City of Fort Collins
Commu� Planning and Environmental �ices
Current Planning
October 28, 1999
Mr. Frank V aught
� V-F Ripley and Associates
1113 Stoney Hill Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Frank:
Staff has reviewed the iequest for The Lodge at Miramont Preliminary P.U.D. and offers
the following comments:
1. Erigineering comments from Dave Stringer are ineluded on the attached `
"comment sheet" as well as redlined plans. The comments that may affect the site
plan are as follows:
�,. 'The width of the entrance and exit lanes at the Lemay driveway need to be
widened. The entrance lane needs to be 20 feet for Poudre Fire Authority. "The
exit lane needs to be 22 feet for two l l foot wide lanes. These two exit lanes
would allow right-turning vehicles not to stack behind left-turning vehicles. A 42
foot wide driveway exceeds tlie standard of 35 feet and a variance (letter from
engineer) needs to be provided to the City Engineer. Since the City is requesting
the increased width, we would approve the variance request but we still need a
letter from TST, Inc. �
$. The 14 foot wide einergency access drive needs to be widened to 20 feet. Of this .
20 feet, you may explore options such as providing 12 feet of hard surface .
(asphalt or concrete) and two shoulders, four feet wide each, that may be gravel or
crushed roadbase capable of supporting a 40 tontruck. Please note that "grass-
crete" is not acceptable to Poudre Fire Authority. Please note that this second
point of access must be constructed with the first phase.
C. Engineering, Transportation Planning and Parks and Recreation recommend a
sidewalk connection to the park. The design of the park includes an eight foot
wide looping walk that ties into a pavilion/shelter just west of Buildings B and G
Plans are available for your inspection from Janet Meisel in Parks Planning. A.
good location for a connecting walk would be between Buildings B and C.
281 North College.Avenue � P.O. Box 580 � Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 •(970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020
V " �
D. Please provide a fence detail to indicate the relationship of the proposed perimeter
fence to the public sidewalks along Lemay and Boardwalk;
E. Be sure that the Site and Landscape plans match the Utility Plans.
F. The entranee median should be pulled back so that it is behirid the right-of-way
line of Boardwalk Drive
2. There is a concern about the adequacy of the intemal drive and the use of the four
foot wide concrete pan as a de=facto sidewalk. It appears that such a pan would
not be usable during times of rain or snowmelt. There is also a concern that sueh
a pan does not provide adequate separation between cars and pedestrians. Would
it not b:e possible to convert this into a sidewalk separated from the flowline by
� rollover curb? Perhaps there are other solutions that prioritize the area for the
benefit ofthe pedestrian so its not shared space with the cars. Also, be sure that
the internal sidewalk along the driveway featuTes access ramps.
3: The Traff c Impact Study needs to be expanded to address alternatives modes
Level of Service:
4. There should be two sidewalk corinections at the drivewayBoardwalk
interseetion, one on each side of the median.
5. , There are no trash collection areas indicated. Please note that trash and recyclable
materials will be picked:up on a per dwelling unit basis and that is why no trash
collection areas are. provided, (Staff recommends that a single trash collection -
company be selected for the entire proj ect.)
6: It appears that the two garages iri the southeast corner of the site are located
within the high water line limits of the detention pond.
7. The Grading and Drainage Plan indicates that storin flows are being routed onto
paik property. Parks arid Recreation will not accept drainage from this property.
8. AT&T Cable Services would like to acquire a private utility easement in the
northeast corner of the site. Please contact Dennis Greenwalt for further
9: Please note the following comments on the Plat:
A. Please provide the standard language for the "Maintenance Guarantee," "Repair
Guarantee," and "Notice of Other pocuments."
B. Please delete all references 1999 just 'in case signatures are not obtained until
C. All notary blocks should be provided with an address line.
10. . Parks and Recreation cautions the applicant that a cluster of evergreen trees will.
be planted between the proposed pavilion/shelter and the park's eastern property
line, just west of Buildings B and C. Over the course of time, these trees will
obscure the western view from these two buildings: Also, the height of the
proposed sledding hill will obscure views from Building D.
11. Please clarify phasing Tines on both the Site Plan and Landscape Plan: Right now,
they are diff cult to follow.
12, Please delete the reference to single family residential in Planting Note number
13. Flease indicate the dimensions of a typical surface parking stall.
14. Please refer to the attached Comment Sheet from Rick Lee, Plans Examiner,
regarding the applicable building codes
For a density of 11.4 dwelling units per acre, a minimum of 100 points are needed
and yet only 78 are indicated: Staff can grant additional points for being vuithin
the specified distance of Oak Ridge Business Park (20 points): Also, extra points
can be earned by being within the specified distance of Nliramont Park which is
parfially developed (five points). These additiona125 points. bring the new total
up to 103 which will justify the proposed density at tlus location.
16. Staff, however, recommends that additional points can be earned by doing the
following under criterion."w". �
A. If a sidewalk is provided into Miramont Park, an extra five points can be
added to the total.
__ __
B. The gazebo can be used to gain credit under eriterion "q".
17, Please be aware that lighting details will be needed at Final.
18. Staff has no comments on the architectural elevations which appear to be in f nal
form at this Preliminary stage.
. , �..
�. ' ,. � �
This concludes Staff comments at tlus: tiine. As always, please call if you have any
questions or coneerns. Revised plans must be received within 90 days. If not, the
Planning Director may withdraw the project from the development review system.
Please call before submitting revised plans so the proper number of prints are provided.
• Ted Shepard
Chief Planner