August 12, 1987
C.A. Musgrave
5655 Hummel Lane
Fort Collins, CO 80525
RE: Link-m-Greens 2nd Annexation
James P. Hoffman Tract
Dear Charl.ie,
As discussed with you yesterday, T am asking you to help initiate annexa-
tion procedures for the Hoffman tract portion of_ Link-n-Greens in accor-
dance with the terms and conditi_ons o� the out-of-city sewer service ae�ree-
ment .
To this end, ? am enclosing an annexation petition with legal descriptions
for the 15.7881 acre tract and an out parcel of .9494 acres lying between
the Poudre River Trail and the Wastewater Treatment Plant #1. The annexa-
tion of the small out parcel would enable us to provide police protection
to that section of the trail system.
I remain available at yours and Mr. Hoff_man's corivenience to meet and dis-
cuss the annexation. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to call eithPr.
Very truly yours,
Tam Peterson
Planning Director
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OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT � 300 LaPorte Ave. • P.O. Box 580 � Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 •(303) 221-6750
� �
A tract of land situate in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 7
North, Range 69 West of the Sixth P.M., Larimer County, Colorado, which
considering the Last line of said So�theast 1/4 as bearing S 00° OS' 03" W
and with all bearings contained herein relative thereto begins at a point
which bears N 89° 57' W 1005.28 feet, and again S 05° 58' 06" W 30.16 feet
fran the East 1/4 corner of said Section 12, and run thence S 05° 58' 06" W
1675.57 feet to a point on the North line of Potadre Trail; thence along
said North line S 84° 52' 46" E 313.38 feet; thence N 00° 0?' 44" W 93.11
feet; thence S 59° 37' 44" E 217.90 feet to a point on the. North line of
the Poudre Trail; thence along said North line, S 84° 52' 46" E 58.57 feet;
thence along the arc of a 1023.60 foot radius curve to the right, a dis-
tance of 265.95 feet, the long chord of which bears S 52° 29' 42" E 265,12
feet; thence N 21° 51' E 400.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 770.00 foot
radius curve to the left; said c�urve is concave to the Northeast; the long
chon� of said curve bears N 56° 16' W 550.00 feet; thence North 200.00
feet; thence N 70° 05' W 195.28 feet; thence N 05° 58' 06" E 939.87 f eet;
thence N 89° 57" W 200.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing
15.7881 acres, more or less.
ALSO: A tract of land sit�aate in the So�atheast 1/4 of Section 12, Township
7 North, Range 69 West of the Sixth P.M. , Larimer County, Colorado, which
eonsidering the Last line of said Southeast 1/4 as bearing S 00° 05' 03" W
and with all bearings contained herein relative thereto begins at a point
which bears N 89° 57' W 1005.28 feet, and again S 05° 58' 06" W 1705.73
feet f ram the East 1/4 corner of said Section 12, and run thence S OS° 58'
06" W 124.43 feet; thence S 88° 45' E 73.44 feet; thence S 79° 37' E 251.50
feet; thence S 53° 44' E 5.70 feet; thence N 00° 07' 44" W 146.09 f_eet;
thence N 84° 52' 46" W 313.38 feet to the point of beginning, containing
0.9494 acres, more or less.