A�irarnont SeOf Siorage
SecurCaee Seif Storage, inc.
6551 South Revere Parkway, Suite 225
Englewood, Colorado 80'111
(303) 792-9952
JOaIAI H. {�C►NG lll
6551 South Revere Parkway, Suite 225
Englewood, Colorado 80111.
(303) 792-9952 Phone
FAX (303) 792-2166
April 22,1997
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This report accompanies an application for a Final P.U.D. and Finai Plat for the subject
property. The P:U.D. is a two lot subdivision containing a self storage facility wrapped
around an office building:: The property is tocated just south of Harmony Road at the
intersection of Boardwalk Drive and Oakridge Drive in Fort Collins. It is situated in the
northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal
� This property is a 5.3 acre parcel of unplatted land. It is bound on the north by unplatted
land and Front Range Baptist Church Subdivision, on the east by Boardwalk brive and
Oakhills Apartments P.U.D., on the south by Upper Meadow at Miramont P.U.D. Second
�- Filing and on the west by Faitway Estates Third Filing. This property is being platted into
two lots. The office parcel (Lot 2) is located on roughly 0.6 acre of land in the northeast
comer of the property. The remaining "L" shaped 4.7 acre parcel (Lot 1) contains the
� self storage facility.
This property is located within the Oak / Cottonwood Farm O. D, P. and the Oak /
Cottonwood Farm - McClellands Basin Overall Drainage Study.
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This property is currently vacant land with vegetation consisting mostly of native grasses
and weeds. There is an existing landscaped berm along the south property line. The
property generally dra,ins in a north - south direction at an average slope of around 3
percent. The property lies outside the 100-year flood plain. A small amount of off site
runoff from an undeveloped area to the north affects the site.
Currently, adjacent downstream drainage facilities consist only of existing 6" curb and
gutter in Boardwalk Drive.
The existing topography dietates three distinct historic drainage basins (H1, H2, and
H3). Basin H1 is the bulk of the property and contains 4.68 acres. Drainage is from north
to south and is then the diverted onto Lot 2 by the existing berm along the south
property line. Eventually, runoff from H1 drains into Boardwalk. The 100-year peak
runoff rate from this basin is 6.08 �fs. Basin H2 (0,21 acres) drains in a southwesteriy
direction onto the existing rear yards of the single family homes in Fairway Estates, 3rd
Filing, The peak 100-year runoff. from basin H2 is 0.38 cfs. Basin H3 is a 0.38 acre basin
which is the berm along the southerly lot line. It drains to the south onto Upper Meadows
at Miramont PUD with a 100-year peak runoff rate of 0.68 cfs.
� ,
Criteria used in preparation of this report are from the City of Fort Collins Storm
Drainage Criteria and Construction Standards, dated May, 1984 (hereinafter called
There are no previous drainage reports other than the Overal.: Drainage Study for Oak /
Cottonwood Farm - NlcClellands Basin (hereinafter, Master Study)..
The initial design storm is the 10-year event and the major storm is the 100-year event
as required by the Criteria. The Rational Method as outlined in the Criteria was used #or
runoff calculafions. On-site detention is required by both the Criteria and the Master
Study. The Master Study and an agreement befinreen the owner of this property and the
surrounding properties have set the allowable runoff from this property at 0.5 cfs per
acre during the 100-year storm. The FAA method with the alfowable release rate of 0,5
cfs per acre was used to calculate the required volume for each detention pond,
The proposed grading divides the development into one major basin and two minor
basins. They have been designated basins A through �C. Basins A is the bulk of the
property and will drain into the detention pond. Basins B and C are small perimeter
landscape strips which are fill sfopes required to create the on-site detention pond,
Basin A(4:68 acres) is the bulk of the PUD: It contains both Iots within the PUD. It
contains self storage buildings, an office building, driveways and landscaping: It will
drain into the detention pond by way of curb cuts and storm sewer sized for the 100-year
Basin B is a small (0.42 acre) landscaped strip along the southerly line of Lot 1. It is also
a fill slope required to create the detention pond. It will drain into the rear yards of the
adja.cent single famity lots in Upper Meadows at Miramont PUD 1st Filing with the
exception of a small area which will drain into Boardwalk:
Basin C is a small (0.17 acre) landscaped strip along the westerly {ine of the subdivision.
It is a fill slope that is required to create the detention pond. It will drain into an existing
swale along the property line and eventualiy into Fairway Estates, 3rd Filing. The peak
100-year runoff of 0.31 cfs from basin C is less than the 0.38 cfs currently draining onto
Fairway Estates from the 0.21 acre basin H2. The historic nature of the runoff will not
change since the existing swale will be maintained.
Since the runoff from the proposed perimeter landscaped areas is equivalent to that
from the existing condiotions, the aliowable release of 0.5 cfis per acre wiil apply only to
the area draining into the detention pond excluding the off-site areas to the north (basins
OS2 and OS3). Basins OS2 and OS3 will drain through the property until they are
developed. When they are developed, they will have their own detention ponds which
will discharge into the joint driveway along the north property line and eventually directly
into Broadway.
The detention pond will have a 100-year volume of 37,000 cubic feet at an elevation of
� 4991.00. Approximately one foot of freeboard has been provided as a safety factor.
Based upon a drainage area contributing to the detention pond of 4.68 acres, The
100-year release rate from the pond will be 2.34 cfs. The pond outlet is a 12" PVC pipe
� that is restricted by a 6.75'' diameter opening at the inlet. The 12" pipe will drain into the
existing curb and gutter in Boardwalk through a sidewalk culvert,
An emergency overflow spillway is provided, which is directed toward Boardwalk.
Erosion control design measures have been provided in this report for this project in
accordance with the Criteria. This design primarily consists of a silt fence to be placed
along the westerly and southerly lot lines, for rainfall and wind erosion control, and an
over-excavated detention pond. This will allow for silt created by runoff from a storm
during construction to be trapped instead of adversely affe�ting downstream properties.
1'he over-excavation required for the detention pond is 500 cubic yards. The detention
pond outiet will be protected by straw bafes.
Construction of the site will begin immediately after approval. The entire site will be
developed at one time. The project will take approximately 4 to 6 months to complete..
Seeding and paving will be completed as s.00n as possible. In any event, the site will not
be uncovered for an extended length of time.
These erosion control measures are shown on the attached Drainage and Erosion
Control Map.
This Final Drainage Report and the drainage system presented for this development has
been prepared in compliance with the Criteria and Master Study. This project will
aetually reduce the peak 100-year runoff from the property that contributes to Boardwalk
and is therefore a benefit to #he neighborhood and the downstream drainage system.
Final construction plans for the P.U.D. are also part of this submittal.
The acc:ompanying Drainage and Erosion Control Map shows grading, drainage basins,
appropriate cross sections and erosion control measures for the seff storage lot.
Suppoiting calculations are presented in the Appendix.
Prepared by;
John H. King III, P.E.
State of Colorado No. 20325
1. Oak / Cottonwcood Farm_ O.D.P. and_the_ Oak i_Cottonwood _�acm._- McClellands
Basin, prepared by RBD, Inc., dated 11Aarch, 1995.
2:. Citv of Fort C.ollins Storm Drainaae_ Crite�ia_and_Constcuction StandaPds, dated
May, 1984.
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