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8480 E. ORCHARD ROAD, #2000
Staff has reviewed your submittal for BANK ONE AT MIRAMONT OFFICE PARK, and
wc offer the tollo���ing c<�nuneiits: Please note that at t/ie enct of each comment, CLC
Associates, Inc. l:as added a respoilse Ii1 GOIIIL�[I //QIICS.
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Topic: Ge�ieral
The development is required to dedicate additio�ial riglit-of=way in order to accommodate the
full improvement to Harmony Road. (The new right-of-way is based on, from the proposed
flowline, add 3.5' for half of a pedestrian ref�ige island along Harnlony, 12' for an additional
Chrough lane, 10' for the parkway and 7' for the sidewaLk.) Please see ihe redlines for this; it
appears that a small triangular portion of right-of-way will be needed along the west half of
the property. Per furt/zer eonversations with Marc Virata, an easement will be provided
along Harmo�zy Road in lieir of ROW derlicatioiz crs i�rdicated in tliis submittcrl.
The sidewalk along Harmony should be 7' and placed at the edge of the new ri�ht-of-wa�
aloilg Harmony Road. The sidewalk should continue straight across and not meander;
though it is understood that the sidewalk will have to move back towards the intersection.
Revisioizs to corriply are iizcluded in this submittal, ivitli t/ze exception of a smal! portio�t
tfrat meanders to avoid the c{zurch sig».
We would like to have the sidewalk along Boardwalk to be witilin right-of-way. In looking
at the roadway, an additional 10' of right-ot=way beyond the existing would be needed for tlie
ultimate build out of Boardwalk. This would result in an additional 10' of ribht-of-way
dedicated with the sidewalk (5' in widtl�) being �noved back 2' from where presently shown.
The sidewalk widtli ayz�l loc�tion lxas beeiz revised fo co�nply.
Note that Harinoi�y requires a sidewall< of 7', Be�ardwalk requires a sidewalk of �'. 8' is bein��
proposed in both cases. The Developer can build side�valks wider than these standards
although the City will only reimburse for 2.5' and .5' of sidewalk width along Harmon�� Road
and Boardwalk Drive respectfiilly regardless of any additional width beyond the standards.
Tlre City Sta�ulard sidewalk widtlis have beere iilcorpurated in this submittal.
i�<�<=e i
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A letter of intent from the offsite property ownei eapressing intent to grant the construction
and drainage easement, is required prior to a hearin� ��ith the actual easement required prior
to mylar submittaL Tlzis is i�z t/ie works.
Topic: Landscape
Landscaping (street trees) should be placed within the parkway strip sections for the iiltimate
build-out of Harmony and Boardwalk. Why aren't street trees being shown alon`�
Boardwalk? Landscapiizg lias been revisecl to comply.
Topic: Plat
Ensl.ue that 9' of utility easement is achieved behind the right-of-way of Boardwalk Drive.
Tliis is include�l in tlie revised plat that is part �f Ntis sarbn�ission.
Topic: Utility Plans
The patching and additional right-of-way alo�Ig the stale highway will require CDO�1�
approvals. T/zis ivill be applie�l for (czn�t process wi// he confirme�l wit/a Mnre i�irata)
The patching along Harmony Road and Boardwalk Drive is required to sawcut to the middle
of a though lane. Please add the following reference tc� the patching: "Limits of street repaii•
are approximate, final limits are to be determined in the tield by the City Engineering
Inspector at tl�e time the cuts are made. Because the sawcut does not encroac/t drive /ane,
Marc Virata i�zdicated this may be acceptable. Note kas been ineorporated
City of Fort Collii�s general notes as attacl�ed are requircd on tl�e cover sheet. Notes are
Add City Approval Block on the utility plans. Approva/ block is aclder[.
Add CDOT approval block and any general notes specific to CDO'1�. Approval block is
Uepartment: Light & Power Issue Contact: Monica Moore
Topic: General
Pa�,e ''
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Developer will need to coordinate power requirem�i7ts and electric developmei�t charges witl�
Light and Power Engineering. (221-6700) Developer will coordinate.
Developer will need to coordinate a transformer locatioi�. Existirlg electric facilities alon��
both Harmony Road and Boardwalk Drive, any modifications to the electric system wi11 be at
the expense of the developer. Developer wi[/ coorrliizate.
Street trees will need to maintain minimum clearances to streetlights. (l�-ft. oi-��ameiltal and
40-ft. shade.) Tlze only streetligltt is at tl�e nortlte�rst corner, street trees are located iit
accordance with these requireme�its.
Proposed stormsewer will i7eed to maintain at least 10-feet of clearance from the existing
electric line alon��� Harnlonv Road. The i�eyirired clec�rcr�zce has been� provirle�l
Department: Stormwater Utility Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Drni»�crge
The City agrees with the first variance request ai�d will approve the request. The City does
not agree with eliminating the water quality capture volume in the second request. There arc
currently several places in town where there is a water quality capture volume that drains into
the etu-b and gutter. Please provide the required water quality volume with the City's
approved water c�uality outlet structure. Has beeir reniserl.
Please provide at least 6 feet from centerline of storm 5ewer to any trees on the north side of
the property. Oiir normal standard is 10 feet, b�it the size (24") and depth of bLiry can allow
only 6 feet. T/ze reqcrested distaizce /zas been n7aintained.
Please provide a temparary coustruction easenlent on the Churcl� property for the swale
construction on the west side of the property. Also a 20-foot drainage easement is needed ti�r
the swale (10 feet on each property). TJze ALTA Survey revealerl an existing constructioii
easement on tlte clzurch site. Becaitse failirres of drairtage swale would not a�lversely
affect tlie city's draiizage facilities or create r� /�azar�lous situation, Plan�zing indicate�l crn
easement rreay not be required. If tliis is not �icceptable to the Stormwater Uti/ity
Departmeizt, t/ien that easerrtent woc�ld be iizclu�led ai the Plat/P/ans of tlze rzext set
(hopefully the �rtylar elze�k set.)
Please revise outlet structure to a 2-staged water quality outlet structure. See sheet C7.10 and
also Volume 3, Urban Draina�e Criteria Manual in the extended detention sectioil. Has beerr
reviserl. �
Pa��e i
Please add the HGL to all stonn sewer protile,s. Has been adtled.
Please provide storm sewer beddin� detail. Detrri/ has been ad�letl.
Topic: Erosion/Sedimeiit Co�ztrol
Erosion Control comments will follow
Coinnzents licrve not yet been received.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Mark Jackson
Topic: Genern!
Minimum parkway width on Harmony (Major Arterial) is 10'. Tlais is i�teorporated irttu the�
easeme�it dedication.
Minimum parkway width on Boardwalk (Collector) is 8'. Minimum sidewalk widtl� is 5' (bui
we'll take 8'1) Tliis is iizcorporated iizto t/ie Rial�t-of-�vay de�lication.
Ensure that directional sidewalk ramps do not push east botuid pedestri�ns (across
Boardwalk) into Harmony. The location of t/z�e ranzp does not necessitate t/ie perlestri�cri
traffic entering Harmony.
Provide direetional rainps at access drive intersection stich that pedestrians can connect to
sidewalk system to the south of site. Ramps have beeiz provided.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Topic: Ge�zeral
All conunercial domestic and fire services inust coii�e into a mechanical rooin with a drain
adequately sized to handle the discharge from a required backflow preventers which shall be
located there. Tliis will be incorporuted i�i the Buildiitg Plai7s.
Include a note to core drill all opening into the existing sanitary sewer n7anhole. Include the
inverts of the proposed and existing sanitary sewer mains and services in the existin�
manhole. Label the existing sanitary sewer manhole rim elevation and indicated all
adjustments required to the existing sanitary sewer manhole rim. The requested notes and
/abels Itave beeiz added.
r����e -t
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Glearly label all sanitary sewer cleanouts located in traffic areas as "Traffic Rated" cleanout.
Provide the standard traffic rated cleanout detail (see attached). Labels have been ad�led.
Water services nnist remain perpeuclicular to the mai�� fi-o►n tl�e main to a point � feet
downstream of the meter pit. Iizcorporated.
Water stubs may not be reduced. All water/sewer stubs must be used or abandoned at the
main. Clearly define all abandonment pi-ocedures. Tfie existiizg stieb ivi![ be abanrloned at
the main.
Topic: Landscape
Include the standard general notes pertainin� to landscape/utility separations and utility
locates on the landscape plans. The stnnctcri�d �eizera! notes have beeri inclurled.
Topic: Plat
Provide utility easements for all water and sewer mains, curb stops and tire hydrants Not
Department: Zoning Is�ue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
Topic: Genera!
Please do not show actual signs on the buildin�, just show the signabe locations. Sigizaae
locations have been dashed in on tlzree elevcrtiorrs for reference.
If building lighting is proposed, show locations on the elevations. Note - lightin� nlLlst be
down directional The azly bui/ding lighting will be above ctoor nrzd entry locations as
recessed can liglzts, crizd under the canopy �rs a flat s�rrjaee mounted ligliting on the soffit,
all of which wi![ be down �lirectiona/.
This is in the neighborhood sign district. All proposed sign locations must be shown on tlle
elevations Per t/ie item #S above, we removed tlze earlier shown Bank O�ie sign, arz�l
repl�cced it with a rectangular, daslted line �rrea to indicate signage, along with potei�tia/
signage locatioizs on tlze nortlz and soutli elevations.
Please include a note on the landscape plan, re��ardin�� installation of landscaping prior to the
issLiance of a CO etc. A note lias been added. �
p�i<,� �
Is there are trash enclosure proposed'? If so, please sl�ow its location and construct it of
adequate size to also house recyclables. Per banking regu/ations, the trash is storecl
interna! to the buildi��;, and as si�ch, izo exterior trash enclosure is reqiri�ed, nor proposed.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re-submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issties or an�� other issues related to this pi•oject,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
City Plani�er
Pa�c 6