January 23,2001 In � � � Q � �
�.�Mr. Ted Shcperd
Current Planning Departmeut
Ci4y of Fort Collins
281 N. College
Ft: Collins, CO 80521
Re: The Lodge at Miramont
JAN 2 3 2001
I azn writing tbis letter to clarify any issues with regacd to tiuilding height on this
Pro]�t• -
As you know The Lodge is a thtee story configuration with the upper Ievel partially
hidden within the roof shucture of the building. Carefu! attention has been given to
break the buildings up both horizontally aad vertically with a lot of detail and a
variety of roof heights. The ridge line at the tallest point on the roof is within the
allowable 40' elevation. �Iowever thcre has been some question as to where that
measurement is taken. I therefore refcr to two documents tha.t the City uses in
deterniining building height.
The firsi i's the Uniform Building Cod.e that states: FIEIGHT OlF BUILDYI�T� is the
vertical distance above a reference datum measured W the highest point of the coping
of a ilat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the average height of the
highest gable of a pitched or iupped.ioof. 7he reference datum shall be selected by
cither of the foIlowing, whichever yields a greater height of building:
1. The elevation of the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground sutface within a 5-foot
(1524 mm) horizontal distance of the exterior wa11 of the buildin.g when such
sidewalk or ground surface is not more tban 10 feet (3048mm) above lowest grade.
2. An elevation I O feet (3Q48mm) higher than thc lowest grade when the sidewalk, or
gmund surface described in Item 1 is more tbanl0 feet (3048) above lowest grade.
The hexght of a stepped or tenaced building is the maximum height of any segnent of
ihe building.
The second is a definicion found in the �and Development G�aidaace Systea� tbat is
more restrictive in that it measures height to the highese point of the roof sutface
rather than the averag� height of a pitched moi: It defines height as follows:
IACAllitl$RF e I1VIfd16A6FSlSD�
40, Vveai Mouataia A.enue • Suice �oo • Fort CoU �ne. CO 8o�si
fax c��olzz¢;:i66:� • phone gyo/az4,iagi • w.+w.vaughtiryacom
JAN-23-2001 14�25 VAU(WT'FRYErVF RIPLEYTS 970 224 1662 P.03iO3
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B�ulding height shall meaa the vertical distance from the average of the finished
ground leyel at the ce�ter of a11 walls of a buildin.g to the highesr point of the mof
surface, exclusive of chimneys, veatilatars, pipes, solar energy systems, and similaz
It is important to note that this definition specifically refers to finished ground level.
'The Lodge due to sigriificant off site drainage requireinent will be excavating a lazge
aznowrt of material for detention, I.ikewise due to the flat nature of the site, building
pads must be elevated to provide posidve on site drainage: When Snished it is our
goal to balance the excavation orcut witb the fill reqnired and we muststill maintain
access to each building to meet ADA and Fair Housing requirements. An exatnple of
a typical building is as followsc
Finish floor elevation - 4967.5
Grade at foundation - 4967.0
Grade 5' from foundation - 4966.25
Top of roof peak - 5006.25
Top of roof - 5006.25
Grade 5' from foundation - 4966.25
Difference - 40•�4
The LDGS definition refers to the average of the finished ground level at the center of
all walls. This language deals with buildings that are on sloped sites where one side
of the build'u�g may be lower than the other so an av�rage is used to mea�ure height.
In our case a fairly constant grade will be maintained around each building due to
multiple en�ances and a flat site, therefore the height will not vary.
This proj ect was desi�ed to meet the criteria of the goveming codes ia�posed by the
City. However, had it developed under the MMN 2one the height limit would be a
maxiinum of three stories with a story de5ned as 25' from floor to floor, thereby
allowing a 75' building.
We are fully within the allowable maximum height of 40' with this proposal and hope
that this information assist staff and the Planning and Zoning Board in their final
review of this project.
Vaught*Frye Architects