HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE LANDING AT LEMAY MULTIFAMILY AND MIXED-USE - FDP230020 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 2 - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (2) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN THE LANDING AT LEMAY FORT COLLINS, CO November 1, 2023 AVANT CIVIL GROUP, LLC FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 (970)286-7995 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AVANT CIVIL GROUP, LLC SWMP: THE LANDING AT LEMAY 1337 RIVERSIDE AVE. #2, FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 November 1, 2023 City of Fort Collins Stormwater Development Review 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 RE: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN THE LANDING AT LEMAY To Whom It May Concern: Avant Civil Group (Avant) is pleased to submit this Stormwater Management Plan for The Landing at Lemay project. This report outlines Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be implemented with the proposed construction to minimize potential pollutants in stormwater discharges. We have prepared this report to accompany the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment General Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Construction Activities (aka, Stormwater Discharge Permit or SDP). The General Permit No. for this SDP is (to be filled-in by permittee), and the Certification No. for this SDP is (to be filled-in by permittee). The Permit Certification is effective beginning (to be filled-in by permittee), and initial certification expires (to be filled-in by permittee). A copy of the issuance cover letter can be found in Appendix D of this document (to be filled-in by permittee). Please note this Stormwater Management plan (including the Site Maps) is not a static document. It is a dynamic device that should be kept current and logged as construction occurs. As such, this version was prepared to facilitate initial plan approvals and permits but does not necessarily reflect the final version or the transitions throughout the construction process. As the site develops and changes, the contractor is expected and encouraged to change the content, so the SWMP works as effectively and efficiently as possible. It shall be the responsibility of the SWMP Administrator and/or the permit holder (or applicant thereof) to ensure the plan is properly maintained and followed. If you should have any questions or comments as you review this report, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, AVANT CIVIL GROUP, LLC DANNY WEBER, PE Principal TABLE OF CONTENTS` _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AVANT CIVIL GROUP, LLC SWMP: THE LANDING AT LEMAY 1337 RIVERSIDE AVE. #2, FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 1.0 CONTENTS 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS AND NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION ......................................... 1 2.1 EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................. 1 2.3 SITE DISTURBANCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC AND SOIL DATA ...................................................................................................... 2 2.5 RECEIVING WATERS ................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.6 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND VEGETATION ............................................................................................ 3 2.7 EXISTING GROUNDWATER ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.8 EXISTING GROUND CONTAMINATION .............................................................................................................. 3 3.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ........................................................................... 3 3.1 SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 4 4.1 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 SMWP AVAILABILITY .................................................................................................................................................. 4 4.3 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 4.4 ADDITIONAL PERMITTING ....................................................................................................................................... 4 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ................................................................................................. 5 6.0 POTENTIAL POLLUTION SOURCES ..................................................................................... 5 6.1 DISTURBED AND STORED SOILS........................................................................................................................... 5 6.2 VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENT ...................................................................................................................... 6 6.3 MANAGEMENT OF CONTAMINATED SOILS .................................................................................................... 6 6.4 LOADING AND UNLOADING OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 6 6.5 OUTDOOR STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION SITE MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, CHEMICALS, ETC. ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 6.6 BULK STORAGE OF MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................. 7 6.7 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND FUELING....................................................................... 7 6.8 SIGNIFICANT DUST OR PARTICULATE GENERATING PROCESSES .......................................................... 7 6.9 ROUTING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES INVOLVING FERTILIZER, PESTICIDES, DETERGENTS, FUELS, SOLVENTS, OILS ............................................................................................................................................ 8 6.10 ON-SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES................................................................................................... 8 6.11 CONCRETE TRUCK/EQUIPMENT WASHING ..................................................................................................... 9 6.12 DEDICATED ASPHALT AND CONCRETE BATCH PLANTS ............................................................................ 9 6.13 NON-INDUSTRIAL WASTE SOURCES SUCH AS WORKER TRASH AND PORTABLE TOILETS ........ 9 6.14 SAW CUTTING AND GRINDING ......................................................................................................................... 10 6.15 MATERIAL HANDLING AND SPILL PREVENTION ......................................................................................... 10 6.16 NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING NOT COVERED UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING DISCHARGES GENERAL PERMIT AND WASH WATER THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO POLLUTANTS TO THE MS4 .......................................... 11 7.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS ............... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.1 SWMP ADMINISTRATOR ....................................................................................................................................... 11 7.2 OWNER INFORMATION ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 7.3 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION ........ 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS` _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AVANT CIVIL GROUP, LLC SWMP: THE LANDING AT LEMAY 1337 RIVERSIDE AVE. #2, FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 7.4 STRUCTURAL PRACTICES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ................................................ 13 7.5 NON-STRUCTURAL PRACTICES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL .................................... 16 7.6 PHASED BMP INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. 18 7.7 BMP INSPECTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 7.8 BMP MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 20 7.9 RECORD KEEPING ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 8.0 FINAL STABILIZATION AND LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ................. 21 8.1 FINAL STABILIZATION ............................................................................................................................................ 21 8.2 LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 22 9.0 ADDITIONAL SWMP AND BMP RESOURCES ................................................................... 24 10.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 24 APPENDIX C – LANDSCAPE PLAN APPENDIX D – COPIES OF PERMITS/APPLICATIONS APPENDIX E – INSPECTION LOGS APPENDIX F – CONTRACTOR INSERTS (AS NEEDED) APPENDIX G – CONTRACTOR INSERTS (AS NEEDED) ` 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS AND NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.1 EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION A tract of land located in the northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 7 North, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M., City of Fort Collins, County of Larimer, State of Colorado. More specifically it is 28.187- acres, roughly 19.3 of which is being developed, southeast of the Lemay Ave overpass of Vine Dr. 2.2 NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY The project includes construction of a portion of a 2-lane arterial road that will run along the eastern property line. There are two access points into the development, one being north bound off existing Duff Drive, and the second being east bound at the constructed intersection of Link Lane and Cordova Road. The development will include 9 large multifamily buildings and 8 Carraige Houses, along with a maintenance shed, a private fitness facility, and a clubhouse. Figure 1 – Vicinity Map ` 2 2.3 SITE DISTURBANCE The site disturbance will occur across roughly 28.2 acres. It is recommended that existing site condition photos be taken prior to the demolition. CALCULATIONS CHART TOTAL DISTURBED PROJECT AREA 28.2 ACRES TOTAL "ONSITE" AREA OF DISTURBANCE 19.6 ACRES TOTAL "OFFSITE" AREA OF DISTURBANCE .13 ACRES TOTAL STORAGE/STAGING AREA 0 ACRES TOTAL HAUL ROADS AREA N/A CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE TRAFFIC AREA N/A EST. PERCENT OF PROJECT AREA EXPOSED 69.5% EST. PERCENT VEGETATIVE COVER ~2.5% DENSITY EXISTING SOIL TYPE D CLAY LOAM APPROX. GROUNDWATER DEPTH 6-9 FEET NUMBER OF PHASES W/ PROJECT N/A TOTAL VOLUME OF IMPORTED (+) / EXPORTED (-) MATERIALS 70,000 CUB. YD. TOTAL AREA OF STOCKPILING OF FILL OR BORROW AREAS OFF SITE 0 SQ. FEET STEEPEST SLOPE 4:1 H:V DISTANCE FROM A RIPARIAN AREA OR SENSITIVE AREA N/A FEET 2.4 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC AND SOIL DATA In order to complete the associated construction plans, a topographical survey of the site was completed. This survey consisted of field measurements made by Kumar and Associates in July of 2022. A NRCS Custom Soil Resource Report of the property indicates that the soil on site is composed of 83.7% Caruso clay loam, and 52.4% Nunn clay loam. Caruso clay loam is considered somewhat poorly drained and is in hydrologic Soil Group D. Nunn Clay loam is considered well drained and is hydrologic Soil Group C. NRCS indicates a wind erodibility rating of 6 (of a scale of 1 to 8, 1 is most susceptible to erosion). As such this site does not have a high potential for wind erosion. NRCS indicates an erosion factor, K, of 0.24 – 0.32 (range of 0.02-0.69, 0.69 being more susceptible to sheet and rill erosion). As such, this site has a moderate susceptibility to sheet and rill erosion. The topography generally slopes from the west to the east. The site slopes with a mild to moderate grade (i.e., 0.5 - 1±%) through the interior to a low point located at the northeast of the site. 2.5 RECEIVING WATERS The property historically drains via overland flow from west to east until it is intercepted by an abandoned irrigation ditch running along the western third of the site. The ditch flows south, but is eroded and creates overland flow towards the southeast corner. The remaining uncaptured flow Table 1 – Construction Activities ` 3 moves west to east until flowing off site or is intercepted by existing drainage in the surrounding properties. Flows from these properties eventually discharge into the Cache La Poudre River. These drainage ways will continue to be used as the major receiving waters upon completion of The Landing at Lemay. 2.6 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND VEGETATION The existing site consists of existing farm fields and existing drainage channels including an abandoned irrigation ditch. There is not a significant amount of grade change on the site. The existing site vegetation consists of native grasses and invasive weeds. Majority of the site is exposed farm soil. The existing site does not contain any area of impervious surface. It is highly recommended that pre-construction photos be taken to clearly document vegetative conditions prior any disturbance activities. 2.7 EXISTING GROUNDWATER Groundwater depth was measured onsite in July of 2022 by Kumar & Associates, Inc. with 27 borings and the digging of 6 exploratory test pits at various locations spread throughout the property (see attached Geotechnical Report). At the time of the last measurement (July, 2022), groundwater ranged from 7’ to 7.5’ below existing elevations. 2.8 EXISTING GROUND CONTAMINATION No existing soil or groundwater contamination has been identified at this time. 3.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 3.1 SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES To complete the project, many basic categories of construction activity will take place. The first part will be the removal of the existing concrete and asphalt pavement within the construction limits of the existing road. Once the existing pavements marked for demo have been removed the topsoil and native grasses that are currently on-site will be removed. Following topsoil stripping, rough grading of the proposed roadways and detention/irrigation ponds along with drainage swales will commence. Next, utility installation including sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer. Vertical construction of the bridge will commence after the rough grading and any stabilization efforts at the of onsite detention ponds has been completed and inspected. New curb/gutter, paving, and sidewalks are expected to begin after the storm sewer is in place. The final stages of site construction will be fine grading of the areas mentioned above, and the installation of landscaping/seeding throughout the project. The aforementioned sequencing is an initial best guess and is subject to change at the Contractor’s discretion. This project is proposed to be built in one phase. Earthwork import to the site is expected to be significant. The site is expected to import fill dirt of similar geotechnical qualities. ` 4 4.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 OBJECTIVES The objective of a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to identify all potential sources of pollution likely to occur as a result of construction activity associated with the site construction and to describe the practices that will be used to reduce the pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The SWMP must be completed and implemented at the time the project breaks ground and revised as necessary as construction proceeds to accurately reflect the conditions and practices at the site. This report summarizes the Stormwater Management Plan for the construction activity that will occur with The Landing At Lemay in Fort Collins, CO. This plan has been prepared according to regulations of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Water Quality Control Division. This report has been provided to meet the requirements of the City of Fort Collins Municipal Code §26-498 on water quality control. 4.2 SMWP AVAILABILITY This report is intended to remain on the construction site to allow for maintenance and inspection updates and for review during inspection. 4.3 DEFINITIONS BMP – Best Management Practice encompassing a wide range of erosion and sediment control practices, both structural and non-structural in nature, intended to reduce or eliminate any possible water quality impacts from stormwater leaving a construction site. Erosion Control BMPs – Practices that PREVENT the erosion of soil, such as minimizing the amount of disturbed area through phasing, temporary stabilization, and preserving existing vegetation. Sediment Control BMPs – Practices to REMOVE sediment from run-off, such as sediment basins, silt fence, or inlet protection. Non-structural BMPs – The implementation of methods, practices, and procedures to minimize water quality impacts, such as the preservation of natural vegetation, preventive maintenance, and spill response procedures. Structural BMPs – Physical devices that prevent or minimize water quality impacts, such as sediment basins, inlet protection, or silt fence. 4.4 ADDITIONAL PERMITTING As mentioned above, this Stormwater Management Plan is associated with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Stormwater Permit that is issued by the Water Quality Control Division of the CDPHE. Additional Environmental permitting not described in this report may be required as a part of this project. An example is the Construction Dewatering Permit for groundwater. Another example is the Air Pollution Emission Notice (APEN). The CDPHE website contains links to both of these permits, as well as many other potential permits. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the proper permits are acquired. ` 5 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT There are no known environmental impacts to endangered species or other environmentally sensitive features that have been identified in this project area. Stormwater outfalls are unlikely to impact wetlands. 6.0 POTENTIAL POLLUTION SOURCES As is typical with most construction sites, there are several potential pollution sources that could affect water quality. It is not possible for this report to identify all materials used or stored on the construction site. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to identify and properly handle all materials that are potential pollution sources. Likely pollution sources are marked “YES,” unlikely pollution sources are marked “NO.” Detailed descriptions of each source are also provided for additional reference. Please note that not all items with a detailed description are present in the project, and there could be additional pollution sources that are not listed that must be addressed by the Contractor. · YES - Disturbed and stored soils · YES - Vehicle tracking of soils and sediment · NO - Management of contaminated soils · YES - Loading and unloading operations · YES - Outdoor storage of construction site materials, building materials, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. · NO - Bulk Storage of Materials · YES - Vehicle and equipment maintenance and fueling · YES - Significant dust or particulate generating processes · YES - Routine maintenance activities involving fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, fuels, solvents, oils, etc. · YES - On-site waste management practices (waste piles, dumpsters, etc.) · YES - Concrete truck/equipment washing · NO - Dedicated asphalt and concrete batch plants · YES - Non-industrial waste sources, such as worker trash and portable toilets · YES - Saw Cutting and Grinding · NO - Material Handling and Spill Prevention · NO - Non-Stormwater Discharges including construction dewatering not covered under the Construction Dewatering Discharges general permit and wash water that may contribute to pollutants to the MS4 6.1 DISTURBED AND STORED SOILS Approximately 19.6 acre of the site will be disturbed with the Construction Activities. Once soils have been disturbed they do not retain the same compaction as in their native state, therefore surface runoff can cause more soil erosion than was historically observed. In the event that these erosion control practices do not keep sediment on site a structural barrier (silt fence) will be used and is called out for on the perimeter. If soil manages to migrate from the disturbed areas onto the hard surfaces it will be swept or scraped (street sweeping) to prevent the migration of sediment. In case that sediment is washed away too quickly the curb inlets will need protection (rock sock style inlet protection). ` 6 Soil stockpiles are expected on this site. Stockpiles in the same respect do not retain the same compaction and are more susceptible to soil erosion. Stockpiles on this site shall be placed in or near the center of the site and away from any drainage swales to not require perimeter run off controls (Materials/Site Management Control). The stock pile will be kept loose, not compacted, and watered as needed to prevent dust issues (site watering). The stockpile will be monitored for signs of erosion displacement and sediment accumulation and if conditions warrant it, the stockpile will be structurally covered or if it is going to sit a long while will be reseeded (temporary seeding). 6.2 VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENT Vehicle tracking of sediment may occur throughout the construction process and along all areas where the pavement meets the disturbed dirt. This occurs most often after any melt off or rain conditions when mud collects on vehicles tires and is tracked out onto the road consequently leaving site. This increases the possibility of sediment discharging to the storm system. To prevent tracking, access to the site will be limited to construction entrances (vehicle tracking pads to be installed) on the southwest side of the site and northeast side of the site. Vehicle access will be limited on muddy days (site management control), in this case parking will be kept to the stabilized staging area. The tracking pad will be monitored visually every day and if track-out becomes a significant problem a larger or more robust tracking pad may be installed. Otherwise, all track-out that reaches the street will be scraped and swept (street sweeping). Secondary controls at the closest affected inlets will have protection (inlet protection) to capture sediment not swept up in a timely manner. Additional measures can be taken to minimize and control sediment discharges from the site due to vehicle tracking. These measures can include fencing around the site to control access points. The use of gravel parking areas and wash racks can also be implemented to ensure minimal vehicle tracking from the site. 6.3 MANAGEMENT OF CONTAMINATED SOILS All data about the site shows that there is no known contamination on the site. If encountered, the contractor will have the material stored in a covered area (materials management control) as to not mix with the stormwater until the material can be identified and proper classification and disposal methods can be determined in accordance with the various waste laws and with good construction safety and practices. 6.4 LOADING AND UNLOADING OPERATIONS There is not anticipated to be a significant amount of export leaving the site. During this project there will be a diverse amount of loading and unloading. The foundation workers will have to deliver forms to the site and deliver premixed concrete. Landscapers will have to pile the materials on site to complete the landscape work. Though the loading and loading vehicles will be contributing to the track out of materials, depending on the material being delivered to the site they may have a significant spill potential. Where the trailers must access the site an attempt will be made to keep the vehicle on the VTC or other stabilized storage areas. When loading and unloading is occurring, depending on the materials, there may be an increased problem of containers being dropped, punctured, or broken. These off-loading activities will be located away from storm drains and will have nearby spill kits accessible. Spills on site will be addressed using spill prevention and response procedures. ` 7 6.5 OUTDOOR STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION SITE MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, CHEMICALS, ETC. It is anticipated that inert material like wood, tiles, and stone will be stored on site and outside in the elements. It is also anticipated that materials that do not weather well (cement, mortar, etc.) will also be located outside. Chemicals are not anticipated to be left outside. As the inert materials have a lower potential to leave the site they will be monitored during inspection to make sure they are not being impacted by the exposure to the elements (site management control). The materials that will need added attention are the cements and mortars as they quickly mix with water and cause pollution issues. These materials when not stored inside will be placed on pallets to get above potential surface runoff and covered with tarps or plastic to prevent mixing with stormwater (materials management control). Very small quantities of chemical are needed to contaminate stormwater so the fertilizers, paints, form oils, petroleum products, and other typical chemicals, will be stored in the construction connex box, trailers, vehicles, or the like out of contact with precipitation (materials management control). If not stored in a location as described, secondary containment will be required. The contractor shall clearly designate site areas for staging and storage of building materials. 6.6 BULK STORAGE OF MATERIALS This site is not expected to store bulk liquid chemicals of more than 55 gallon drums. If this site does have the need to store liquid chemicals the following procedure should be followed. These materials should be stored in an area that if a rupture would occur, it would be contained. The area will need to be located away from the drainage areas and area inlets (site management / materials management). The containers will be stored in secondary containment area with a fence so that if a spill were to happen, it would pool in the bottom of the area and be contained. 6.7 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND FUELING Based on the size of the site and the duration of activities vehicle fueling and vehicle maintenance is highly likely. As fueling and equipment maintenance usually result in small spills of petroleum products it is important to monitor these activities carefully. (site management control) Some grading companies will employee a fuel truck to fill the heavy equipment on site or require the maintenance of a broken machine. In those cases where the vehicle is not able to be maintained off site, these activities will be done in the least detrimental way possible. The maintenance and fueling will be located as far from stormwater features as possible and at least 50 feet from a stormwater feature (site management/materials management). The fueling activity will have spill materials nearby and a bucket or other container and shovel located nearby to hang a hose after filling to catch drips, and to scoop up any dirt that inadvertently mixed with the soil (materials management). That container will have a lid and be disposed of when the activity is completed. The maintenance work will be done on a tarp or other material to prevent the residual oils and greases from mixing with the dirt (materials management). A clearly designated on-site fueling and maintenance area is suggested 6.8 SIGNIFICANT DUST OR PARTICULATE GENERATING PROCESSES This project will result in earth moving activities, street sweeping, and track-out and carry out, bulk materials transport, and saw cutting. As these activities will result in offsite transport of atmospheric pollution reasonable precautions shall be taken. The project will follow all required “BMPs” articulated in the Fugitive Dust Manual and a least one additional BMP included during each of the identified activities in accordance with City Ordinance No. 044 2016. Also a copy of the ` 8 Dust Control Manual will be kept in the trailer during construction for reference. Such activities will include but not limited to watering the site, covering trucks, slower site speeds and vehicle tracking mentioned above. 6.9 ROUTING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES INVOLVING FERTILIZER, PESTICIDES, DETERGENTS, FUELS, SOLVENTS, OILS Fertilizers and Pesticides will be used during the later phases of the project when trying to establish a healthy vegetation. These chemicals are highly water soluble and are easily and unnoticeably carried in the stormwater. Proper application rates and recommended timing of application will be strictly followed and not on days, or the next day, where the weather is calling for precipitation (materials management control). As most of these types of chemicals will be brought on by the landscaper they will be required to keep these products in their vehicles until time of application and not be allowed to leave these materials on the site (site management control). If these materials are stored on site they shall be kept inside or outside covered and above the ground to prevent the materials from mixing with water and runoff (materials management control). Detergents, paints, acids, cement, grout, and solvents will be prevalent in the interior work of the building (materials management). These materials also are typically easily mixed with water yet are typically noticeable by discolored, cloudy, or sudsy water. As such, the contractor will always keep an eye out for these types of differences in water around the site (site management control). However these materials are to be handled, operated, and cleaned up all within the inside of the structure, where external use is concerned these materials will be stored in the construction connex box, trailers, vehicles, or the like out of contact with precipitation (materials management). If not stored in a location as described secondary containment will be required (materials management). Fuels and oils might be associated with the smaller equipment used on site, chainsaws, pumps, generators, etc. As petroleum products are easily suspended in water and are spread across the top of the water surface. These products when located in water have rainbow sheen on them. They are also monitored during construction (site management controls). These products will be stored in the construction connex box, trailers, vehicles, or similar structure that will minimize contact with precipitation (materials maintenance controls). If not stored in a location as described secondary containment will be required (materials maintenance). Any untreated runoff from these activities can be detrimental to wildlife if not cleaned up. 6.10 ON-SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES All large and heavy weighted waste piles (concrete chunks, excavated pipes, etc.) will be kept in a neatly grouped pile until the material is to be disposed of properly. These piles will only be stored the shortest duration possible and will be kept 50 feet from any drainage course or inlet (Administrative Control). All dry wastes will be maintained through dumpsters and monthly hauler removal (hauler will be notified if dumpster becomes full and hauled off as needed). Where available by the hauling company the dumpster will be covered. If not practical or available by the haul company, an increased removal schedule will be followed and the “Max fill line” on the dumpster will be strictly followed. Corners of the dumpsters will be monitored for “Dumpster Juice” leaking into the soil in dry conditions and rain/melt off conditions looking for it mixing with the runoff. Dumpsters, like the waste piles, will be located at least 50 feet from any drainage course or inlet. Workers will be sent around at the end of the day to collect trash to prevent trash being left out overnight. No construction debris (including broken concrete) will be buried on site. ` 9 6.11 CONCRETE TRUCK/EQUIPMENT WASHING Concrete will be a portion of this project. It is anticipated that it will be used with the joints around the manholes, pour in place inlets, curb and gutter installation, sidewalks and bridge construction. Pre mixed concrete trucks will be used in this process and will be delivered to the site and when pouring the bridge components. Washing of the concrete equipment will be required to maintain the concrete equipment. This concrete wash water has a high alkaline content which is hazardous material to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. A section of dirt near the entrance will be excavated and compacted around the sides formed to retain the concrete wash water on site (as an acceptable practice by the State) so long as the wash water is kept in the washout (concrete washout). There will be a rock pad for the truck to park on while washing as to prevent tracking from this washout (VTC). The placement of this washout will be located at least 50 feet from any drainage course or inlet. Later in the project after the parking lots curb and gutter has been poured the use of a mobile washout facility will be used on site in a similar location and after the ground has been leveled (concrete washout – mobile). The contractor (including all masonry and concrete tradesmen) shall clean out equipment within the washout area so that the runoff is not allowed to leave the washout. The only exception would be for them to wash in the next day’s pour location. All concrete workers will be made aware of the where they are to wash (site management controls & education). If there is a significant amount of spillage when the transfer from concrete truck to pump truck occurs, a tarp or other ground cloth should be used to collect spillage. (ground cover control). 6.12 DEDICATED ASPHALT AND CONCRETE BATCH PLANTS There will be no dedicated asphalt or concrete batch plants erected onsite for this project. Premixed concrete and paving materials will be delivered to the site and placed. In the event that a plant is needed, the Contractor should be aware that additional permitting will be required. In particular, an Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) will need to be obtained from the CDPHE. 6.13 NON-INDUSTRIAL WASTE SOURCES SUCH AS WORKER TRASH AND PORTABLE TOILETS Since facilities are not located nearby for workers to use, trash and sanitary facilities will be required on the site. Worker trash will be comingled with the industrial trash and will follow the same controls with the caveat that a trashcan will be located near the entrance of the site as the contractor will need to dump their trash from lunch, etc. and this will be emptied weekly or more frequently, if needed. Designate trash and bulk waste collection areas on-site. Dumpsters should be located near site entrances to minimize traffic on disturbed soils, and they should be placed on a level soil surface. When possible, materials should be recycled. Hazardous material waste should be segregated from other solid waste. If tipped over and when being cleaned, portable toilet facilities become a potential discharge if not cleaned up. If human waste is spilled, it will need to be treated as a biological hazard of untreated sewage and will need to be cleaned up in accordance with Larimer County Health Department Guidance. The toilets will be staked in a way to prevent tipping on a dirt surface and located at least 50 feet from a drainage course or inlet. If the site cannot accommodate a portable toilet on dirt, a containment pan or other secondary containment will be provided. They will also be ` 10 anchored prevent from tipping. All materials shall be properly disposed of in accordance with the law. 6.14 SAW CUTTING AND GRINDING The trench work and street connections will require cutting into the City street. This project will need the use of hardened saws. These saws generate a significant amount of dust. Watering the cutting surface to prevent airborne particulates (BMP in the City’s Fugitive Dust Manual) is required. The cutting slurry has a high content of fine particulates (Silica Dust, Metals, etc.) that is not allowed to discharge as runoff from the site. To prevent slurry from discharging offsite, contractors will use the minimum amount of water needed to prevent dust and blades from overheating (site management control). Cutting slurry will be collected via vacuum or allowed to dry out and be scraped and swept up after the cutting has finished (saw cutting). The following protocol is recommended to prevent dust and slurry from asphalt and concrete saw cutting activities from migrating into the existing storm drain system. · Slurry and cuttings shall be vacuumed during cutting and surfacing operations · Slurry and cuttings shall not remain on permanent concrete or asphalt pavement overnight · Slurry and cuttings shall not drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance · Collected slurry and cuttings shall be disposed of in a manner that does not violate groundwater or surface water standards 6.15 MATERIAL HANDLING AND SPILL PREVENTION Potential pollution sources, as discussed in earlier sections, are to be identified by the contractor. Spill prevention procedures are to be determined and put in place before construction by the contractor. A spill and flooding response procedure must also be determined and put in place before construction by the contractor. Additionally, steps should be taken to reduce the potential for leaks and spills to come in contact with stormwater run-off, such as storing and handling toxic materials in covered areas or storing chemicals within berms or other secondary containment devices. A notification procedure must be put in place by the contractor, by which workers would first notify the site construction superintendent, who would then notify the SWMP Administrator. Depending on the severity of the spill, the site construction superintendent and SWMP Administrator would possibly notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Water Quality Control Division, downstream water users, or other appropriate agencies. The release of any chemical, oil, petroleum product, sewage, etc., which enter waters of the State of Colorado (which include surface water, groundwater, and dry gullies or storm sewers leading to surface water) must be reported immediately to the Division’s emergency spill reporting line at (877) 518-5608. All spills requiring cleanup, even if the spill is minor and does not need to be reported to the State, should still be reported to the City of Fort Collins Utilities office at 970-221-6700. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to designate a fueling area and take the necessary precautions to ensure that no stormwater pollution occurs in the event that a fueling area is needed. Fueling areas shall be located a minimum 100 feet from all drainage courses. A 12-inch high compacted earthen ridge capable of retaining potential spills shall enclose fueling areas. Other secondary containment devices can be used instead of the earthen ridge. The area shall be ` 11 covered with a non-porous lining to prevent soil contamination. Printed instructions for cleanup procedures shall be posted in the fueling area and appropriate fuel absorbents shall be available along with containers for used absorbents within the fueling area. 6.16 NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING NOT COVERED UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING DISCHARGES GENERAL PERMIT AND WASH WATER THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO POLLUTANTS TO THE MS4 The Stormwater Construction Permit only covers discharges composed entirely of stormwater. The discharge of pumped stormwater, ONLY, from excavations, ponds, depressions, etc. to surface waters, or to a municipal storm sewer system is allowed by the Stormwater Construction Permit, as long as the dewatering activity and associated BMPs are identified in the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) and are implemented in accordance with the SWMP. Aside from the exceptions noted above, non-stormwater discharges must be addressed in a separate permit issued for that discharge. If groundwater is encountered, and dewatering is required, a Construction Dewatering Permit must be acquired from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Based upon a subsurface exploration report done in 2022 by Kumar & Associates, Inc., ground water levels indicate that it may be present during construction of sanitary sewer at 6-9’ deep. If encountered, dewatering activities may be required. Groundwater has in most excavations mixed with the dirt and as they are pumped, they will add an increased velocity coming out of the out flow end contributing to erosion and speeding the transport of the suspended sediment particles. Also, construction dewatering activities must be identified in the Erosion Control Report if they are to be infiltrated on site. If the material is anticipated to be pumped to a stormwater conveyance the proper Construction Dewatering Permit must be pulled from the State of Colorado. If pumping activities are to occur on the site, the use of rock packs on the intake end of the pump will be used and a silt bag will be used on the outflow end of the pump to reduce the silt and sediment from leaving the activity (dewatering Control Measure). If this will be under a Dewatering Permit water samples will be collected in accordance with that permit. 7.0 CONTROL MEASURES 7.1 SWMP ADMINISTRATOR A SWMP Administrator must be designated in conjunction with the Stormwater Permit. This person shall be responsible for developing, implementing, maintaining, and revising the SWMP. The SWMP Administrator will also be the contact for all SWMP-related issues and will be the person responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and implementation of the SWMP. The Administrator should be a person with the authority to adequately manage and direct day-to-day stormwater quality management activities at the site. The Landowner of this site is: Name: (to be filled in by permittee) Company: (to be filled in by permittee) Phone: (to be filled in by permittee) E-mail: (to be filled in by permittee) ` 12 The SWMP Administrator for this site is: Name: (to be filled in by permittee) Company: (to be filled in by permittee) Phone: (to be filled in by permittee) E-mail: (to be filled in by permittee) The Contractor for this site is: Name: (to be filled in by permittee) Company: (to be filled in by permittee) Phone: (to be filled in by permittee) E-mail: (to be filled in by permittee) The Developer for this site is: Name: (to be filled in by permittee) Company: (to be filled in by permittee) Phone: (to be filled in by permittee) E-mail: (to be filled in by permittee) The Erosion Control Administrator for this site is: Name: (to be filled in by permittee) Company: (to be filled in by permittee) Phone: (to be filled in by permittee) E-mail: (to be filled in by permittee) 7.2 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Beginning from mobilization, and throughout the entire construction of the project, erosion control devices shall be installed to ensure minimal pollutant migration. These erosion control devices may be installed in phases, or not at all, depending on actual conditions encountered at the site. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to make the determination as to what practices should be employed and when. In the event that a review agency deems BMPs to be insufficient, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to implement modifications as directed. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are loosely defined as a method, activity, maintenance procedure, or other management practice for reducing the amount of pollution entering a water body. The term originated from rules and regulations in Section 208 of the Clean Water Act. ` 13 Details for Structural and Non-Structural BMPs have been included in Appendix B. These details should be used for additional information on installation and maintenance of BMPs specified in this report. It is also intended to serve as a resource for additional BMPs that may be appropriate for the site that have not specifically been mentioned in the report. 7.3 STRUCTURAL PRACTICES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Structural BMPs are physical devices that are implemented to prevent erosion from happening or to limit erosion once it occurs. These devices can be temporary or permanent, and installation of individual components will vary depending on the stage of construction. A table depicting construction sequence and BMP application/removal has been placed on the “Dynamic Site Plan” to help document the implementation of these BMPs. Refer to the Stormwater Management Plan Static Site Plan in the Appendix for the assumed location of all BMPs. Construction Details for Temporary BMPs are located in the Appendix for reference. Again, the final determination for which BMP’s will be installed, where they will be located, and when they will be installed shall be made by the Contractor, along with all documentation throughout the construction process. Silt Fencing (Phase I) Silt fencing shall be provided to prevent migration of sediment off-site or into adjacent properties. All silt fencing shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity (demolition, stockpiling, stripping, grading, etc.). Silt fencing is to be installed prior to site excavation or earthwork activities. Inspections of the silt fence should identify tears or holes in the material and should check for slumping fence or undercut areas that allow flows to bypass the fencing. Damaged sections of the silt fence should be removed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically before it reaches a depth of 6 inches. It is suggested that silt fencing be located along the North and East bounds of the disturbed areas of the site, with an exception for the existing road (Link Lane) intersection at the northeast corner of the disturbed areas. Refer to the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 300 through C 304) for additional clarification. Sediment Control Log – aka “Straw Wattles” (Phase I) A Sediment Control Log is a linear roll made of natural materials, such as straw, coconut fiber, or other fibrous material trenched into the ground and held with a wooden stake. Sediment Control Logs can be used in many instances. Examples include perimeter control for stockpiles, as part of inlet protection designs, as check dams in small drainage ways, on disturbed slopes to shorten flow lengths, or in lieu of silt fencing (where appropriate). Sediment Control Logs should be inspected for excess sediment accumulation. Sediment should be removed prior to reaching half the height of the log. At a minimum, Sediment Control Logs should be used around soil stockpiles (including landscape material) and at all stormwater discharge locations other than inlets. All proposed landscape swales, including ones discharging into detention ponds shall have a straw wattle installed perpendicular to flow every 4” of elevation difference. Refer to the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 300 through C 304) for additional clarification. ` 14 Vehicle Tracking Control Pads (Phase I) Vehicle tracking control pads shall be provided to minimize tracking of mud and sediment onto paved surfaces and neighboring roadways. All vehicle tracking control pads shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity (demolition – as necessary, stockpiling, stripping, grading, etc.). Location of vehicle tracking control pads will be located at any and all existing and future vehicle accesses being used during any of the construction phases. These locations will primarily be dictated by gates or openings in the temporary construction fencing that is expected to be installed. Vehicle tracking control pads are to be installed prior to demolition (as appropriate), site excavation or earthwork activities. Vehicle tracking pads should be inspected for degradation and aggregate material should be replaced as needed. If the area becomes clogged with water, excess sediment should be removed. Aggregate material should remain rough, and at no point should aggregate be allowed to compact in a manner that causes the tracking pad to stop working as intended. Suggested location for vehicle tracking pad is at the proposed access on the south of the site off Duff Drive. Refer to the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 300 through C 304) for additional clarification. Inlet Protection (Phase I & II) Inlet protection shall be provided for existing inlets to prevent sediment transport from adjacent earthwork disturbance. Installation of these filters shall occur before adjacent earth disturbing activities (Phase I implementation). Wattle type filters are to be implemented for new and existing inlets where asphalt does not exist. For these inlets, if pavement is constructed adjacent to the structure or if the area adjacent to the inlet is changed such that the wattle type filter is no longer effective, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that an appropriate method is used instead. For example, the wattle filter could be reused, or a gravel-block inlet filter may be installed. It will be left to the discretion of the Contractor as to whether replacement of any inlet filter is necessary. Inlet protection should be inspected regularly for tears that can result in sediment entering an inlet. Inlet protection should also be inspected for sediment accumulation upstream of the inlet, and sediment should be removed when the less than half of the capacity is available, or per manufacturer specifications. All proposed curb inlets along proposed roadways and upstream flared end sections shall have inlet protection. Refer to the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 300 through C 304) for additional clarification. ` 15 Turf Reinforcement Mat (Phase II) Turf Reinforcement Mats are utilized at the end of storm drain flared end sections to prevent scouring and erosion of the soils at the edges of the pipe. Turf Mats will be installed after seeding of the surrounding areas to allow for grass to take root and ensure easy anchoring of the mats. Turf Reinforcement Mats should be inspected regularly and replaced if becoming too worn down to calm flows through the drainage. Turf Reinforcement Mats shall be sized according to the specifications of the manufacturer as listed in the table on sheet C 304 of the Erosion Control Plan. Refer to the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 300 through C 304) for details regarding specific placement and specifications for Turf Reinforcement Mats. Erosion Control Blankets (Phase II) A temporary degradable rolled erosion control product composed of natural flexible fibers shall be used on all seeded slopes 4:1 and greater (excluding mulched shrub bed areas). Erosion control blankets should be utilized to provide erosion control and to facilitate vegetation establishment. During installation, it is important to ensure that no gaps or voids exist under the material and that all corners of the material are secured using stakes and trenching. Stakes should be made of materials that are biodegradable. Continuous contact between the product and the soil is necessary to avoid failure. Erosion Control Blankets should be inspected regularly for signs of erosion, including beneath the mat. If voids are apparent, they should be filled with suitable soil. Inspections should also identify loose or damaged stakes, as well as loose portions of the blanket. If deficiencies are found, they should be repaired or replaced. Concrete Washout Area (Phase II) A concrete washout should be provided on the site. The washout can be lined or unlined excavated pits in the ground, commercially manufactured prefabricated containers, or aboveground holding areas. The concrete washout must be located a minimum of 400 feet from any natural drainage way or body of water, and at least 1000 feet from any wells or drinking water sources. Washout areas should not be located in an area where shallow groundwater may be present. Contractor shall clearly show the desired location and access to the Concrete Washout Area on the Stormwater Management Plan - Dynamic Site Plan. Contractor shall place a Vehicle Tracking Pad if the selected location for the Concrete Washout Area is detached from pavement. Clear signage identifying the concrete washout should also be provided. The Concrete Washout Area should be inspected regularly. Particular attention should be paid to signage to ensure that the area is clearly marked. Confirmation that the washout is being used should also be noted to ensure that other undesignated areas of the site are not being used incorrectly as a concrete washout. It is suggested the Contractor build a concrete wash out pit for this project. It is recommended that the concrete wash out pit be placed north to the vehicle tracking pad at the southwestern most entrance to the site. This location is to ensure minimum distance from wash out to exiting the site while maintaining a minimum of 400’ from any inlets to existing storm drains or constructed connections to the existing storm drains. The location shown in the Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C 302) is only a suggestion and can be relocated at the discretion of the Contractor. ` 16 Permanent/Established Vegetation (Phase IV) Permanent or established vegetation and landscaping is considered a permanent form of sediment and erosion control for common open spaces, steep slopes and areas not exposed to prolonged scour velocities, or acute incipient motion bed shear stresses that will create soil erosion, rill formation and subsequent sediment transport. Areas where the previous conditions apply will contain sufficient permanent BMPs, such as riprap or cobble mulch. Permanent vegetation shall conform to the approved Landscape Plan prepared by Ripley Design Inc. Permanent/Established vegetation and hardscape defines Phase IV of development. 7.4 NON-STRUCTURAL PRACTICES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Non-Structural BMPs are practices or activities that are implemented to prevent erosion from happening or to limit erosion once it occurs. These BMPs can be a practice resulting in physical change to the site, such as mulching or slope stabilization. They can also result in behavioral changes on the site, such as changes to construction phasing to minimize exposure to weather elements, or increased employee awareness gained through training. Protection of Existing Vegetation (Phases I-IV) Protection of existing vegetation on a construction site can be accomplished through installation of a construction fence around the area requiring protection. In cases where up-gradient areas are disturbed, it may also be necessary to install perimeter controls to minimize sediment loading to sensitive areas such as wetlands. Trees that are to remain after construction is complete must be protected. Most tree roots grow within the top 12”-18” of soil, and soil compaction is a significant threat to tree health. As such, particular care should be taken to avoid activities within the drip-line of the tree. Direct equipment damage should also be prevented. The most effective way to ensure the health of trees is to establish a protection zone at the drip-line of the tree to prevent unintended activity in the area directly surrounding the tree. Fencing should be inspected and repaired when needed. If damage occurs to a tree, an arborist should be consulted on how to care for the tree. If a tree is damage beyond repair, the City Forester should be consulted on remediation measures. At a minimum, protection to all trees identified for retention on the plans by Ripley Design Inc. Stockpile Management (Phases I-III) Stockpile management should be utilized to minimize erosion and sediment transport from soil stockpiles. In general, soil stockpiles should be located a minimum of 100 feet from any drainage way and 50 feet from any storm sewer inlets. Where practical, choose a stockpile location that will remain undisturbed for the longest period of time as the phases of construction progress. Sediment control BMPs should be placed around the perimeter of the stockpile, and a designated access point on the upstream side of the stockpile should be identified. BMPs such as surface roughening, temporary seeding, mulching, erosion control blankets, or soil binders should be used to stabilize the stockpile surface. As a part of stockpile management, regular inspections of the perimeter controls should be completed. If BMPs have been utilized to stabilize the surface of the stockpile, they should be inspected and repaired as needed. ` 17 While soil stockpiles are not expected with this project, it is possible that foundation excavation or the delivery landscaping material may generate temporary stockpiles. The location of any such stockpiles shall be the responsibility of the SWMP Administrator. Mulching (Phase I-III) Mulching helps reduce erosion by protecting bare soil from rainfall impact, increasing infiltration, and reducing runoff. Although often applied in conjunction with temporary or permanent seeding, it can also be used for temporary stabilization of areas that cannot be reseeded due to seasonal constraints. The most common type of mulch used is hay or grass that is crimped into the soil to keep it secure. However, crimping may not be practical on slopes steeper than three to one (3H:1V). The Contractor shall mulch all planted areas within twenty-four (24) hours after planting. Only weed-free and seed-free straw mulch may be used. Straw mulch should be applied at two (2) tons per acre, and shall be adequately secured by crimping, tackifier, netting or blankets. Hydraulic mulching may also be used on steep slopes or where access is limited. In the case that hydraulic mulching is utilized, the Contractor shall use wood cellulose fibers mixed with water at two thousands to two thousand five hundred (2,000-2,500) pounds per acre and organic tackifier at one hundred to four hundred (100-400) pounds per acre. The Contractor is responsible in applying wood chip mulch to all planted trees and shrubs as shown on the Landscape Plan prepared by Ripley Design Inc. Wind Erosion/Dust Control (Phase I-IV) Wind Erosion and Dust Control BMP’s help to keep soil particles from entering the air as a result of land disturbing construction activities. Attached at the end of the Appendix B is the Fort Collins Dust Prevention and Control Manual. The purpose of this manual is to establish minimum requirements consistent with nationally recognize BMP’s for controlling fugitive dust emissions and to describe applicable best management practices to prevent, minimize, and mitigate off-property transport or off-vehicle transport of fugitive dust emissions pursuant to Chapter 12, Article X of the Fort Collins City Code (§12-150 et. seq) for specific dust generating activities and sources. Examples include use of a water truck or irrigation/sprinkler system to wet the top layer of disturbed soil, seeding and mulching, soil binders, or wind fences. Please refer to the last three pages of Appendix B for the Dust Control Plan. A Dust Control Plan is required for all development projects or construction sites with greater than five (5) acres in size. Street Sweeping (Phases I -IV) Street sweeping should be used to remove sediment that has been tracked onto adjacent roadways. Roadways should be inspected at least once a day, and sediment should be removed as needed. A check of the area inlet protection should be completed after sweeping to ensure nothing was displaced during sweeping operations. Street sweeping can reduce the sediment washed into the existing storm drain system. Street sweeping may be necessary on the existing hardscape areas which receive runoff from the disturbed areas. Good Housekeeping Practices (All phases) Good housekeeping practices that will prevent pollution associated with solid, liquid, and hazardous construction-related materials and wastes should be implemented throughout the project. Examples of good housekeeping include providing an appropriate location for waste ` 18 management containers, establishing proper building material staging areas, designating paint and concrete washout areas, establishing proper equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance practices. Development of a spill prevention and response plan is another example of Good Housekeeping practices that should be used on the project. The following items are detailed examples of some of the good housekeeping practices that should be utilized throughout the project. It should be noted that a complete list of practices and detailed discussion regarding good housekeeping has been included within the Potential Pollution Sources section of this report. Street Sweeping and Vacuuming – Street sweeping and vacuuming should be used to remove sediment that has been tracked onto adjacent roadways. Roadways should be inspected at least once a day, and sediment should be removed as needed. A check of inlet protection should be completed after sweeping to ensure nothing was displaced during sweeping operations. Waste Management – Designate trash and bulk waste collection areas on-site. When possible, materials should be recycled. Hazardous material waste should be segregated from other solid waste. Waste collection areas should be located away from streets, gutters, watercourses, and storm drains. Dumpsters should be located near site entrances to minimize traffic on disturbed soils, and they should be placed on a level soil surface. Establish Proper Building Material Handling and Staging areas – Clearly designate site areas for staging and storage of building materials. Provide appropriate BMPs to ensure that spills or leaks are contained. Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices – If needed, create a clearly designated on-site fueling and maintenance area that is clean and dry. Provide appropriate BMPs to ensure that spills or leaks are contained. 7.5 PHASED BMP INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL It is important to recognize the four (4) major Development Phases as defined by the State of Colorado’s Stormwater Discharge Permit (SDP). These four development phases (referred to as Sequencing by the City of Fort Collins) have been distinguished to aid in the appropriate timing of installation/ implementation of BMPs at different stages of the construction process. These phases are described as follows: Phase I – Demolition Stage; BMPs for initial installation of perimeter controls Phase II – Infrastructure Stage; BMPs for utility, paving, and curb installation Phase III – Vertical Construction Stage; BMPs for individual building construction. Phase IV – Permanent BMPs and final site stabilization. The following is a rough estimate of the anticipated construction sequence for site improvements. The schedule outlined below is subject to change as the project progresses and as determined by the General Contractor. ` 19 Table 2 – Preliminary Permit and Construction Schedule Included in the back map pockets are two Site Plans: a “Static” Site Plan and a “Dynamic” Site Plan. The “Static” plan serves to display the overall management plan all at once. However, proper implementation of BMPs does not occur at once, and certain BMPs may move location in the construction process; therefore, the “Dynamic” Site Plan is intended for the contractor to write in the BMP symbols to document the location and time the BMPs are installed and maintained throughout the entire construction process. BMP Removal shall be in accordance with Table 3 detailing each stage an individual BMP will be used when applicable and in which stage it should be removed. Some BMPs are simply practices and should be observed and followed during the duration of the project, such as dust reduction. Table 3 – Construction Sequence and BMP Application 7.6 BMP INSPECTION All temporary erosion control facilities shall be inspected at a minimum of once every two (2) weeks and after each significant storm event or snowmelt. Repairs or reconstruction of BMPs, as necessary, shall occur as soon as possible to ensure the continued performance of their intended function. It is the responsibility of the SWMP Administrator to conduct bi-weekly inspections, TASK BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE "BMP-PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT" Development Construction Permit Issued by City of Fort Collins I Overlot Grading (Demolition) I Utility Installation II Road Construction III Final Stabilization IV ` 20 maintain BMPs if needed, keep records of site conditions and inspections, and update the SWMP as necessary. The construction site perimeter, disturbed areas, all applicable/installed erosion and sediment control measures, and areas used for material storage exposed to precipitation shall be inspected for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Erosion and sediment control measures identified in the SWMP shall be observed to ensure they are operating correctly. Attention should be paid to areas with a significant potential for stormwater pollution, such as demolition areas, concrete washout locations, and vehicle entries to the site. The inspection must be documented to ensure compliance with the permit requirements. 7.7 BMP MAINTENANCE Any BMPs not operating in accordance with the SWMP must be addressed as soon as possible, immediately in most cases, to prevent the discharge of pollutants. If modifications are necessary, such modifications shall be documented so that the SWMP accurately reflects on-site conditions. The SWMP needs to accurately represent field conditions at all times. Uncontrolled releases of mud, muddy water, or measurable amounts of sediment found offsite will be recorded with a brief explanation of the measures taken to clean up the sediment that has left the site, as well as the measures are taken to prevent future releases. This record shall be made available to the appropriate public agencies (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division; Environmental Protection Agency; City of Fort Collins; etc.) upon request. Preventative maintenance of all temporary and permanent erosion control BMPs shall be provided to ensure the continued performance of their intended function. Temporary erosion control measures are to be removed after the site has been sufficiently stabilized, as determined by the City of Fort Collins. Maintenance activities and actions to correct problems shall be noted and recorded during inspections. Inspection and maintenance procedures specific to each BMP identified with this SWMP are discussed in Section 3. Details have also been included in Appendix B. 7.8 RECORD KEEPING Documentation of site inspections must be maintained. The following items are to be recorded and kept with the SWMP: · Date of Inspection · Name(s) and title(s) of personnel making the inspection · Location(s) of sediment discharges or other pollutants from the site · Location(s) of BMPs that need to be maintained · Location(s) of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate · Locations(s) where additional BMPs are needed that were not in place at the time of inspection · Deviations from the minimum inspection schedule · Descriptions of corrective action taken to remedy deficiencies that have been identified · The report shall contain a signed statement indicating the site is in compliance with the permit to the best of the signer’s knowledge and belief after corrective actions have been taken. ` 21 Provided within Appendix E of this SWMP is an Example Inspection Log to aid in the record keeping of BMP inspections and maintenance. Photographs, field notebooks, drawings, and maps should be included by the SWMP Administrator when appropriate. In addition to the Inspection Log, records should be kept documenting: · BMP maintenance and operation · Stormwater contamination · Contacts with suppliers · Notes on the need for and performance of preventive maintenance and other repairs · Implementation of specific items in the SWMP · Training events (given or attended) · Events involving materials handling and storage · Contacts with regulatory agencies and personnel · Notes of employee activities, contact, notifications, etc. Records of spills, leaks, or overflows that result in the discharge of pollutants must be documented and maintained. A record of other spills responded to, even if they do not result in a discharge of pollutants, should be made. Information that should be recorded for all occurrences includes the time and date, weather conditions, reasons for the spill, etc. Some spills may need to be reported to authorities immediately. Specifically, a release of any chemical, oil, petroleum product, sewage, etc., which may enter waters of the State of Colorado (which include surface water, groundwater, and dry gullies or storm sewers leading to surface water) must be reported to the CDPHE. Additionally, the “Dynamic Site Plan” is intended to be a “living” document where the SWMP Administrator can handwrite the location of BMPs as they are installed to appropriately reflect the current site conditions. Also on the “Dynamic Site Plan” is a “Table of Construction Sequence and BMP Application/Removal” the SWMP Administrator can use to document when BMPs were installed or removed in conjunction with construction activities. These items have been included as an aid to the SWMP Administrator, and other methods of record keeping are at his or her discretion. This Stormwater Management Plan (both the text and map) is not a static document. It is a dynamic device intended to be kept current and logged as construction occurs. It shall be the responsibility of the SWMP Administrator and/or the permit holder (or applicant thereof) to ensure the plan is properly maintained and followed. Diligent administration is critical, including processing the Notice to Proceed and noting on the Stormwater Management Plan the dates that various construction activities occur and respective BMPs are installed and/or removed. 8.0 FINAL STABILIZATION AND LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 8.1 FINAL VEGETATION AND STABILIZATION Final stabilization of the site will be achieved by either leaving a gravel surface in place of the existing asphalt roadway or by reseeding. If reseeding is to be used, all disturbed areas will be seeded, crimped, and mulched within 24 hours of seeding per the FCDCM Chapter 2 Section ` 22 Soil amendments such as compost, peat, aged manure, or other similar materials shall also be utilized. Soil amendments shall be tilled into the soil to a minimum depth of 6” and should comply with the requirements found in City Code Section 12-132 (also refer to Land Use Code 3.8.21). According to CDOT, reseeding shall occur either in the spring or fall, dependent on completion date. Spring seeding shall occur between spring thaw and May 15th, while Fall seeding occurs between September 30th until the ground is consistently frozen. If Fall seeding occurs, appropriate measures to prevent erosion shall be taken, consistent with the BMPs established in this report. A native seed mix shall be installed per the Landscape plan seed mix and installation instructions. If a seed mix is not specified, a Fort Collins approved seed mix shall be used. The Seed shall be drill seeded to a depth as specified by the manufacturer. Table 3 - Native Grass Seed Mix Non-seed stabilization is expected to be completed soon after hardscape construction is complete. Seeded areas will require more time to establish and may need to be irrigated to establish growth. As defined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in the General Permit Application for Stormwater Discharges, “Final stabilization is reached when all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and uniform vegetative cover has been established with a density of at least 70 percent of pre-disturbance levels or equivalent permanent, physical erosion reduction methods have been employed.” Establishment of 70 percent is required for a determination for project closure by the City of Fort Collins. The timeline for completion of stabilization will largely be dictated by the season that the project ends in. If the project is completed in the summer or fall, final stabilization will occur after the seeding that occurs in the fall takes root and grows the following spring. If the project is completed in the winter or spring, final stabilization will occur immediately following the spring seeding and growing season. 8.2 LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The primary method of long-term stormwater management will be bio-retention basins. The bio- retention basins will remove suspended sediment and pollutants from developed run-off before entering drainage facilities downstream of the site. ` 23 After stabilization, before project closure, all sediment shall be removed from storm piping per FCDCM Chapter 2 Section All disturbed areas will receive permanent paving or be vegetated per the Landscape Plan. Low Impact Development (LID) treatment will provide significant water quality enhancement and will serve the long-term stormwater management goals for this project. ` 24 9.0 ADDITIONAL SWMP AND BMP RESOURCES Mile High Flood District Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual - Volume 3 “Best Management Practices” Colorado Department of Transportation Erosion Control and Stormwater Quality Guide BMP Field Academy EPA Menu of BMPs Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control International Stormwater Best Management (BMP) Database Rocky Mountain Education Center Rocky Mountain Education Center Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood Keep It Clean Partnership Boulder 10.0 REFERENCES 1. Drainage Report for The Landing at Lemay, Avant Civil Group, September 27, 2023 (ACG Project No. 1791-003) 2. City of Fort Collins Landscape Design Guidelines for Stormwater and Detention Facilities, November 5, 2009, BHA Design, Inc. with City of Fort Collins Utility Services. 3. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, City of Fort Collins, Colorado, adopted December 2018, and referenced in Section 26-500 (c) of the City of Fort Collins Municipal Code 4. Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards, Adopted January 2, 2001, Repealed and Reenacted, Effective October 1, 2002, Repealed and Reenacted, Effective April 1, 2007, Repealed and Reenacted, Effective August 1, 2021 5. Soil Resource Report for Larimer County Area, Colorado, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. 6. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volumes 1-3, Mile High Flood Control District, Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, Denver, Colorado, Revised January 2021. ` APPENDIX A SITE MAPS ` APPENDIX B EROSION CONTROL DETAILS Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph EDB-1: This EDB includes a concrete trickle channel and a micropool with a concrete bottom and grouted boulder sideslopes. The vegetation growing in the sediment of the micropool adds to the natural look of this facility and ties into the surrounding landscape. Description An extended detention basin (EDB) is a sedimentation basin designed to detain stormwater for many hours after storm runoff ends. This BMP is similar to a detention basin used for flood control, however; the EDB uses a much smaller outlet that extends the emptying time of the more frequently occurring runoff events to facilitate pollutant removal. The EDB's 40-hour drain time for the water quality capture volume (WQCV) is recommended to remove a significant portion of total suspended solids (TSS). Soluble pollutant removal is enhanced by providing a small wetland marsh or "micropool" at the outlet to promote biological uptake. The basins are sometimes called "dry ponds" because they are designed not to have a significant permanent pool of water remaining between storm runoff events. Site Selection EDBs are well suited for watersheds with at least five impervious acres up to approximately one square mile of watershed. Smaller watersheds can result in an orifice size prone to clogging. Larger watersheds and watersheds with baseflows can complicate the design and reduce the level of treatment provided. EDBs are also well suited where flood detention is incorporated into the same basin. The depth of groundwater should be investigated. Groundwater depth should be 2 or more feet below the bottom of the basin in order to keep this area dry and maintainable. Extended Detention Basin Functions LID/Volume Red. Somewhat WQCV Capture Yes WQCV+Flood Control Yes Fact Sheet Includes EURV Guidance Yes Typical Effectiveness for Targeted Pollutants3 Sediment/Solids Good Nutrients Moderate Total Metals Moderate Bacteria Poor Other Considerations Life-cycle Costs4 Moderate 3 Based primarily on data from the International Stormwater BMP Database (www.bmpdatabase.org). 4 Based primarily on BMP-REALCOST available at www.udfcd.org. Analysis based on a single installation (not based on the maximum recommended watershed tributary to each BMP). T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Benefits The relatively simple design can make EDBs less expensive to construct than other BMPs, especially for larger basins. Maintenance requirements are straightforward. The facility can be designed for multiple uses. Limitations Ponding time and depths may generate safety concerns. Best suited for tributary areas of 5 impervious acres or more. EDBs are not recommended for sites less than 2 impervious acres. Although ponds do not require more total area compared to other BMPs, they typically require a relatively large continuous area. EDBs providing combined water quality and flood control functions can serve multiple uses such as playing fields or picnic areas. These uses are best located at higher elevation within the basin, above the WQCV pool level. Designing for Maintenance Recommended maintenance practices for all BMPs are provided in the BMP Maintenance chapter of this manual. During design, the following should be considered to ensure ease of maintenance over the long-term:  Always provide a micropool (see step 7).  Provide a design slope of at least 3% in the vegetated bottom of the basin (either toward the trickle channel or toward the micropool). This will help maintain the appearance of the turf grass in the bottom of the basin and reduce the possibility of saturated areas that may produce unwanted species of vegetation and mosquito breeding conditions. Verify slopes during construction, prior to vegetation.  Follow trash rack sizing recommendations to determine the minimum area for the trash rack (see design step 9).  Provide adequate initial surcharge volume for frequent inundation (see design step 3).  Provide stabilized access to the forebay, outlet, spillway, and micropool for maintenance purposes.  Provide access to the well screen. The well screen requires maintenance more often than any other EDB component. Ensure that the screen can be reached from a point outside of the micropool. When the well screen is located inside the outlet structure, provide an access port within the trash rack or use a sloped trash rack that consists of bearing bars (not horizontal) that create openings no more than five inches clear.  Provide a hard-bottom forebay that allows for removal of sediment.  Where baseflows are anticipated, consider providing a flow-measuring device (e.g. weir or flume with staff gage and rating curve) at the forebay to assist with future modifications of the water quality plate. Typically, the baseflow will increase as the watershed develops. It is important that the water quality plate continue to function, passing the baseflow while draining the WQCV over approximately 40 hours. Measuring the actual baseflow can be helpful in determining if and when the orifice place should be replaced. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Design Procedure and Criteria The following steps outline the design procedure and criteria for an EDB and Figure EDB-3 shows a typical configuration. UD-BMP, available at www.udfcd.org, is an Excel based workbook that can be used to perform some of the below calculations and ensure conformance to these criteria. UD-Detention, another workbook developed by UDFCD can be used to develop and route a storm hydrograph through an EDB and design the outlet structure. 1. Basin Storage Volume: Provide a design volume equal to the WQCV or the EURV. This volume begins at the lowest orifice in the outlet structure.  Determine the imperviousness of the watershed (or effective imperviousness where LID elements are used upstream).  Find the required storage volume. Determine the required WQCV or EURV (watershed inches of runoff) using Figure 3-2 located in Chapter 3 of this manual (for WQCV) or equations provided in the Storage chapter of Volume 2 (for EURV).  Calculate the design volume as follows: For WQCV: 𝑉= �WQCV 12 �𝐴 Equation EDB-1 For EURV: 𝑉= �EURV 12 �𝐴 Equation EDB-2 Where: V = design volume (acre ft) A = watershed area tributary to the extended detention basin (acres) 2. Basin Shape: Always maximize the distance between the inlet and the outlet. It is best to have a basin length (measured along the flow path from inlet to outlet) to width ratio of at least 2:1. A longer flow path from inlet to outlet will minimize short circuiting and improve reduction of TSS. To achieve this ratio, it may be necessary to modify the inlet and outlet points through the use of pipes or swales. 3. Basin Side Slopes: Basin side slopes should be stable and gentle to facilitate maintenance and access. Slopes that are 4:1or flatter should be used to allow for conventional maintenance equipment and for improved safety, maintenance, and aesthetics. Side slopes should be no steeper than 3:1. The use of walls is highly discouraged due to maintenance constraints. 4. Inlet: Dissipate flow energy at concentrated points of inflow. This will limit erosion and promote particle sedimentation. Inlets should be designed in accordance with UDFCD drop structure criteria for inlets above the invert of the forebay, impact basin outlet details for at grade inlets, or other types of energy dissipating structures. T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 5. Forebay Design: The forebay provides an opportunity for larger particles to settle out in an area that can be easily maintained. The length of the flow path through the forebay should be maximized, and the slope minimized to encourage settling. The appropriate size of the forebay may be as much a function of the level of development in the tributary area as it is a percentage of the WQCV. When portions of the watershed may remain disturbed for an extended period of time, the forebay size will need to be increased due to the potentially high sediment load. Refer to Table EDB-4 for a design criteria summary. When using this table, the designer should consider increasing the size of the forebay if the watershed is not fully developed. The forebay outlet should be sized to release 2% of the undetained peak 100-year discharge. A soil riprap berm with 3:1 sideslopes (or flatter) and a pipe outlet or a concrete wall with a notch outlet should be constructed between the forebay and the main EDB. It is recommended that the berm/pipe configuration be reserved for watersheds in excess of 20 impervious acres to accommodate the minimum recommended pipe diameter of 8 inches. When using the berm/pipe configuration, round up to the nearest standard pipe size and use a minimum diameter of 8 inches. The floor of the forebay should be concrete or lined with grouted boulders to define sediment removal limits. With either configuration, soil riprap should also be provided on the downstream side of the forebay berm or wall if the downstream grade is lower than the top of the berm or wall. The forebay will overtop frequently so this protection is necessary for erosion control. All soil riprap in the area of the forebay should be seeded and erosion control fabric should be placed to retain the seed in this high flow area. 6. Trickle Channel: Convey low flows from the forebay to the micropool with a trickle channel. The trickle channel should have a minimum flow capacity equal to the maximum release from the forebay outlet.  Concrete Trickle Channels: A concrete trickle channel will help to establish the bottom of the basin long-term and may also facilitate regular sediment removal. It can be a "V" shaped concrete drain pan or a concrete channel with curbs. A flat-bottom channel facilitates maintenance. A slope between 0.4% - 1% is recommended to encourage settling while reducing the potential for low points within the pan.  Soft-bottom Trickle Channels: When designed and maintained properly, soft-bottom trickle channels can allow for an attractive alternative to concrete. They can also improve water quality. However, they are not appropriate for all sites. Be aware, maintenance of soft bottom trickle channels requires mechanical removal of sediment and vegetation. Additionally, this option provides mosquito habitat. For this reason, UDFCD recommends that they be considered on a case-by-case basis and with the approval of the local jurisdiction. It is recommended that soft bottom trickle channels be designed with a consistent longitudinal slope from forebay to micropool and that they not meander. This geometry will allow for reconstruction of the original design when sediment removal in the trickle channel is necessary. The trickle channel may also be located along the toe of the slope if a straight channel is not desired. The recommended minimum depth of a soft bottom trickle channel is 1.5 feet. This depth will help limit potential wetland growth to the trickle channel, preserving the bottom of the basin. Riprap and soil riprap lined trickle channels are not recommended due to past maintenance experiences, where the riprap was inadvertently removed along with the sediment during maintenance. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Basins with micropools have fewer mosquitoes. Micropools reduce shallow wet areas where breeding is most favorable. 7. Micropool and Outlet Structure: Locate the outlet structure in the embankment of the EDB and provide a permanent micropool directly in front of the structure. Submerge the well screen to the bottom of the micropool. This will reduce clogging of the well screen because it allows water to flow though the well screen below the elevation of the lowest orifice even when the screen above the water surface is plugged. This will prevent shallow ponding in front of the structure, which provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes (large shallow puddles tend to produce more mosquitoes than a smaller, deeper permanent pond). Micropool side slopes may be vertical walls or stabilized slopes of 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). For watersheds with less than 5 impervious acres, the micropool can be located inside the outlet structure (refer to Figures OS-7 and OS-8 provided in Fact Sheet T-12). The micropool should be at least 2.5 feet in depth with a minimum surface area of 10 square feet. The bottom should be concrete unless a baseflow is present or anticipated or if groundwater is anticipated. Riprap is not recommended because it complicates maintenance operations. Where possible, place the outlet in an inconspicuous location as shown in Photo EDB-3. This urban EDB utilizes landscaped parking lot islands connected by a series of culverts (shown in Photo EDB-4) to provide the required water quality and flood control volumes. The outlet should be designed to release the WQCV over a 40-hour period. Draining a volume of water over a specified time can be done through an orifice plate as detailed in Fact Sheet T-12. Use reservoir routing calculations as discussed in the Storage Chapter of Volume 2 to assist in the design. Two workbooks tools have been developed by UDFCD for this purpose, UD-FSD and UD-Detention. Both are available at www.udfcd.org. UD-FSD is recommended for a typical EDB full spectrum detention design. UD-Detention uses the same methodology and can be used for a full spectrum detention basin or a WQCV only design. It also allows for a wider range of outlet controls should the user want to specify something beyond what is shown in Fact Sheet T-12. Refer to BMP Fact Sheet T-12 for schematics pertaining to structure geometry, grates, trash racks, orifice plate, and all other necessary components. The outlet may have flared or parallel wing walls as shown in Figures EDB-1 and EDB-2, respectively. Either configuration should be recessed into the embankment to minimize its profile. Additionally, the trash rack should be sloped with the basin side-slopes. T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph EDB-2. The initial surcharge volume of this EDB is contained within the boulders that surround the micropool. 8. Initial Surcharge Volume: Providing a surcharge volume above the micropool for frequently occurring runoff minimizes standing water and sediment deposition in the remainder of the basin. This is critical to turf maintenance and mosquito abatement in the basin bottom. The initial surcharge volume is not provided in the micropool nor does it include the micropool volume. It is the available storage volume that begins at the water surface elevation of the micropool and extends upward to a grade break within the basin (typically the invert of the trickle channel). Photograph EDB-3. Although walls may complicate maintenance access, this outlet structure is relatively hidden from public view. This photo was taken shortly following a storm event. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 The area of the initial surcharge volume, when full, is typically the same or slightly larger than that of the micropool. The initial surcharge volume should have a depth of at least 4 inches. For watersheds of at least 5 impervious acres, the initial surcharge volume should also be at least 0.3% of the WQCV. The initial surcharge volume is considered a part of the WQCV and does not need to be provided in addition to the WQCV. It is recommended that this area be shown on the grading plan or in a profile for the EDB. When baseflows are anticipated, it is recommended that the initial surcharge volume be increased. See the inset on page EDB-9 for additional guidelines for designing for baseflows. 9. Trash Rack: Provide a trash rack (or screen) of sufficient size at the outlet to provide hydraulic capacity while the rack is partially clogged. Openings should be small enough to limit clogging of the individual orifices. Size any overflow safety grate so it does not interfere with the hydraulic capacity of the outlet pipe. See BMP Fact Sheet T-12 for detailed trash rack and safety grate design guidance. Photograph EDB-4. A series of landscape islands connected by culverts provide water quality and flood control for this site. T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure EDB-1. Flared wall outlet structure configuration. Graphic by Adia Davis. Figure EDB-2. Parallel wall outlet structure configuration. Graphic by Adia Davis. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-9 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Designing for Baseflows Baseflows should be anticipated for large tributary areas and can be accommodated in a variety of ways. Consider the following: If water rights are available, consider alternate BMPs such as a constructed wetland pond or retention pond. Anticipate future modifications to the outlet structure. Following construction, baseflows should be monitored periodically. Intermittent flows can become perennial and perennial flows can increase over time. It may be determined that outlet modifications are necessary long after construction of the BMP is complete. Design foundation drains and other groundwater drains to bypass the water quality plate directing these drains to a conveyance element downstream of the EDB. This will reduce baseflows and help preserve storage for the WQCV. When the basin is fully developed and an existing baseflow can be approximated prior to design, the water quality orifices should be increased to drain the WQCV in 40 hours while also draining the baseflow. This requires reservoir routing using an inflow hydrograph that includes the baseflow. The UD-Detention workbook available at www.udfcd.org may be used for this purpose. Increase the initial surcharge volume of the pond to provide some flexibility when baseflows are known or anticipated. Baseflows are difficult to approximate and will continue to increase as the watershed develops. Increasing the initial surcharge volume will accommodate a broader range of flows. 10. Overflow Embankment: Design the embankment to withstand the 100-year storm at a minimum. If the embankment falls under the jurisdiction of the State Engineer's Office, it must be designed to meet the requirements of the State Engineer's Office. The overflow should be located at a point where waters can best be conveyed downstream. Slopes that are 4:1 or flatter should be used to allow for conventional maintenance equipment and for improved safety, maintenance, and aesthetics. Side slopes should be no steeper than 3:1 and should be planted with turf forming grasses. Poorly compacted native soils should be excavated and replaced. Embankment soils should be compacted to 95% of maximum dry density for ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor) or 90% for ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Spillway structures and overflows should be designed in accordance with the Storage Chapter of Volume 2 as well as any local drainage criteria. Buried soil riprap or reinforced turf mats installed per manufacturer's recommendations can provide an attractive and less expensive alternative to concrete. 11. Vegetation: Vegetation provides erosion control and sediment entrapment. Basin bottom, berms, and side slopes should be planted with turf grass, which is a general term for any grasses that will form a turf or mat, as opposed to bunch grass which will grow in clumplike fashion. Xeric grasses with temporary irrigation are recommended to reduce maintenance requirements, including maintenance of the irrigation system as well as frequency of mowing. Where possible, place irrigation heads outside the basin bottom because irrigation heads in an EDB can become buried with sediment over time. 12. Access: Provide appropriate maintenance access to the forebay and outlet works. For larger basins, this means stabilized access for maintenance vehicles. If stabilized access is not provided, the maintenance plan should provide detail, including recommended equipment, on how sediment and trash will be removed from the outlet structure and micropool. Some communities may require T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-10 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 vehicle access to the bottom of the basin regardless of the size of the watershed. Grades should not exceed 10% for haul road surfaces and 20% for skid-loader and backhoe access. Stabilized access includes concrete, articulated concrete block, concrete grid pavement, or reinforced grass pavement. The recommended cross slope is 2%. Aesthetic Design Since all land owners and managers wish to use land in the most efficient manner possible, it is important that EDBs become part of a multi-use system. This encourages the design of EDBs as an aesthetic part of a naturalized environment or to include passive and/or active open space. Within each scenario, the EDB can begin to define itself as more than just a drainage facility. When this happens, the basin becomes a public amenity. This combination of public amenity and drainage facility is of much greater value to a landowner. Softened and varied slopes, interspersed irrigated fields, planting areas and wetlands can all be part of an EDB. The design should be aesthetic whether it is considered to be an architectural or naturalized basin. Architectural basins incorporate design borrowed or reflective of the surrounding architecture or urban forms. An architectural basin is intended to appear as part of the built environment, rather than hiding the cues that identify it as a stormwater structure. A naturalized basin is designed to appear as though it is a natural part of the landscape. This section provides suggestions for designing a naturalized basin. The built environment, in contrast to the natural environment, does not typically contain the randomness of form inherent in nature. Constructed slopes typically remain consistent, as do slope transitions. Even dissipation structures are usually a hard form and have edges seldom seen in nature. If the EDB is to appear as though it is a natural part of the landscape, it is important to minimize shapes that provide visual cues indicating the presence of a drainage structure. For example, the side sides should be shaped more naturally and with varying slopes for a naturalized basin. Suggested Methods for a Naturalized Basin  Create a flowing form that looks like it was shaped by water.  Extend one side of the basin higher than the other. This may require a berm.  Shape the bottom of the basin differently than the top.  Slope of one side of the basin more mildly than the opposing side.  Vary slope transitions both at the top of the bank and at the toe.  Use a soft-surface trickle channel if appropriate and approved.  When using rock for energy dissipation, the rock should graduate away from the area of hard edge into the surrounding landscape. Other non-functional matching rock should occur in other areas of the basin to prevent the actual energy dissipation from appearing out of context.  Design ground cover to reflect the type of water regime expected for their location within the basin. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) T-5 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District EDB-11 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Additional Details are provided in BMP Fact Sheet T-12. This includes outlet structure details including orifice plates and trash racks. Figure EDB-3. Extended Detention Basin (EDB) Plan and Profile T-5 Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB-12 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table EDB-4. EDB component criteria On-Site EDBs for Watersheds up to 1 Impervious Acre1 EDBs with Watersheds between 1 and 2 Impervious Acres1 EDBs with Watersheds up to 5 Impervious Acres EDBs with Watersheds over 5 Impervious Acres EDBs with Watersheds over 20 Impervious Acres Forebay Release and Configuration EDBs should not be used for watersheds with less than 1 impervious acre. Release 2% of the undetained 100-year peak discharge by way of a wall/notch configuration Release 2% of the undetained 100-year peak discharge by way of a wall/notch configuration Release 2% of the undetained 100-year peak discharge by way of a wall/notch configuration Release 2% of the undetained 100-year peak discharge by way of a wall/notch or berm/pipe2 configuration Minimum Forebay Volume 1% of the WQCV 2% of the WQCV 3% of the WQCV 3% of the WQCV Maximum Forebay Depth 12 inches 18 inches 18 inches 30 inches Trickle Channel Capacity ≥ the maximum possible forebay outlet capacity ≥ the maximum possible forebay outlet capacity ≥ the maximum possible forebay outlet capacity ≥ the maximum possible forebay outlet capacity Micropool Area ≥ 10 ft2 Area ≥ 10 ft2 Area ≥ 10 ft2 Area ≥ 10 ft2 Initial Surcharge Volume Depth ≥ 4 inches Depth ≥ 4 inches Depth ≥ 4 in. Volume ≥ 0.3% WQCV Depth ≥ 4 in. Volume ≥ 0.3% WQCV 1 EDBs are not recommended for sites with less than 2 impervious acres. Consider a sand filter or rain garden. 2 Round up to the first standard pipe size (minimum 8 inches). Retention Pond T-7 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph RP-1. Retention ponds treat stormwater though sedimentation and biological processes including uptake. Description A retention pond, sometimes called a "wet pond," has a permanent pool of water with capacity above the permanent pool designed to capture and slowly release the water quality capture volume (WQCV) over 12 hours. The permanent pool is replaced, in part, with stormwater during each runoff event so stormwater runoff mixes with the permanent pool water. This allows for a reduced residence time compared to that of the extended detention basin (EDB). The 12- hour drain time helps to both better replicate pre-development flows for frequent events and reduce the potential for short circuiting treatment in smaller ponds. Retention ponds can be very effective in removing suspended solids, organic matter and metals through sedimentation, as well as removing soluble pollutants like dissolved metals and nutrients through biological processes. Site Selection Retention ponds require groundwater or a dry-weather base flow if the permanent pool elevation is to be maintained year-round. They also require legal and physical use of water. In Colorado, the availability of this BMP can be limited due to water rights issues. The designer should consider the overall water budget to ensure that the baseflow will exceed evaporation, evapotranspiration, and seepage losses (unless the pond is lined). High exfiltration rates can initially make it difficult to maintain a permanent pool in a new pond, but the bottom can eventually seal with fine sediment and become relatively impermeable over time. However, it is best to seal the bottom and the sides of a permanent pool if the pool is located on permeable soils and to leave the areas above the permanent pool unsealed to promote infiltration of the stormwater detained in the surcharge WQCV. Retention Functions LID/Volume Red. Somewhat WQCV Capture Yes WQCV+Flood Control Yes Fact Sheet Includes EURV Guidance Yes Typical Effectiveness for Targeted Pollutants3 Sediment/Solids Very Good Nutrients Moderate Total Metals Moderate Bacteria Moderate Other Considerations Life-cycle Costs4 Moderate 3 Based primarily on data from the International Stormwater BMP Database (www.bmpdatabase.org). 4 Based primarily on BMP-REALCOST available at www.udfcd.org. Analysis is based on a single installation (not based on the maximum recommended watershed tributary to each BMP). T-7 Retention Pond RP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Benefits  Creates wildlife and aquatic habitat.  Provides recreation, aesthetics, and open space opportunities.  Can increase adjacent property values.  Cost-effective BMP for larger tributary watersheds. Limitations  Safety concerns associated with open water.  Requires both physical supply of water and a legal availability (in Colorado) to impound water.  Sediment, floating litter, and algae blooms can be difficult to remove or control.  Ponds can attract water fowl which can add to the nutrients and bacteria leaving the pond.  Ponds increase water temperature. Studies show that retention ponds can cause an increase in temperature from influent to effluent. Retention ponds are discouraged upstream of receiving waters that are sensitive to increases in temperature (e.g., fish spawning or hatchery areas). Use caution when placing this BMP in a basin where development will not be completed for an extended period, or where the potential for a chemical spill is higher than typical. When these conditions exists, it is critical to provide adequate containment and/or pretreatment of flows. In developing watersheds, frequent maintenance of the forebay may be necessary. Designing for Maintenance Recommended ongoing maintenance practices for all BMPs are provided in Chapter 6 of this manual. During design, the following should be considered to ensure ease of maintenance over the long-term.  Provide pretreatment upstream of the permanent pool.  Provide maintenance access to the outlet structure as well as the forebay.  Exceed the minimum criterion for the permanent pool volume. Greater depth will help deter algae growth by reducing temperature and the area of the pond bottom that receives sunlight. Design Procedure and Criteria The following steps outline the retention pond design procedure and criteria and Figure RP-1 shows a typical configuration. UD-BMP, available at www.udfcd.org, is an Excel based workbook that can be used to perform some of the below calculations and ensure conformance to these criteria. UD-Detention, another workbook developed by UDFCD can be used to develop and route a storm hydrograph through a retention pond and design the outlet structure. 1. Baseflow: Unless the permanent pool is establish by groundwater, a perennial baseflow that exceeds losses must be physically and legally available. Net influx calculations should be conservative to account for significant annual variations in hydrologic conditions. Low inflow in relation to the pond volume can result in poor water quality. Losses include evaporation, evapotranspiration, and seepage. Evaporation can be estimated from existing local studies or from the National Weather Service (NWS) Climate Prediction website. Data collected from Chatfield Reservoir from 1990 to 1997 show an average annual evaporation of 37 inches, while the NWS shows approximately 40 inches of evaporation per year in the Denver metropolitan area. Potential evapotranspiration (which occurs Retention Pond T-7 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 when water supply to both plant and soil surface is unlimited) is approximately equal to the evaporation from a large, free-water surface such as a lake (Bedient and Huber, 1992). When retention ponds are placed above the groundwater elevation, a pond liner is recommended unless evaluation by a geotechnical engineer determines this to be unnecessary. 2. Surcharge Volume: Provide a surcharge volume based on a 12-hour drain time.  Determine the imperviousness of the watershed (or effective imperviousness where LID elements are used upstream).  Find the required storage volume. Determine the required WQCV or EURV (watershed inches of runoff) using Figure 3-2 located in Chapter 3 of this manual (for WQCV) or equations provided in the Storage chapter of Volume 2 (for EURV).  Calculate the design volume (surcharge volume above the permanent pool) as follows: For WQCV: 𝑉 = �WQCV 12 �𝐴 Equation RP-1 For EURV: 𝑉= �EURV 12 �𝐴 Equation RP-2 Where: V = design volume (acre ft) A = tributary catchment drainage area (acres) 3. Basin Shape: Always maximize the distance between the inlet and the outlet. A basin length to width ratio between 2:1 and 3:1 is recommended to avoid short-circuiting. It may be necessary to modify the inlet and outlet locations through the use of pipes, swales, or channels to accomplish this. 4. Permanent Pool: The permanent pool provides stormwater quality enhancement between storm runoff events through biochemical processes and continuing sedimentation.  Volume of the permanent pool: 𝑉𝑝≥ 1.2 �WQCV 12 �𝐴 Equation RP-3 Where: V p = permanent pool volume (acre ft) A = tributary catchment drainage area (acres) T-7 Retention Pond RP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Depth Zones: The permanent pool should have two zones: o Safety Wetland Bench: This area should be located along the perimeter of the pond, 6 to 12 inches deep and a minimum of 4 feet wide. Aquatic plant growth along the perimeter of the permanent pool can help strain surface flow into the pond, protect the banks by stabilizing the soil at the edge of the pond, and provide biological uptake. The safety wetland bench is also constructed as a safety precaution. It provides a shallow area that allows people or animals who inadvertently enter the open water to gain footing to get out of the pond. o Open Water Zone: The remaining pond area should be open, providing a volume to promote sedimentation and nutrient uptake by phytoplankton. To avoid anoxic conditions, the maximum depth in the pool should not exceed 12 feet. 5. Side Slopes: Side slopes should be stable and sufficiently gentle to limit rill erosion and to facilitate maintenance. Side slopes above the safety wetland bench should be no steeper than 4:1, preferably flatter. The safety wetland bench should be relatively flat with the depth between 6 to 12 inches. The side slope below this bench should be 3:1 (or flatter when access is required or when the surface could be slippery). The steeper 3:1 slope below the safety wetland bench can be beneficial to deterring algae growth as it will reduce the shallow area of the pond, thus reducing the amount of sunlight that penetrates the pond bottom. 6. Inlet: Dissipate energy at the inlet to limit erosion and to diffuse the inflow plume. Inlets should be designed in accordance with the Hydraulic Structures chapter of Volume 2. This chapter includes design of impact basins and drop structures. 7. Forebay: Forebays provide an opportunity for larger particles to settle out, which will reduce the required frequency of sediment removal in the permanent pool. Install a solid driving surface on the bottom and sides below the permanent water line to facilitate sediment removal. A soil riprap berm should be constructed to contain the forebay opposite of the inlet. This should have a minimum top width of 8 feet and side slopes no steeper than 4:1. The forebay volume within the permanent pool should be sized for anticipated sediment loads from the watershed and should be at least 3% of the WQCV. If the contributing basin is not fully developed, additional measures should be taken to maintain a relatively clean forebay. This includes more frequent maintenance of the forebay and/or providing and maintaining temporary erosion control. 8. Outlet: The outlet should be designed to release the WQCV over a 12-hour period. This can be done through an orifice plate as detailed in BMP Fact Sheet T-12. Use reservoir routing calculations as discussed in the Storage Chapter of Volume 2 to properly design the outlet. The UD-Detention tool, available at www.udfcd.org, can be used for this purpose. Refer to BMP Fact Sheet T-12 for schematics pertaining to structure geometry, grates, trash racks, orifice plate, and all other necessary components. 9. Trash Rack: Provide a trash rack of sufficient size to prevent clogging of the primary water quality outlet. Similar to the trash rack design for the extended detention basin, extend the water quality trash rack into the permanent pool a minimum of 28 inches. The benefit of this is documented in Fact Sheet T-5. BMP Fact Sheet T-12 provides additional guidance on trash rack design including sizing based on the smallest dimension of the orifice. Retention Pond T-7 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RP-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Providing a buffer of tall native grasses around a retention pond provides treatment through filtering (straining) and helps discourage frequent use of the pond by geese. Photograph RP-2. This retention pond outlet structure is both accessible and functional while not interfering with the natural aesthetic. 10. Overflow Embankment: Design the embankment not to fail during the 100-year storm. If the embankment falls under the jurisdiction of the State Engineer's Office, it should be designed to meet the requirements of the State Engineer's Office. Embankment slopes should be no steeper than 4:1, preferably flatter, and planted with turf grasses. Poorly compacted native soils should be excavated and replaced. Embankment soils should be compacted to 95% of maximum dry density for ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor) or 90% for ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Spillway structures and overflows should be designed in accordance with local drainage criteria and should consider the use of stabilizing materials such as buried soil riprap or reinforced turf mats installed per manufacturer's recommendations. 11. Maintenance Considerations: The design should include a means of draining the pond to permit drying out of the pond when it has to be "mucked out" to restore volume lost due to sediment deposition. A means to drain the pond or a portion of the pond by gravity is preferred but not always practicable. Some level of pumping is typically required. Past versions of this manual included an underdrain at the perimeter of the pond with a valved connection to the outlet structure for this purpose. This remains an acceptable method for draining the pond. Additional alternatives include providing a drywell with a piped connection to the outlet structure or to a downstream conveyance element or connecting a valved pipe directly to the outlet structure. The pipe should include a valve that will only be opened for maintenance. 12. Vegetation: Vegetation provides erosion control and enhances site stability. Berms and side-sloping areas should be planted with native grasses or irrigated turf, depending on the local setting and proposed uses for the pond area. The safety wetland bench should be vegetated with aquatic species. This vegetation around the perimeter of an open water body can discourage frequent use of the pond by geese. 13. Access: All weather stable access to the bottom, forebay, and outlet works area should be provided for maintenance vehicles. Grades should not exceed 10% for haul road surfaces and should not exceed 20% for skid- loader and backhoe access. Provide a solid driving surface such as gravel, concrete, articulated concrete block, concrete grid pavement, or reinforced grass pavement. The recommended cross slope is 2%. T-7 Retention Pond RP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure RP-1. Retention Pond Plan and Sections Retention Pond T-7 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RP-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph RP-3. (altered photo) When incorporating rock into a structure, use other matching, functional rock to prevent the structure from looking out of context. Photo courtesy of Design Concepts. Aesthetic Design Since all land owners and managers wish to use land in the most efficient manner possible, it is important that retention basins become part of a multi-use system. This encourages the design of retention ponds as an aesthetic part of a naturalized environment or to be expanded to include passive and/or active open space. Within each scenario, the retention basin can begin to define itself as more than just a drainage facility. When this happens, the basin becomes a public amenity. This combination of public amenity and drainage facility is of much greater value to a landowner. Softened and varied slopes, interspersed irrigated fields, planting areas and wetlands can all be part of a retention pond. The design should be aesthetic whether it is considered to be an architectural or naturalized basin. Architectural basins incorporate design borrowed or reflective of the surrounding architecture or urban forms. An architectural basin is intended to appear as part of the built environment, rather than hiding the cues that identify it as a stormwater structure. A naturalized basin is designed to appear as though it is a natural part of the landscape. This section provides suggestions for designing a naturalized basin. The built environment, in contrast to the natural environment, does not typically contain the randomness of form inherent in nature. Constructed slopes typically remain consistent, as do slope transitions. Even dissipation structures are usually a hard form and have edges seldom seen in nature. If the retention pond is to appear as though it is a natural part of the landscape, it is important to minimize shapes that provide visual cues indicating the presence of a drainage structure. For example, the pond sides in the area of the surcharge volume should be shaped more naturally and with varying slopes for a naturalized pond. See Figure RP-2 for an example. Suggested Methods for Creating the Look of a Naturalized Pond:  Create a flowing overall form that looks like it was shaped by water. This includes the banks of the retention pond, which should have an undulating outline rather than a straight line.  One side of the pond can be higher than the other side. This may require a berm.  The shape of the permanent pool should vary from the shape of the surcharge volume.  The slopes on at least three sides of the pond (above the permanent pool) should be varied and gentle. To achieve this, one or more sides of the basin may have to be stabilized by a retaining structure, i.e., stacked boulders and walls.  Vary slope transitions. T-7 Retention Pond RP-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph RP-6. Landscape elements such as vegetation and stone highlight the irregularly-shaped pond edge, making it appear more natural. Photo courtesy of Design Concepts. Photograph RP-4. (altered photo) Variations in slope and texture around the pond are brought together by mass groupings of local stone boulders. The boulders are placed intermittently around the pond in groups and interspersed with plantings. Photo courtesy of Design Concepts. Note: A minimum 4-foot vegetated buffer (littoral zone) is recommended to strain surface flow into the pond, protect the banks by stabilizing the soil at the edge of the pond, and provide biological uptake. Photograph RP-5. A curving stream with vegetated edges provides habitat for wildlife. Photo courtesy of Design Concepts.  Any use of rock for energy dissipation or for erosion control should graduate away from the area of hard edge into the surrounding landscape. Other functional matching rock should occur in other areas of the pond to prevent the energy dissipation structure from appearing out of context. Photo RP- 3 serves as an example of this.  If concrete is required in the basin, colored concrete matching the rocks or other site features of the surrounding landscape can be used to prevent the structure from appearing out of context. Colored concrete, form liners and veneers for construction walls are preferred for outlet structures.  Adjust the vegetation to the different uses of the pond surrounding.  Ground cover should reflect the type of water regime expected for the location within the basin. For example, riparian plants would be placed around the edge of the retention pond, groups of trees and shrubs would be placed in more manicured areas that have no retention or detention function. Retention Pond T-7 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RP-9 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure RP-2. Example of a Naturalized Retention Pond References Bedient, Philip B. and Wayne C. Huber. 1992. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis (Second Edition). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1999. Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Wet Detention Ponds. Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Designing for Maintenance Rather than using the minimum criteria, consider maximizing the width of the trash rack to the geometry of the outlet. This will reduce clogging and frequency of maintenance. Reduced clogging in EDB outlet structures will preserve the initial surcharge volume thus reducing frequency of inundation in the bottom of the basin. This will benefit the grasses and reduce long- term EDB maintenance requirements (including sediment removal in the grassed area) and may reduce the life-cycle cost of the BMP. Description This section provides guidance and details for outlet structures for the use primarily with BMPs utilizing sedimentation, (i.e., extended detention basins, retention ponds and constructed wetland ponds). The information provided in this section includes guidance for different size watersheds as well as for incorporating full spectrum detention as described in the Storage chapter of Volume 2. The details contained in this Fact Sheet are intended to provide a starting point for design. UDFCD recommends that design details for outlet structures be specific for each site with structural details drawn to scale. The details provided in this Fact Sheet are not intended to be used without modification or additional detail. Outlet Design Large Watershed Considerations UDFCD recommends that water quality treatment be provided close to the pollutant source. This is a fundamental concept of Low Impact Development (LID). Although flood control facilities, including full spectrum detention facilities, have been shown to be very effective for watersheds exceeding one square mile, this is not the case for water quality facilities. One reason for this is that the baseflow associated with a larger watershed will vary and can be difficult to estimate. The orifice plate should be designed to pass the baseflow while detaining the water quality capture volume (WQCV) for approximately 40 hours. When the baseflow is overestimated, the WQCV is not detained for the recommended time, passing through without treatment. When the baseflow is underestimated, the elevation of the permanent pool will be higher than designed, causing maintenance issues as well as reducing the volume available for detention of the WQCV, which also allows for a portion of this volume to pass through without treatment. For this reason, UDFCD recommends that facilities designed for both water quality and flood control be limited, where possible, to watersheds without a baseflow. The maximum recommended watershed for combined facilities is one square mile. Additional discussion on designing for baseflows is provided in the EDB BMP Fact Sheet (T-5). Photograph OS-1. Although each site is different, most sedimentation BMPs have similar outlet structures. Each structure should include a partially submerged orifice plate with a screen (or grate) protecting the orifice plate from clogging, and an overflow weir for flows exceeding the WQCV or excess urban runoff volume (EURV), when full spectrum detention is used. T-12 Outlet Structures OS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Orifice Plates, Trash Racks, and Safety Grates An orifice plate is used to release the WQCV slowly over 40 hours. For full spectrum detention, the orifice plate is extended to drain a larger volume, the EURV, over approximately 72 hours. The figures and tables in this section provide recommendations for orifice configurations and trash rack type and size. Guidance is provided for plates using both circular and rectangular orifices. Orifice Sizing Follow the design steps included in the BMP Fact Sheet for the appropriate BMP. The UD-Detention workbook, available at www.udfcd.org, can be used to route flows and calculate the required orifice sizes. UDFCD recommends a total of three orifices to maximize the orifice size and avoid clogging of the orifice plate. A detail showing the recommended orifice configuration is provided in Figure OS-4. Trash Rack Sizing Once the size of the orifice has been determined, this information, along with the total orifice area in the water quality plate, is used to determine the total open area of the grate. See Figure OS-1 and use the dashed line to size the trash rack. Include the portion of the trash rack that is inundated by the micropool in total open area of the grate. Be aware, Figures OS-5, OS-6, OS-7, and OS-8 dimension the minimum width clear for the trash rack frame. It is also important to provide adequate width for attachment to the outlet structure (see Photos OS-2 and OS-3). Also, consider maximizing the width of the trash rack to the geometry of the outlet. This will reduce clogging and maintenance requirements associated with cleaning the trash rack. This Fact Sheet also includes recommendations for the thickness of the steel water quality plate (see Table OS-2). Photograph OS-2. This trash rack could not be properly Photograph OS-3. Trash rack after repair. Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Safety Grates Safety grates are intended to keep people and animals from inadvertently entering a storm drain. They are sometimes required even when debris entering a storm drain is not a concern. The grate on top of the outlet drop box is considered a safety grate and should be designed accordingly. The danger associated with outlet structures is the potential associated with pinning a person or animal to unexposed outlet pipe or grate. See the Culverts and Bridges chapter of Volume 2 of this manual for design criteria related to safety grates. Figure OS-1. Trash Rack Sizing At / Aot = 77e-0.124D At / Aot = 38.5e-0.095D 1 10 100 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Ra t i o o f T o t a l G r a t e O p e n A r e a t o T o t a l O u t l e t A r e a A t / A ot Outlet Diameter or Minimum Dimension D (Inches) Safety Grates Trash Racks D>24" 4 T-12 Outlet Structures OS-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Outlet Geometry Outlets for small watersheds will typically be sized for maintenance operations while the geometry of outlets for larger watersheds may be determined based on the required size of the trash rack. For all watershed sizes, the outlet should be set back into the embankment of the pond to better allow access to the structure. This also provides a more attractive BMP. For larger watersheds, this will require wing walls. Wing walls are frequently cast-in-place concrete, although other materials, such as grouted boulders, may be used where appropriate. Consider safety, aesthetics, and maintenance when selecting materials and determining the geometry. A safety rail should be included for vertical drops of 3 feet or more. Depending on the location of the structure in relation to pedestrian trails, safety rails may also be required for lesser drops. Stepped grouted boulders can be used to reduce the height of vertical drops. As shown in Figures EDB-1 and EDB-2 provided in BMP Fact Sheet T-5, wing walls can be flared or parallel. There are advantages to both configurations. Parallel wing walls may be more aesthetic; however, depending on the geometry of the pond, may limit accessibility to the trash rack. Flared wing walls can call attention to the structure but provide better accessibility and sometimes a vertical barrier from the micropool of an EDB, which can increase safety of the structure. Parallel walls can also be used with a second trash rack that is secured flush with the top of the wall as shown in Photo OS-4. This eliminates the need for a safety rail and may provide additional protection from clogging; however, it creates a maintenance issue by restricting access to the water quality screen. The rack shown in Photo OS-4 was modified after construction due to this problem. Photograph OS-4. Maintenance access to the water quality trash rack was compromised by the location of a secondary trash rack on this outlet. This may have been included as a safety rack or as additional protection from clogging. The owner modified the structure for better access. A safety rail would have been a better solution. Photograph OS-5. Interruptions in the horizontal members of this trash rack and the spacing of the vertical members allow easier access to clean the water quality grate. A raking tool can be used to scrape the water quality trash rack. Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Micropools within the Outlet Structure The micropool of an EDB may be placed inside the structure when desired. This is becoming increasingly common for smaller watersheds and near airfields where large bird populations can be problematic. When designing this type of structure, consider maintenance of the water quality trash rack. The secondary trash rack should be designed to allow maintenance of the water quality trash rack similar to that shown in Photo OS-5. This concept can easily be incorporated into smaller outlet structures (see Figures OS-7 and OS-8 for details). Outlet Structure Details A number of details are presented in this section to assist designers with detailing outlet structures. Table OS-1 provides a list of details available at www.udfcd.org. These details are not intended to be used in construction plans without proper modifications as indicated in this table. Table OS-1. Summary of Outlet Structure Details and Use Figure Detail Use of Detail OS-2 Typical outlet structure for full spectrum detention Conceptual. OS-3 Typical outlet structure for WQCV treatment and attenuation Conceptual. OS-4 Orifice plate and trash rack detail and notes Outlet section. Modify per true structure geometry and concrete reinforcement. Modify notes per actual design. OS-5 Typical outlet structure with well screen trash rack Outlet sections. Modify per true structure geometry and concrete reinforcement. Add additional sections and detailing as necessary. Modify notes per actual design. OS-6 Typical outlet structure with bar grate trash rack Outlet sections. Modify per true structure geometry and concrete reinforcement. Add additional sections and detailing as necessary. Modify notes per actual design. OS-7 Full spectrum detention outlet structure for 5-acre impervious area or less Outlet profile and section. Modify per true EURV elevation and concrete reinforcement. Add additional sections and detailing as necessary. OS-8 WQCV outlet structure for 5-acre impervious area or less Outlet sections. Modify per true WQCV elevation and concrete reinforcement. Add additional sections and detailing as necessary. T-12 Outlet Structures OS-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-2. Typical outlet structure for full spectrum detention Figure OS-3. Typical outlet structure for WQCV treatment and attenuation Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-4. Orifice plate and trash rack detail and notes T-12 Outlet Structures OS-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table OS-2. Thickness of steel water quality plate Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-9 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-5. Typical outlet structure with well screen trash rack T-12 Outlet Structures OS-10 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-6. Typical outlet structure with bar grate trash rack Outlet Structures T-12 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District OS-11 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-7. Full spectrum detention outlet structure for 5-acre impervious area or less T-12 Outlet Structures OS-12 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure OS-8. WQCV outlet structure for 5-acre impervious area or less Covering Outdoor Storage and Handling Areas S-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph CS-1. Covered truck loading dock helps reduce exposure of materials to runoff. Description When raw materials, byproducts, finished products, storage tanks, and other materials are stored or handled outdoors, stormwater runoff that comes in contact with the materials can become contaminated. Proactively covering storage and handling areas can be an effective source control for such areas. Coverings can be permanent or temporary and consist of tarp, plastic sheeting, roofing, enclosed structures, or other approaches that reduce exposure of materials to rainfall, runoff, and wind. Appropriate Uses Covering is appropriate for areas where solids (e.g., gravel, salt, compost, building materials) or liquids (e.g., oil, gas, tar) are stored, prepared, or transferred. Consider covering the following areas:  Loading and Unloading: Loading and unloading operations usually take place outside on docks, truck terminals, or outside storage or staging areas at industrial and commercial sites. Materials spilled, leaked, or lost during loading and unloading may collect in the soil or other surfaces and be carried away by runoff, or when the area is cleaned. In addition to spills to the ground surface, rainfall may wash pollutants off machinery used to unload and load materials. Materials may be spilled during transfer between storage facilities and truck or rail car during pumping of liquids, pneumatic transfer of dry chemicals, mechanical transfer using conveyor systems, or transfers of bags, boxes, drums, or other containers by forklift, trucks, or other material handling equipment.  Aboveground Tanks/Liquid Storage: Accidental releases of chemicals from above-ground liquid storage tanks can contaminate stormwater with a variety of pollutants. Several common causes of accidental releases from above-ground tanks include: external corrosion and structural failure, problems due to improper installation, spills and overfills due to operator error, failure of piping systems, and leaks or spills during pumping of liquids or gases between trucks or rail cars to a storage facility.  Outside Manufacturing: Common outside manufacturing activities may include parts assembly, rock grinding or crushing, metals painting or coating, grinding or sanding, degreasing, concrete manufacturing, parts cleaning or operations that use hazardous materials. These activities can result in dry deposition of dust, metal and wood shavings and liquid discharges of dripping or leaking fluids from equipment or processes and other residuals being washed away in storm runoff. In addition to the manufacturing process, outside storage of materials and waste products may occur in conjunction with outside manufacturing.  Waste Management: Wastes spilled, leached, or lost from outdoor waste management areas or outside manufacturing activities may accumulate in soils or on other surfaces and be carried away by rainfall runoff. There is also the potential for liquid wastes from surface impoundments to overflow to surface waters or soak the soil where they can be picked up by runoff. Possible stormwater S-1 Covering Outdoor Storage and Handling Areas CS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 contaminants include toxic compounds, oil and grease, oxygen-demanding organics, paints and solvents, heavy metals and high levels of suspended solids. Lack of coverage of waste receptacles can result in rainwater seeping through the material and collecting contaminants or the material being blown around the site and into the stormwater collection system. Typical contaminant sources include: landfills, waste piles, wastewater and solid waste treatment and disposal, land application sites, dumpsters, or unlabeled drums.  Outside Storage of Materials: Raw materials, intermediate products, byproducts, process residuals, finished products, containers, and materials storage areas can be sources of pollutants such as metals, oils and grease, sediment and other contaminants. Pollutant transport can occur when solid materials wash off or dissolve into water, or when spills or leaks occur.  Salt Storage: Salt left exposed to rain or snow may migrate to the storm sewer or contaminate soils. Salt spilled or blown onto the ground during loading or unloading will dissolve in stormwater runoff. Stormwater contaminated with salt in high concentrations can be harmful to vegetation, aquatic life and groundwater quality. Typical contaminant sources include salt stored outside in piles or bags, salt loading and unloading areas, and salt/sand storage piles used for deicing operations. Practice Guidelines  Where practical, conduct operations indoors. Where impractical, select an appropriate temporary or permanent covering to reduce exposure of materials to rainfall and runoff.  The type of covering selected depends on a variety of factors such as the type and size of activity being conducted and materials involved. Types of cover range from relatively inexpensive tarps and plastic sheeting to overhead structures or fully enclosed buildings equipped with ventilation, lighting, etc.  Covering practices should be combined with Good Housekeeping BMPs to be most effective. Spill containment berms are also often needed at industrial sites.  Measures such as tarps and plastic sheets typically require more frequent inspection and maintenance than constructed facilities. Spill Prevention, Containment and Control S-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SPCC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SPCC-1. Use of secondary containment around supplies stored outside helps to reduce the likelihood of spill and leaks reaching the storm sewer system in runoff. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. Also See These BMP Fact Sheets  Covering Storage/Handling Areas  Good Housekeeping  Vehicle Fueling, Maintenance, Washing & Storage  Preventative Maintenance Description Spills and leaks of solid and liquid materials processed, handled or stored outdoors can be a significant source of stormwater pollutants. Spilled substances can reach receiving waters when runoff washes these materials from impervious surfaces or when spills directly enter the storm sewer system during dry weather conditions. Effective spill control includes both spill prevention and spill response measures and depends on proper employee training for spill response measures and may also include structural spill containment, particularly at industrial locations. Structural spill containment measures typically include temporary or permanent curbs or berms that surround a potential spill site. Berms may be constructed of concrete, earthen material, metal, synthetic liners, or other material that will safely contain the spill. Spill control devices may also include valves, slide gates, or other devices that can control and contain spilled material before it reaches the storm sewer system or receiving waters. Appropriate Uses Implement spill prevention, containment and control measures at municipal, commercial and industrial facilities in areas where materials may be spilled in quantities that may adversely impact receiving waters when discharged directly or through the storm sewer system. Check local, state, and/or federal regulations to determine when spill containment and control measures are required by law. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plans may be required for certain facilities handling oil and hazardous substances sunder Section 311(j)(1)(C) of the federal Clean Water Act. Practice Guidelines Spill Prevention Measures  Train employees on potential sources of pollution on-site and provide clear, common-sense spill prevention practices. Require that these practices be strictly followed.  Identify equipment that may be exposed to stormwater, pollutants that may be generated and possible sources of leaks or discharges.  Perform regular inspection and preventative maintenance of equipment to ensure proper operation and to check for leaks or evidence of discharge (stains). Provide clear procedures to ensure that needed repairs are completed and provide temporary leak containment until such repairs can be implemented. S-2 Spill Prevention, Containment and Control SPCC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Drain or replace motor oil and other automotive fluids in a designated area away from storm sewer inlets. Collect spent fluids and recycle or dispose of properly. Never dispose of these fluids in the storm sewer or sanitary sewer.  In fueling areas, clean up spills with dry methods (absorbents) and use damp cloths on gas pumps and damp mops on paved surfaces. Never use a hose to “wash down” a fuel spill.  Where practical, reduce stormwater contact with equipment and materials by implementing indoor or covered storage, implementing stormwater run-on control measures and following good housekeeping practices. Identification of Spill Areas Identify potential spill areas, potential spill volumes, material types, frequency of material use, and drainage paths from spill areas with relation to storm sewer inlets, adjacent waterbodies, structural BMPs, and containment structures. Use this information to determine the types of spill prevention and control measures needed specific to the site conditions. Examples of potential spill locations include:  Loading and unloading areas  Outdoor storage areas  Outdoor manufacturing or processing activities  Waste disposal/storage areas  Areas that generate significant dust or particulates (that may be subsequently deposited on the ground)  Salt piles  Areas prone to spills based on past experience at the site  Locations where other routine maintenance activities occur such as equipment maintenance and cleaning, pesticide/fertilizer application, etc. Additionally, areas where smaller leaks may occur such as parking should also have basic spill cleanup procedures. Material Handling Procedures From a water quality perspective, the primary principle behind effective material handling practices is to minimize exposure to stormwater. This can be accomplished by storing the material indoors under weather-resistant covering, elevating the material off the ground by using pallets, and diverting stormwater around materials storage areas. Representative outdoor materials handling procedures include:  Keep bulk solid materials such as raw materials, sand, gravel, topsoil, compost, concrete, packing materials, metal products and other materials covered and protected from stormwater.  When practical, store materials on impermeable surfaces.  Store hazardous materials according to federal, state, and local hazardous materials requirements. Spill Prevention, Containment and Control S-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SPCC-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Adopt procedures that reduce the chance of spills or leaks during filling or transfer of materials.  Substitute less toxic or non-toxic materials for toxic materials.  Store containers that are easily punctured or damaged away from high traffic areas (i.e., adopt a materials flow/plant layout plan).  Add waste-capture containers such as collection pans for lubricating fluids.  Store drums and containers with liquid materials on impermeable surfaces and provide secondary containment where appropriate. Drums stored outdoors should be located on pallets to minimize contact with runoff. Spill Response Procedures and Equipment Spill response procedures should be tailored to site-specific conditions and industry-specific regulatory requirements. General spill response procedures include:  Containment and cleanup of spills should begin promptly after the spill is observed.  Sweep up small quantities of dry chemical or solids to reduce exposure to runoff. Shoveling may be used for larger quantities of materials.  Absorbents should be readily accessible in fueling areas or other areas susceptible to spills.  Wipe up small spills with a shop rag, store shop rags in appropriate containers, dispose of rags properly or use a professional industrial cleaning service.  Contain medium-sized spills with absorbents (e.g., kitty litter, sawdust) and use inflatable berms or absorbent “snakes” as temporary booms for the spill. Store and dispose of absorbents properly. Wet/dry vacuums may also be used, but not for volatile fluids.  Develop procedures and locations for containing and storing leaking containers.  Install drip pans below minor equipment leaks and properly dispose of collected material until a repair can be made.  For large spills, first contain the spill and plug storm drain inlets where the liquid may migrate off- site, then clean up the spill.  Excavation of spill areas to removed contaminated material may be required where large liquid spills occur on unpaved surfaces.  An inventory of cleanup materials should be maintained onsite and strategically located based on the types and quantities of chemicals present. Structural Spill Containment Measures Two general approaches are often used when implementing spill containment measures. The first approach is designed to contain the entire spill. The second approach uses curbing to route spilled material to a collection basin. Both containment berming and curbing should be sized to safely contain or convey to a collection basin a spill from the largest storage tank, rail car, tank truck, or other containment device in the possible spill area. The spill containment area must have an impermeable surface (e.g., S-2 Spill Prevention, Containment and Control SPCC-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Key Spill Notification Contacts in Colorado  Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Toll- Free 24-hour Environmental Emergency Spill Reporting Line: 1-877-518-5608  National Response Center: 1- 800-424-8802 (24-hour)  Local Emergency Planning Committee (OEM): 303-273- 162  Division of Oil & Public Safety- Storage Tanks: 303-318-8547  Oil and Gas Conservation Commission: 303-894-2100 or 1-888-235-1101 (toll-free spill/complaint line) impermeable liner, asphalt or concrete) to prevent groundwater contamination. The containment system must be designed to enable collection and removal of spilled material through a pump or vacuum trucks, use of sorbent or gelling material, or other measures. Material removed from the spill area must be disposed of or recycled according to local, state, and federal standards. If the capacity of the containment berming or the collection basin is exceeded, supplemental spill control measures should be available such as a portable containment device, sorbent materials, or gelling agents that eventually solidify the material. Water that collects within containment areas due to rainfall or snowmelt must be appropriately treated before release from the spill area. Spill Plan Development Many industries are required by federal law to have a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) that meets specific regulatory criteria when certain types and quantities of materials are used or processed at a site. These plans can be instrumental in developing a spill control plan for stormwater management purposes. Even if an SPCC plan is not legally required at a site, a spill control plan for stormwater management purposes may be necessary. Representative information appropriate for a spill control plan, building on concepts previously introduced in this Fact Sheet, includes:  Site plan showing where materials are stored and handled, and where associated activities occur.  Notification procedures to be used in the event of an accident  Instructions for clean-up procedures.  A designated person with spill response and clean-up authority.  Training of key personnel in plan and clean-up procedures.  Signs posted at critical locations providing a summary of SPCC plan information, phone numbers, contacts, equipment locations, etc.  Provisions requiring spills to be cleaned up, corrective actions taken, or countermeasures implemented immediately.  Provisions for absorbents to be made available for use in fuel areas, and for containers to be available for used absorbents.  Prohibition on washing absorbents into the storm drainage system or into the sanitary sewer system via floor drains.  Provision for emergency spill containment and clean-up kits in accessible and convenient locations. Kits should contain the appropriate clean-up materials applicable to the materials stored at the site. Disposal of Household Waste S-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DHW-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph DHW-1. Placing storm drain markers (or stenciling) at storm sewer inlets is a public education tool that can be used to educate citizens and discourage improper disposal of household waste in storm drains. Photo courtesy of Nonpoint Source Colorado. Description Improperly disposed household wastes are a source of stormwater pollution. These wastes can include household chemicals, pet waste, yard waste, litter, automotive maintenance waste, and others. These materials can be transported in stormwater when the materials are dumped directly into the storm drains or when they are spilled on impervious surfaces and washed into the storm sewer system. Household wastes can contribute solids, nutrients, oxygen demanding substances, toxic substances, and bacteria to receiving waters. Improper disposal of household wastes on the ground surface can also lead to groundwater contamination. Proper disposal of household waste is dependent on behavioral change, which can be encouraged through public education programs and local ordinances that prohibit improper disposal of household waste. Additionally, local governments can provide appropriate facilities for proper disposal of waste. This Fact Sheet focuses primarily on household waste. See the Good Housekeeping Fact Sheet for additional information on waste management at commercial and industrial sites. Appropriate Uses Educational efforts related to proper disposal of household waste can be targeted to homeowners and businesses through municipal programs, civic groups, and others. Local governments should consider measures needed in the following general categories:  Household/Commercial Waste: Household waste includes materials discarded on the land surface or into the stormwater system from residential and commercial areas. Wastes from commercial businesses are generated by stores, restaurants, hotels, offices, and other non-manufacturing activities. Household waste disposal objectives include containing and properly disposing of refuse (garbage), reducing litter, and encouraging proper household toxic waste disposal through public education and access to appropriate disposal facilities.  Litter: Most litter is biodegradable and can create an oxygen demand in water as it decomposes. Examples of litter are paper products, used diapers, etc. Research by Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (1990) has shown that people litter where litter has already accumulated. Also according to Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (1987), pedestrians and motorists account for less than 25 percent of litter, with the other sources being household waste, commercial and industrial waste, haulage vehicles, loading docks, and construction sites. Reduction of litter through proper disposal can reduce its accumulation on the urban landscape and its eventual entry into the stormwater system.  Pet Waste: Pet waste deposited on the ground can be transported by the storm drainage system to receiving waters or by overland flow into waterways. Fecal matter potentially contains pathogenic viruses and bacteria; it also creates an oxygen demand in water. The majority of improperly disposed pet waste occurs in public areas, such as streets and parks. Pet waste ordinances are common in municipalities; however, these are difficult to enforce, especially with limited municipal resources. Education can help bring this problem to the public's attention, and can thereby reduce deposition of pet waste on urban surfaces. S-3 Disposal of Household Waste DHW-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Composting Composting is a natural method for recycling organics such as yard trimmings and food scraps, which comprise nearly a quarter of municipal solids waste generated (Keep America Beautiful 2010). Nearly half of all U.S. states now ban yard waste from landfills because it represents such a large volume that can be productively composted. Composted yard waste used as mulch or soil amendment can provide landscape water conservation benefits, reduce the burden on landfills and is protective of water quality. Municipal Recycling Programs Many communities throughout the country have implemented municipal recycling programs, rather than relying on citizens to research and seek out recycling opportunities on their own. Curbside recycling programs and municipal education campaigns can improve the success of recycling programs. For more information on implementing a municipal recycling program, visit a variety of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency websites such as: http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/conserve/rrr/index.htm and http://www.epa.gov/region4/waste/rcra/mgtoolkit/index.html or review well developed local programs such as Denver Recycles.  Yard Waste: Yard waste includes limbs, leaves and grass clippings that can contribute nutrients, lawn chemicals, and oxygen demand to receiving waters when washed into storm sewers and waterways. Public education efforts on the benefits of composting and on proper disposal of yard waste can help to reduce the volume of yard waste entering the stormwater system and receiving waters. Most yard waste can be reused following composting, with the exception of weeds and diseased plant materials.  Used Oil and Automotive Fluids: Used oil and automotive fluids including antifreeze, brake fluid, transmission fluid, grease, other lubricants, and petroleum- based cleaning solvents are wastes generated during automobile maintenance by residential households and commercial businesses. These can enter the storm drainage system if poured directly into storm inlets or from residual on concrete or asphalt exposed to precipitation. Improper disposal of used oil and automotive fluids causes receiving waters to become contaminated with hydrocarbons and residual metals that can be toxic to stream organisms. Used oil and other petroleum products can be recycled and are accepted by many auto parts stores and repair shops. Public education on the location of these centers, the benefits of recycling, prevention of fluid leaks, and the importance of proper disposal for improving stormwater quality can reduce the amounts of oil and used automotive fluids reaching receiving waters.  Toxic Wastes: Toxic wastes are generated in small quantities by residential households and commercial businesses. Examples include paint, solvents, putties, cleaners, waxes, polishes, oil products, aerosols, acids, caustics, pesticides, herbicides, and certain medicines or cosmetics. These products and their containers should always be disposed of in accordance with the product label or recycled, if appropriate. When such toxic substances are improperly disposed of by dumping on impervious surfaces or into street gutters or storm inlets, stormwater can transport these materials to receiving waters. Disposal of Household Waste S-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DHW-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph DHW-2. Check with state and local water quality agencies for public education materials such as this door hanger developed by the Keep It Clean Partnership that can be adopted for use in your community. Photo courtesy of Nonpoint Source Colorado. Practice Guidelines To reduce improper disposal of household waste, implement public education efforts regarding how improper disposal of wastes can degrade the quality of streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Local governments have many public education options that can be tailored to fit local needs and budget constraints the best. Within local governments, opportunities for coordinated efforts among multiple departments may be beneficial. For example, properly composting of yard waste can provide a stormwater benefit when these materials are kept out of the gutter, as well as a water conservation benefit when the materials are reused as mulch and a solid waste management benefit when these materials are kept out of landfills. Similarly, public works and parks and recreation departments both benefit from efforts related to pet waste disposal signage as well as disposal facilities in parks. Representative public education strategies may include:  Development, publication, and distribution of brochures.  Utility bill inserts, flyers, and handbills.  Newspaper articles and/or advertisements.  Development and distribution of educational videos.  Public workshops, field demonstrations, or presentations to targeted civic organizations, youth organizations, etc.  Developing and offering school curricula or assembly programs.  Creating posters, signs, and graphics for installation at parks, school hallways, trails, etc.  Storm drain stenciling to discourage dumping of materials into storm drains.  Signs, including graphics, on dumpsters and other locations encouraging proper waste disposal.  Signs in parks and along streets on pet waste control and ordinances.  Brochures and utility bill inserts on separation of wastes and recycling.  Advertising the locations of existing toxic disposal sites and waste recycling centers.  Advertising the locations of existing automobile fluids and used oil disposal sites. S-3 Disposal of Household Waste DHW-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Developing campaigns promoting voluntary neighborhood clean-up efforts.  Advertisements or notices of private locations accepting yard waste for composting.  Information on backyard or neighborhood composting and proper disposal of yard waste. In addition to public education efforts, local governments can provide facilities that provide readily available proper disposal opportunities. These practices include:  Establishing and maintaining household toxics disposal sites.  Annual or curbside collection of household toxics.  Pet waste disposal bags in public parks.  Providing waste containers in problem litter areas.  Requiring waste-haulage truck covers.  Seasonal or on-going collection programs for grass clippings, tree branches, and leaves with disposal at composting or chipping facilities, paired with distribution programs for reuse of composted or chipped materials. With regard to household toxics, local governments should be aware that collection and disposal of household wastes is expensive. Such programs require adequate training of operators, analysis of unknown materials, safe transport and containers, extensive recordkeeping and awareness of regulatory requirements (e.g., the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) regarding disposal of such materials. Illicit Discharge Controls S-4 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IDC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph IDC-1. Mapping and dry weather investigation of storm sewer outfalls is an important tool in identifying and removing illicit connections. Photo courtesy of WWE. Description Illicit discharges are non-stormwater discharges into a storm drain system, with some limited exceptions specified in state and local discharge permits (e.g., fire fighting water, springs, and others). Examples of illicit discharges include illegal dumping (e.g., used oil), accidental spills, failing septic systems, improper disposal of sewage from recreational activities such as boating or camping, and improper plumbing of sanitary discharges from residences and commercial or industrial establishments into the storm sewer system. A common cause of illicit discharges is connection of building or garage or floor drains to the storm sewer system. Control of illicit discharges involves a multi-faceted effort based on knowledge of the storm sewer system, use of ordinances to prohibit illicit discharges, development of a coordinated plan to detect and address illicit discharges, and a public education program to increase awareness of the problems caused by illicit discharges. Appropriate Uses Illicit discharge control measures are usually implemented by municipal governments and metropolitan districts, but may also be relevant to campus-scale developments or industries. Illicit discharge controls are closely related to practices identified in the Good Housekeeping BMP Fact Sheet. Practice Guidelines Practice guidelines for illicit discharge controls are discussed in three general categories: 1. Public education to reduce illegal dumping and discharges, 2. Municipal actions to identify and remove illegal connections to the storm sewer system, and 3. Accidental spill response measures. Public Education to Reduce Illegal Dumping and Discharges Public education and awareness are the foundation for reducing illegal dumping and some types of illicit discharges. For example, many citizens may not be aware that storm sewers drain to streams rather than wastewater treatment plants or may not be aware of the environmental damage caused by discharging soapy water, pet waste and other household wastes into the storm sewer system. Local governments should select public awareness and education approaches most effective for their communities, which may include a combination of some of these practices: S-4 Illicit Discharge Controls IDC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Enactment of clearly written ordinances prohibiting illegal dumping and illicit connections. Many local governments already have such ordinances; however, citizens are often unaware of these. Publicity including news articles, door hangers, utility bill inserts, radio or TV advertisements, website highlights and other measures can be used to increase awareness. Such efforts may be particularly effective when connected to a specific water quality problem such as stream or lake impairments due to bacteria and/or nutrients.  Storm drain stenciling involves placing a marker or using a stencil to paint a message on storm drains to discourage dumping down the storm drain. These messages are a public education tool so that citizens are aware that the materials that they dump down to the storm drain are discharged to a stream, as opposed to a wastewater treatment plant.  Provide citizens with readily available contact information to report illegal dumping. Install a "hotline" telephone number to handle calls from citizens reporting illegal dumping or accidental spills.  Create brochures and other guidance for businesses related to illegal discharges to the storm drain. Educational efforts should not only alert business owners that non-stormwater discharges are not allowed, but also provide guidance on BMPs to implement. For example, power washing discharges are process wastewater that may not be discharged to the storm sewer system. When power washing is conducted, storm drain inlet protection, wet vacuuming, collection systems, and/or other appropriate measures to prevent washwater from entering the storm drain system should be implemented. Illicit Connections Eliminating illicit connections plumbed into the storm drain system involves two different components: 1. Identifying and removing existing illicit connections; and 2. Preventing new illicit connections. Removing Existing Connections Existing illicit connections of sanitary sewers to the storm drainage system in existing developments can be identified by a systematic dry weather inspection of storm sewer outfalls following readily available illicit discharge detection and elimination guidance available from EPA. Initial screening typically involves mapping all storm sewer outfalls and conducting field inspections to identify suspect outfalls based on odor, sewage-related residue (e.g., toilet paper), discoloration, dry weather flows, etc. Grab samples of dry-weather discharges can be collected at suspect locations and analyzed for targeted water quality constituents (e.g., E. coli, temperature, pH, surfactants). Where illicit connections are probable, more advanced techniques can be used to isolate the likely source of the connection. Techniques such as temperature probes (to track diurnal temperature changes indicative of shower use suggesting a sanitary connection to a storm sewer), optical brightener screening (indicator of detergents), zinc chloride smoke testing, fluorometric dye testing, television camera inspections and other approaches can be used as follow-up measures. Once the illicit connection has been identified, the plumbing can be corrected and proper connections to the sanitary sewer system implemented. Illicit Discharge Controls S-4 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IDC-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Additional Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Guidance The Center for Watershed Protection and Robert Pitt (2004) prepared Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments under EPA funding to provide guidance to communities in developing effective management programs and field guidance to reduce illicit discharges. This manual provides detailed guidance and field forms that can be used identify illicit connections. Program elements to prevent illicit connections include: Preventing Illicit Connections  Ensure that existing building and plumbing codes prohibit physical connections of non-stormwater discharges to the storm drain system.  Have a program in place to review and approve any proposed connection into a storm sewer.  Require visual inspection of new developments or redevelopments during the construction phase to ensure that proper plumbing connections are implemented. Train field inspectors and develop field inspection procedures that prevent new illicit connections of sanitary sewer lines to storm sewers. Accidental Spill Response Although the storage, transport and disposal of hazardous and toxic substances is a highly regulated activity under state and federal laws, accidents will inevitably occur, resulting in potential release of chemicals and wastes into the storm sewer system. Most local police, fire, or other departments are trained and equipped to respond to such spills. Local governments should work with response personnel to ensure current mapping of storm drains and BMPs and review training procedures for spill response and cleanup. Proper training combined with readily available knowledge of the storm sewer system and appropriate spill control materials can result in more effective protection and blocking of the drainage system during spill response. Good Housekeeping S-5 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph GH-1. Use dry clean-up methods to remove spilled materials. Photo courtesy of Colorado Nonpoint Source Program. Description Good housekeeping practices are designed to maintain a clean and orderly work environment. The most effective first steps towards preventing pollution in stormwater from work sites simply involve using common sense to improve the facility’s basic housekeeping methods. Poor housekeeping practices result in increased waste and potential for stormwater contamination. A clean and orderly work site reduces the possibility of accidental spills caused by mishandling of chemicals and equipment and should reduce safety hazards to personnel. A well-maintained material and chemical storage area will reduce the possibility of stormwater mixing with pollutants. Some simple procedures a facility can use to promote good housekeeping include improved operation and maintenance of machinery and processes, material storage practices, material inventory controls, routine and regular clean-up schedules, maintaining well organized work areas, signage, and educational programs for employees and the general public about all of these practices. Appropriate Uses Good housekeeping practices require education and training, typically targeted to industries and businesses, municipal employees, as well as the general public. Practice Guidelines Good housekeeping practices include these general areas:  Operation and Maintenance  Material Storage  Material Inventory  Training and Participation. Operation and Maintenance Consider implementing the following practices:  Maintain dry and clean floors and ground surfaces by using brooms, shovels, vacuums or cleaning machines, rather than wet clean-up methods.  Regularly collect and dispose of garbage and waste material. S-5 Good Housekeeping GH-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Routinely inspect equipment to ensure that it is functioning properly without leaking and conduct preventative maintenance and needed repairs.  Train employees on proper clean up and spill response procedures.  Designate separate areas of the site for auto parking, vehicle refueling and routine maintenance.  Promptly clean up leaks, drips and other spills.  Cover and maintain dumpsters and waste receptacles. Add additional dumpsters or increase frequency of waste collection if overflowing conditions reoccur.  Where outdoor painting and sanding occur, implement these practices: o Conduct these activities in designated areas that provide adequate protection to prevent overspray and uncontrolled emissions. All operations should be conducted on paved surfaces to facilitate cleanup. o Use portable containment as necessary for outside operations. o Clean up and properly dispose of excess paint, paint chips, protective coatings, grit waste, etc.  Maintain vegetation on facility grounds in a manner that minimizes erosion. Follow the Landscape Maintenance and Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Usage BMPs to ensure that minimum amounts of chemicals needed for healthy vegetation are applied in a manner that minimizes transport of these materials in runoff. Material Storage Practices Proper storage techniques include the following:  Provide adequate aisle space to facilitate material transfer and ease of access for inspection.  Store containers, drums, and bags away from direct traffic routes to reduce container damage resulting in accidental spills.  Stack containers according to manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging the containers from improper weight distribution. Also store materials in accordance with directions in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs).  Store containers on pallets or similar devices to prevent corrosion of containers that results from containers coming in contact with moisture on the ground.  Store toxic or hazardous liquids within curbed areas or secondary containers. Material Inventory Practices An up-to-date materials inventory can keep material costs down by preventing overstocking, track how materials are stored and handled onsite, and identify which materials and activities pose the most risk to the environment. Assign responsibility of hazardous material inventory to individuals trained to handle such materials. A material inventory should include these steps:  Identify all chemical substances present at work site. Perform a walk-through of the site, review Good Housekeeping S-5 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 purchase orders, list all chemical substances used and obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals.  Label all containers. Labels should provide name and type of substance, stock number, expiration date, health hazards, handling suggestions, and first aid information. Much of, this information can be found on an MSDS.  Clearly identify special handling, storage, use and disposal considerations for hazardous materials on the material inventory.  Institute a shelf-life program to improve material tracking and inventory that can reduce the amount of materials that are overstocked and ensure proper disposal of expired materials. Careful tracking of materials ordered can result in more efficient materials use. Decisions on the amounts of hazardous materials that are stored on site should include an evaluation of any emergency control systems that are in place. All storage areas for hazardous materials should be designed to contain spills. Training and Participation Frequent and proper training in good housekeeping techniques reduces the likelihood that chemicals or equipment will be mishandled. To promote good housekeeping, consider implementing these practices:  Discuss good housekeeping practices in training programs and meetings.  Publicize pollution prevention concepts through posters or signs.  Post bulletin boards with updated good housekeeping procedures, tips and reminders. Preventative Maintenance S-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PM-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph PM-1. Preventative maintenance can reduce the frequency and occurrence of leaked or spilled material that can be transported in stormwater runoff. Description Preventative maintenance involves proactive routine inspection and testing of plant equipment and operational systems to prevent leaks and spills. A preventative maintenance program should also include inspections of conveyance channels, storm sewers, inlets, catch basins, stormwater detention areas, and other water quality treatment systems associated with the site. Appropriate Uses This BMP is applicable to municipal, industrial and commercial sites. Preventative maintenance programs typically incorporate practices identified in the Good Housekeeping, Materials Storage and Handling, Vehicle Fueling, Maintenance and Storage, and other source control BMPs. See the Structural BMP Maintenance chapter for preventative maintenance for stormwater BMPs. Practice Guidelines Elements of a good preventative maintenance program should include:  Identification of equipment or systems, which may malfunction and cause spills, leaks, or other situations that could lead to contamination of stormwater runoff. Typical equipment to inspect includes pipes, pumps, storage tanks and bins, pressure vessels, pressure release valves, process and material handling equipment.  Once equipment and areas to be inspected have been identified at the facility, establish schedules and procedures for routine inspections and scheduling repairs.  Periodic testing of plant equipment for structural soundness is a key element in a preventative maintenance program.  Promptly repair or replace defective equipment found during inspection and testing.  Keep spare parts for equipment that needs frequent repair.  Replace worn parts prior to failure.  Implement, maintain and regularly review a record keeping system for scheduling tests and documenting inspections in the preventative maintenance program. Be sure to follow inspections promptly with completion of needed repairs. Clearly record the problem and the specific actions taken to correct the problem. Photos can be helpful components of such records. An annual review of these records should be conducted to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the preventative maintenance program. Refinements to the preventative maintenance procedures and tasking should be implemented as necessary. Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage S-7 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VFM-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph VF-1. Use drip pans to collect leaks from vehicles until repairs can be completed. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. Description Areas where vehicles are fueled, maintained, and stored/parked can be pollutant "hot spots" that can result in hydrocarbons, trace metals, and other pollutants being transported in stormwater runoff. Proper fueling operations, storage of automotive fluids and effective spill cleanup procedures can help reduce contamination of stormwater runoff from vehicle maintenance and fueling facilities. Fuel-related spills can occur due to inattention during fueling or "topping off" fuel tanks. Common activities at commercial, industrial and municipal maintenance shops include parts cleaning, vehicle fluid replacement, and equipment replacement and repair. Some of the wastes generated at automobile maintenance facilities include solvents (degreasers, paint thinners, etc.), antifreeze, brake fluid and brake pad dust, battery acid, motor oil, fuel, and lubricating grease. Fleet storage areas and customer and employee parking can also be a source of vehicle-related contamination from leaks, antifreeze spills, etc. Appropriate Uses These BMP guidelines are applicable to vehicle maintenance, fueling, fleet storage and parking facilities. Be aware that washing vehicles and equipment outdoors or in areas where wash water flows onto the ground can pollute stormwater. Vehicle wash water is considered process wastewater that should not be discharged to the storm sewer system. Consult state and federal discharge permit requirements for proper disposal of vehicle washwater, which is typically accomplished through discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Practice Guidelines 1  Perform maintenance activities inside or under cover. When repairs cannot be performed indoors, be sure to use drip pans or absorbents. Vehicle Maintenance The most effective way to minimize wastes generated by automotive maintenance activities is to prevent their production in the first place. Consider adopting these practices:  Keep equipment clean and free of excessive oil and grease buildup. 1 Guidelines adapted from the USEPA Menu of BMPs. S-7 Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage VFM-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Promptly cleanup spills using dry methods and properly dispose of waste. When water is required, use as little as possible to clean spills, leaks, and drips.  Use a solvent collection service to collect spent solvent used for parts cleaning. Where practical, use detergent-based, steam cleaning, or pressure-based cleaning systems instead of organic solvent degreasers when practical. (Be aware that cleaning water discharged into the sanitary sewer may require pre-treatment prior to discharge.)  When using liquids for cleaning, use a centralized station to ensure that solvents and residues stay in one area. Locate drip pans and draining boards to direct solvents back into a solvent sink or holding tank for reuse.  Store used oil for recycling in labeled tanks. Locate used oil tanks and drums away from storm drains, flowing streams, and preferably indoors.  Use non-hazardous or less hazardous alternatives when practical. For example, replace chlorinated organic solvents with non-chlorinated ones like kerosene or mineral spirits.  Properly recycle or dispose of grease, oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, cleaning solutions, hydraulic fluid, batteries, transmission fluid, worn parts, filters, and rags.  Drain and crush oil filters before recycling or disposal.  Drain all fluids and remove batteries from salvage vehicles and equipment.  Closely monitor parked vehicles for leaks and place pans under any leaks to collect the fluids for proper disposal or recycling.  Install berms or other measures to contain spills and prevent work surface runoff from entering storm drains.  Develop and follow a spill prevention plan. This includes a variety of measures such as spill kits and knowing where storm drains are located and how to protect them (e.g., drain mat, berm) when larger spills occur. (See the Spill Prevention, Containment and Control BMP for more information.)  Conduct periodic employee training to reinforce proper disposal practices.  Promptly transfer used fluids to recycling drums or hazardous waste containers.  Store cracked batteries in leak-proof secondary containers.  Inspect outdoor storage areas regularly for drips, spills and improperly stored materials (unlabeled containers, auto parts that might contain grease or fluids, etc.). This is particularly important for parking areas for vehicles awaiting repair.  Structural stormwater BMPs in vehicle hotspot areas require routine cleanout of oil and grease, sometimes monthly or more frequently. During periods of heavy rainfall, cleanout is required more often to ensure that pollutants are not washed through the trap. Sediment removal is also required on a regular basis to keep the BMP working efficiently. Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage S-7 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VFM-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Fueling  Designated fueling areas should be designed to prevent stormwater runoff and spills. For example, fuel-dispensing areas should be paved with concrete or an equivalent impervious surface, with an adequate slope to prevent ponding, and separated from the rest of the site by a grade break or berm that prevents run-on of stormwater.  Fuel dispensing areas should be covered. The cover's minimum dimensions must be equal to or greater than the area within the grade break or the fuel dispensing area so that the fueling area is completely covered. It may be necessary to install and maintain an oil capture device in catch basins that have the potential to receive runoff from the fueling area.  For facilities where equipment is being fueled with a mobile fuel truck, establish a designated fueling area. Place temporary "caps" over nearby catch basins or manhole covers so that if a spill occurs, it is prevented from entering the storm drain. A form of secondary containment should be used when transferring fuel from the tank truck to the fuel tank. Storm drains in the vicinity should also be covered. Install vapor recovery nozzles to help control drips, as well as reduce air pollution.  Keep spill response information and spill cleanup materials onsite and readily available.  Fuel-dispensing areas should be inspected regularly and repair promptly completed. Inspectors should: o Check for external corrosion and structural failure in aboveground tanks. o Check for spills and overfills due to operator error. o Check for failure of any piping systems. o Check for leaks or spills during pumping of liquids or gases from a truck or rail car to a storage facility or vice versa. o Visually inspect new tank or container installations for loose fittings, poor welds, and improper or poorly fitted gaskets. o Inspect tank foundations, connections, coatings, tank walls, and piping systems. Look for corrosion, leaks, cracks, scratches, and other physical damage that may weaken the tank or container system.  Aboveground and belowground tanks should be tested periodically for integrity by a qualified professional.  Dry cleanup methods should be employed when cleaning up fuel-dispensing areas. Such methods include sweeping to remove litter and debris and using rags and absorbents for leaks and spills. Water should not be used to wash these areas. During routine cleaning, use a damp cloth on the pumps and a damp mop on the pavement, rather than spraying with a hose. Fuel dispensing nozzles should be fitted with "hold-open latches" (automatic shutoff) except where prohibited by local fire departments. Signs can be posted at the fuel dispenser or island warning vehicle owners/operators against "topping off" vehicle fuel tanks.  Written procedures that describe these BMPs should be provided to employees who will be using fueling systems. Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers S-8 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PHF-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph PHF-1. Pesticide, fertilizer, and herbicide applications should be applied in the minimum quantities necessary to achieve specific landscaping objectives, while keeping chemicals out of storm drain systems. Photo courtesy of WWE. Description Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, fuel and other landscape maintenance chemicals must be properly applied, stored, handled and disposed of to prevent contamination of surface water and groundwater. Misuse of pesticides and herbicides can result in adverse impacts to aquatic life, even at low concentrations. Misuse of fertilizer can result in increased algae growth in waterbodies due to excessive phosphorus and nitrogen loading. Appropriate Uses This BMP applies to both commercial and municipal landscaping operations, as well as to homeowners and homeowner associations. For commercial operations, the scale of chemical usage and handling is greater; therefore, additional measures are often required under federal and state law. Practice Guidelines 1 Public education regarding appropriate landscape chemical application and handling is an important action that local governments can take to reduce the likelihood that landscape chemicals are washed into storm drains and receiving waters through runoff. Local governments can make landscape care information available on websites, in utility mailers, lawn care centers, and other locations. A variety of professional organizations for lawn care professionals already exist and can be contacted for additional information or partnered with for both public education and landscape professional educational efforts and certification programs (See www.ext.colostate.edu and www.greenco.org.). General Guidelines for Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Application  Apply fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals according to manufacturer's directions. The label is the law for pesticide usage. Apply pesticides and herbicides only when needed and use in a manner to minimize off-target effects. See the Landscape Management Fact Sheet for fertilizer application guidelines.  Accurately diagnose the pest. Disease and insect symptoms can mimic each other in many plants. A fungicide will not control an insect, and an insecticide will not control a disease.  Be aware that commercial chemical applicators must receive thorough training, licensure and proper certification prior to chemical use. Consult Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) Regulations for specific requirements. 1 These practice guidelines have been adapted from the GreenCO Best Management Practices for the Conservation and Protection of Water Quality in Colorado: Moving Toward Sustainability (GreenCO and WWE 2008). See that manual for additional detail and references. S-8 Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers PHF-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Integrated pest management (IPM) (also known as Plant Health Care) is the practice of using targeted biological, chemical, cultural, and physical measures to manage pests while minimizing or eliminating the use of chemical pesticides. IPM measures benefit the landscape and help reduce the likelihood that lawn chemicals will be washed into storm drainage systems in stormwater runoff. The pros and cons of various tools should be weighed and used in an integrated manner to achieve pest control objectives in a safe, effective, and cost-effective manner. Basic IPM practices that can be adopted include:  Consider spot treatments of pests rather than treating the entire area.  Consider pest occurrence and history when developing pest management strategies.  Time pesticide application to minimize host plant damage and maximize pest control.  Rotate annual garden plants to reduce the buildup of soil-borne pests. Clean up plant litter and remove weeds before they go to seed. Remove infested plant residue from the garden in the fall so that pests do not over-winter there.  Implement cultural controls such as proper plant selection, planting time, and planting method to reduce susceptibility to insects, pests, and diseases, thereby reducing pesticide usage.  Implement mechanical and physical controls where practical as an alternative to chemical application. Examples include a wide variety of practices such as "collars" around seedlings, mulching, solar heating, syringing, handpicking, mowing, hoeing, and traps.  Use biological controls where appropriate to reduce pesticide usage. For example, introduce natural enemies of pests such as lady beetles and green lacewings. (Note: pesticides may kill these natural enemies.)  Consider applying environmentally friendly chemical alternatives such as insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, and other such measures when practical and effective and when mechanical approaches are impractical.  Know characteristics of the application site, including soil type and depth to groundwater to avoid migration of chemicals into groundwater.  Select pesticides and herbicides best suited to the characteristics of the target site and the particular pest or weed. Half-life, solubility, and adsorption should be compared to site characteristics to determine the safest chemical. Choose least toxic and less persistent sprays whenever possible based on comparison of labels and associated material safety data sheets.  Employ application techniques that increase efficiency and allow the lowest effective application rate. Carefully calibrate application equipment and follow all label instructions.  Recognize that it is not realistic for a landscape to be completely pest-free or weed-free. Consider using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to minimize chemical usage.  Keep pesticide and fertilizer equipment properly calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions and in good repair. Recalibrate equipment periodically to compensate for wear in pumps, nozzles and metering systems. Calibrate sprayers when new nozzles are installed.  All mixing and loading operations must occur on an impervious surface. Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers S-8 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PHF-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Managing Mosquitoes in Stormwater Facilities (Adapted from: Peairs and Cranshaw 2007) The key to mosquito control is larval management. Larvae occur in specific areas and can be controlled by modifying the habitat through drainage or insecticides applied to larval breeding sites. Weekly mosquito inspections at stormwater facilities with targeted treatments are frequently less costly and more effective than regular widespread application of insecticides. These inspections can be performed by a mosquito control source and typically start in mid-May and extend to mid-September. Mosquito control measures must be cost effective and environmentally sound. Consider alternatives before application of conventional chemical insecticides.  Habitat Modification: Eliminating breeding sites, or habitat modification, is an effective and long-term solution. Proper maintenance of stormwater BMPs to avoid shallow standing water is important.  Natural Predators: Fish, dragonfly nymphs, and diving beetles are natural predators of mosquito larvae; dragonflies, birds, and bats feed on adults. Consult the Colorado Division of Wildlife for recommendations, restrictions and regulations regarding mosquito-eating fish.  Insecticides: Microbial insecticides such as the bacteria "Bti" (Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis) can be as effective as chemical insecticides. Bti is toxic only to mosquito and midge larvae. It is not hazardous to non-target organisms but can reduce midge populations that serve as fish food. "Soft" chemical insecticides, such as the insect growth regulator methoprene, are toxic only to insects and other arthropods. They are similar to certain insect hormones and create imbalances in the levels of hormones needed for proper mosquito growth and development. They do not directly harm fish or other wildlife but can reduce the amount of available food. Mosquito larvae also can be controlled by the application of larvicidal oils or chemical insecticides to the water where they occur or are suspected to occur. Remember, several alternatives to conventional chemical larvicides have been developed because of concerns about applying chemicals to water that might be used for drinking or that contains fish and other aquatic life. If larval control fails, adult mosquito control may be necessary. Adult control generally is done with insecticide applications using ground equipment or aircraft. For more information visit: www.ext.colostate.edu/westnile/mosquito_mgt.html or www.ext.colostate.edu/westnile/faq.html. Application Practices  Keep records of pesticide application and provide signage as required by law.  Do not apply pesticides or herbicides during high temperatures, windy conditions or immediately prior to heavy rainfall or irrigation.  Treat for and control noxious weeds prior to installing the landscape using an herbicide targeted to the weeds that are present and applied in accordance with the product label.  Be aware that some pesticide formulations are not compatible with other pesticides and combining them may result in increased potency and phytotoxicity. S-8 Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers PHF-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Figure PHF-1. Example Combined Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage and Mixing Area. Figure courtesy of Designing Facilities for Pesticides and Fertilizer Containment, Midwest Planning Service, Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State University 1991.  Maintain a buffer zone around wells or surface water where pesticides are not applied. Consult local regulations and landscape ordinances, as well as the product label, for distances, which may vary depending on the type of chemical and the sensitivity of the waterbody. The purpose of this practice is to keep pesticides and herbicides out of surface waterbodies. Storage Practices  Storage areas should be secure and covered, preventing exposure to rain and unauthorized access. Commercial and municipal facilities should provide basic safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, warning signs (e.g., "no smoking"), adequate light and ventilation, and spill clean-up materials should be present. Floors and shelves should be non-porous (e.g., metal, concrete) to prevent sorption of chemicals. If possible, temperature control should be provided to avoid excessive heat or cold. Storage areas should be kept clear of combustible material and debris.  Commercial operations handling large quantities of pesticides and fertilizers should consult the Colorado Department of Agriculture for storage and handling requirements. Commercial greenhouses and nurseries that are storing recycled water laden with fertilizer may need to provide secondary containment to contain the water in the event of a tank rupture or leak.  Store chemicals in their original containers, tightly closed, with labels intact. Also inspect them regularly for leaks. Store nitrate-based and other oxidizing fertilizers separately from solvents, fuels, and pesticides to reduce fire risk. Follow the general principle of storing like chemicals together. Dry chemicals should be stored above liquids and on pallets to ensure that they do not get wet.  Locate chemical storage and maintenance areas, as well as vehicle refueling and maintenance areas, away from wells and surface waterbodies in accordance with local regulations, typically at least 50 to 100 feet away. Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers S-8 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PHF-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 For More Information on Legal Requirements Many federal and state regulations address pesticide, herbicide, and other chemical usage. These sources should be consulted for the most current legal requirements related to chemical handling, storage, application, disposal, and reporting of chemical spills. Examples include the federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), the Emergency Planning and Community-Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements, particularly the Hazard Communication Standard. Colorado-related regulations include the Colorado Pesticide Applicator's Act, and the Colorado Water Quality Control Act (25-8-601 and 25-8-606), Senate Bill 90-126, and The Agricultural Chemicals and Groundwater Protection Act, which identifies special requirements for facilities handling more than 3,000 pounds (or 500 gallons) of bulk-formulated pesticides.  Make available all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) in a readily accessible area. A list of all hazardous chemicals in the work place must be completed to ensure that all MSDSs are readily available.  Do not store large quantities of pesticides for long periods of time. Adopt the "first in, first out" principle, using the oldest products first to ensure that the shelf life does not expire. Buy smaller quantities of pesticides and fertilizers, thereby reducing storage issues. Spills and Disposal  Never pour lawn and garden chemicals or rinse water down storm drains (or sanitary drains) and keep chemicals off impervious surfaces (e.g., streets, gutters) during application.  Follow label directions for disposal. This typically involves triple-rinsing empty containers, puncturing and crushing. All visible chemicals should be cleaned from the container prior to disposal. Use local recycling or hazardous waste collection centers to dispose of unused chemicals.  Properly manage chemical spills by cleaning them up as soon as possible, controlling actively spilling or leaking materials, containing the spilled material (e.g., with absorbents, sand), collecting the spilled material, storing or disposing of the spilled material, and following relevant spill reporting requirements. "Washing down" a spill with water is not an appropriate cleanup approach.  Commercial operations should be aware of and comply with basic spill reporting requirements required by law, and keep chemical spill cleanup equipment, personal protective equipment and emergency phone numbers available when handling chemicals and their containers. Landscape Maintenance S-9 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District LM-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph LM-1. Over-irrigation and overspray can wash fertilizers and lawn chemicals into the storm drain system. These flows can comingle with storm runoff and cause nuisance flow conditions in stormwater BMPs. Photo courtesy of the City of Westminster. Description Proper landscape maintenance, including maintenance of vegetated stormwater BMPs, is important to reduce nutrient and chemical loading to the storm drain system, reduce nuisance flows and standing water in stormwater BMPs, and maintain healthy vegetation that helps minimize erosion. Additionally, when landscapes and vegetated BMPs are over- irrigated, the ground remains saturated and capacity to infiltrate runoff is reduced. Appropriate Uses Appropriate lawn care practices are applicable to residential, commercial, municipal, and some industrial operations. Practice Guidelines 1  Keep lawn clippings and debris out of gutters. When blowing walkways or mowing lawns, direct equipment so that the clippings blow back onto the lawn rather than into the street, or collect clippings blown onto the street and properly dispose of them. Practice guidelines for a healthy lawn that reduces pollution during both wet and dry weather conditions include a combination of practices such as mowing, aeration, fertilization, and irrigation. Also, see the Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Usage BMP for information on proper use of these chemicals and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. Lawn Mowing and Grass Clipping Waste Disposal  Mulch-mowing turfgrass at a height of 2.5 to 3 inches helps turfgrass develop deeper root systems. No more than one-third of the grass blade should be removed in a single mowing. Mulched grass clippings can return roughly 25 to 30% of the needed nitrogen that grass requires to be healthy, thereby reducing fertilizer requirements. Avoid throwing grass clippings onto streets and sidewalks to reduce nutrient pollution to surface waterbodies.  Minimize thatch development by mowing at appropriate frequencies and heights for the grass type, avoiding overwatering, preventing over fertilization, and aerating the turf. 1 These practice guidelines have been adapted from the GreenCO Best Management Practices for the Conservation and Protection of Water Quality in Colorado: Moving Toward Sustainability (GreenCO and WWE 2008). See this manual for additional detail and references. S-9 Landscape Maintenance LM-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Phosphorus Phosphorus is commonly overused and application should be based on soil tests. Phosphorus washing into surface waterbodies leads to excessive algae growth. Phosphorous does not move out of the soil like nitrogen, so constant additions are unnecessary. Soil Testing There are several qualified laboratories in Colorado that provide soils tests to determine recommendations for fertilizer type and application rates. There are also commercially available quick test kits that are less accurate but could be used by a homeowner. Without an analysis, a homeowner may be buying unnecessary fertilizer or applying too much. A $20 to $40 soil analysis has potential to save an owner much more. The CSU Extension program offers a soil testing service. Contact the CSU Extension for your county or visit http://www.ext.colostate.edu for more information including a list of laboratories. Lawn Aeration  Aerate turf once or twice per year, as needed, in the early spring and/or late fall to aid in capturing the natural precipitation during non-weed germination periods and prior to adding organic materials and fertilizers. Aeration reduces soil compaction and helps control thatch in lawns while helping water and fertilizer move into the root zone.  A lawn can be aerated at any time the ground is not frozen, but should not be done when it is extremely hot and dry. Heavy traffic areas will require aeration more frequently.  Do not use spike-type aerators, which compact the soil. Holes should be two to three inches deep and no more than two to four inches apart. Lawns should be thoroughly watered the day before aerating so plugs can be pulled more deeply and easily. Mark all sprinkler heads, shallow irrigation lines, and buried cable TV lines before aerating so those lines will not be damaged. Fertilizer Application  Apply fertilizer when needed to achieve a clearly defined objective such as increasing shoot growth, root growth, flowering or fruiting; enhancing foliage color, and plant appearance; or correcting or preventing nutrient deficiencies.  Because manufactured fertilizers can be relatively high in nutrient content, it is critical to follow the manufacturer's directions, using the minimum amount recommended. Over-application "burns" leaves and may lead to water pollution, thatch buildup, excessive mowing, and weed growth.  Only apply nutrients the plants can use. Fertilizer labels identify product contents in terms of ratios that indicate percentage of ingredients by product weight. Landscape Maintenance S-9 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District LM-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  When practical and appropriate, base fertilizer application on soil analysis. Be aware that at many new development sites, soil conditions following grading often no longer consist of topsoil. "Basement" soils with poor texture and low nutrient content may be present. As a result, soil amendment is often needed to improve the physical properties (tilth) of the soil to provide a better environment for plant roots to improve nutrient uptake. Soil analysis can help to identify soil amendments that improve both the physical and nutrient characteristics of the soil, as well as identify fertilization requirements.  Utilize split applications of slow-release (controlled-release) fertilizer forms such as IBDU, sulfur- coated urea and natural organic-based fertilizers (not to be confused with raw manure) to minimize the risk of nutrients leaching into groundwater or running off in surface water. When properly applied, other forms of fertilizer can also be safely used, provided that over-watering and over- fertilization do not occur.  When applying fertilizer, broadcast it uniformly over the targeted area of the landscape. Keep fertilizer off streets, sidewalks, and driveways to prevent water pollution. Fertilizer that inadvertently falls on impervious surfaces should be swept back onto the lawn.  Recommendations for fertilizer application vary among industry professionals. CSU Extension's fertilizer recommendations for established Colorado lawns are provided in the table below. Site- specific conditions should also be considered when determining the need for fertilizer. Table LM-1. CSU Extension Recommendations for Nitrogen Application Rate Nitrogen Application Rate in Pounds/1,000 sq. ft. Turfgrass Species Mid-March to AprilA,B May to Mid- June B July to Early August B Mid-August to Mid- SeptemberB, C Early October to Early NovemberB, D High Maintenance Bluegrass Ryegrass 0.5-1 1 Not Required 1 1-2 (optional) Low Maintenance Bluegrass 0.5 0.5-1 Not Required 1 1 (optional) Tall Fescue 0.5 0.5-1 Not Required 1 1 (optional) Fine Fescue 0.5 0.5-1 Not Required 0.5-1 None Buffalo grass, Blue Grama, Bermuda grass None 0.5-1 0.5-1 None None Notes: A The March-April nitrogen application may not be needed if prior fall fertilization was completed. If spring green- up and growth is satisfactory, delay fertilizing to May or June. B Application rates may be reduced by 1/4 to 1/3 when grass clippings are left on the lawn. C On very sandy soils do not fertilize turf after late September to prevent nitrogen from leaching into groundwater during the winter months. D Apply when the grass is still green and at least 2-3 weeks prior to the ground freezing. Optional nitrogen applications are indicated for use where higher quality or heavily-used turf is present. Source: T. Koski and V. Skinner, CSU Extension, 2003. S-9 Landscape Maintenance LM-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  If possible, properly irrigate turf following fertilization to help grass utilize applied nutrients and to minimize the potential for fertilizer burn. Care should be taken to avoid excessive irrigation that would result in fertilizer being washed away. Similarly, avoid application of fertilizer immediately prior to heavy rainfall.  Fall is the best time of year to fertilize bluegrass lawns. Over-application of nitrogen fertilizer in April may cause grass to grow too fast before roots can support the growth, resulting in less heat tolerance.  Generally, the Colorado Nursery and Greenhouse Association recommends waiting until the second growing season to fertilize ornamental (woody) plants. Commercial fertilizer should not be used in the backfill where it comes in direct contact with the roots.  Maintain a buffer zone around wells or surface waterbodies where fertilizers are not applied to minimize pollution. Consult the fertilizer product label and local regulations and landscape ordinances for appropriate distances. Research in this area is limited; however, CSU Extension recommends a buffer of 6 to 10 feet for mowed turf areas.  In areas with sandy soils, it is particularly important to avoid over-application of fertilizer that could leach into groundwater. These areas may be particularly well suited to slow-release fertilizer forms and conservative application rates. Lawn Irrigation  The approximate amount of water that needs to be applied each week for an average, traditional lawn to supplement normal rainfall is listed in Table 2. (Water utilities may provide additional guidance in terms of suggested run-times for various sprinkler types; http://www.denverwater.org/Conservation/.) Table LM-2. General Guideline for Approximate Supplemental Water for an Average Traditional Lawn (inches per week) Condition3 April1 May June July Aug Sept Oct2 Non-Drought Conditions 1/4" 1" 1½" 1½" 1¼" 1" 1/2" During Drought Restrictions (approx. 20% reduction) 1/4" 3/4" 1¼" 1¼" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 1 For established lawns, water may not be required during April. Base decision on weather conditions. 2 For established lawns, water is typically not required after Oct 15. 3Under less-than-average rainfall conditions, the amounts shown in the chart should be increased. If there is greater-than-normal rainfall, then the amount of supplemental water should be reduced.  Consult with the CSU Extension Turfgrass program for recommendations for irrigating turfgrasses with lower water requirements (e.g. blue grama, buffalo grass). For native grasses, irrigation may be unnecessary or limited to certain conditions.  Irrigate the lawn uniformly until the soil is moist to a depth of 4 to 6 inches to encourage deep roots. Frequent, light sprinklings moisten only the surface and may cause shallow-rooted turf and increase weed seed germination. Properly maintain the irrigation system to ensure that the irrigation is being applied at appropriate rates and to the turfgrass, not the sidewalk. Landscape Maintenance S-9 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District LM-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Maintain irrigation systems in good operating condition with uniform distribution of water. "Smart" irrigation controllers and weather sensors can reduce water waste by shutting off irrigation during storm events and helping owners water according to the needs of the plants to replace water lost to evapotranspiration (ET).  Proper irrigation can minimize the amount of fertilizer and other chemicals that are leached below the root zone of the grass or washed away by runoff. Snow and Ice Management S-10 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SIM -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SIM-1. Snow storage locations should be clearly communicated to snow removal contractors and located where they can drain to stormwater BMPs or landscaped areas. Photo courtesy of WWE. Description For obvious safety reasons, snow removal in Colorado is important; however, snow removal and management practices can adversely impact vegetation, soils, water quality, and air quality. Snow removal contractors and operators should be knowledgeable of these potential impacts and choose management measures with the fewest adverse impacts, while still protecting the public safety, health and welfare. Appropriate Uses Snow and ice management procedures are relevant for homeowners, contractors, business owners, and transportation departments. Practice Guidelines 1  Physical removal of snow and ice by shovels, snowplows, or snow blowers usually has the least water quality and landscape impacts, provided that storage areas are not piled directly on landscape plants or drained directly to receiving waters. Plan for snow storage locations that minimize water quality and landscape impacts prior to winter.  Ensure that equipment is calibrated to optimum levels according to manufacturer’s instructions.  Consider placing barriers in targeted site-specific locations (i.e., along streams or direct drainages) to route deicing material away from waterbodies.  Reduce plowing speed in sensitive areas to prevent exposure to deicing material.  Designate snow storage areas in locations that enable runoff to be directed to stormwater BMPs for treatment, when practicable.  The use of deicing chemicals can have a severe impact on plants growing near roads and sidewalks. This can become a water quality issue when plants die and erosion results. Many deicing chemicals are salts and can adversely affect plants through either direct contact with foliage or through buildup in the soil over time. Representative impacts include: 1These practice guidelines have been adapted from the GreenCO Best Management Practices for the Conservation and Protection of Water Quality in Colorado: Moving Toward Sustainability (GreenCO and WWE 2008). See this manual for additional detail and references. S-10 Snow and Ice Management SIM -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 o Direct contact often occurs when the deicing chemicals accumulate on the plants due to drift during application, or when snow or ice containing the chemical is shoveled or blown onto nearby plants. Because these chemicals are salts, direct contact with the foliage may result in burning due to a rapid dehydration effect. o Buildup of de-icing chemicals in the soil may have even more detrimental effects. Repeated application over time (either during a particular winter season or over many seasons) may damage plants by making their roots unable to take up water. Symptoms will include wilting even when the soil is moist, leaf burn or needle tip burn, stunting or lack of vigor, and/or deficiency symptoms for one or more plant nutrients. The structure of clay soils can be changed to the point that they are unable to support plant life.  Deicing chemicals that are considered safer to use around plants include calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) or calcium chloride. As with all chemicals used in the landscape, be sure to read and follow label instructions and do not over apply.  The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has conducted multiple studies on deicing chemicals. The SeaCrest Group (2001) studied three groups of deicers for CDOT that were chloride- based, acetate-based, and sanding materials. The chloride-based deicers included magnesium chloride (FreezGard Zero® with Shield LS®, Ice-Stop™ CI, Caliber™ M1000, Ice Ban™ M50), calcium chloride (Liquidow®, Armor®), and sodium chloride (road salt and Ice Slicer®). The acetate-based deicers include Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA®), Potassium Acetate (CF7®), Sodium Acetate (NAAC®), and CMAK™ (a mixture of CMA and Potassium Acetate). Table 1 contains a partial summary of the study findings.  Highlights of the SeaCrest (2001) study regarding impacts associated with the three categories include: o The chloride-based deicers have been shown to have adverse effects on terrestrial vegetation. Damage to vegetation from deicing salts has been reported to a distance of 100-650 feet. However, there is a wide range of tolerance of different species of plants to the effects of chlorides. The chloride ions in deicers increase the salinity of the soil near the roadways where they are applied. The magnesium and calcium ions increase the stability and permeability of the soil, whereas sodium ions decrease soil stability and permeability. o The acetate-based deicers are organic and have different kinds of effects on the environment than the chloride-based deicers. The acetate ions are broken down by soil microorganisms and may result in oxygen depletion of the soil, which can impact vegetation; however, the acetate deicers CMA and Potassium Acetate (CMAK) are not harmful to terrestrial vegetation at the concentrations typically used on roadways. However, NAAC may potentially have an adverse effect on vegetation because of the presence of the sodium ion, which decreases the stability and permeability of the soil. The depletion of oxygen in the soil from the breakdown of the acetate ion can have a negative effect on plant growth, but field evidence of this effect is limited. o Sand is not a deicer, but is used for snow and ice control because it improves traction. Sand has a negative effect on water quality as a result of the increased turbidity caused by the presence of sand particles in water. Excessive quantities of sand can smother vegetation. Snow and Ice Management S-10 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SIM -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table SIM-1. Potential Environmental Impacts of Various Deicers (Source: The SeaCrest Group 2001)2 Deicer/ Parameter Inhibited Magnesium Chloride (Liquid) Caliber + Magnesium Chloride (Liquid) Ice Ban + Magnesium Chloride (Liquid) Sodium Chloride/ Ice Slicer (Solid) Inhibited Calcium Chloride (Liquid) CMA (Solid/ Liquid) CMAK (Liquid) Potassium Acetate (Liquid) NAAC (Solid) Sand Chemicals Trace metals Trace metals, phosphorus, ammonia Trace metals, phosphorus, ammonia, nitrates Trace metals Trace metals, ammonia, nitrates. Trace metals Trace metals, ammonia, nitrates. Trace metals Trace metals, phosphorus Trace metals Soil Improves structure, increases salinity Improves structure, increases salinity, oxygen depletion Improves structure, increases salinity, oxygen depletion Increases salinity; decreases stability Improves structure, increases salinity Improves structure; oxygen depletion Improves structure; oxygen depletion Improves structure; oxygen depletion Decreases stability; oxygen depletion Minimal effects Water Quality Increases salinity Increases salinity; oxygen depletion Increases salinity; oxygen depletion Increases salinity Increases salinity Oxygen depletion Oxygen depletion Oxygen depletion Increases turbidity Air Quality Minimal air pollution Minimal air pollution Minimal air pollution Some air pollution Minimal air pollution Minimal air pollution Minimal air pollution Minimal air pollution Some air pollution High air pollution potential Aquatic Organisms Relatively low toxicity Relatively low toxicity Moderate toxicity Relatively low toxicity Relatively low toxicity Relatively low toxicity Moderate toxicity Moderate toxicity Relatively low toxicity Can cover benthic organisms and cause mortality Terrestrial Vegetation Chlorides damage vegetation Chlorides damage vegetation Chlorides damage vegetation Chlorides damage vegetation Chlorides damage vegetation Minimal damage to vegetation Minimal damage to vegetation Minimal damage to vegetation Effects to vegetation not determined Can cover vegetation and cause mortality Terrestrial Animals Does not attract wildlife Does not attract wildlife Does not attract wildlife Attracts wildlife contributing to road kills Does not attract wildlife Not expected to attract wildlife Not expected to attract wildlife Not expected to attract wildlife May attract wildlife contributing to roadkills May cover burrows of small animals and cause mortality Note: Trace metals that may be present include arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, selenium, and zinc. Soil comments related to structure refer to the affect on soil stability, which relates to erosion. See http://www.coloradodot.info/programs/research/pdfs/2001/deicers.pdf/view for more information.  Where practicable, do not use deicers to melt snow or ice completely, but to make their removal easier. Deicers melt down through the ice or snow to the hard surface, then spread out underneath. This undercuts and loosens the snow so shoveling and plowing can be done. For this reason, it is helpful to apply deicers prior to snow events in some cases.  Research has shown that the shape of deicing particles affects the speed of their penetration through ice. Uniformly shaped spherical pellets of about 1/16 inch to 3/16 inch penetrate ice faster and more efficiently than other shapes.  Try to avoid the use of rock salt since it is generally most damaging to plants, soils and concrete and metal surfaces. In areas where deicing salts are unavoidable, select plants with higher salt tolerances. 2 The SeaCrest Group, 2001. Evaluation of Selected Deicers Based on a Review of the Literature, Report No. CDOT-DTD- 2001-15. Prepared for Colorado Department of Transportation Research Branch. S-10 Snow and Ice Management SIM -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Do not plow snow directly into streams or wetlands. Snow storage and disposal areas should be located in an area where snowmelt can infiltrate into the ground, filter through a vegetated buffer or be otherwise treated prior to reaching streams and wetlands. Provide adequate storage volume to trap sediment left behind by melting snow and plan regular maintenance to remove accumulated sediment.  In areas subject to heavy chemical deicing use, flushing the soil with water after the last freeze may alleviate burn potential. Year-round proper plant care will also make plants more tolerant to salt exposure. However, for the overall health of the landscape, the goal should be to reduce or minimize the use of deicing chemicals where they are not necessary for safety reasons.  If an electric/mechanical snow melting device is used to dispose of removed snow (e.g., The Can snow melter, Snow Dragon, etc.), the owner or operator must obtain the appropriate permit prior to discharge. Snowmelt from melting machines is typically considered process wastewater. Street Sweeping and Cleaning S-11 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SWC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SSC-1. Monthly street sweeping from April through November removed nearly 40,690 cubic yards of sediment/debris from Denver streets in 2009. Photo courtesy of Denver Public Works. Description Street sweeping uses mechanical pavement cleaning practices to reduce sediment, litter and other debris washed into storm sewers by runoff. This can reduce pollutant loading to receiving waters and in some cases reduce clogging of storm sewers and prolong the life of infiltration oriented BMPs and reduce clogging of outlet structures in detention BMPs. Different designs are available with typical sweepers categorized as a broom and conveyor belt sweeper, wet or dry vacuum-assisted sweepers, and regenerative-air sweepers. The effectiveness of street sweeping is dependent upon particle loadings in the area being swept, street texture, moisture conditions, parked car management, equipment operating conditions and frequency of cleaning (Pitt et al. 2004). Appropriate Uses Street sweeping is an appropriate technique in urban areas where sediment and litter accumulation on streets is of concern for aesthetic, sanitary, water quality, and air quality reasons. From a pollutant loading perspective, street cleaning equipment can be most effective in areas where the surface to be cleaned is the major source of contaminants. These areas include freeways, large commercial parking lots, and paved storage areas (Pitt et al. 2004). Where significant sediment accumulation occurs on pervious surfaces tributary to infiltration BMPs, street sweeping may help to reduce clogging of infiltration media. In areas where construction activity is occurring, street sweeping should occur as part of construction site stormwater management plans. Vacuuming of permeable pavement systems is also considered a basic routine maintenance practice to maintain the BMP in effective operating condition. See the maintenance chapter for more information on permeable pavement systems. Not all sweepers are appropriate for this application. Practice Guidelines 1 1. Post street sweeping schedules with signs and on local government websites so that cars are not parked on the street during designated sweeping days. 2. Sweeping frequency is dependent on local government budget, staffing, and equipment availability, but monthly sweeping during non-winter months is a common approach in the metro Denver urban 1 Practice guidelines adapted from CASQA (2003) California Stormwater BMP Handbook, Practice SC-70 Road and Street Maintenance. S-11 Street Sweeping and Cleaning SWC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Changes in Street Sweeper Technology (Source: Center for Watershed Protection 2002) At one time, street sweepers were thought to have great potential to remove stormwater pollutants from urban street surfaces and were widely touted as a stormwater treatment practice in many communities. Street sweeping gradually fell out of favor, largely as a result of performance monitoring conducted as part of the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP). These studies generally concluded that street sweepers were not very effective in reducing pollutant loads (USEPA, 1983). The primary reason for the mediocre performance was that mechanical sweepers of that era were unable to pick up fine-grained sediment particles that carry a substantial portion of the stormwater pollutant load. In addition, the performance of sweepers is constrained by that portion of a street’s stormwater pollutant load delivered from outside street pavements (e.g., pollutants that wash onto the street from adjacent areas or are directly deposited on the street by rainfall). Street sweeping technology, however, has evolved considerably since the days of the NURP testing. Today, communities have a choice in three basic sweeping technologies to clean their urban streets: traditional mechanical sweepers that utilize a broom and conveyor belt, vacuum-assisted sweepers, and regenerative-air sweepers (those that blast air onto the pavement to loosen sediment particles and vacuum them into a hopper). For more information, see http://www.cwp.org/Resource_Library/Center_Docs/PWP/ELC_PWP121.pdf area. Consider increasing sweeping frequency based on factors such as traffic volume, land use, field observations of sediment and trash accumulation, proximity to watercourses, etc. For example:  Increase the sweeping frequency for streets with high pollutant loadings, especially in high traffic and industrial areas.  Conduct street sweeping prior to wetter seasons to remove accumulated sediments.  Increase the sweeping frequency for streets in special problem areas such as special events, high litter or erosion zones. 3. Perform street cleaning during dry weather if possible. 4. Avoid wet cleaning the street; instead, utilize dry methods where possible. 5. Maintain cleaning equipment in good working condition and purchase replacement equipment as needed. Old sweepers should be replaced with more technologically advanced sweepers (preferably regenerative air sweepers) that maximize pollutant removal. 6. Operate sweepers at manufacturer recommended optimal speed levels to increase effectiveness. 7. Regularly inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks and repair promptly. 8. Keep accurate logs of the number of curb-miles swept and the amount of waste collected. 9. Dispose of street sweeping debris and dirt at a landfill. 10. Do not store swept material along the side of the street or near a storm drain inlet. Storm Sewer System Cleaning S-12 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SSC-1. Storm drain cleaning may help to remove pollutant sources and helps to maintain the capacity of the storm pipes. Description 1 Periodic storm sewer system cleaning can help to remove accumulated sediment, trash, and other substances from various components of the storm sewer system including inlets, pipes and stormwater BMPs. Some common pollutants found in storm drains include: trash and debris, sediments, oil and grease, antifreeze, paints, cleaners and solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, animal waste, and detergents. Routine cleaning reduces the amount of pollutants, trash, and debris both in the storm drain system and in receiving waters. Clogged drains and storm drain inlets can cause the drains to overflow, leading to increased erosion (Livingston et al. 1997). Cleaning increases dissolved oxygen, reduces levels of bacteria, and supports in-stream habitat. Areas with relatively flat grades or low flows should be given special attention because they rarely achieve high enough flows to flush themselves (Ferguson et al. 1997). Appropriate Uses Storm sewer system cleaning is typically conducted by local governments or state agencies; however, homeowners associations, businesses and industries are usually responsible for maintaining system components on their sites. Due to the cost and time involved with storm sewer system cleaning, communities may target recurrent problem areas or use another type of prioritization system for maintenance. Also see the BMP Maintenance chapter for BMP-specific maintenance requirements. Practice Guidelines A variety of jet/vacuum vehicles can be used to remove debris from stormwater catch basins and pipes. This equipment breaks up clogged/accumulated material with high-pressure water jets and vacuums the material from the sewer. Water used in storm drain cleaning must be collected and properly disposed of, typically at a sanitary wastewater treatment facility. Simpler methods in localized areas can also include manual trash collection and shoveling from inlets and outlets. 1 Guidelines adapted from Center for Watershed Protection (2009) Urban Stormwater Restoration Manual Series 8: Municipal Practices and Programs. S-12 Storm Sewer System Cleaning SSC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Frequency and prioritization of storm sewer cleaning is affected by multiple factors such as the activity and intensity of use in the tributary area (e.g., parking lot, stadium), storm sewer system design, municipal budgets (staff and equipment), and other factors. To be most effective, storm sewer cleaning needs an effective recordkeeping system and clearly defined procedures. CWP (2009) recommends the following practices:  Tracking: The location and maintenance of storm drains should be tracked using a database and spatial referencing system (e.g., Global Positioning System or Geographic Information System). Additionally, knowing the type and era of the storm drain system may be of use since some inlets/catch basins are designed to be self-cleaning while others have some trapping capacity.  Frequency: Should be defined such that blockage of storm sewer outlet is prevented and it is recommended that the sump should not exceed 40- 50 percent of its capacity. Semi-annual cleanouts in residential streets and monthly cleanouts for industrial streets are suggested by Pitt and Bissonnett (1984) and Mineart and Singh (1994). More frequent cleanouts should be scheduled in the fall as leaves can contribute 25% of nutrient loadings in catch basins.  Technology: A variety of methods of cleaning catch basins are available, including manual cleaning, eductor vehicles, vacuum cleaning and vacuum combination jet cleaning. Choose the approach that is most effective for site conditions, taking into consideration budget, equipment, and staffing constraints.  Staff training: Operators need to be properly trained in catch basin maintenance including waste collection and disposal methods. Staff should also be trained to report water quality problems and illicit discharges.  Material disposal: Most catch basin waste is of acceptable quality for landfills. If it is suspected that catch basin waste contains hazardous material, it should be tested and disposed of accordingly. Maintenance personnel should keep a log of the amount of sediment collected and the removal date at the catch basin. Surface Roughening (SR) EC-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SR-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SR-1. Surface roughening via imprinting for temporary stabilization. Description Surface roughening is an erosion control practice that involves tracking, scarifying, imprinting, or tilling a disturbed area to provide temporary stabilization of disturbed areas. Surface roughening creates variations in the soil surface that help to minimize wind and water erosion. Depending on the technique used, surface roughening may also help establish conditions favorable to establishment of vegetation. Appropriate Uses Surface roughening can be used to provide temporary stabilization of disturbed areas, such as when revegetation cannot be immediately established due to seasonal planting limitations. Surface roughening is not a stand-alone BMP, and should be used in conjunction with other erosion and sediment controls. Surface roughening is often implemented in conjunction with grading and is typically performed using heavy construction equipment to track the surface. Be aware that tracking with heavy equipment will also compact soils, which is not desirable in areas that will be revegetated. Scarifying, tilling, or ripping are better surface roughening techniques in locations where revegetation is planned. Roughening is not effective in very sandy soils and cannot be effectively performed in rocky soil. Design and Installation Typical design details for surfacing roughening on steep and mild slopes are provided in Details SR-1 and SR-2, respectively. Surface roughening should be performed either after final grading or to temporarily stabilize an area during active construction that may be inactive for a short time period. Surface roughening should create depressions 2 to 6 inches deep and approximately 6 inches apart. The surface of exposed soil can be roughened by a number of techniques and equipment. Horizontal grooves (running parallel to the contours of the land) can be made using tracks from equipment treads, stair-step grading, ripping, or tilling. Fill slopes can be constructed with a roughened surface. Cut slopes that have been smooth graded can be roughened as a subsequent operation. Roughening should follow along the contours of the slope. The tracks left by truck mounted equipment working perpendicular to the contour can leave acceptable horizontal depressions; however, the equipment will also compact the soil. Surface Roughening Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management No EC-1 Surface Roughening (SR) SR-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Maintenance and Removal Care should be taken not to drive vehicles or equipment over areas that have been surface roughened. Tire tracks will smooth the roughened surface and may cause runoff to collect into rills and gullies. Because surface roughening is only a temporary control, additional treatments may be necessary to maintain the soil surface in a roughened condition. Areas should be inspected for signs of erosion. Surface roughening is a temporary measure, and will not provide long-term erosion control. Surface Roughening (SR) EC-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SR-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC-1 Surface Roughening (SR) SR-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2 January 2021 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Description Temporary seeding can be used to stabilize disturbed areas that will be inactive for an extended period. Permanent seeding should be used to stabilize areas at final grade that will not be otherwise stabilized. Effective seeding includes preparing a seedbed, selecting an appropriate seed mixture, using proper planting techniques, and protecting the seeded area with mulch, geotextiles, or other appropriate measures. Appropriate Uses When the soil surface is disturbed and will remain inactive for an extended period (typically determined by local government requirements), proactive stabilization measures, including planting a temporary seed mix, should be implemented. If the inactive period is short-lived (on the order of two weeks), techniques such as surface roughening may be appropriate. For longer periods of inactivity of up to one year, temporary seeding and mulching can provide effective erosion control. Permanent seeding should be used on finished areas that have not been otherwise stabilized. The USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter contains suggested annual grains and native seed mixes to use for temporary seeding. Alternatively, local governments may have their own seed mixes and timelines for seeding. Check jurisdictional requirements for seeding and temporary stabilization. Design and Installation Effective seeding requires proper seedbed preparation, selecting an appropriate seed mixture, using appropriate seeding equipment to ensure proper coverage and density, and protecting seeded areas with mulch or fabric until plants are established. The USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter contains detailed seed mixes, soil preparation practices, and seeding and mulching recommendations that should be referenced to supplement this Fact Sheet. Drill seeding is the preferred seeding method. Hydroseeding is not recommended except in areas where steep slopes prevent use of drill seeding equipment, and even in these instances it is preferable to hand seed and mulch. Some jurisdictions do not allow hydroseeding or hydromulching. Seedbed Preparation Prior to seeding, ensure that areas to be revegetated have soil conditions capable of supporting vegetation. Overlot grading can result in loss of topsoil and compaction, resulting in poor quality subsoils at the ground surface that Temporary and Permanent Seeding Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management No Photograph TS/PS -1. Equipment used to drill seed. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. EC-2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) TS/PS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2021 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 have low nutrient value, little organic matter content, few soil microorganisms, rooting restrictions, and conditions less conducive to infiltration of precipitation. As a result, it is typically necessary to provide stockpiled topsoil, compost, or other soil amendments and rototill them into the soil to a depth of 6 inches or more. Topsoil should be salvaged during grading operations for use and spread on areas to be revegetated later. Topsoil should be viewed as an important resource to be utilized for vegetation establishment, due to its water-holding capacity, structure, texture, organic matter content, biological activity, and nutrient content. The rooting depth of most native grasses in the semi-arid Denver metropolitan area is 6 to 18 inches. If present, at a minimum of the upper 6 inches of topsoil should be stripped, stockpiled, and ultimately respread across areas that will be revegetated. Where topsoil is not available, subsoils should be amended to provide an appropriate plant-growth medium. Organic matter, such as well digested compost, can be added to improve soil characteristics conducive to plant growth. Other treatments can be used to adjust soil pH conditions when needed. Soil testing, which is typically inexpensive, should be completed to determine and optimize the types and amounts of amendments that are required. If the disturbed ground surface is compacted, rip or rototill the upper 12 inches of the surface prior to placing topsoil. If adding compost to the existing soil surface, rototilling is necessary. Surface roughening will assist in placing a stable topsoil layer on steeper slopes, and allow infiltration and root penetration to greater depth. Topsoil should not be placed when either the salvaged topsoil or receiving ground are frozen or snow covered. Prior to seeding, the soil surface should be rough and the seedbed should be firm, but neither too loose nor compacted. The upper layer of soil should be in a condition suitable for seeding at the proper depth and conducive to plant growth. Seed-to-soil contact is the key to good germination. Refer to MHFD’s Topsoil Management Guidance for detailed information on topsoil assessment, design, and construction. Temporary Vegetation To provide temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas which will not be paved, built upon, or fully landscaped or worked for an extended period (typically 30 days or more), plant an annual grass appropriate for the time of planting and mulch the planted areas. Temporary grain seed mixes suitable for the Denver metropolitan area are listed in Table TS/PS-1. Native temporary seed mixes are provided in USDCM Volume 2, Chapter 13, Appendix A. These are to be considered only as general recommendations when specific design guidance for a particular site is not available. Local governments typically specify seed mixes appropriate for their jurisdiction. Permanent Revegetation To provide vegetative cover on disturbed areas that have reached final grade, a perennial grass mix should be established. Permanent seeding should be performed promptly (typically within 14 days) after reaching final grade. Each site will have different characteristics and a landscape professional or the local jurisdiction should be contacted to determine the most suitable seed mix for a specific site. In lieu of a specific recommendation, one of the perennial grass mixes appropriate for site conditions and growth season listed in seed mix tables in the USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter can be used. The pure live seed (PLS) rates of application recommended in these tables are considered to be absolute minimum rates for seed applied using proper drill-seeding equipment. These are to be considered only as general Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2 January 2021 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 recommendations when specific design guidance for a particular site is not available. Local governments typically specify seed mixes appropriate for their jurisdiction. If desired for wildlife habitat or landscape diversity, shrubs such as rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) and skunkbrush sumac (Rhus trilobata) could be added to the upland seed mixes at 0.25, 0.5 and 1 pound PLS/acre, respectively. In riparian zones, planting root stock of such species as American plum (Prunus americana), woods rose (Rosa woodsii), plains cottonwood (Populus sargentii), and willow (Salix spp.) may be considered. On non-topsoiled upland sites, a legume such as Ladak alfalfa at 1 pound PLS/acre can be included as a source of nitrogen for perennial grasses. Timing of seeding is an important aspect of the revegetation process. For upland and riparian areas on the Colorado Front Range, the suitable timing for seeding is from October through May. The most favorable time to plant non-irrigated areas is during the fall, so that seed can take advantage of winter and spring moisture. Seed should not be planted if the soil is frozen, snow covered, or wet. Seeding dates for the highest success probability of perennial species along the Front Range are generally in the spring from April through early May and in the fall after the first of September until the ground freezes. If the area is irrigated, seeding may occur in summer months, as well. See Table TS/PS-2 for appropriate seeding dates. EC-2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) TS/PS-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2021 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table TS/PS-1. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Various Temporary Annual Grasses Speciesa (Common name) Growth Seasonb Pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS)/acrec Planting Depth (inches) 1. Oats Cool 35 - 50 1 - 2 2. Spring wheat Cool 25 - 35 1 - 2 3. Spring barley Cool 25 - 35 1 - 2 4. Annual ryegrass Cool 10 - 15 ½ 5. Millet Warm 3 - 15 ½ - ¾ 6. Winter wheat Cool 20–35 1 - 2 7. Winter barley Cool 20–35 1 - 2 8. Winter rye Cool 20–35 1 - 2 9. Triticale Cool 25–40 1 - 2 a Successful seeding of annual grass resulting in adequate plant growth will usually produce enough dead-plant residue to provide protection from wind and water erosion for an additional year. This assumes that the cover is not disturbed or mowed closer than 8 inches. Hydraulic seeding may be substituted for drilling only where slopes are steeper than 3:1 or where access limitations exist. When hydraulic seeding is used, hydraulic mulching should be applied as a separate operation, when practical, to prevent the seeds from being encapsulated in the mulch. b See Table TS/PS-2 for seeding dates. Irrigation, if consistently applied, may extend the use of cool season species during the summer months. c Seeding rates should be doubled if seed is broadcast, or increased by 50 percent if done using a Brillion Drill or by hydraulic seeding. Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2 January 2021 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table TS/PS-2. Seeding Dates for Annual and Perennial Grasses Annual Grasses (Numbers in table reference species in Table TS/PS-1) Perennial Grasses Seeding Dates Warm Cool Warm Cool January 1–March 15   March 16–April 30 1,2,3   May 1–May 15  May 16–June 30 5 July 1–July 15 5 July 16–August 31 September 1–September 30 6, 7, 8, 9 October 1–December 31   Mulch Cover seeded areas with mulch or an appropriate rolled erosion control product to promote establishment of vegetation. Anchor mulch by crimping, netting or use of a non-toxic tackifier. See the USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter and Volume 3 Mulching BMP Fact Sheet (EC-04) for additional guidance. Maintenance and Removal Monitor and observe seeded areas to identify areas of poor growth or areas that fail to germinate. Reseed and mulch these areas, as needed. If a temporary annual seed was planted, the area should be reseeded with the desired perennial mix when there will be no further work in the area. To minimize competition between annual and perennial species, the annual mix needs time to mature and die before seeding the perennial mix. To increase success of the perennial mix, it should be seeded during the appropriate seeding dates the second year after the temporary annual mix was seeded. Alternatively, if this timeline is not feasible, the annual mix seed heads should be removed and then the area seeded with the perennial mix. An area that has been permanently seeded should have a good stand of vegetation within one growing season if irrigated and within three growing seasons without irrigation in Colorado. Reseed portions of the site that fail to germinate or remain bare after the first growing season. Seeded areas may require irrigation, particularly during extended dry periods. Targeted weed control may also be necessary. Protect seeded areas from construction equipment and vehicle access. Soil Binders (SB) EC-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Description Soil binders include a broad range of treatments that can be applied to exposed soils for temporary stabilization to reduce wind and water erosion. Soil binders may be applied alone or as tackifiers in conjunction with mulching and seeding applications. Acknowledgement: This BMP Fact Sheet has been adapted from the 2003 California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMP Handbook: Construction (www.cabmphandbooks.com). Appropriate Uses Soil binders can be used for short-term, temporary stabilization of soils on both mild and steep slopes. Soil binders are often used in areas where work has temporarily stopped, but is expected to resume before revegetation can become established. Binders are also useful on stockpiled soils or where temporary or permanent seeding has occurred. Prior to selecting a soil binder, check with the state and local jurisdiction to ensure that the chemicals used in the soil binders are allowed. The water quality impacts of some types of soil binders are relatively unknown and may not be allowed due to concerns about potential environmental impacts. Soil binders must be environmentally benign (non-toxic to plant and animal life), easy to apply, easy to maintain, economical, and should not stain paved or painted surfaces. Soil binders should not be used in vehicle or pedestrian high traffic areas, due to loss in effectiveness under these conditions. Site soil type will dictate appropriate soil binders to be used. Be aware that soil binders may not function effectively on silt or clay soils or highly compacted areas. Check manufacturer's recommendations for appropriateness with regard to soil conditions. Some binders may not be suitable for areas with existing vegetation. Design and Installation Properties of common soil binders used for erosion control are provided in Table SB-1. Design and installation guidance below are provided for general reference. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates and procedures. Soil Binders Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Moderate Photograph SB-1. Tackifier being applied to provide temporary soil stabilization. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. EC-3 Soil Binders (SB) SB-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table SB-1. Properties of Soil Binders for Erosion Control (Source: CASQA 2003) Evaluation Criteria Binder Type Plant Material Based (short lived) Plant Material Based (long lived) Polymeric Emulsion Blends Cementitious- Based Binders Resistance to Leaching High High Low to Moderate Moderate Resistance to Abrasion Moderate Low Moderate to High Moderate to High Longevity Short to Medium Medium Medium to Long Medium Minimum Curing Time before Rain 9 to 18 hours 19 to 24 hours 0 to 24 hours 4 to 8 hours Compatibility with Existing Vegetation Good Poor Poor Poor Mode of Degradation Biodegradable Biodegradable Photodegradable/ Chemically Degradable Photodegradable/ Chemically Degradable Specialized Application Equipment Water Truck or Hydraulic Mulcher Water Truck or Hydraulic Mulcher Water Truck or Hydraulic Mulcher Water Truck or Hydraulic Mulcher Liquid/Powder Powder Liquid Liquid/Powder Powder Surface Crusting Yes, but dissolves on rewetting Yes Yes, but dissolves on rewetting Yes Clean Up Water Water Water Water Erosion Control Application Rate Varies Varies Varies 4,000 to 12,000 lbs/acre Typ. Soil Binders (SB) EC-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Factors to consider when selecting a soil binder generally include:  Suitability to situation: Consider where the soil binder will be applied, if it needs a high resistance to leaching or abrasion, and whether it needs to be compatible with existing vegetation. Determine the length of time soil stabilization will be needed, and if the soil binder will be placed in an area where it will degrade rapidly. In general, slope steepness is not a discriminating factor.  Soil types and surface materials: Fines and moisture content are key properties of surface materials. Consider a soil binder's ability to penetrate, likelihood of leaching, and ability to form a surface crust on the surface materials.  Frequency of application: The frequency of application can be affected by subgrade conditions, surface type, climate, and maintenance schedule. Frequent applications could lead to high costs. Application frequency may be minimized if the soil binder has good penetration, low evaporation, and good longevity. Consider also that frequent application will require frequent equipment clean up. An overview of major categories of soil binders, corresponding to the types included in Table SB-1 follows. Plant-Material Based (Short Lived) Binders  Guar: A non-toxic, biodegradable, natural galactomannan-based hydrocolloid treated with dispersant agents for easy field mixing. It should be mixed with water at the rate of 11 to 15 lbs per 1,000 gallons. Recommended minimum application rates are provided in Table SB-2. Table SB-2. Application Rates for Guar Soil Stabilizer Slope (H:V) Flat 4:1 3:1 2:1 1:1 Application Rate (lb/acre) 40 45 50 60 70  Psyllium: Composed of the finely ground muciloid coating of plantago seeds that is applied as a wet slurry to the surface of the soil. It dries to form a firm but rewettable membrane that binds soil particles together but permits germination and growth of seed. Psyllium requires 12 to 18 hours drying time. Application rates should be from 80 to 200 lbs/acre, with enough water in solution to allow for a uniform slurry flow.  Starch: Non-ionic, cold-water soluble (pre-gelatinized) granular cornstarch. The material is mixed with water and applied at the rate of 150 lb/acre. Approximate drying time is 9 to 12 hours. Plant-Material Based (Long Lived) Binders  Pitch and Rosin Emulsion: Generally, a non-ionic pitch and rosin emulsion has a minimum solids content of 48 percent. The rosin should be a minimum of 26 percent of the total solids content. The soil stabilizer should be a non-corrosive, water dilutable emulsion that upon application cures to a water insoluble binding and cementing agent. For soil erosion control applications, the emulsion is diluted and should be applied as follows: o For clayey soil: 5 parts water to 1 part emulsion EC-3 Soil Binders (SB) SB-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 o For sandy soil: 10 parts water to 1 part emulsion Application can be by water truck or hydraulic seeder with the emulsion and product mixture applied at the rate specified by the manufacturer. Polymeric Emulsion Blend Binders  Acrylic Copolymers and Polymers: Polymeric soil stabilizers should consist of a liquid or solid polymer or copolymer with an acrylic base that contains a minimum of 55 percent solids. The polymeric compound should be handled and mixed in a manner that will not cause foaming or should contain an anti-foaming agent. The polymeric emulsion should not exceed its shelf life or expiration date; manufacturers should provide the expiration date. Polymeric soil stabilizer should be readily miscible in water, non-injurious to seed or animal life, non-flammable, should provide surface soil stabilization for various soil types without inhibiting water infiltration, and should not re-emulsify when cured. The applied compound should air cure within a maximum of 36 to 48 hours. Liquid copolymer should be diluted at a rate of 10 parts water to 1 part polymer and the mixture applied to soil at a rate of 1,175 gallons/acre.  Liquid Polymers of Methacrylates and Acrylates: This material consists of a tackifier/sealer that is a liquid polymer of methacrylates and acrylates. It is an aqueous 100 percent acrylic emulsion blend of 40 percent solids by volume that is free from styrene, acetate, vinyl, ethoxylated surfactants or silicates. For soil stabilization applications, it is diluted with water in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, and applied with a hydraulic seeder at the rate of 20 gallons/acre. Drying time is 12 to 18 hours after application.  Copolymers of Sodium Acrylates and Acrylamides: These materials are non-toxic, dry powders that are copolymers of sodium acrylate and acrylamide. They are mixed with water and applied to the soil surface for erosion control at rates that are determined by slope gradient, as summarized in Table SB-3. Table SB-3. Application Rates for Copolymers of Sodium Acrylates and Acrylamides Slope (H:V) Flat to 5:1 5:1 to 3:1 2:2 to 1:1 Application Rate (lb/acre) 3.0-5.0 5.0-10.0 10.0-20.0  Polyacrylamide and Copolymer of Acrylamide: Linear copolymer polyacrylamide is packaged as a dry flowable solid. When used as a stand-alone stabilizer, it is diluted at a rate of 11 lb/1,000 gal. of water and applied at the rate of 5.0 lb/acre.  Hydrocolloid Polymers: Hydrocolloid Polymers are various combinations of dry flowable polyacrylamides, copolymers, and hydrocolloid polymers that are mixed with water and applied to the soil surface at rates of 55 to 60 lb/acre. Drying times are 0 to 4 hours. Cementitious-Based Binders  Gypsum: This formulated gypsum based product readily mixes with water and mulch to form a thin protective crust on the soil surface. It is composed of high purity gypsum that is ground, calcined and processed into calcium sulfate hemihydrate with a minimum purity of 86 percent. It is mixed in a hydraulic seeder and applied at rates 4,000 to 12,000 lb/acre. Drying time is 4 to 8 hours. Soil Binders (SB) EC-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Installation After selecting an appropriate soil binder, the untreated soil surface must be prepared before applying the soil binder. The untreated soil surface must contain sufficient moisture to assist the agent in achieving uniform distribution. In general, the following steps should be followed:  Follow manufacturer's written recommendations for application rates, pre-wetting of application area, and cleaning of equipment after use.  Prior to application, roughen embankment and fill areas.  Consider the drying time for the selected soil binder and apply with sufficient time before anticipated rainfall. Soil binders should not be applied during or immediately before rainfall.  Avoid over spray onto roads, sidewalks, drainage channels, sound walls, existing vegetation, etc.  Soil binders should not be applied to frozen soil, areas with standing water, under freezing or rainy conditions, or when the temperature is below 40°F during the curing period.  More than one treatment is often necessary, although the second treatment may be diluted or have a lower application rate.  Generally, soil binders require a minimum curing time of 24 hours before they are fully effective. Refer to manufacturer's instructions for specific cure time.  For liquid agents: o Crown or slope ground to avoid ponding. o Uniformly pre-wet ground at 0.03 to 0.3 gal/yd2 or according to manufacturer's recommendations. o Apply solution under pressure. Overlap solution 6 to 12 in. o Allow treated area to cure for the time recommended by the manufacturer, typically at least 24 hours. o Apply second treatment before first treatment becomes ineffective, using 50 percent application rate. o In low humidity, reactivate chemicals by re-wetting with water at 0.1 to 0.2 gal/yd2. Maintenance and Removal Soil binders tend to break down due to natural weathering. Weathering rates depend on a variety of site- specific and product characteristics. Consult the manufacturer for recommended reapplication rates and reapply the selected soil binder as needed to maintain effectiveness. Soil binders can fail after heavy rainfall events and may require reapplication. In particular, soil binders will generally experience spot failures during heavy rainfall events. If runoff penetrates the soil at the top of a slope treated with a soil binder, it is likely that the runoff will undercut the stabilized soil layer and discharge at a point further down slope. EC-3 Soil Binders (SB) SB-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Areas where erosion is evident should be repaired and soil binder or other stabilization reapplied, as needed. Care should be exercised to minimize the damage to protected areas while making repairs. Most binders biodegrade after exposure to sun, oxidation, heat and biological organisms; therefore, removal of the soil binder is not typically required. Mulching (MU) EC-4 June 2012 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District MU-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph MU-1. An area that was recently seeded, mulched, and crimped. Description Mulching consists of evenly applying straw, hay, shredded wood mulch, rock, bark or compost to disturbed soils and securing the mulch by crimping, tackifiers, netting or other measures. Mulching helps reduce erosion by protecting bare soil from rainfall impact, increasing infiltration, and reducing runoff. Although often applied in conjunction with temporary or permanent seeding, it can also be used for temporary stabilization of areas that cannot be reseeded due to seasonal constraints. Mulch can be applied either using standard mechanical dry application methods or using hydromulching equipment that hydraulically applies a slurry of water, wood fiber mulch, and often a tackifier. Appropriate Uses Use mulch in conjunction with seeding to help protect the seedbed and stabilize the soil. Mulch can also be used as a temporary cover on low to mild slopes to help temporarily stabilize disturbed areas where growing season constraints prevent effective reseeding. Disturbed areas should be properly mulched and tacked, or seeded, mulched and tacked promptly after final grade is reached (typically within no longer than 14 days) on portions of the site not otherwise permanently stabilized. Standard dry mulching is encouraged in most jurisdictions; however, hydromulching may not be allowed in certain jurisdictions or may not be allowed near waterways. Do not apply mulch during windy conditions. Design and Installation Prior to mulching, surface-roughen areas by rolling with a crimping or punching type roller or by track walking. Track walking should only be used where other methods are impractical because track walking with heavy equipment typically compacts the soil. A variety of mulches can be used effectively at construction sites. Consider the following: Mulch Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management No EC-4 Mulching (MU) MU-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District June 2012 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Clean, weed-free and seed-free cereal grain straw should be applied evenly at a rate of 2 tons per acre and must be tacked or fastened by a method suitable for the condition of the site. Straw mulch must be anchored (and not merely placed) on the surface. This can be accomplished mechanically by crimping or with the aid of tackifiers or nets. Anchoring with a crimping implement is preferred, and is the recommended method for areas flatter than 3:1. Mechanical crimpers must be capable of tucking the long mulch fibers into the soil to a depth of 3 inches without cutting them. An agricultural disk, while not an ideal substitute, may work if the disk blades are dull or blunted and set vertically; however, the frame may have to be weighted to afford proper soil penetration.  Grass hay may be used in place of straw; however, because hay is comprised of the entire plant including seed, mulching with hay may seed the site with non-native grass species which might in turn out-compete the native seed. Alternatively, native species of grass hay may be purchased, but can be difficult to find and are more expensive than straw. Purchasing and utilizing a certified weed-free straw is an easier and less costly mulching method. When using grass hay, follow the same guidelines as for straw (provided above).  On small areas sheltered from the wind and heavy runoff, spraying a tackifier on the mulch is satisfactory for holding it in place. For steep slopes and special situations where greater control is needed, erosion control blankets anchored with stakes should be used instead of mulch.  Hydraulic mulching consists of wood cellulose fibers mixed with water and a tackifying agent and should be applied at a rate of no less than 1,500 pounds per acre (1,425 lbs of fibers mixed with at least 75 lbs of tackifier) with a hydraulic mulcher. For steeper slopes, up to 2000 pounds per acre may be required for effective hydroseeding. Hydromulch typically requires up to 24 hours to dry; therefore, it should not be applied immediately prior to inclement weather. Application to roads, waterways and existing vegetation should be avoided.  Erosion control mats, blankets, or nets are recommended to help stabilize steep slopes (generally 3:1 and steeper) and waterways. Depending on the product, these may be used alone or in conjunction with grass or straw mulch. Normally, use of these products will be restricted to relatively small areas. Biodegradable mats made of straw and jute, straw-coconut, coconut fiber, or excelsior can be used instead of mulch. (See the ECM/TRM BMP for more information.)  Some tackifiers or binders may be used to anchor mulch. Check with the local jurisdiction for allowed tackifiers. Manufacturer's recommendations should be followed at all times. (See the Soil Binder BMP for more information on general types of tackifiers.)  Rock can also be used as mulch. It provides protection of exposed soils to wind and water erosion and allows infiltration of precipitation. An aggregate base course can be spread on disturbed areas for temporary or permanent stabilization. The rock mulch layer should be thick enough to provide full coverage of exposed soil on the area it is applied. Maintenance and Removal After mulching, the bare ground surface should not be more than 10 percent exposed. Reapply mulch, as needed, to cover bare areas. Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph RECP-1. Erosion control blanket protecting the slope from erosion and providing favorable conditions for revegetation. Description Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs) include a variety of temporary or permanently installed manufactured products designed to control erosion and enhance vegetation establishment and survivability, particularly on slopes and in channels. For applications where natural vegetation alone will provide sufficient permanent erosion protection, temporary products such as netting, open weave textiles and a variety of erosion control blankets (ECBs) made of biodegradable natural materials (e.g., straw, coconut fiber) can be used. For applications where natural vegetation alone will not be sustainable under expected flow conditions, permanent rolled erosion control products such as turf reinforcement mats (TRMs) can be used. In particular, turf reinforcement mats are designed for discharges that exert velocities and sheer stresses that exceed the typical limits of mature natural vegetation. Appropriate Uses RECPs can be used to control erosion in conjunction with revegetation efforts, providing seedbed protection from wind and water erosion. These products are often used on disturbed areas on steep slopes, in areas with highly erosive soils, or as part of drainageway stabilization. In order to select the appropriate RECP for site conditions, it is important to have a general understanding of the general types of these products, their expected longevity, and general characteristics. The Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC 2005) characterizes rolled erosion control products according to these categories:  Mulch control netting: A planar woven natural fiber or extruded geosynthetic mesh used as a temporary degradable rolled erosion control product to anchor loose fiber mulches.  Open weave textile: A temporary degradable rolled erosion control product composed of processed natural or polymer yarns woven into a matrix, used to provide erosion control and facilitate vegetation establishment.  Erosion control blanket (ECB): A temporary degradable rolled erosion control product composed of processed natural or polymer fibers which are mechanically, structurally or chemically bound together to form a continuous matrix to provide erosion control and facilitate vegetation establishment. ECBs can be further differentiated into rapidly degrading single-net and double-net types or slowly degrading types. Rolled Erosion Control Products Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management No EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) RECP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM): A rolled erosion control product composed of non-degradable synthetic fibers, filaments, nets, wire mesh, and/or other elements, processed into a permanent, three- dimensional matrix of sufficient thickness. TRMs, which may be supplemented with degradable components, are designed to impart immediate erosion protection, enhance vegetation establishment and provide long-term functionality by permanently reinforcing vegetation during and after maturation. Note: TRMs are typically used in hydraulic applications, such as high flow ditches and channels, steep slopes, stream banks, and shorelines, where erosive forces may exceed the limits of natural, unreinforced vegetation or in areas where limited vegetation establishment is anticipated. Tables RECP-1 and RECP-2 provide guidelines for selecting rolled erosion control products appropriate to site conditions and desired longevity. Table RECP-1 is for conditions where natural vegetation alone will provide permanent erosion control, whereas Table RECP-2 is for conditions where vegetation alone will not be adequately stable to provide long-term erosion protection due to flow or other conditions. Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table RECP-1. ECTC Standard Specification for Temporary Rolled Erosion Control Products (Adapted from Erosion Control Technology Council 2005) Product Description Slope Applications* Channel Applications* Minimum Tensile Strength1 Expected Longevity Maximum Gradient C Factor2,5 Max. Shear Stress3,4,6 Mulch Control Nets 5:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @ 5:1 0.25 lbs/ft2 (12 Pa) 5 lbs/ft (0.073 kN/m) Up to 12 months Netless Rolled Erosion Control Blankets 4:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @ 4:1 0.5 lbs/ft2 (24 Pa) 5 lbs/ft (0.073 kN/m) Single-net Erosion Control Blankets & Open Weave Textiles 3:1 (H:V) ≤0.15 @ 3:1 1.5 lbs/ft2 (72 Pa) 50 lbs/ft (0.73 kN/m) Double-net Erosion Control Blankets 2:1 (H:V) ≤0.20 @ 2:1 1.75 lbs/ft2 (84 Pa) 75 lbs/ft (1.09 kN/m) Mulch Control Nets 5:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @ 5:1 0.25 lbs/ft2 (12 Pa) 25 lbs/ft (0.36 kN/m) 24 months Erosion Control Blankets & Open Weave Textiles (slowly degrading) 1.5:1 (H:V) ≤0.25 @ 1.5:1 2.00 lbs/ft2 (96 Pa) 100 lbs/ft (1.45 kN/m) 24 months Erosion Control Blankets & Open Weave Textiles 1:1 (H:V) ≤0.25 @ 1:1 2.25 lbs/ft2 (108 Pa) 125 lbs/ft (1.82 kN/m) 36 months * C Factor and shear stress for mulch control nettings must be obtained with netting used in conjunction with pre-applied mulch material. (See Section 5.3 of Chapter 7 Construction BMPs for more information on the C Factor.) 1 Minimum Average Roll Values, Machine direction using ECTC Mod. ASTM D 5035. 2 C Factor calculated as ratio of soil loss from RECP protected slope (tested at specified or greater gradient, H:V) to ratio of soil loss from unprotected (control) plot in large-scale testing. 3 Required minimum shear stress RECP (unvegetated) can sustain without physical damage or excess erosion (> 12.7 mm (0.5 in) soil loss) during a 30-minute flow event in large-scale testing. 4 The permissible shear stress levels established for each performance category are based on historical experience with products characterized by Manning's roughness coefficients in the range of 0.01 - 0.05. 5 Acceptable large-scale test methods may include ASTM D 6459, or other independent testing deemed acceptable by the engineer. 6 Per the engineer’s discretion. Recommended acceptable large-scale testing protocol may include ASTM D 6460, or other independent testing deemed acceptable by the engineer. EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) RECP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table RECP-2. ECTC Standard Specification for Permanent1 Rolled Erosion Control Products (Adapted from: Erosion Control Technology Council 2005) Product Type Slope Applications Channel Applications TRMs with a minimum thickness of 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) per ASTM D 6525 and UV stability of 80% per ASTM D 4355 (500 hours exposure). Maximum Gradient Maximum Shear Stress4,5 Minimum Tensile Strength2,3 0.5:1 (H:V) 6.0 lbs/ft2 (288 Pa) 125 lbs/ft (1.82 kN/m) 0.5:1 (H:V) 8.0 lbs/ft2 (384 Pa) 150 lbs/ft (2.19 kN/m) 0.5:1 (H:V) 10.0 lbs/ft2 (480 Pa) 175 lbs/ft (2.55 kN/m) 1 For TRMs containing degradable components, all property values must be obtained on the non- degradable portion of the matting alone. 2 Minimum Average Roll Values, machine direction only for tensile strength determination using ASTM D 6818 (Supersedes Mod. ASTM D 5035 for RECPs) 3 Field conditions with high loading and/or high survivability requirements may warrant the use of a TRM with a tensile strength of 44 kN/m (3,000 lb/ft) or greater. 4 Required minimum shear stress TRM (fully vegetated) can sustain without physical damage or excess erosion (> 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) soil loss) during a 30-minute flow event in large scale testing. 5 Acceptable large-scale testing protocols may include ASTM D 6460, or other independent testing deemed acceptable by the engineer. Design and Installation RECPs should be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines. Regardless of the type of product used, it is important to ensure no gaps or voids exist under the material and that all corners of the material are secured using stakes and trenching. Continuous contact between the product and the soil is necessary to avoid failure. Never use metal stakes to secure temporary erosion control products. Often wooden stakes are used to anchor RECPs; however, wood stakes may present installation and maintenance challenges and generally take a long time to biodegrade. Some local jurisdictions have had favorable experiences using biodegradable stakes. This BMP Fact Sheet provides design details for several commonly used ECB applications, including: ECB-1 Pipe Outlet to Drainageway ECB-2 Small Ditch or Drainageway ECB-3 Outside of Drainageway Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Staking patterns are also provided in the design details according to these factors:  ECB type  Slope or channel type For other types of RECPs including TRMs, these design details are intended to serve as general guidelines for design and installation; however, engineers should adhere to manufacturer’s installation recommendations. Maintenance and Removal Inspection of erosion control blankets and other RECPs includes:  Check for general signs of erosion, including voids beneath the mat. If voids are apparent, fill the void with suitable soil and replace the erosion control blanket, following the appropriate staking pattern.  Check for damaged or loose stakes and secure loose portions of the blanket. Erosion control blankets and other RECPs that are biodegradable typically do not need to be removed after construction. If they must be removed, then an alternate soil stabilization method should be installed promptly following removal. Turf reinforcement mats, although generally resistant to biodegradation, are typically left in place as a dense vegetated cover grows in through the mat matrix. The turf reinforcement mat provides long-term stability and helps the established vegetation resist erosive forces. EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) RECP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) RECP-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-9 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) EC-8 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TOP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph TOP-1. Riprap outlet protection. Description Outlet protection helps to reduce erosion immediately downstream of a pipe, culvert, slope drain, rundown or other conveyance with concentrated, high- velocity flows. Typical outlet protection consists of riprap or rock aprons at the conveyance outlet. Appropriate Uses Outlet protection should be used when a conveyance discharges onto a disturbed area where there is potential for accelerated erosion due to concentrated flow. Outlet protection should be provided where the velocity at the culvert outlet exceeds the maximum permissible velocity of the material in the receiving channel. Note: This Fact Sheet and detail are for temporary outlet protection, outlets that are intended to be used for less than 2 years. For permanent, long-term outlet protection, see the Major Drainage chapter of Volume 1. Design and Installation Design outlet protection to handle runoff from the largest drainage area that may be contributing runoff during construction (the drainage area may change as a result of grading). Key in rock, around the entire perimeter of the apron, to a minimum depth of 6 inches for stability. Extend riprap to the height of the culvert or the normal flow depth of the downstream channel, whichever is less. Additional erosion control measures such as vegetative lining, turf reinforcement mat and/or other channel lining methods may be required downstream of the outlet protection if the channel is susceptible to erosion. See Design Detail OP-1 for additional information. Maintenance and Removal Inspect apron for damage and displaced rocks. If rocks are missing or significantly displaced, repair or replace as necessary. If rocks are continuously missing or displaced, consider increasing the size of the riprap or deeper keying of the perimeter. Remove sediment accumulated at the outlet before the outlet protection becomes buried and ineffective. When sediment accumulation is noted, check that upgradient BMPs, including inlet protection, are in effective operating condition. Outlet protection may be removed once the pipe is no longer draining an upstream area, or once the downstream area has been sufficiently stabilized. If the drainage pipe is permanent, outlet protection can be left in place; however, permanent outlet protection should be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Major Drainage chapter of Volume 2. Outlet Protection Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management No EC-8 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) TOP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) EC-8 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TOP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales (ED/DS) EC-10 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District ED/DS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph ED/DS-1. Example of an earth dike used to divert flows at a construction site. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Description Earth dikes and drainage swales are temporary storm conveyance channels constructed either to divert runoff around slopes or to convey runoff to additional sediment control BMPs prior to discharge of runoff from a site. Drainage swales may be lined or unlined, but if an unlined swale is used, it must be well compacted and capable of resisting erosive velocities. Appropriate Uses Earth dikes and drainage swales are typically used to control the flow path of runoff at a construction site by diverting runoff around areas prone to erosion, such as steep slopes. Earth dikes and drainage swales may also be constructed as temporary conveyance features. This will direct runoff to additional sediment control treatment BMPs, such as sediment traps or basins. Design and Installation When earth dikes are used to divert water for slope protection, the earth dike typically consists of a horizontal ridge of soil placed perpendicular to the slope and angled slightly to provide drainage along the contour. The dike is used in conjunction with a swale or a small channel upslope of the berm to convey the diverted water. Temporary diversion dikes can be constructed by excavation of a V-shaped trench or ditch and placement of the fill on the downslope side of the cut. There are two types of placement for temporary slope diversion dikes:  A dike located at the top of a slope to divert upland runoff away from the disturbed area and convey it in a temporary or permanent channel.  A diversion dike located at the base or mid-slope of a disturbed area to intercept runoff and reduce the effective slope length. Depending on the project, either an earth dike or drainage swale may be more appropriate. If there is a need for cut on the project, then an excavated drainage swale may be better suited. When the project is primarily fill, then a conveyance constructed using a berm may be the better option. All dikes or swales receiving runoff from a disturbed area should direct stormwater to a sediment control BMP such as a sediment trap or basin. Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management No EC-10 Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales (ED/DS) ED/DS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Unlined dikes or swales should only be used for intercepting sheet flow runoff and are not intended for diversion of concentrated flows. Details with notes are provided for several design variations, including: ED-1. Unlined Earth Dike formed by Berm DS-1. Unlined Excavated Swale DS-2. Unlined Swale Formed by Cut and Fill DS-3. ECB-lined Swale DS-4. Synthetic-lined Swale DS-5. Riprap-lined Swale The details also include guidance on permissible velocities for cohesive channels if unlined approaches will be used. Maintenance and Removal Inspect earth dikes for stability, compaction, and signs of erosion and repair. Inspect side slopes for erosion and damage to erosion control fabric. Stabilize slopes and repair fabric as necessary. If there is reoccurring extensive damage, consider installing rock check dams or lining the channel with riprap. If drainage swales are not permanent, remove dikes and fill channels when the upstream area is stabilized. Stabilize the fill or disturbed area immediately following removal by revegetation or other permanent stabilization method approved by the local jurisdiction. Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales (ED/DS) EC-10 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District ED/DS-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC-10 Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales (ED/DS) ED/DS-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales (ED/DS) EC-10 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District ED/DS-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Wind Erosion/Dust Control (DC) EC-14 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph DC-1. Water truck used for dust suppression. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. Description Wind erosion and dust control BMPs help to keep soil particles from entering the air as a result of land disturbing construction activities. These BMPs include a variety of practices generally focused on either graded disturbed areas or construction roadways. For graded areas, practices such as seeding and mulching, use of soil binders, site watering, or other practices that provide prompt surface cover should be used. For construction roadways, road watering and stabilized surfaces should be considered. Appropriate Uses Dust control measures should be used on any site where dust poses a problem to air quality. Dust control is important to control for the health of construction workers and surrounding waterbodies. Design and Installation The following construction BMPs can be used for dust control:  An irrigation/sprinkler system can be used to wet the top layer of disturbed soil to help keep dry soil particles from becoming airborne.  Seeding and mulching can be used to stabilize disturbed surfaces and reduce dust emissions.  Protecting existing vegetation can help to slow wind velocities across the ground surface, thereby limiting the likelihood of soil particles to become airborne.  Spray-on soil binders form a bond between soil particles keeping them grounded. Chemical treatments may require additional permitting requirements. Potential impacts to surrounding waterways and habitat must be considered prior to use.  Placing rock on construction roadways and entrances will help keep dust to a minimum across the construction site.  Wind fences can be installed on site to reduce wind speeds. Install fences perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction for maximum effectiveness. Maintenance and Removal When using an irrigation/sprinkler control system to aid in dust control, be careful not to overwater. Overwatering will cause construction vehicles to track mud off-site. Wind Erosion Control/ Dust Control Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Moderate Concrete Washout Area (CWA) MM-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CWA-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph CWA-1. Example of concrete washout area. Note gravel tracking pad for access and sign. Description Concrete waste management involves designating and properly managing a specific area of the construction site as a concrete washout area. A concrete washout area can be created using one of several approaches designed to receive wash water from washing of tools and concrete mixer chutes, liquid concrete waste from dump trucks, mobile batch mixers, or pump trucks. Three basic approaches are available: excavation of a pit in the ground, use of an above ground storage area, or use of prefabricated haul- away concrete washout containers. Surface discharges of concrete washout water from construction sites are prohibited. Appropriate Uses Concrete washout areas must be designated on all sites that will generate concrete wash water or liquid concrete waste from onsite concrete mixing or concrete delivery. Because pH is a pollutant of concern for washout activities, when unlined pits are used for concrete washout, the soil must have adequate buffering capacity to result in protection of state groundwater standards; otherwise, a liner/containment must be used. The following management practices are recommended to prevent an impact from unlined pits to groundwater:  The use of the washout site should be temporary (less than 1 year), and  The washout site should be not be located in an area where shallow groundwater may be present, such as near natural drainages, springs, or wetlands. Design and Installation Concrete washout activities must be conducted in a manner that does not contribute pollutants to surface waters or stormwater runoff. Concrete washout areas may be lined or unlined excavated pits in the ground, commercially manufactured prefabricated washout containers, or aboveground holding areas constructed of berms, sandbags or straw bales with a plastic liner. Although unlined washout areas may be used, lined pits may be required to protect groundwater under certain conditions. Do not locate an unlined washout area within 400 feet of any natural drainage pathway or waterbody or within 1,000 feet of any wells or drinking water sources. Even for lined concrete washouts, it is advisable to locate the facility away from waterbodies and drainage paths. If site constraints make these Concrete Washout Area Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes MM-1 Concrete Washout Area (CWA) CWA-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 setbacks infeasible or if highly permeable soils exist in the area, then the pit must be installed with an impermeable liner (16 mil minimum thickness) or surface storage alternatives using prefabricated concrete washout devices or a lined aboveground storage area should be used. Design details with notes are provided in Detail CWA-1 for pits and CWA-2 for aboveground storage areas. Pre-fabricated concrete washout container information can be obtained from vendors. Maintenance and Removal A key consideration for concrete washout areas is to ensure that adequate signage is in place identifying the location of the washout area. Part of inspecting and maintaining washout areas is ensuring that adequate signage is provided and in good repair and that the washout area is being used, as opposed to washout in non-designated areas of the site. Remove concrete waste in the washout area, as needed to maintain BMP function (typically when filled to about two-thirds of its capacity). Collect concrete waste and deliver offsite to a designated disposal location. Upon termination of use of the washout site, accumulated solid waste, including concrete waste and any contaminated soils, must be removed from the site to prevent on-site disposal of solid waste. If the wash water is allowed to evaporate and the concrete hardens, it may be recycled. Photograph CWA-3. Earthen concrete washout. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Photograph CWA-2. Prefabricated concrete washout. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Concrete Washout Area (CWA) MM-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CWA-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM-1 Concrete Washout Area (CWA) CWA-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SP-1. A topsoil stockpile that has been partially revegetated and is protected by silt fence perimeter control. Description Stockpile management includes measures to minimize erosion and sediment transport from soil stockpiles. Appropriate Uses Stockpile management should be used when soils or other erodible materials are stored at the construction site. Special attention should be given to stockpiles in close proximity to natural or manmade storm systems. Design and Installation Locate stockpiles away from all drainage system components including storm sewer inlets. Where practical, choose stockpile locations that that will remain undisturbed for the longest period of time as the phases of construction progress. Place sediment control BMPs around the perimeter of the stockpile, such as sediment control logs, rock socks, silt fence, straw bales and sand bags. See Detail SP-1 for guidance on proper establishment of perimeter controls around a stockpile. For stockpiles in active use, provide a stabilized designated access point on the upgradient side of the stockpile. Stabilize the stockpile surface with surface roughening, temporary seeding and mulching, erosion control blankets, or soil binders. Soils stockpiled for an extended period (typically for more than 60 days) should be seeded and mulched with a temporary grass cover once the stockpile is placed (typically within 14 days). Use of mulch only or a soil binder is acceptable if the stockpile will be in place for a more limited time period (typically 30-60 days). Timeframes for stabilization of stockpiles noted in this fact sheet are "typical" guidelines. Check permit requirements for specific federal, state, and/or local requirements that may be more prescriptive. Stockpiles should not be placed in streets or paved areas unless no other practical alternative exists. See the Stabilized Staging Area Fact Sheet for guidance when staging in roadways is unavoidable due to space or right-of-way constraints. For paved areas, rock socks must be used for perimeter control and all inlets with the potential to receive sediment from the stockpile (even from vehicle tracking) must be protected. Maintenance and Removal Inspect perimeter controls and inlet protection in accordance with their respective BMP Fact Sheets. Where seeding, mulch and/or soil binders are used, reseeding or reapplication of soil binder may be necessary. When temporary removal of a perimeter BMP is necessary to access a stockpile, ensure BMPs are reinstalled in accordance with their respective design detail section. Stockpile Management Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM) SP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 When the stockpile is no longer needed, properly dispose of excess materials and revegetate or otherwise stabilize the ground surface where the stockpile was located. Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM) SP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM) SP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photographs GH-1 and GH-2. Proper materials storage and secondary containment for fuel tanks are important good housekeeping practices. Photos courtesy of CDOT and City of Aurora. Description Implement construction site good housekeeping practices to prevent pollution associated with solid, liquid and hazardous construction-related materials and wastes. Stormwater Management Plans (SWMPs) should clearly specify BMPs including these good housekeeping practices:  Provide for waste management.  Establish proper building material staging areas.  Designate paint and concrete washout areas.  Establish proper equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance practices.  Control equipment/vehicle washing and allowable non- stormwater discharges.  Develop a spill prevention and response plan. Acknowledgement: This Fact Sheet is based directly on EPA guidance provided in Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plan (EPA 2007). Appropriate Uses Good housekeeping practices are necessary at all construction sites. Design and Installation The following principles and actions should be addressed in SWMPs:  Provide for Waste Management. Implement management procedures and practices to prevent or reduce the exposure and transport of pollutants in stormwater from solid, liquid and sanitary wastes that will be generated at the site. Practices such as trash disposal, recycling, proper material handling, and cleanup measures can reduce the potential for stormwater runoff to pick up construction site wastes and discharge them to surface waters. Implement a comprehensive set of waste-management practices for hazardous or toxic materials, such as paints, solvents, petroleum products, pesticides, wood preservatives, acids, roofing tar, and other materials. Practices should include storage, handling, inventory, and cleanup procedures, in case of spills. Specific practices that should be considered include: Solid or Construction Waste o Designate trash and bulk waste-collection areas on- site. Good Housekeeping Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) GH-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph GH-3. Locate portable toilet facilities on level surfaces away from waterways and storm drains. Photo courtesy of WWE. o Recycle materials whenever possible (e.g., paper, wood, concrete, oil). o Segregate and provide proper disposal options for hazardous material wastes. o Clean up litter and debris from the construction site daily. o Locate waste-collection areas away from streets, gutters, watercourses, and storm drains. Waste- collection areas (dumpsters, and such) are often best located near construction site entrances to minimize traffic on disturbed soils. Consider secondary containment around waste collection areas to minimize the likelihood of contaminated discharges. o Empty waste containers before they are full and overflowing. Sanitary and Septic Waste o Provide convenient, well-maintained, and properly located toilet facilities on-site. o Locate toilet facilities away from storm drain inlets and waterways to prevent accidental spills and contamination of stormwater. o Maintain clean restroom facilities and empty portable toilets regularly. o Where possible, provide secondary containment pans under portable toilets. o Provide tie-downs or stake-downs for portable toilets. o Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers on locations of facilities. o Treat or dispose of sanitary and septic waste in accordance with state or local regulations. Do not discharge or bury wastewater at the construction site. o Inspect facilities for leaks. If found, repair or replace immediately. o Special care is necessary during maintenance (pump out) to ensure that waste and/or biocide are not spilled on the ground. Hazardous Materials and Wastes o Develop and implement employee and subcontractor education, as needed, on hazardous and toxic waste handling, storage, disposal, and cleanup. o Designate hazardous waste-collection areas on-site. o Place all hazardous and toxic material wastes in secondary containment. Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 o Hazardous waste containers should be inspected to ensure that all containers are labeled properly and that no leaks are present.  Establish Proper Building Material Handling and Staging Areas. The SWMP should include comprehensive handling and management procedures for building materials, especially those that are hazardous or toxic. Paints, solvents, pesticides, fuels and oils, other hazardous materials or building materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater should be stored indoors or under cover whenever possible or in areas with secondary containment. Secondary containment measures prevent a spill from spreading across the site and may include dikes, berms, curbing, or other containment methods. Secondary containment techniques should also ensure the protection of groundwater. Designate staging areas for activities such as fueling vehicles, mixing paints, plaster, mortar, and other potential pollutants. Designated staging areas enable easier monitoring of the use of materials and clean up of spills. Training employees and subcontractors is essential to the success of this pollution prevention principle. Consider the following specific materials handling and staging practices: o Train employees and subcontractors in proper handling and storage practices. o Clearly designate site areas for staging and storage with signs and on construction drawings. Staging areas should be located in areas central to the construction site. Segment the staging area into sub-areas designated for vehicles, equipment, or stockpiles. Construction entrances and exits should be clearly marked so that delivery vehicles enter/exit through stabilized areas with vehicle tracking controls (See Vehicle Tracking Control Fact Sheet). o Provide storage in accordance with Spill Protection, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) requirements and plans and provide cover and impermeable perimeter control, as necessary, for hazardous materials and contaminated soils that must be stored on site. o Ensure that storage containers are regularly inspected for leaks, corrosion, support or foundation failure, or other signs of deterioration and tested for soundness. o Reuse and recycle construction materials when possible.  Designate Concrete Washout Areas. Concrete contractors should be encouraged to use the washout facilities at their own plants or dispatch facilities when feasible; however, concrete washout commonly occurs on construction sites. If it is necessary to provide for concrete washout areas on- site, designate specific washout areas and design facilities to handle anticipated washout water. Washout areas should also be provided for paint and stucco operations. Because washout areas can be a source of pollutants from leaks or spills, care must be taken with regard to their placement and proper use. See the Concrete Washout Area Fact Sheet for detailed guidance. Both self-constructed and prefabricated washout containers can fill up quickly when concrete, paint, and stucco work are occurring on large portions of the site. Be sure to check for evidence that contractors are using the washout areas and not dumping materials onto the ground or into drainage facilities. If the washout areas are not being used regularly, consider posting additional signage, relocating the facilities to more convenient locations, or providing training to workers and contractors. When concrete, paint, or stucco is part of the construction process, consider these practices which will help prevent contamination of stormwater. Include the locations of these areas and the maintenance and inspection procedures in the SWMP. MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) GH-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 o Do not washout concrete trucks or equipment into storm drains, streets, gutters, uncontained areas, or streams. Only use designated washout areas. o Establish washout areas and advertise their locations with signs. Ensure that signage remains in good repair. o Provide adequate containment for the amount of wash water that will be used. o Inspect washout structures daily to detect leaks or tears and to identify when materials need to be removed. o Dispose of materials properly. The preferred method is to allow the water to evaporate and to recycle the hardened concrete. Full service companies may provide dewatering services and should dispose of wastewater properly. Concrete wash water can be highly polluted. It should not be discharged to any surface water, storm sewer system, or allowed to infiltrate into the ground in the vicinity of waterbodies. Washwater should not be discharged to a sanitary sewer system without first receiving written permission from the system operator.  Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices. Create a clearly designated on-site fueling and maintenance area that is clean and dry. The on-site fueling area should have a spill kit, and staff should know how to use it. If possible, conduct vehicle fueling and maintenance activities in a covered area. Consider the following practices to help prevent the discharge of pollutants to stormwater from equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance. Include the locations of designated fueling and maintenance areas and inspection and maintenance procedures in the SWMP. o Train employees and subcontractors in proper fueling procedures (stay with vehicles during fueling, proper use of pumps, emergency shutoff valves, etc.). o Inspect on-site vehicles and equipment regularly for leaks, equipment damage, and other service problems. o Clearly designate vehicle/equipment service areas away from drainage facilities and watercourses to prevent stormwater run-on and runoff. o Use drip pans, drip cloths, or absorbent pads when replacing spent fluids. o Collect all spent fluids, store in appropriate labeled containers in the proper storage areas, and recycle fluids whenever possible.  Control Equipment/Vehicle Washing and Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges. Implement practices to prevent contamination of surface and groundwater from equipment and vehicle wash water. Representative practices include: o Educate employees and subcontractors on proper washing procedures. o Use off-site washing facilities, when available. o Clearly mark the washing areas and inform workers that all washing must occur in this area. o Contain wash water and treat it using BMPs. Infiltrate washwater when possible, but maintain separation from drainage paths and waterbodies. Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 o Use high-pressure water spray at vehicle washing facilities without detergents. Water alone can remove most dirt adequately. o Do not conduct other activities, such as vehicle repairs, in the wash area. o Include the location of the washing facilities and the inspection and maintenance procedures in the SWMP.  Develop a Spill Prevention and Response Plan. Spill prevention and response procedures must be identified in the SWMP. Representative procedures include identifying ways to reduce the chance of spills, stop the source of spills, contain and clean up spills, dispose of materials contaminated by spills, and train personnel responsible for spill prevention and response. The plan should also specify material handling procedures and storage requirements and ensure that clear and concise spill cleanup procedures are provided and posted for areas in which spills may potentially occur. When developing a spill prevention plan, include the following: o Note the locations of chemical storage areas, storm drains, tributary drainage areas, surface waterbodies on or near the site, and measures to stop spills from leaving the site. o Provide proper handling and safety procedures for each type of waste. Keep Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for chemical used on site with the SWMP. o Establish an education program for employees and subcontractors on the potential hazards to humans and the environment from spills and leaks. o Specify how to notify appropriate authorities, such as police and fire departments, hospitals, or municipal sewage treatment facilities to request assistance. Emergency procedures and contact numbers should be provided in the SWMP and posted at storage locations. o Describe the procedures, equipment and materials for immediate cleanup of spills and proper disposal. o Identify personnel responsible for implementing the plan in the event of a spill. Update the spill prevention plan and clean up materials as changes occur to the types of chemicals stored and used at the facility. MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) GH-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan Construction sites may be subject to 40 CFR Part 112 regulations that require the preparation and implementation of a SPCC Plan to prevent oil spills from aboveground and underground storage tanks. The facility is subject to this rule if it is a non-transportation-related facility that:  Has a total storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons or a completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 gallons.  Could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful to navigable waters of the United States and adjoining shorelines. Furthermore, if the facility is subject to 40 CFR Part 112, the SWMP should reference the SPCC Plan. To find out more about SPCC Plans, see EPA's website on SPPC at www.epa.gov/oilspill/spcc.htm. Reporting Oil Spills In the event of an oil spill, contact the National Response Center toll free at 1-800-424- 8802 for assistance, or for more details, visit their website: www.nrc.uscg.mil. Maintenance and Removal Effective implementation of good housekeeping practices is dependent on clear designation of personnel responsible for supervising and implementing good housekeeping programs, such as site cleanup and disposal of trash and debris, hazardous material management and disposal, vehicle and equipment maintenance, and other practices. Emergency response "drills" may aid in emergency preparedness. Checklists may be helpful in good housekeeping efforts. Staging and storage areas require permanent stabilization when the areas are no longer being used for construction-related activities. Construction-related materials, debris and waste must be removed from the construction site once construction is complete. Design Details See the following Fact Sheets for related Design Details: MM-1 Concrete Washout Area MM-2 Stockpile Management SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control Design details are not necessary for other good housekeeping practices; however, be sure to designate where specific practices will occur on the appropriate construction drawings. Silt Fence (SF) SC-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SF-1. Silt fence creates a sediment barrier, forcing sheet flow runoff to evaporate or infiltrate. Description A silt fence is a woven geotextile fabric attached to wooden posts and trenched into the ground. It is designed as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. Appropriate Uses A silt fence can be used where runoff is conveyed from a disturbed area as sheet flow. Silt fence is not designed to receive concentrated flow or to be used as a filter fabric. Typical uses include:  Down slope of a disturbed area to accept sheet flow.  Along the perimeter of a receiving water such as a stream, pond or wetland.  At the perimeter of a construction site. Design and Installation Silt fence should be installed along the contour of slopes so that it intercepts sheet flow. The maximum recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of silt fence, installed along the contour, is approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only applies to silt fence installed along the contour. Silt fence installed for other uses, such as perimeter control, should be installed in a way that will not produce concentrated flows. For example, a "J-hook" installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather than concentrate and cause erosive conditions parallel to the silt fence. See Detail SF-1 for proper silt fence installation, which involves proper trenching, staking, securing the fabric to the stakes, and backfilling the silt fence. Properly installed silt fence should not be easily pulled out by hand and there should be no gaps between the ground and the fabric. Silt fence must meet the minimum allowable strength requirements, depth of installation requirement, and other specifications in the design details. Improper installation of silt fence is a common reason for silt fence failure; however, when properly installed and used for the appropriate purposes, it can be highly effective. Silt Fence Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No SC-1 Silt Fence (SF) SF-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SF-2. When silt fence is not installed along the contour, a "J-hook" installation may be appropriate to ensure that the BMP does not create concentrated flow parallel to the silt fence. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. Maintenance and Removal Inspection of silt fence includes observing the material for tears or holes and checking for slumping fence and undercut areas bypassing flows. Repair of silt fence typically involves replacing the damaged section with a new section. Sediment accumulated behind silt fence should be removed, as needed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically before it reaches a depth of 6 inches. Silt fence may be removed when the upstream area has reached final stabilization. Silt Fence (SF) SC-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC-1 Silt Fence (SF) SF-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photographs SCL-1 and SCL-2. Sediment control logs used as 1) a perimeter control around a soil stockpile; and, 2) as a "J-hook" perimeter control at the corner of a construction site. Description A sediment control log is a linear roll made of natural materials such as straw, coconut fiber, or compost. The most common type of sediment control log has straw filling and is often referred to as a "straw wattle." All sediment control logs are used as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. Appropriate Uses Sediment control logs can be used in the following applications to trap sediment:  As perimeter control for stockpiles and the site.  As part of inlet protection designs.  As check dams in small drainage ditches. (Sediment control logs are not intended for use in channels with high flow velocities.)  On disturbed slopes to shorten flow lengths (as an erosion control).  As part of multi-layered perimeter control along a receiving water such as a stream, pond or wetland. Sediment control logs work well in combination with other layers of erosion and sediment controls. Design and Installation Sediment control logs should be installed along the contour to avoid concentrating flows. The maximum allowable tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of sediment control log, installed along the contour, is approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only applies to sediment control logs installed along the contour. When installed for other uses, such as perimeter control, it should be installed in a way that will not produce concentrated flows. For example, a "J-hook" installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather than concentrate and cause erosive conditions parallel to the BMP. Sediment Control Log Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No SC-2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SCL-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Although sediment control logs initially allow runoff to flow through the BMP, they can quickly become a barrier and should be installed as if they are impermeable. Design details and notes for sediment control logs are provided in the following details. Sediment logs must be properly installed per the detail to prevent undercutting, bypassing and displacement. When installed on slopes, sediment control logs should be installed along the contours (i.e., perpendicular to flow). Improper installation can lead to poor performance. Be sure that sediment control logs are properly trenched (if lighter than 8 lb/foot), anchored and tightly jointed. Maintenance and Removal Be aware that sediment control logs will eventually degrade. Remove accumulated sediment before the depth is one-half the height of the sediment log and repair damage to the sediment log, typically by replacing the damaged section. Once the upstream area is stabilized, remove and properly dispose of the logs. Areas disturbed beneath the logs may need to be seeded and mulched. Sediment control logs that are biodegradable may occasionally be left in place (e.g., when logs are used in conjunction with erosion control blankets as permanent slope breaks). However, removal of sediment control logs after final stabilization is typically appropriate when used in perimeter control, inlet protection and check dam applications. Compost from compost sediment control logs may be spread over the area and seeded as long as this does not cover newly established vegetation. Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC-2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SCL-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2 November 2015 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC-2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SCL-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2015 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Straw Bale Barrier (SBB) SC-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SBB-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SBB-1. Straw bale barrier used for perimeter control. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. Description A straw bale barrier is a linear wall of straw bales designed to intercept sheet flow and trap sediment before runoff exits a disturbed area. Appropriate Uses Appropriate uses of properly installed straw bale barriers may include:  As a perimeter control for a site or soil stockpile.  As a sediment control at the toe of an erodible slope.  Along the edge of a stream or drainage pathway to reduce sediment laden runoff from entering the waterway.  As part of an inlet protection design in sump conditions (See Inlet Protection BMP). Do not use straw bale barriers in areas of concentrated flow or in areas where ponding is not desirable. Straw bales tend to degrade quickly, so they should generally not be used in areas where longer term disturbance is expected. Due to a history of inappropriate placement, poor installation, and short effective lifespan, the use of straw bales is discouraged or prohibited by some communities. Design and Installation The maximum recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of straw bale barrier is 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1; longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. Design details with notes are provided in Detail SBB-1. To be effective, bales must be installed in accordance with the design details with proper trenching, staking, and binding. Jute and cotton string must not be used to bind the straw bale. The bales should be certified weed-free prior to use. Maintenance and Removal Check bales for rotting and replace as necessary. Straw bales degrade, and rotting bales require replacement on a regular basis (as often as every three months) depending on environmental conditions. Check for undercutting, bypassed flows, and displacement. Repair by properly re-installing the straw bale barrier and repairing washouts around the bales. Remove sediment accumulated behind the bale when it reaches one-quarter of the bale height. Remove and properly dispose of the straw bale once the upstream area has been stabilized. Areas of disturbance beneath the bale should be seeded and mulched when the bale is removed. Straw Bale Barrier Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management No SC-3 Straw Bale Barrier (SBB) SBB-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Straw Bale Barrier (SBB) SC-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SBB-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC-5 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph RS-1. Rock socks placed at regular intervals in a curb line can help reduce sediment loading to storm sewer inlets. Rock socks can also be used as perimeter controls. Description A rock sock is constructed of gravel that has been wrapped by wire mesh or a geotextile to form an elongated cylindrical filter. Rock socks are typically used either as a perimeter control or as part of inlet protection. When placed at angles in the curb line, rock socks are typically referred to as curb socks. Rock socks are intended to trap sediment from stormwater runoff that flows onto roadways as a result of construction activities. Appropriate Uses Rock socks can be used at the perimeter of a disturbed area to control localized sediment loading. A benefit of rock socks as opposed to other perimeter controls is that they do not have to be trenched or staked into the ground; therefore, they are often used on roadway construction projects where paved surfaces are present. Use rock socks in inlet protection applications when the construction of a roadway is substantially complete and the roadway has been directly connected to a receiving storm system. Design and Installation When rock socks are used as perimeter controls, the maximum recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of rock socks is approximately 0.25 acres with disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. A rock sock design detail and notes are provided in Detail RS-1. Also see the Inlet Protection Fact Sheet for design and installation guidance when rock socks are used for inlet protection and in the curb line. When placed in the gutter adjacent to a curb, rock socks should protrude no more than two feet from the curb in order for traffic to pass safely. If located in a high traffic area, place construction markers to alert drivers and street maintenance workers of their presence. Maintenance and Removal Rock socks are susceptible to displacement and breaking due to vehicle traffic. Inspect rock socks for damage and repair or replace as necessary. Remove sediment by sweeping or vacuuming as needed to maintain the functionality of the BMP, typically when sediment has accumulated behind the rock sock to one-half of the sock's height. Once upstream stabilization is complete, rock socks and accumulated sediment should be removed and properly disposed. Rock Sock Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No SC-5 Rock Sock (RS) RS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC-5 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RS-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC-6 August 2013 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph IP-1. Inlet protection for a curb opening inlet. Description Inlet protection consists of permeable barriers installed around an inlet to filter runoff and remove sediment prior to entering a storm drain inlet. Inlet protection can be constructed from rock socks, sediment control logs, silt fence, block and rock socks, or other materials approved by the local jurisdiction. Area inlets can also be protected by over-excavating around the inlet to form a sediment trap. Appropriate Uses Install protection at storm sewer inlets that are operable during construction. Consider the potential for tracked-out sediment or temporary stockpile areas to contribute sediment to inlets when determining which inlets must be protected. This may include inlets in the general proximity of the construction area, not limited to downgradient inlets. Inlet protection is not a stand-alone BMP and should be used in conjunction with other upgradient BMPs. Design and Installation To function effectively, inlet protection measures must be installed to ensure that flows do not bypass the inlet protection and enter the storm drain without treatment. However, designs must also enable the inlet to function without completely blocking flows into the inlet in a manner that causes localized flooding. When selecting the type of inlet protection, consider factors such as type of inlet (e.g., curb or area, sump or on-grade conditions), traffic, anticipated flows, ability to secure the BMP properly, safety and other site-specific conditions. For example, block and rock socks will be better suited to a curb and gutter along a roadway, as opposed to silt fence or sediment control logs, which cannot be properly secured in a curb and gutter setting, but are effective area inlet protection measures. Several inlet protection designs are provided in the Design Details. Additionally, a variety of proprietary products are available for inlet protection that may be approved for use by local governments. If proprietary products are used, design details and installation procedures from the manufacturer must be followed. Regardless of the type of inlet protection selected, inlet protection is most effective when combined with other BMPs such as curb socks and check dams. Inlet protection is often the last barrier before runoff enters the storm sewer or receiving water. Design details with notes are provided for these forms of inlet protection: IP-1. Block and Rock Sock Inlet Protection for Sump or On-grade Inlets IP-2. Curb (Rock) Socks Upstream of Inlet Protection, On-grade Inlets Inlet Protection (various forms) Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No SC-6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District August 2013 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 IP-3. Rock Sock Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet IP-4. Silt Fence Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet IP-5. Over-excavation Inlet Protection IP-6. Straw Bale Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet CIP-1. Culvert Inlet Protection Propriety inlet protection devices should be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications. More information is provided below on selecting inlet protection for sump and on-grade locations. Inlets Located in a Sump When applying inlet protection in sump conditions, it is important that the inlet continue to function during larger runoff events. For curb inlets, the maximum height of the protective barrier should be lower than the top of the curb opening to allow overflow into the inlet during larger storms without excessive localized flooding. If the inlet protection height is greater than the curb elevation, particularly if the filter becomes clogged with sediment, runoff will not enter the inlet and may bypass it, possibly causing localized flooding, public safety issues, and downstream erosion and damage from bypassed flows. Area inlets located in a sump setting can be protected through the use of silt fence, concrete block and rock socks (on paved surfaces), sediment control logs/straw wattles embedded in the adjacent soil and stacked around the area inlet (on pervious surfaces), over-excavation around the inlet, and proprietary products providing equivalent functions. Inlets Located on a Slope For curb and gutter inlets on paved sloping streets, block and rock sock inlet protection is recommended in conjunction with curb socks in the gutter leading to the inlet. For inlets located along unpaved roads, also see the Check Dam Fact Sheet. Maintenance and Removal Inspect inlet protection frequently. Inspection and maintenance guidance includes:  Inspect for tears that can result in sediment directly entering the inlet, as well as result in the contents of the BMP (e.g., gravel) washing into the inlet.  Check for improper installation resulting in untreated flows bypassing the BMP and directly entering the inlet or bypassing to an unprotected downstream inlet. For example, silt fence that has not been properly trenched around the inlet can result in flows under the silt fence and directly into the inlet.  Look for displaced BMPs that are no longer protecting the inlet. Displacement may occur following larger storm events that wash away or reposition the inlet protection. Traffic or equipment may also crush or displace the BMP.  Monitor sediment accumulation upgradient of the inlet protection. Inlet Protection (IP) SC-6 August 2013 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3  Remove sediment accumulation from the area upstream of the inlet protection, as needed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically when it reaches no more than half the storage capacity of the inlet protection. For silt fence, remove sediment when it accumulates to a depth of no more than 6 inches. Remove sediment accumulation from the area upstream of the inlet protection as needed to maintain the functionality of the BMP.  Propriety inlet protection devices should be inspected and maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. If proprietary inlet insert devices are used, sediment should be removed in a timely manner to prevent devices from breaking and spilling sediment into the storm drain. Inlet protection must be removed and properly disposed of when the drainage area for the inlet has reached final stabilization. SC-6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District August 2013 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC-6 August 2013 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC-6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District August 2013 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC-6 August 2013 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC-6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District August 2013 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CP) SM-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CP-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph CP-1. Construction phasing to avoid disturbing the entire area at one time. Photo courtesy of WWE. Description Effective construction site management to minimize erosion and sediment transport includes attention to construction phasing, scheduling, and sequencing of land disturbing activities. On most construction projects, erosion and sediment controls will need to be adjusted as the project progresses and should be documented in the SWMP. Construction phasing refers to disturbing only part of a site at a time to limit the potential for erosion from dormant parts of a site. Grading activities and construction are completed and soils are effectively stabilized on one part of a site before grading and construction begins on another portion of the site. Construction sequencing or scheduling refers to a specified work schedule that coordinates the timing of land disturbing activities and the installation of erosion and sediment control practices. Appropriate Uses All construction projects can benefit from upfront planning to phase and sequence construction activities to minimize the extent and duration of disturbance. Larger projects and linear construction projects may benefit most from construction sequencing or phasing, but even small projects can benefit from construction sequencing that minimizes the duration of disturbance. Typically, erosion and sediment controls needed at a site will change as a site progresses through the major phases of construction. Erosion and sediment control practices corresponding to each phase of construction must be documented in the SWMP. Design and Installation BMPs appropriate to the major phases of development should be identified on construction drawings. In some cases, it will be necessary to provide several drawings showing construction-phase BMPs placed according to stages of development (e.g., clearing and grading, utility installation, active construction, final stabilization). Some municipalities in the Denver area set maximum sizes for disturbed area associated with phases of a construction project. Additionally, requirements for phased construction drawings vary among local governments within the UDFCD boundary. Some local governments require separate erosion and sediment control drawings for initial BMPs, interim conditions (in active construction), and final stabilization. Construction Scheduling Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management Yes SM-1 Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CP) CP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Typical construction phasing BMPs include:  Limit the amount of disturbed area at any given time on a site to the extent practical. For example, a 100-acre subdivision might be constructed in five phases of 20 acres each.  If there is carryover of stockpiled material from one phase to the next, position carryover material in a location easily accessible for the pending phase that will not require disturbance of stabilized areas to access the stockpile. Particularly with regard to efforts to balance cut and fill at a site, careful planning for location of stockpiles is important. Typical construction sequencing BMPs include:  Sequence construction activities to minimize duration of soil disturbance and exposure. For example, when multiple utilities will occupy the same trench, schedule installation so that the trench does not have to be closed and opened multiple times.  Schedule site stabilization activities (e.g., landscaping, seeding and mulching, installation of erosion control blankets) as soon as feasible following grading.  Install initial erosion and sediment control practices before construction begins. Promptly install additional BMPs for inlet protection, stabilization, etc., as construction activities are completed. Table CP-1 provides typical sequencing of construction activities and associated BMPs. Maintenance and Removal When the construction schedule is altered, erosion and sediment control measures in the SWMP and construction drawings should be appropriately adjusted to reflect actual "on the ground" conditions at the construction site. Be aware that changes in construction schedules can have significant implications for site stabilization, particularly with regard to establishment of vegetative cover. Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CP) SM-1 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CP-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Table CP -1. Typical Phased BMP Installation for Construction Projects Project Phase BMPs Pre- disturbance, Site Access  Install sediment controls downgradient of access point (on paved streets this may consist of inlet protection).  Establish vehicle tracking control at entrances to paved streets. Fence as needed.  Use construction fencing to define the boundaries of the project and limit access to areas of the site that are not to be disturbed. Note: it may be necessary to protect inlets in the general vicinity of the site, even if not downgradient, if there is a possibility that sediment tracked from the site could contribute to the inlets. Site Clearing and Grubbing  Install perimeter controls as needed on downgradient perimeter of site (silt fence, wattles, etc).  Limit disturbance to those areas planned for disturbance and protect undisturbed areas within the site (construction fence, flagging, etc).  Preserve vegetative buffer at site perimeter.  Create stabilized staging area.  Locate portable toilets on flat surfaces away from drainage paths. Stake in areas susceptible to high winds.  Construct concrete washout area and provide signage.  Establish waste disposal areas.  Install sediment basins.  Create dirt perimeter berms and/or brush barriers during grubbing and clearing.  Separate and stockpile topsoil, leave roughened and/or cover.  Protect stockpiles with perimeter control BMPs. Stockpiles should be located away from drainage paths and should be accessed from the upgradient side so that perimeter controls can remain in place on the downgradient side. Use erosion control blankets, temporary seeding, and/or mulch for stockpiles that will be inactive for an extended period.  Leave disturbed area of site in a roughened condition to limit erosion. Consider temporary revegetation for areas of the site that have been disturbed but that will be inactive for an extended period.  Water to minimize dust but not to the point that watering creates runoff. SM-1 Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CP) CP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Project Phase BMPs Utility And Infrastructure Installation In Addition to the Above BMPs:  Close trench as soon as possible (generally at the end of the day).  Use rough-cut street control or apply road base for streets that will not be promptly paved.  Provide inlet protection as streets are paved and inlets are constructed.  Protect and repair BMPs, as necessary.  Perform street sweeping as needed. Building Construction In Addition to the Above BMPs:  Implement materials management and good housekeeping practices for home building activities.  Use perimeter controls for temporary stockpiles from foundation excavations.  For lots adjacent to streets, lot-line perimeter controls may be necessary at the back of curb. Final Grading In Addition to the Above BMPs:  Remove excess or waste materials.  Remove stored materials. Final Stabilization In Addition to the Above BMPs:  Seed and mulch/tackify.  Seed and install blankets on steep slopes.  Remove all temporary BMPs when site has reached final stabilization. Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) SM-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PV-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph PV-1. Protection of existing vegetation and a sensitive area. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Description Protection of existing vegetation on a construction site can be accomplished through installation of a construction fence around the area requiring protection. In cases where upgradient areas are disturbed, it may also be necessary to install perimeter controls to minimize sediment loading to sensitive areas such as wetlands. Existing vegetation may be designated for protection to maintain a stable surface cover as part of construction phasing, or vegetation may be protected in areas designated to remain in natural condition under post-development conditions (e.g., wetlands, mature trees, riparian areas, open space). Appropriate Uses Existing vegetation should be preserved for the maximum practical duration on a construction site through the use of effective construction phasing. Preserving vegetation helps to minimize erosion and can reduce revegetation costs following construction. Protection of wetland areas is required under the Clean Water Act, unless a permit has been obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) allowing impacts in limited areas. If trees are to be protected as part of post-development landscaping, care must be taken to avoid several types of damage, some of which may not be apparent at the time of injury. Potential sources of injury include soil compaction during grading or due to construction traffic, direct equipment-related injury such as bark removal, branch breakage, surface grading and trenching, and soil cut and fill. In order to minimize injuries that may lead to immediate or later death of the tree, tree protection zones should be developed during site design, implemented at the beginning of a construction project, as well as continued during active construction. Design and Installation General Once an area has been designated as a preservation area, there should be no construction activity allowed within a set distance of the area. Clearly mark the area with construction fencing. Do not allow stockpiles, equipment, trailers or parking within the protected area. Guidelines to protect various types of existing vegetation follow. Protection of Existing Vegetation Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management Yes SM-2 Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) PV-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Surface Cover During Phased Construction Install construction fencing or other perimeter controls around areas to be protected from clearing and grading as part of construction phasing. Maintaining surface cover on steep slopes for the maximum practical duration during construction is recommended. Open Space Preservation Where natural open space areas will be preserved as part of a development, it is important to install construction fencing around these areas to protect them from compaction. This is particularly important when areas with soils with high infiltration rates are preserved as part of LID designs. Preserved open space areas should not be used for staging and equipment storage. Wetlands and Riparian Areas Install a construction fence around the perimeter of the wetland or riparian (streamside vegetation) area to prevent access by equipment. In areas downgradient of disturbed areas, install a perimeter control such as silt fence, sediment control logs, or similar measure to minimize sediment loading to the wetland. Tree Protection 1  Before beginning construction operations, establish a tree protection zone around trees to be preserved by installing construction fences. Allow enough space from the trunk to protect the root zone from soil compaction and mechanical damage, and the branches from mechanical damage (see Table PV-1). If low branches will be kept, place the fence outside of the drip line. Where this is not possible, place fencing as far away from the trunk as possible. In order to maintain a healthy tree, be aware that about 60 percent of the tree's root zone extends beyond the drip line. Table PV-1 Guidelines for Determining the Tree Protection Zone (Source: Matheny and Clark, 1998; as cited in GreenCO and WWE 2008) Distance from Trunk (ft) per inch of DBH Species Tolerance to Damage Young Mature Over mature Good 0.5' 0.75' 1.0' Moderate 0.75' 1.0' 1.25' Poor 1.0' 1.25' 1.5' Notes: DBH = diameter at breast height (4.5 ft above grade); Young = <20% of life expectancy; Mature = 20%-80% of life expectancy; Over mature =>80% of life expectancy  Most tree roots grow within the top 12 to 18 inches of soil. Grade changes within the tree protection zone should be avoided where possible because seemingly minor grade changes can either smother 1 Tree Protection guidelines adapted from GreenCO and WWE (2008). Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Conservation and Protection of Water Resources in Colorado: Moving Toward Sustainability, Third Release. See www.greenco.org for more detailed guidance on tree preservation. Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) SM-2 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PV-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 roots (in fill situations) or damage roots (in cut situations). Consider small walls where needed to avoid grade changes in the tree protection zone.  Place and maintain a layer of mulch 4 to 6-inch thick from the tree trunk to the fencing, keeping a 6-inch space between the mulch and the trunk. Mulch helps to preserve moisture and decrease soil compaction if construction traffic is unavoidable. When planting operations are completed, the mulch may be reused throughout planting areas.  Limit access, if needed at all, and appoint one route as the main entrance and exit to the tree protection zone. Within the tree protection zone, do not allow any equipment to be stored, chemicals to be dumped, or construction activities to take place except fine grading, irrigation system installation, and planting operations. These activities should be conducted in consultation with a landscaping professional, following Green Industry BMPs.  Be aware that soil compaction can cause extreme damage to tree health that may appear gradually over a period of years. Soil compaction is easier to prevent than repair. Maintenance and Removal Repair or replace damaged or displaced fencing or other protective barriers around the vegetated area. If damage occurs to a tree, consult an arborist for guidance on how to care for the tree. If a tree in a designated preservation area is damaged beyond repair, remove and replace with a 2-inch diameter tree of the same or similar species. Construction equipment must not enter a wetland area, except as permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Inadvertent placement of fill in a wetland is a 404 permit violation and will require notification of the USACE. If damage to vegetation occurs in a protected area, reseed the area with the same or similar species, following the recommendations in the USDCM Revegetation chapter. Construction Fence (CF) SM-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph CF-1. A construction fence helps delineate areas where existing vegetation is being protected. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. Description A construction fence restricts site access to designated entrances and exits, delineates construction site boundaries, and keeps construction out of sensitive areas such as natural areas to be preserved as open space, wetlands and riparian areas. Appropriate Uses A construction fence can be used to delineate the site perimeter and locations within the site where access is restricted to protect natural resources such as wetlands, waterbodies, trees, and other natural areas of the site that should not be disturbed. If natural resource protection is an objective, then the construction fencing should be used in combination with other perimeter control BMPs such as silt fence, sediment control logs or similar measures. Design and Installation Construction fencing may be chain link or plastic mesh and should be installed following manufacturer’s recommendations. See Detail CF-1 for typical installations. Do not place construction fencing in areas within work limits of machinery. Maintenance and Removal  Inspect fences for damage; repair or replace as necessary.  Fencing should be tight and any areas with slumping or fallen posts should be reinstalled.  Fencing should be removed once construction is complete. Construction Fence Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes SM-3 Construction Fence (CF) CF-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Construction Fence (CF) SM-3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph VTC-1. A vehicle tracking control pad constructed with properly sized rock reduces off-site sediment tracking. Description Vehicle tracking controls provide stabilized construction site access where vehicles exit the site onto paved public roads. An effective vehicle tracking control helps remove sediment (mud or dirt) from vehicles, reducing tracking onto the paved surface. Appropriate Uses Implement a stabilized construction entrance or vehicle tracking control where frequent heavy vehicle traffic exits the construction site onto a paved roadway. An effective vehicle tracking control is particularly important during the following conditions:  Wet weather periods when mud is easily tracked off site.  During dry weather periods where dust is a concern.  When poorly drained, clayey soils are present on site. Although wheel washes are not required in designs of vehicle tracking controls, they may be needed at particularly muddy sites. Design and Installation Construct the vehicle tracking control on a level surface. Where feasible, grade the tracking control towards the construction site to reduce off-site runoff. Place signage, as needed, to direct construction vehicles to the designated exit through the vehicle tracking control. There are several different types of stabilized construction entrances including: VTC-1. Aggregate Vehicle Tracking Control. This is a coarse-aggregate surfaced pad underlain by a geotextile. This is the most common vehicle tracking control, and when properly maintained can be effective at removing sediment from vehicle tires. VTC-2. Vehicle Tracking Control with Construction Mat or Turf Reinforcement Mat. This type of control may be appropriate for site access at very small construction sites with low traffic volume over vegetated areas. Although this application does not typically remove sediment from vehicles, it helps protect existing vegetation and provides a stabilized entrance. Vehicle Tracking Control Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) VTC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph VTC-2. A vehicle tracking control pad with wheel wash facility. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. VTC-3. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit with Wheel Wash. This is an aggregate pad, similar to VTC-1, but includes equipment for tire washing. The wheel wash equipment may be as simple as hand-held power washing equipment to more advance proprietary systems. When a wheel wash is provided, it is important to direct wash water to a sediment trap prior to discharge from the site. Vehicle tracking controls are sometimes installed in combination with a sediment trap to treat runoff. Maintenance and Removal Inspect the area for degradation and replace aggregate or material used for a stabilized entrance/exit as needed. If the area becomes clogged and ponds water, remove and dispose of excess sediment or replace material with a fresh layer of aggregate as necessary. With aggregate vehicle tracking controls, ensure rock and debris from this area do not enter the public right-of-way. Remove sediment that is tracked onto the public right of way daily or more frequently as needed. Excess sediment in the roadway indicates that the stabilized construction entrance needs maintenance. Ensure that drainage ditches at the entrance/exit area remain clear. A stabilized entrance should be removed only when there is no longer the potential for vehicle tracking to occur. This is typically after the site has been stabilized. When wheel wash equipment is used, be sure that the wash water is discharged to a sediment trap prior to discharge. Also inspect channels conveying the water from the wash area to the sediment trap and stabilize areas that may be eroding. When a construction entrance/exit is removed, excess sediment from the aggregate should be removed and disposed of appropriately. The entrance should be promptly stabilized with a permanent surface following removal, typically by paving. Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) VTC-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) VTC-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stabilized Construction Roadway (SCR) SM-5 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCR-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SCR-1. Stabilized construction roadway. Description A stabilized construction roadway is a temporary method to control sediment runoff, vehicle tracking, and dust from roads during construction activities. Appropriate Uses Use on high traffic construction roads to minimize dust and erosion. Stabilized construction roadways are used instead of rough-cut street controls on roadways with frequent construction traffic. Design and Installation Stabilized construction roadways typically involve two key components: 1) stabilizing the road surface with an aggregate base course of 3-inch-diameter granular material and 2) stabilizing roadside ditches, if applicable. Early application of road base is generally suitable where a layer of coarse aggregate is specified for final road construction. Maintenance and Removal Apply additional gravel as necessary to ensure roadway integrity. Inspect drainage ditches along the roadway for erosion and stabilize, as needed, through the use of check dams or rolled erosion control products. Gravel may be removed once the road is ready to be paved. Prior to paving, the road should be inspected for grade changes and damage. Regrade and repair as necessary. Stabilized Construction Roadway Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management Yes Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SSA-1. Example of a staging area with a gravel surface to prevent mud tracking and reduce runoff. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. Description A stabilized staging area is a clearly designated area where construction equipment and vehicles, stockpiles, waste bins, and other construction-related materials are stored. The contractor office trailer may also be located in this area. Depending on the size of the construction site, more than one staging area may be necessary. Appropriate Uses Most construction sites will require a staging area, which should be clearly designated in SWMP drawings. The layout of the staging area may vary depending on the type of construction activity. Staging areas located in roadways due to space constraints require special measures to avoid materials being washed into storm inlets. Design and Installation Stabilized staging areas should be completed prior to other construction activities beginning on the site. Major components of a stabilized staging area include:  Appropriate space to contain storage and provide for loading/unloading operations, as well as parking if necessary.  A stabilized surface, either paved or covered, with 3-inch diameter aggregate or larger.  Perimeter controls such as silt fence, sediment control logs, or other measures.  Construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to construction materials.  Provisions for Good Housekeeping practices related to materials storage and disposal, as described in the Good Housekeeping BMP Fact Sheet.  A stabilized construction entrance/exit, as described in the Vehicle Tracking Control BMP Fact Sheet, to accommodate traffic associated with material delivery and waste disposal vehicles. Over -sizing the stabilized staging area may result in disturbance of existing vegetation in excess of that required for the project. This increases costs, as well as requirements for long-term stabilization following the construction period. When designing the stabilized staging area, minimize the area of disturbance to the extent practical. Stabilized Staging Area Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Yes SM-6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SSA-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 See Detail SSA-1 for a typical stabilized staging area and SSA-2 for a stabilized staging area when materials staging in roadways is required. Maintenance and Removal Maintenance of stabilized staging areas includes maintaining a stable surface cover of gravel, repairing perimeter controls, and following good housekeeping practices. When construction is complete, debris, unused stockpiles and materials should be recycled or properly disposed. In some cases, this will require disposal of contaminated soil from equipment leaks in an appropriate landfill. Staging areas should then be permanently stabilized with vegetation or other surface cover planned for the development. Minimizing Long-Term Stabilization Requirements  Utilize off-site parking and restrict vehicle access to the site.  Use construction mats in lieu of rock when staging is provided in an area that will not be disturbed otherwise.  Consider use of a bermed contained area for materials and equipment that do not require a stabilized surface.  Consider phasing of staging areas to avoid disturbance in an area that will not be otherwise disturbed. Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM-6 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM-6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SSA-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming (SS) SM-7 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SS-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Photograph SS-1. A street sweeper removes sediment and potential pollutants along the curb line at a construction site. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. Description Street sweeping and vacuuming remove sediment that has been tracked onto roadways to reduce sediment transport into storm drain systems or a surface waterway. Appropriate Uses Use this practice at construction sites where vehicles may track sediment offsite onto paved roadways. Design and Installation Street sweeping or vacuuming should be conducted when there is noticeable sediment accumulation on roadways adjacent to the construction site. Typically, this will be concentrated at the entrance/exit to the construction site. Well-maintained stabilized construction entrances, vehicle tracking controls and tire wash facilities can help reduce the necessary frequency of street sweeping and vacuuming. On smaller construction sites, street sweeping can be conducted manually using a shovel and broom. Never wash accumulated sediment on roadways into storm drains. Maintenance and Removal  Inspect paved roads around the perimeter of the construction site on a daily basis and more frequently, as needed. Remove accumulated sediment, as needed.  Following street sweeping, check inlet protection that may have been displaced during street sweeping.  Inspect area to be swept for materials that may be hazardous prior to beginning sweeping operations. Street Sweeping/ Vacuuming Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes ` APPENDIX C LANDSCAPE PLAN ` APPENDIX D PERMITS / APPLICATIONS ` APPENDIX E INSPECTION LOGS ` APPENDIX F CONTRACTOR INSERTS ` APPENDIX G CONTRACTOR INSERTS