Planning Department
ity of Fort Collins
July 25, 1989
Eldon Ward
Cityscape Urban Design
3030 S. College Avenue, Suite #200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Eldon,
The Staff has reviewed the application for Master Plan approval for the Vine
Business Park and offers the following comments:
1. A written report must be submitted covering the overall drainage concept
of the area including offsite drainage flows. The location of the regional
detention pond is not the same as proposed in the Cooper Slough Master
Plan. Both on -site and off -site flows will be detained in this pond so it
must be shown that this location will work. The City will construct the
regional pond, but the timing of this improvement must be negotiated.
The full sized pond may not be needed for years, plus funding may not be
readily available. An interim pond may be necessary.
2. The
area along
Slough is a wetland, and shows to
be of "high
concern" on the
wetland maps.. The area shown should
be avoided
those activities which would enhance
and maintain
wildlife habitat and
wetland values. This area should be
delineated on
Master Plan
and a
note added which describes the future
treatment of
area. At the time
of future development, specific plans
for treatment
of this area will be ,required.
3. This proposed development is located within the "Vine Corridor" which is
one of the alternatives under consideration for the Fort Collins Express-
way. This corridor includes two possible alignments with interchanges at
Interstate 25 to the north and south of Vine Drive. The northerly align-
ment would run approximately through the middle of this property in an
east -west direction.
There has been no decision by the State regarding an expressway align-
ment. However, any future owners or developers of the property should
be made aware of these plans. Therefore, a note should be added to the
Master Plan as follows:
300 LaPorte Avenue P.O. Box 580 •Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
"The State of Colorado Division of Highways is in the process of complet-
ing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the purpose
of defining an alignment for the Fort Collins Expressway. The results of
the supplemental EIS may define an expressway alignment(s) which would
impact this Master Plan. Further information on the supplemental EIS and
the Fort Collins Expressway is available from the State of Colorado
Division of Highways."
4. The Master Plan indicates an alignment of a north -south collector street
which is different from that approved in the Anheuser-Busch Master Plan.
This discrepancy between the Master Plans needs to be resolved.
5. The staff questions the approach taken on the Master Plan to describe the
kinds of uses allowed. The Master Plan describes the use of the property
as an "industrial park" but the list of uses allows anything from shopping
centers to a multi -family development. The staff feels that the list of uses
is too broad. The applicant needs to more specifically define what is
expected for the property. If other uses are identified in the future,
amendments may be made to the master plan.
6. The Master Plan should be revised to include the following information:
a. Existing zoning on the property and description of any conditions.
b. Maximum height of all structures.
c. The area surrounding the site plan should include a statement of
existing land uses.
d. Location of significant trees and shrubs including an indication of
their fate.
7. Written information should be submitted which includes the names of all
general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corpora-
tion involved as either applicants or owners of the PUD.
8. The Planning Objectives needs to be amended to include a list of specific
goals, objectives and/or land use policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan
which are pertinent to the land uses being proposed.
9. An 8" x 11" PMT reduction and ten full sized copies of the Master Plan
should be submitted on August 21, 1989. Also, on August 24, 1989, a
signed mylar of the Master Plan should be submitted.
I would recommend we meet to discuss the above comments. Revisions (five
copies) of the Master Plan should be submitted no later than August 9, 1989.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Joe P
Assista Planning Director
xc: ' _ e Herzig, Development Coordinator