phase 2? 3)
Phase 1 - is it complete? Landscaping appears to be the primary issue as
well as location of mounds of dirt. These items as well as who the owner
of. the property is could be resolved. If the common space is owned by
another party as Mrs. Hoffman believes this could be delayed until final
Member O'Dell asked when new ownership occurred and Mr. Rutherford indi-
cated some years ago. Mr. Martin owns the north half of the PUD and Paul
Betz owns Phase 2 and the open space in Phase 1.
John Martin, owner of Phases 3 and 4, stated he had tried hard to ccnply
with the City's requirements and felt it unfair to keep him from developing
the property. Mr. Betz could conceivably wait ten years before developing
his Phase 2.
Member O'Dell concurred but felt it would be to Mr. Martin's advantage to
have the open space properly resolved.
Mr. Martin explained he had no say in Phase 2.
Member O'Dell asked if Mr. Martin intended for the open area in his half of
Tract E to be active space with swings, etc. and Mr. Martin responded it
would be mowed native grasses.
Chairman Crews asked if the sidewalk would be built. Mr. Martin replied
there was access on the east side of the project.
Member Dow felt the issue was whether conditions of a prior PUD would apply
to this tract. He thought the project should be approved with conditions
addressing the items in questions. If the former agreement was binding
additional requirements could be added; however, the applicant should have
a decision tonight.
Chairman Crews reminded the Board of the motion to table. Mr. Martin also
reiterated his desire for a decision tonight.
Member Edwards asked that his earlier motion be rescinded and requested
staff and legal council to formulate some conditions. Member Kern also
agreed to withdraw his second.
Spike Hoffman, Patricia Hoffman's son, added the biggest problem was not
Mr. Martin but the contract saying Phase 1 needed to be completed prior to
other development.
Member Lang asked if the sidewalk was a Phase 1 item.
Planning & Zoning BoMinutes
May 13, 1987
page 5
Mr. Eckman noted the drawings show the sidewalk in Phase 1 and it is defi-
nitely not completed. Landscaping may be installed. Responsibility for
completion needs to be adequately addressed.
Member Brown asked what had happed to the bond.
Mr. Eckman stated First Interstate had no record of the bond which was ini-
tially a Certificate of Deposit which expired in 1980. Phase 1 improve-
ments needed to be completed to the City's satisfaction and whether it was
appropriate'to juggle the phasing needed to be resolved.
Member Brown questioned whether Mr. Martin could be held responsible for
improvements on land that was not his. Mr. Eckman felt that was a diffi-
cult question; however, the agreement applied to the entire parcel. Mr.
Martin purchased the property subject to the conditions of the parcel but
the City should work with him.
Mrs. deBesche interjected the bond covered the landscaping only and did not
apply to the sidewalk.
Member O'Dell questioned who was responsible for the open area. Mrs.
deBesche believed there was once a homeowner's association but that it no
longer existed. Mrs. O'Dell asked what the City could do.
Mrs. deBesche indicated site and landscape covenants normally cover this.
Member O'Dell felt Mr. Martin should not be responsible; perhaps the people
who lived there, the original owner or original applicant.
Mrs. deBesche added City Manager Steve Burkett responded in a June 24,
1986, letter that the landscaping was installed.
Member Dow moved to approve the Amendment to Ponderosa PUD with three con-
ditions: 1) Under the existing four phase plan a legal questions had been
raised and needed to be examined and resolved, 2) Staff needed to reccm-
mend to the Board whether Phases 1 through 4 should be modified to accom-
modate requirements, and 3) as part of the review, status of current ameni-
ties as sidewalk and landscaping needed to be reviewed. Member O'Dell sec-
Mrs. Hoffman questioned what happens when a homeowner's association folds
and no one takes care of the property. Some information also was not
available to the new planners and how can original PUD's be properly
reviewed to compliance. Her major concern was to have the weeds down and
someone to take care of the open area.
Chairman Crews thanked the audience for input.
Planning & Zoning BOO Minutes •
May 18, 1987
page 6
Member Brown asked if motion included access to the open space. Member Dow
said it was not intended to require completion of the sidewalk but that it
be looked into. Member Edwards thanked Member Dow for his assistance in
stating the motion.
Motion to approve with conditions carried 7-0.