HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE LODGE AT MIRAMONT PUD - PRELIMINARY - 54-87AP - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORMSep-15-99 16:24 A f^"rl�''VTTY- �ost•it' Fax Note � DEFIlVITION: All residential uses. Uses would include single fainily attached dwellings, townhomes, duplexes, mobile homes. and multiple farnily dwellings; group homes; boarding and rooming houses; fratemity and sorority houses; nursing homes; public and private schools; public and non-profit quasi-public recreational us�s as a principal use; t�ses providing meeting places and places for public assembly with incidenta! office space; and child care ceaters. CRITERIA.: The following applicable criteria must be answered `�es" and implemented within the development plan. 1. DOES TF� PROTECT EARN THE h� PERCEIVTAGE POINTS AS CALCULATED ON THE FOLLOWING "DENSYTY CHART H" FOR TI-� PROPOSED DENSTTY OF Tf� RESIDENTIAL PROJECT? The required earned credit fot a residential project shall be based on ihe following: 60 percentage points = b or fewec dwelling units per acre 60 - 70 percentage points = 6•7 dwelling units per acre 70 - 80 percentage points = 7•8 dwelling units per acre 80 - 90 percentage points = 8-9 dwelling units per acre 90 -100 percentage point9 � 9-10 dwelling units per acr� 100 or more percentage points = 10 or more dwelling units per acre 2. DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 40 PERCENTAGE POINTS AS CALCULATED ON Ti3E FOLLOWIl�IG "DENSITY CHART H" FROM BASE POINTS7 Yes No N/A � ❑ Yes No N/A 0 ❑ Laad bevelopment Guidaace SyAtem tor plaaned Unk Devebpment,. �e Ciry of Foct CollirLs, Coloredo. REvisod as per Ordinance No. 2, 1996. SEP-15-1999 16�53 98i P.01 15-99 16:24 • � s � F,Llil\SI��.I�:l�!��.,�.�a�1 >`" ` � .� Man�{!IL �tTK�d �7ltflOfl �sAil CfOdit S id� �'d Ota� oOt�cf�ml�Oc�fOOd �q'Y100 � Q� Oc7�160[�f004 �CY10� OQ� �4 b0 00�'�11d� Y � pLlt Z��i o�'mc {io�a1 ((Tt}�e plVrd Y pfOQ0�4d 10 bO OOOeiRLdod IO multa�{O p}ItYl� AICiI Otl�IbO[bOOd M1NOt OObc M4►R b0 OCt�Ydod Y l p�f! Cii�lb0 ��YC CQ wblC�i a�fOvtY Y t01i6��� ;;�; �;:�:: 6 650 fod oFan ac4io�! tr�mit'deD �°PP�inble ailr w projoda h.viog a d�up of u IaM a�c (6) dweAiat uoib za�c pQ �ae m a�+oe a�a�e buii) ,� e�rrt � s; , .fl�% ,� �r i: C 4000 fe�t of u� woRL� ooromuoiRyhagim+l .6aQpu� oed+r. �or a oo�y�ia�arl �Iwppuo� orMar W be l Q'K 1:: =;';:;��' wtutrutted u t part a[ 16s projed. (1[ 1b. p�oj�ct w p+opaod b bo om�+qed fa muHipl� p�.�w, n� � oomnwnityfrcgian.l .Fwyping o�a mu� ba ooirtrvated u a p�ct of tlr ptr�e far wbicb appwd 'u wu8bt) d� �...; :�� 3300 [eat d� oo� o�hboi600d or oo�oinur�' M�. ���Y �+tY i��EPT OOIF OOURSEsk 10SG ..>y'p a �°i":iF:; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- d 3300 fed of a pnblicly owtad, but oot develope� ncighborbood or oo�n�oity pu1� or oommuoitrlaciliry fOs� (£JCCEPT GOLF COURSES) or M ��� a r,•� �+T 7' ,�; � r 1`� ��l A. 3300 fsot of a pubBcJy a.md yolf oause, whether developod a aot tOSG so � � ` y r-; �:� :=a � : 3 � e ssoo roct aQ'.n c.riai„a.cAool, t»ea;ng .11 roqu;rann¢�t, ur1�c slatc urcda.ao oaa�pil.ory a�,nuoa law. lox � V ��,� � � �- , � f 300o tooc ot �a e�e mqac e,a�►toyrocui eam. ar a my« eo�p�oym� oaee� to �e 000sn,oae,.. p�rt of 2�ss b10 P'ola� i�� P'�J ett u propwod W bs om�tuclsd 6t muhiylc ph�� a►t!f myar anplo�ymra oerMer muR be coc►shvdod .. � p.n of Ibe }+h�c for wEic� �pptova! � wugbt) No buitd"v�, �os or hwiroa pML a .,.,.;:'; �hoPD�B mta whicfi biu servid u tha bui� for tbe elaimiog of cedit uodet �ny athQ "bue" arikria af thi� � $�� Ihi - Dmxity CLnrt c+n �i�o be u.od a. tLe b�w fa claiiniog a�ad'a unda 4W aiaQian ::a;:> ;�r� g t000 r«� oc.a �x;�;� �a �«�, or, a�a �� w ae o�,�aoa., . y.n or� �;«y. �u-we s�c pojod 'a popowd to bc o�tr+.cmd in muhipl o yFuea� wcb child cars amct muat bt 000mruciod a� � pvt oC the " phn�e fa whic� approval u wu�) � "Narih Fal Collin' 20°�G ,.['1. � � ��:<.. Y na c«,�� a,.�,� n�� 2o9c A project wt�oee boundary u oorulguouo la e�lin¢ utb�a devclopmat Crodit m�y be amd at Pollow+: 309L � � 0'�6 Fot pmjacta wiw�e ptopaty baudnry bu 0• 10X oodi�it) : ,_� �, ;, l0 .1396 Fa pujocta who�e yrc;�vty boundary hu I O- 2WK owtiNRY. l S- 209G Por pwjecd wh000 peoperty bouod�ry A�a Z 0- 30'.� ootdisuisy; � 20 • 239G For pmja�a wbae propeRy ba�e�uy hu 30 - 404i aa�;�ity, �:,;'.� 2! -]07� Fa pmjada wlwre prvpaty boundety hu 40 - SO4G e�ipiiry, ;�:;� Ifthe projea ooma;os dWelliog uait� �at uide Car individ+.la eRrning BOSG or 1� oClhe median iar,om. ofCity LS% raidcnts, u�jtu�ed fa Lmily itrq �ad yaying lea tluu 304i �tbw �rnn iooam for bouainO, iacludina 'x':w�':;:: k wil�ia ('nff«a.b1e Uveu;og vna.'� oh�lame th. pamr.gc or aerao.bb Dv.c11;,aB t�u, a U,e a�.� �+mbv ;:; �;">;';^ af dwdliog unib ia tho projaa aod ava t!►e1 permEag�c, up W a nuximum of 1 J N. (UtLe projoat u poperd - b bo oamocuctod m o�+ltiplt phar� the AS'ord�bla p�volliag Udb m+r be oo�r0ucled Y t paA of 11w phaM iot �+ttiich appvval 'u rwg�t) Lo order Io imure tMt the A8'ard�bb Dwollina [3oiu tvnaio a$adable tor � pariod of ool � d� ?3 � 4e dave�,per i.II �oorYd acd prolodiv. oov�muia�s u m.y be roquirod by We Cijy �oda Sa. 49-J26(Jx4} � � SEP-15-1999 16�54 98i P.02 Sep-15-99 16:24 P_03 • i � �� � ::::��: 1 If a am bc am,m�bca a� a,e pro,ed w;u ,ed�,a� 000-ra+ewable a�er�y �w4e eiu,rx thra�� 1hc ,�p�ialioo oC.rk„ua;ve m� .y.tcw. or Uvou� 000�miaed magy 000nay.�:oa a►eaaro Deyood tbose namally requi+od by Ciry Cod�, a s:4 baous mny bc e�rmd fa evay S°.G ro�ctioo 0o sna� wa ^�`'' m GINWt � I�G bCRtW COf !Vlfy 3O �Ct+t� imClu� m fbt p10�piL . �.E:R ,.v;, ;<,�n � � C�R1Iat �t pQO�aBc 0�1:1c tOtal �Qu iG Ibe jff'O�OL�:II/i �t! dCVdod 10 �OQM�IlO[ItI W!. F�4 S'S 0�{�1 pCfoQRa�'E Y\ DQYtt ;. �: �:;u•:,..> ::: � �. ;.i.:. O If 1he �pplicaat 000�mita to prerrw�� permanent oH'�ite oprn m.os th.1 m�eets 16e City'� oiinimw roquir�mul aJa+late tho D�+B� ��+ � R�� �i� W the toW developmaot �amye �nd ema thu� peroa�ta�e � a bod� s:�:: <:�-.� �� p 1f pas or Ihe wui ac�c�cpm� eud�ae i. w be .peal m oe;�booa public a�oeie r.rili�;e, Wh;ch .re na raq�;roa by ciry Code. ~�� � �Q a %X �qY17 (Of NVj� S LOO � dr►clLng ur41 {IIYOWOd .:�:^ p (] Y�tlR Of {i101di1 dCVf.k�pfl�� b11� 1� 10 b0 i'?Gl1L GiG OGt�}1bOf�lOOd ��L1�fUG� � fQVICCJ WdlC�l K'0 OOi 01�flSM'ue fCQLLtP� bj' G1�/ 7 �+0�!' li�Ct � �i� bOQll� fOf Owqy s�� PQ dWClllfl� U11d IDVEAEd ;~O^!����� UIbG �tOJOC:0�II19 �u1f1� 1Y1�t 6C W dC �f IBdJ�1�LLi11 Gi[IIllig:�i� df �E�{ Of {�10 Ntid�a0 IOOOm! Of Clty IbIdcE14 V��LAOd r for f.mily,ixs. and paying 3m ih.o 30sL of�beir eroa maane fir housing ixlud+'og utili�io. (rABcYd.bl� Dw�ll�ng Uniu'� akuWe tha paceruag¢ of AS'mfebk Uwelliug Uaite to the tdal aumber ad'dwelJina uoits ia she projea ud aoea �6st Prnoaft+�e a9 a bon�f. up W a aw�an d 13X (lffie Pc'cjact u proposed w be ou��structod in au►hiple ptiue� Ihe AH'«deble DWelling Unit, trust be ar��arad as a pmM1 of 1he pEaee fa w6ic#i apQroval h aougld )!n otd� w iawue thal Arc Affordrbk Dwelling Units renuin ��NY' :',:: atfatloUlc far R paiod of oot I�e thw 2 S yean, !�e devclopa al►nll r000rd wch prolacliva oovmuNs at may bc rnquirad by the City �� ` ,� sa. zs-s2��,c�} - ]ta axrrrri��t la bcing mndo w dcvdop t spocifi cd paretYage af thc taW numba' of dwdl;o� unaa fa 7yye "A• ird Typc _8" Aandicnpped 6ousing u dcfined by 1Le Ciry af Fat Colline, alwlate tbe banu u foUowa: rs;��-; �` s Type "A" .3 x75v� "A" Unit� ' � v;^;� " Taal Uaiu Ia no cave �hal l the oanbuoed bo�. bc pea�et thaa 3 OSG - 'ij�pe'B" 1.0 x Jvae'B" ihtiW Tavl [hti4 ' S"_;;; If Ihc aitc or �4jaaiu propary ootna� � higaic buiJdinya plta, � hmu� may be arued fQ t6c WUov�io� A�. t 3'�G For proveaaiog or m'rtipliny outtide Iallua�ora �dvane W ha p�aystioa (e.` mvitamrm.� Isnd uue. aesUyelic. emoomie �nd wcinl factas� �X Fa a�a� tls� row atuc�ua will be ;a ke�+ir� w{th th cfunda oltlw building or pl+x. whilo �vnidinQ wtal units, - 7•.6 fQ Rapoc6�y acf�ptiHe uae of �hc Duildit� or plaa ttul rril) lead b it� oadinwooe. p�av�lim ud 'unprovar�eid in ra apprvpiuo ma�rr if a pcxtion at � dtbc roquQed pttkilg in dtt mrhipb fimilY ProJoQ d pvvidod uodar�cxu+4 witltia the Dudd�ng or in in clevaled u pvking �tru�us u au �000�wry uec b the pvtwy wucouq a banu� may be tartfed a� follott�: �'nr;��'r:� S �c:o� 9°.G Ea prorid�n� 739i or mas d Ihe puicir� in � artuAuc. �'' P� r--y' �• � �' �;� � 69G FQ providing 30 -?�SG of Ifie p�viCa�y in ��ie-, UJ i���+ w� n IC u t�!� j�� . ��., J e �';�; �s� Fa provida�g 45 - 49°r: ad�he parking m� muctiva .j �f;� y,� �— 3Ga �� � `' " v lf. ooee�rtcarxra m bong msde w pra,idc.�po�ad autoautic Grc aaln6'��8 M�� for �be dwellia6 umle� emer a ba�us aC l OX W uihc .ppl;�c oarrivu w rm►�dina +�deqiule� .nrn .oa o�om�enloal paa�atri.n,ne bicyc�. oomyeaio�r betwaa me pro;«� .n�a ,ny of tbe daairrLoo poima dr�a�bod De{ow, calwlale 1he bouut u followi: 396 Far oom�octing w the ocarr� e�Wling Ciry udowaac ud bicycle peilJlane; � s^�c Far aameaiog rn ,nY �8 P�tic �oo� �+u�c aod tr�t,eop wnhia ibe d�aoc�e u d�Gmd �n � Drm;ry cb.rt s•� For oorawc+;n to sn e�t.m ei te a�ai� whicfi is ad•aaern w ar onvare� ux 'ca. TOTAL � ,� ,� � SEP-15-1999 16�55 98i P.03 Since adoption of the Land Develo�ment Guidance Svstem, there have been a number of definitions and administrative interpretations developed to define and clarify the application of various criteria on the point charts used in the Land Develonment Guidance Svstem. These definitions and administrative interpretations are categorized below, with several general rules for the awarding of points, as well as specific usage, according to the applicable point charts: Residential Densitv Chart M�thod of Awarding Points Criteria are not double counted. For example, a school site cannot also earn credit as a major employment center. Distance from activity centers is calculated from the boundary of the activity (i.e., school, park) by a straight line to the units shown on the site plan. If not all units are within the necessary distance, then only a percentage of the credit may be earned. When a criteria references an "existing or approved" use, such use may be approved on either a Master Plan or a preliminary plan. When considering regional and neighborhood shopping centers, credit for a major employment center may be earned only if 100 persons per 8-hour shift are employed in the non-retail component of the center. The location of approved neighborhood shopping centers, existing transit routes, parks, schools and day care centers is available from the Planning Department, for the purposes of completing the point charts. Transit Sto� - Those streets on the Transfort bus system route. South Colle�e Avenue Corridor - That area within the Fort Collins municipal boundaries and Urban Growth Area which lies east of the Colorado and South- ern (Burlington Northern) Railroad tracks, south of Laurel Street, and west of a line 1000 feet east and parallel to the centerline of College Avenue. Nei�hborhood Park - A park of not less than 6 acres and no more than 30 acres, which serves the recreational and open space needs of residents of surrounding neighborhoods. Communitv Facilitv - A publicly-owned building which provides for the recreational, educational, cultural or entertainment needs of the community as a whole. Communitv Park - A City-owned park of not less than 30 acres, which serves the recreational and open space needs of the community as a whole. �/' / `r � Maior Emolovment Center - An area which is the location of one or more non-residential uses which employ or will employ a combined total of more than 100 full-time employees for an 8-hour shift. ti North Fort Collins - That area within the Fort Collins municipal boundaries which lie north of Laurel Street extended and east of Overland Trail. �entral Business District - The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) boundaries. ExistinQ Urban Develonment - Any subdivision in the City which has been approved and recorded, once all engineering improvements (water, sewer, streets, curbs, gutters, street lights, fire hydrants and storm drainage facilities) are installed and completed. If a Master Plan is contiguous to existing develop- ment, but a particular phase is not, then contiguity is calculated on the basis of what percent the phase is of the contiguous Master Plan area. If the phase plan is eligible for contiguity credit, it cannot be double counted with Master Plan contiguity credit. Recreational Soace - Privately-owned space which is designed for active recreational use for more than three families and would qualify as one of the following categories: A. Active Ooen Snace: (1) A parcel of not less than 10,000 square feet and not less than 50 linear feet in the smallest dimension. (2) Public dedications may not contribute to the active open space area. (3) Partial credit may be given to active open space areas which are devoted to improved flood control channels and areas encumbered by flowage, floodway or drainage easements. B. Active Indoor Svace: (1) Recreational facilities or structures and their accessory uses located in approved areas, including, but not limited to, game rooms; swimming pools; gymnasiums; bowling alleys; exercise rooms; and tennis and racquetballs courts. (2) Residents of the project for which the facility is planned must be automatically members without additional charge. Tvne "A" Handicanoed Dwellina Unit - Dwelling unit intended for the family with one or more members who are handicapped, but where the household head is able-bodied. Tvoe "B" Handicanved Dwellin� Unit - Dwelling unit intended for those households where the head of the household is handicapped and other members of the family may also be handicapped. Neiahborhood Convenience Sho�uinA Center Chart Nei�hborhood Convenience Sh000in� Center - A shopping and convenience center situated on seven or less acres with four or more business establishments located in a complex which is planned, developed, and managed as a unit, and located within and intended to primarily serve the consumer demands of adjacent residential neighborhoods. Neighborhood convenience shopping center criteria shall apply only to those areas of the City that are zoned R-L, R-L-P, R-L-M, R-H, R-P, R-M-P, M-L, M-M, B-L or B-P, or any other areas of the City if such areas are subject to the zoning condition that no development be approved unless processed as a planned unit devetopment, provided, however, that said criteria shall not under any circumstances apply to development in the H-B zone. The principal uses permitted include retail services; personal services; convenience grocery stores (with accessory gas pumps); standard or fast food restaurants (without drive-up windows); liquor sales (for on- or off- premise consumption); beauty or barber shops; dry cleaning outlets; equipment rental (not including outdoor storage); limited indoor recreational uses; pet and aquarium shops; retail stores; and uses of similar character as determined by the Planning and Zoning Board. Secondary uses may include professional offices; limited banking services, such as automated teller machines; multi- family dwellings; medical offices and clinics; small veterinary clinics; and child care centers. Convenience Grocery Store - A general retail store containing less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area (excluding gas canopies), which sells goods and services which shall include, without limitation, ready-to-eat food products, groceries and sundries. Any establishment with more than 75 percent of its revenues derived from gasoline and automotive related sales and services, is not a convenience store. ExistinQ or Annroved Neighborhood Convenience Center or other Convenience Store - Neighborhood convenience center or convenience store with an approved final plan, or is existing. Office or Business Park - A development on a lot, tract, or parcel of land that contains a minimum of seven separate buildings for office and/or industrial use, and supporting uses and is designed, planned, and constructed as a unit. Multi-Familv Develovment - A collection of residential buildings, planned as a unit, with 100 or more multi-family dwelling units with a density of not less than 10 dwelling units per acre. Mixed-Use - The development of a lot, tract or parcel of land, building or structure with two or more different uses such as, but not limited to, residential, office, retail, public, personal service or entertainment, designed, planned and constructed as a unit. Downtown River Corridor Chart Neis�hborhood Plan - Comprehensive Plan specific neighborhood. A document, adopted by the City Council as a part of the of the City, containing public policies relating to a Net Develooable Area - The area of the site of a proposed development, excluding public rights-of-way, and open space areas greater than 10,000 square feet. Miscellaneous Definitions/Internretations Building Heiaht - The vertical distance from the average of the finished grade twenty feet from a building to the highest point of the roof surface, exclusive of chimneys, ventilators, pipes, solar energy systems and similar apparatus.