HomeMy WebLinkAboutBANK ONE FORT COLLINS AT MIRAMONT OFFICE PARK - PDP - 54-87AR - CORRESPONDENCE - RESPONSE TO STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS (2)• April 11, 2002 Mrs. Joyce Jilek CLC 8480 E. Orchard Road Suite 2000 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Dear Joyce: • Please accept these comments from Current Planning, as well as all the attached comments from other deparnnents, �s a coi��pletion ofi our tirst round ofi review for the Bank One Fort Collins Project Development Plan.: Plerise nnte thcit rct tlze e�zrf of eacli con2rrieizt, CLCAssocicates, Inc. Izas added a respoytse in bolded italics. Build-to Line — Boardwalk The Land Use Code (LUC) requires that the buildi�ig be setback trom Boardwalk by no more than 15 feet. The setback, at the closest point, is 20 feet. Normally, a Request for Modification would be required to be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board. An exception to the build-to line standard is allowable: "... in order to form an outdoor space such as a plaza, courtyard, patio or garden between a building and the sidewalk. Such a lar��er front yard area shall have landscaping, low walls, fencing or railings, a tree canopy and/or otlZer similar site improvements along the sidewalk designed for pedestrian interest, comfort and visual continuity." For the plaza area between the building and Boardwalk to qualify as an exception to the standard, enhancements should be added as indicated by the standard. As presently designed, the plaza consists only of a concrete surface whieh, by itself, is insufficient. Please add upgrades to this plaza area. The build-to require�neizts alazg Boardwa/k a��e �iow met rvith t/ze property� /ine s{zift due to tlze additionrr/ Right-of-Way reguired a/onr Boardwalk. 2. The setback from Harmony Road is acceptable due to existing easements. No response required. • 3. Parking � J The LUC requires that there be no more than 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. The square feet indicated, 4,��9, would yield only 16 spaces. In order to allow 26 spaces, there inust be at least 7,482 sc�uare feet. Please indicate where the extra 2,923 square feet comes from. If tlus is the lower level, then please state that clearly on the plans. (The site plan indicates "Multi-Story." but the architectural elevations indicate only one-story above grade.) We are requesti�zg A/ternative Compliance for the additiorzal parking per our proposal a couple weeks aga T/iis submittal i�zcorporntes t/zat request witle tlie e�i/tanced and added laiulscuping, t/ze seati�z; area wit/i sko��t light bollards, etc. wfiile proposing a sinble story hui/ding. We apologize for the ear/ier rliscrepancy. 4. Landscaping Please provide street trees between the sidewalk and curb along Boardwalk. It is acceptable to plant street trees in the parkway strip even with existing electrical and phone facilities. The landscape contractor shotild call the Utility Locator Service prior to planting. Street trees �ire providerl in this sub�nitt�rl. I,lghilllg Pla�l Please provide a manufacturer's specification sheet for each of the two parking 1ot light fixtures. Also, please state that building-mounted lighting (if any) will be sharp cutoff and down directional. On the last column of the Luminaire Schedule, the "Max Watt" levels (320 and 640) exceed the wattage indicated in the manlifactl►rer catalog and lamp (250) number. This is confusing and needs further explanation. The foot-candle measurements comply with the LUC but are they based on the 250 watt fixtures or the "Max Watt" fixtures? Finally, the Lighting Plan should indicated the foot-candle high, low and average. Tlie cut sheet has been added jor t/ze 250 watt high pressure sodiarnz parki�zg lot liglits. Al[ parki��g lot ligJits /iave t/ae s�nze look as tlie cutslzeet, tfie optio��� is one Izead or tivo anr[ t/ze s/iiel�l The ccd s/zeetfor t/�e fot�r bollard ligliis at tlie seatin; area lias been addect. Tlze only buildi�7a rreounted li;lzting proposed is the down directional lighti�zg on the bottom of the soffit cat the drive-througlc ca�zopy an�t tlie recessed can ligliting at the en�tryivny. 6. Architectural Elevations Please add that the colors of the exterior materials will be natural and earth tone as stated in the cover letter. Notes iiz�licnting materia! cola�s are adde�! Miscellaneous A. On sheet 3 of 7, the Legend calls out the electrical transfornler as "TR" but there is only a"T" on the plan. This is corrected, a�z e/ectrica/ � � transfor�ner is propose�l As indicated earl�c�r, al! trash is stored i��side tlte building. B. Please add the attached Landscape Notes to sheet �. The l�ndscape notes lzave been a�lde�t C. Sheet 4 is not needed in the Plamung set Please revise index accordingly. Tlie slieet has been remove�l rind t/ie remaini�zg s/ieet nurnbers revise�l D. Please correct the signature blocic to read "Planning Director" in both places indicated. The sig�zatcr�e b/ock is corrected. E. Please indicate the location of tl�e trash enclosure. The screening material on three sides should match either the brick or c.m.u. as that found on the building. The door should be metal or wood. An exterior trasli enc/osure is �Zot reqicired due to tlze banking reg�[lations rega/'ding the hanrl/iizg of trasl� and tliat it be stured inter�ia!!y. This concludes our comments at this tii��e. "I�l�e Nlani�in� set of plails is in very good shape as this was a complete and thorough submittal. These comments, as well as comments from Zoning and Transportation Plannir�g (attached) should be easily addressed in the second round. We will schedule this project for public hearing when the Engineering, Stormwater and Water/Wastewater comments are addressed and the off-site construction letter of intent is obtained. The easement will be needed prior to recording. Be sure to return all redlined plans. If voti have any questions, please feel free to call me at 221-6750. Sincerely: Ted Shepard Chief Planner