HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIRAMONT SELF STORAGE PUD - FINAL - 54-87AO - LEGAL DOCS - EASEMENTS07-17-1997 03�25PM FROM FREY�KORB�F�'aGERTY�et.al. TO 2�62248 P.02 � � �EA�t'T l�GREEMEN'� This Fa� Agre�{Agreem�) is n�ade effective t�e lst day of July 1997, by O�� Farm Inc., a Colorado a�rporadQn tOati Pa�, with and for ttbe benefit of Sharon �. Nordic (Nardic) ar�d Front � Baptiet Ctwrc� af Fo=t Collins, a Coloracio �fit cflrpor�ian {Ftnnt Range). FACTUAL RECTTALS 1. Qak Fazm i�s the ow�er of the properiy t�escn`bed an Fxlu'bit 1. 2. Nordic is t� o�v�r af tlx property described in Exhibit 2. 3. Front Ran,ge is the ow�r �f tbe pro�erl,y dcscribed in Exhibit 3. 4. Uak F�cm is the sncoes,car to Qak Farm I�., � Delaware carparatio�a, w�i�cb corporation is a garty #o an Baseme�t � be�we�n Oakk Farm I�. and Front Itan�e dated 1VIay i8, 1990 a�d recorded 1V1a�► 23,199(? at R�ption No. 9QQ21962 ina t�e Off�Ce of f�e Lari�r C4wmy, • Colorado, Clerk and Recarr�eer. 5. Pursuairt ta the E�seme� A�ree�nt recor�ed at R�oa No. 90021962, U�k Farm is o6►ligaoed �o c�edic�te a non-e�ccr.lusive eas�nt tio Front �tan�e over and across a oeriain portian of t1�e property owned by Oak Farm. The � is ta be locatied ia �t partian af Oak Farm's P�Y which is a� and co�tigu�us to the property now ow�ned by No�+dic. T� obligatian is �fied as Easement "i" in the F�asetnent Agr�ot recorded at Re�e�tion Nv. 9�Z1462. G. Nordic a�quir�d ita groperty from Oak Parm. Osk Fatm desiures to dedicate a�n- exclusive � far t� 6enefil of Noz+d�c over t1�e same por[ion of the Oak Farm praperCy ar, is to be 6�urciened by t� easemez�t i�a �'avor of Frant R�mge. �. Since both Fa�oat Ran,ge a�d Nordic will be be.�efiteed by st�h �t a�ci t}ak Fsrrnt or its swccessors may receive be�efit from t�e im�ve,me�ts to be inst�lled in �e F.ases�nt Area, the pareies have �greed upon� a mettiad for slti�riz�g thc c.ost of installaaon and mainteuance of ino�prove��nts to be insta[leci withim tl� Easem�ent Area. . 8. Oak Parm, NQrdic, a,�d Ft�ont Range are the oNy p�rdes wha have an int�rest yn, or avv�rs�ip right ta, the pa�oels which �re eiti� bet�efned ar bundeo�ed by the foregoing ag�• 9. The legal �iption of the F.,as�t A�ea for Aoeesa, Utilities, amd I3rainage i� attached as Ex�ubit 4. : :� � � For aad 'm cons�rado3r� of the mutual coveaaats a�d $gre�eaie�s of the parti�s as set forth in th,'s �, it is sgx�eed as fouows: 07117l97 i+t�nt itat�e Saeemma Na. 2 PegE l pf 7 �'7-17-1947 @3�26PM FROM FREY.K�dB�F�GERTY�at.al. TO 2262248 P.03 � � 1. Fram aAd af%r the reoording of this Agreemern, ti�e provisions relating to Fasememt "1" CArit8lned itl tl�e ��c�.•�,�:.t A�ant d�ted 1Viaj► 18, 1990 SnRi TeCOtded May 23, i990 8t R�eceptiion� �To. 9002Y9b2 in the Office o�f the Lari�r Cou�y, Gcrlazado, Cl�rk and R�ooctiier are revaked aad t�erminatied �nd sl�all be of no fur�r force or effect. 2. Oak F�rm �a�, o�aveys, and assigns to Noniic a�d Fm� Range, joint�y and severely►, a p�'pe�oual a�cl �on�xclusive easem� finr access, utiiitY ��d drainage � on> over, a�ct+o�s, �nd u�%r�tbat pardon of Uak Farm's pr�erc�i desccibed in the Fasement Area (Exh��t 4) upon trie terms snid c:ond�tio�ts of this Agree�ent. The easeme� for acoess putposes �s for v�ia�ar and � ingress and egre.ss tn �d f4rom Boardwalk Dri�e and #h�e properties ow�ed by Nvrdic (Exh�it 2) a� Frant Range (Exhibit 3). The easement for utilities �d. d�in�ge is for the inst�llatian, mai�enance, operation, replac�ent, or ranoval of utilities om or w�er die surFace of the Basemea�t Area, including, withaut �a►n by enum�e�xakion, wat�er, sewer, el,�cal, storas drai�ge. comuiuniaation, and media. Faxpep� fior stoem drai�e impt�vements. alI utiliti� s�all. be � be�ath t� surl�e of the �ase�ent Area. 3, (?alr F� gra�s, conveys, a� assigos Eo Nrn�ic aadlar Front Ra�e a�nporaty orn�s�n�ction e�at avex tbat portion of Uak Farm's pmper�y (Exhtbit 1) whic� is imaaed3ately adjace�t m and twe�-five {25) f�eet n�ordi af tt� northerl� boundaiy af tl�e Ease�e�t Area c�esen'bed in. Fac1u'bit 4 for use durmg d1e c�tr�oion a�d i�aliation of impro�vements or utilities withui t� F.as�nf Area. The t�m�arazy ooa�nx�an � s�sll ex�m�e upaoa �e oo�n o� Fmnt Range's and/ar Nrn�dic's in�all.attion of impmvemenis, in a�► event on or before July 1, 1999. 4. At its sole cost a�d expense, Front Ra�ge nnay oanst�rucx au�d in�tall �uri�e iinprove,meut.s within, ove�, aad ac�a� ti�e Fase�ment A�ea. The surFace improee�t� �o be installed by Fmrn Ran�ge comsi�t of stoffi draina�e im�rov� i�corporated i�o a fmish�ed roadw�y for uet�icular an,d ped�iau acaess Lo awd from ti�e Ifio�t Raage �riY �ffi Boardwalk Drive. Fro� Range s�all. instali such p�atving, cxufi. gut�er, an�d aub cuis adjace� tn tt� roadway and oirto Boardwa� Drive as are required by plans a�proved by both Oak Farm end Nar&c. AlI iaaproveme�rts, wf�tl� surfaae ar undergraund, sball be deesig�ed amd conshuct�d by Front Ra�nge in aceordance with sta�mdards a�coe�table to the City oF Fart Gollnos in eE�ecx ax tl�e � of oone�cv�tion �d si�t! be cons�tn�ed affii installed in a good aml worl�n�Ce ma�r itm accordawce with all applicable bui�ding cades, laws, niles, and regulations. At tl�e election of NorQac or Oaic Farm, additianal im�roveme�ts ma,y be installed by such parties rel�t�g ta utility s�cervice or ta facilitate pt+esent ox fuuue su�ess to t�eir respectiv+e pmperties within aIl or aay part o�f ti�e Fasem�nt ATea, Th�e �ost of t� deaign ar►d con�aucticm of such additional impmv� sl�eli be borne 6y ATardic aud/or Oak Farm r�spectively. Qalc Farm at�d/or Nordi� may elect to construct improveme�s wi�tlrin I�e northerly ni�eoeen au�d ti�rree%n�t�da�edths (19.03) feet of ehe Per� Improvemea�t Area at its ar her sole ea�pense a�d upon such provisio� for reimbursement to e,a�h o�r as �h partles may agi+ee. To t�e exteni such i��ovem� e�a6ance or �ili�at+e ac�ess fram Bo�ndwallc D�ve o�to t1� 07/17/47 Fliont Raqge Fa�emenc No- a Pago 2 ot 7 @7-17-1997 03�27PM FROM FREY�KORB�F�GGERTY'�et.al. TO 2262248 P.04 _ � � Ease�ent Area, Fro� Range is entitled to tl�e use of such �pro� without reimbursement to Oak Fatm or Nordic. 5. Prior to its aa�s�uction of tt� impr�veme�s wid�in d�e Fasement Area., Fro�ot Raa�e s�il p�cyvide aopiss of the pr�os@d plans and vo�avctian i�dget far such iu�proveimern� �o Oak Farm and Nordic who shall have t� right ta �vie�av a�d. pmvide reasoimbie input on tt�e des,ign and cost of the improveac�. �� R$nge an�c1 Nord�e must cvnsent im writing to t� design a�ci budget fi�r tl�e improve�me�s betore consfrucGianmay �. Such c� shall �t be un�e�s�aably withheld. 5l�td Osk Farm at�dlor Nor�c desi�e im�prov� in additi,�n w tt�e pr�sed bY Front Range to be cansavc�ted at the same t�e as Fra� Range is installing its improveu�ents, such additians shall be at the aole co�t a� eXpense of Oak F�rm andlor I�Tordic. 6. �'►Y P�3' ��3' � ti� �ent Ar+ea for t�e i�ll�ttion, us�, and nnain�a�e of utilities over. abo�ve, acxjoss, upat�, a�d beneath tbE ground surface of the Eas�ane,nt Area; pmvided, hawever, auj► svch installation ahal] not obstruct or irnerfere with t't� use aF the F.�sement Area for storm drainage and access pmposes. 7`he P�Y ��� �3' � service shall be respo�,s�le fi�r tl� cost of sucb. ins�tallatian a�id of r�p-air af any dau�ge oo existing iu�ro�eno�ents within the �asem�ent Area. Should any otiver party desire to ttalize utility services inctalled puc�ant to this p�ragraph, such �y s�halI be abligaoed t4 r�imbzu7se th�e pacty who installed the �rtility servi�e fvr the cflsts of co�snvcxlan in an amount Praparticmate t�o such party's utilixadon ia aa amount deeermine� pursuant w ttte �ro�isions af paragrap� 9 of this Agro�ment. 8. The constcuction of its a�cess and strorm drai�age inr�roweaments �vithin ti�e F.as� Ar�a shall be eff�cted by and �md�r the super�ision of Front Range in accordauce with tl�e appraved pl�ns. Exc�at f�or, impm� ins�alled a�k t�e specific �est and �er ti� directiau of either Oak Farm or Nordic, the c�st af the such irnpmven�ents shalt be born� in its eutirEty by Front Range. �ak Far�on arMJor Nar�dic stoall �;i�rse Froat �tauge for tt� cast of aay improve�ents instal�ed at its ar her specific request. upon completion of co�ctioa 9. Front Range (or a�y party i�stalling a i�tility servisae) shsll mai�in detailed ittvoices eviden�ei�g tl� c,�srs a�d expenses incurred for ti� de�gn a�d co�ation of the imprave�naents, Wb1C�1 t0i81 Gt�S S�I UC LBIm� 1�1E "� RE� AID�ilmt". $� Aiij► O�i j�iLjl desire to use ail or a�yy �art of t�e imgrovemer�rs co�tnu•t�d by Front ltattge (or con�ect to an�+ � s� ��� �Y ��Y), � P�Y � st� use shall rre�imbuise �vt� Range (or Ehe party who installed the utiliry servic�) in an amnunt deatermi�d iin accordatice with the provisions of this Agree�. '�'6�e � payable as reimbtusement st�a_ Lt not boar �lnter�si, bttt sha11 be adjt�ste�i un� aa;ordauve with changes in the "Ca�r Prioce index--A�l [Irban C`o�umers (CPI-in all i�ems U.S. Cityy Average, 198�i984 — I0�0" �issued from time ta t�+e by the B�u+ean of La�bor Statistics of tbe United Stafes Depar�e�t of I.abor or its s�u.c;�ssor age�a.y iu� accor�ce with he foIIowing formula: Most rece�t CPI Index prior to d�te of p�,,y� X Most rec�nt CPY ��dex prior to the d�te of t� conapletion of the Imprwements 4rigi�i ltei�ut a Atnpunt AdjQs�cd Reimbursemet�t Am�ount m���� F� � �m Mo. z Fage 3 cf 7 0'T-17-1997 03�27PM FROM FREY�KORB�F�GGERTY�et.al. TD 2262�48 P.05 � � 'i'he amou�t w t�e paia by a party upon udlization of trie imprrn►ements consuvc�ed by Front Range shall be tite greater of (7 33:33 96 of tive Oarigiital Rcimbt�rsem�ent Amourn, or (ii) 33.33 �, af tbe Adjusted Raiu�xibursem�nt Amouut calculat�d. above. The reimburseme�t amount shall be paysble upon issuenoe af a Certificx�te of Oocupa�y for use of either the Qak �atm or Nordic properttes. Sho�ld reimbuxse�t be requireci bec�tse a pazty is connectin� to a utilitp service previo�sl� instatle� by a�ther garty, the anaount of reimbRusem.e� shall be the great�r of (i) or (ii) above, or (iii) ttue praportio�ate a�mount required by t1� then pr�vailun�g polfci�s af �e City of Fort Collms, Coit�ad4, �+elatin$ to u�ility payba�lc a►�r+ee�ts. The reimburse�e� amou�t sha�l be payable upon utility wnnection. 1Q. Pollowing co�uction of t�e ianprov�ts by �t R�nge in ti� Ees� A�, Front Range sball i�ve tt� duty and obl�ton to r�air and m�intaim tts iom�roveme�s as is a}zgm�i�te to permit vehicu�ar and pedestrian acc�.as a�d sDarm wader d�rainage. Repair and mainmem�ce slaall be oomplei� in a c�ommoercially reasonable, good aad wrnrPomaal� manner. Until such time as pak Farm and/or Aiordic shall elect w ut�l�ze ali or any gart o� such impmve�ts, the cost of general mai�enat�ce and z�p�ir s�li be borne sotely by Fm� Range. Upon utilization of tt� �prove�s by a�r par�y, t�e cast (exc�pt cost related tia starm water drainage main�en�aace} shall be sl�ared between ar �ong the actual usee�s, �xat�t Range, Uak Farm; �/or l�ia�dic, an an equal besis. Aft�r the �ty to s�hstre e�ses has atisen, Froni Reage shsll submit an isvoice to the ati�r use�, retlective af such user's proporti+�naze share of t�ue tot�l cvst (except cvst related to storn� wa�cr drainag� maiat�nance) incurre�d in dLe p�ior yeat, R,ei�mtwrse�nt s1�a11 be due within is days after issua�ce of inva%e. If any c+o-user fails tA pay rhe invoice wh�en due, it shall be liable to Front Itange for tl�e amaum of t1� invoice plus interest at 15 % per aaaum aud the reasonab% coats of collecrion, in�chuiing attorneys' f�. Aflier tt� duty to share expe,nse� has arieen, s�ould aaother p�+t.y who is t1�n utilizmg the Basement Area de�r�onine tlr�t Fro� Range's � is inadeguao� or in�couiplete, such party shall provide �vritten notice aad dema�c! to Front Rar�g�e se�ng farth t�e claimosd deficiencies. Frarn Rang�e shall h�.ve t�rty (30) days imm the date of recelpt af sv�h notice t;o resolve tbe differa��es b�etween tb�e pafiles re�ard3qg the clain�ed deflcie�ci�es ar s,Uall underrat� t}� �ecessary ma,intenaa� work; ti� co�t of wi�ich s11all then be born�e by parti�s in accardance with the other pravisiaus of this A�ree�nent. �f, followiug n�otice, Frant Range fails or re'fusos to pe�fona such repair Qr main�enan�e, any other paxty then utilizin� tt� Easeu�nt Area may an�n$e for such work to be perform,ed an� sha11 �e entitled to re�t from aay ather party who is t�en utilizin� the Easeme�t Area m accoriia�oe with t�e ot1�r pravisions of this Agreenaeni. Taa tb�e eve.nt of e�ctraondmazy weat a�i t,ear or dama$e to ir�ovements 'witl�in tt� Easement Area, th�e party by oa umder whom stuei� damage has beea csused sbaII be salely r�eaponsib�e foir tb�e r�air of s�h dama,ge. The c� of r�epair may be collec�d by Sny p��cy wha u�dertakes the repair st�uid tb� P�rtY r�poffi��e for the demage �ai� or refi�se w cf�ct tt� �+epair. 07/17/l? � � B� Na 2 Psge 4 of 7 _. _ _ _ 07-17-1997 03 � 2�'M FROM FREY � K�B � F�',GERTti' � e t. a 1, TO 2�6�248 P. 06 � � ZViaime�nance of im�arov� instaNled by Oak garm �andJor Ivordic ux additiQn to those u�staZled by Pm�nt Range si�all be the sole re�pons�ility of 'die �arty makiag such impmveme�s. 11. No party � mstal�, co�c'uct, mai�ain, c�perate, or pla�e �y i�ngrave�tent which woiiled obatruct or inaertere witi� a�ccess an�1 stiarm �ge ove� and �crass the E�seme�t Area. �2. Exoe�c w tbe ex�ent all a� anrY Paruon of the Eaeen�nt Area is reqnu�l to be i�ci�ded as collaaeral in a�ortgage or i]eeci of Trust gra�oad by � party, all parti� shall i� the Fase�t At�a fre� at�d clesr of any liens, en�umshrances, �chaaic's ar materiaimen's l�s. 13. F.ach party �hall be resp�a►msible far securiny� suct� gen�ral public li�bility insurat�ee> �hu�ing insu� cover�ng aisims for �eison�l i�jtuy, death, or pmpetty ci��ag+e Qec.�nrring in, vn, or aba�t the Ea�ement Area, as each party desiires, at its sole cast a�d expense- 14. 'The easemie�t rfghts esfiablished by this A� are non�-�clusive and are suhjecx m any eaastmg g�ts a� e�sement appearimg of record in tl�e Oi�ice af tl� Lari�er Cwnty, Coloradv, Clerk a�: Recotde�r. �h party reserves the right ta gra�nt additional eas�m�nt ri$b.ts a�ig its proparty not ;�,�*,A;Ar��t with the rights esta�bl�sh,ed u�1er !'hu�s ,A,g��en�ent. 1�. This Agr�eme�tt may be a�d, vacat�, rele�sed, abandoned, or terminated ia whole OT 1I1 ��' i�i �R� by f�E t�i1 OW11C!'S Q� t� pl'O�Y'L'iCS 8�@CfiBd b� SqC}! BCtIOII, I�EDCQF1L�i. �11 � Q�CC U1f � L$ft�i �D�tIII�►� GO�OI'8�0� �Ci� S[1d �('AIf�. 16. "� Q�kk Fazm Prape,Ity, fixhibit 1, may, in the fixau�e, consist of more thaa o� i�, sv�ne or a�1 of which �.y �� �s to Bo�awa�c r��e wic� use of r�e Easen�m �rea. At such time as ti� Oak Farm �roper�3' is P�a�ed, a�+' resuit� lat, ott�er tl� � lot ar lats �v'l�ch i�ciude �11 or atry part of, or are ad�a�c�nt a�dlor r.atn�uous to, the nortl�ec'ly bouudary of the Eas�ment Area shall be deie�ed fmm the abii,�afii'ions �d by this Agreea�at; grovuied such lot or lats have �vess to Soardwalk Drive vwi�Chcrut �uaking use vf' ttie Easement Area. �8, Ttiis Agree�e� sball be govemed by and u�der ti� law of th� St�ate of C.��ot�o. 19. �ny notic� or ott�r commturication desired or tio �e giveu by one party to tl�e other stt�ll be se�t by CertifietY Mail Re��n Reoeipt R,equested, to t� acldresse$ set forth below (or at such other address as may be desi�n�d frrnm m�e ta ame by natice giv�en in acoordance with �s p�ra.gcaph). Any su�h noi�oe s�a�l be d�ee�d �t�vet�d wl�n cte�sited m tbe IT�ecl5t�es 1V�ai1 P"�st�ge Pr�d: if to Oal� ]Faxt�: 4ak Farm Inc. c!o LC}T R�1 d�sta�e Advisors Inc. 3555 Stanford Road, Suite IOU Fort Cqllins, Ct7 80525 If to Froat Ra�tge: Frcmt Range Baptist Church 625 East Hannvny Ro�d Fort ColEins, �O 80525 If to Nordic: Shamn Y�. Nordic c!o N4rdic Constr�ctiQa & I7evelop�e�; Inc. 3U9 West Harmony �d mn7f97 Fro� �nge £9s�emeoc Na. z �ags 5 ot 7 �7-21-1797 01 � 2::�PM FROM FREY � h;ORB; HAGGEF.T`( � ct : a i. I U c�4b'i'1 r''. �� � � Fort Collins, CO 80526 2�. This Agreement is binding upon each of the parties, their respective successors and assi,ns. 'The benefits and burdens of this A�eement are appurtenant to the properties d�scribed in Exhibits 1, ?, and 3 and run with the land. IN Rr�'I'NESS R�HEREOF, this Easement Agreement has been exeeuted effective July 1: 1997. OAK FARM INC., a Colorado corporation, successo� in interest to OAK FARM INC•, a Delaw e arp ation By• � - Michael S. Byrnie, its Presi nt STATE OF CdLORADO COUNT�C OF LARIMER ) ) ss. ) Attest: C'�� RabertAS. YTartin, its Secretary � The furegoing instrument was acknawledged befur� ine th'ts ��` �iay of July, 1997, by Michael S. Byrne, President o€ Oak Farm, Inc., and Roberta S. Martin, Secretary of Oak Farm, Inc. Witness my �and 3nd o�cial seal. My commission exp'ires: �`c�--�=a�`� � � �\ . I� _�- � � �^ � lv tary Pubiic _ FRONT RP.NGE BAPTIS'T CHURCH OF F'ORT C4�:LIN5, a Cola do non-protit car�oration, �' -- -- , By: - �-----� - :-, _ �,,��+,����►�u►��u�� Steven E. Corwine, \����`����8� �� Chainnan of the Board of Deacons ��``�'� °°°°°°`°�a � � �p`�A� �° STt�►TE OF GOLORf1D0 ) � ' � : ) ss. p a _ COLTNTY OF LARINiER ) %�'t'� U�G �� `�h�` :` � oo � % .rr o,� ,,�,A �.,�. . /j� �✓�',�h Ac�e�.o�o ,f.,`�,��,: �. /`��/Ii. f'�' .s..�? `.. The foregoin; insuument was acknowl�dbed before rrl�.,r��s _ day of 3uly, 1997, by 5tzven E. Corwine, Chairman of the Board of Deacon:, of Front .Ran�e �agixst Church of Fort Collins. wimess zny k�az�d and off cial seal . . � �.�t� c��`�-f My commission ex�ires: 1 Z• __ Notary blic �� ;,. `; Frpnt �ar.gc �Semcn[ vo. � P•sco ti of' 7 �� � /�� � ,: ,, . , r� � sxA� o� coLox�no > � �. COUNTY OF Larim�er } Tt�e foregomg i�usnument a►as a�irn�owledged before me #�isv� day of July, 1997, by Sha�on K. Nordic. witness my ban�d �1 official seal. R�iy con�mission expires: I � �1� No P+�lic __ _ No[ary Public �O�ARY �����. 07/17197 Fronc Itwgc F,�,emme xo. z Psge 7 of 7 TOTF� P.01 � 3 � � V � � 0?-21-1997 03��'M FROM Ft�Y.KORB�HAG�RTY�et.al. TO o� � � � � � �e�r n� � � � ��t, �utu��r t���t � @�1W@ilF O�' f.�, �`A4� � COi.�l1b�. w +�4 00� . soc a�nr,�-�r � �we c�w �a w�� � �v u� aR n� � au�a � t� s�c �`�-�at �aa� cr �f �'15 9EC f--T�li—�1lt . }f • FAIB AEU1t CaiR �1 . / �Y Ra gs YAC�IE �ii � � � � Q r � - fi. � . � � • � �� � � � s�r �"�.�o � � � � � P.L)�$!. � \ � i � . �-_ �; � t � � i � . 3 � ��. . �� 1 � �< � �� ! .. � � � � � i � G� � � _.-! ' t9.C�S' � fliA1��Afa �£ �� � � � ��� � ��IY � � �1 # veits � �fACf � Lp� � �r�oax s�a s�,a� SC�t.E 1" =2Q0' 2262248 P:@2 �� �' ��'������� ����� . . p'�9d�-�iCB D�1 �D!'�?�9ALS �Y �B. � � a aoo +os , _. oao eas �8T QOidiAi'3, CA 80S$i--�3 _ . . (�D �s�� ., �_. � si ' .► 07-17-1997 03�'29PM FROM FREY�KORB,Hf�GERTY�et.al. TO 2262248 P.09 � � � iNC. ��ogineering Gansuttants aos s. M� Fort Coltins Cqiorodp BQ52i 97df482-59�2 FAX:' 87074$2-8�34'iB D�S�TtdN: � trect ot t��t3 loca#eti in th� Northe�st Quartc� of Sectiort 1, Toc�vnsh�p 5�;o��tt�t,, R.ange 69 VV'es� of the 6t� Principai Meri�ian, Ciry of �ort Collins, Larirner County, Coforada, vein� i�re p$rtiCuta�rIy c3escribed as foltows: � Considereng the N'orth ti�e o£th� North�ast Quarter o� said Sectian i as bearin� Norttt 89°�S'��" East and with �li beazin�s con€aincd herein rel�tive thereto: - Gommencing at tlae I�ic�rth Quarter comer of s�i� Section 1; thence South 04°1 �'OS" West, 7? 7E? f; �.�t fo the South nght-of-way line a��fllarado Staie Highway t�to: 68; th�ce a�on� said Sout� rig�;t.,,c- way iine, Sout�t 86°16'06" �ast, 348_40 feet; thence departii�i� said Soutl� reg,ht-af-vvay line, South 00°t i'OS" West, 374_I� fee� to the POIl+TT OFBEGA�I�IG, said point sis� being on the South line �ftt�►�'t tract of�nd described at Reception No. 9�03�654 as recc�rded at the %.arimer County C:lerk and I�ecord�, I,arit�er Coun#y; the�ice alvng said South line, South �9°48'SS" East, 23Q. 27 fe�i tti a pamt or� a nor�an�ent curve c�ncave ta the Atortheast havin� a central angte of C13 °2�•36", a radius of654.40 feet and she chord ofwhich bears South 09°23'24� East, �8.73 feet, said point als� being an the West rigi�t-of way line of Boardwal� Driv�; thence �lon� thc arc of said aurve and said V4'est line, 38.74 feet;� thenc�,�Saath 11°OS'12" East, 230.87 f�et°t� a c�rve ctxncave tr� the West hati:n�a central aagle of 12°52'37" a r�ri�e� Qf 57�.00 f+eet a� ti� chord af vvhich bears Sonth 04�35'S�" F�cst, 129.15 feet; thence along tk►e arc af said curve, 129:45 feet; thence, Souti� OI°4�'25" West, 32?,37 feet to a point on the North Iine of tht�t tract of land desGnbed at Re�eption No. 940771�b as recorded at t�e Lariir�er County Ct�rl� and Record�r, Larimer County; thence along said Narth iait� North SS°I2'35" West, 27�.65 fect to a po�at on the East lt�te o£ that tract of land described �t Rec.eption No.90021 �6� as recc�rded at the Lar�mer County Clerk �d Recor+d�er, Larimer �ounty; theace along ssid East line, N'orth OQ°i l'OS^ East, 7i2.90 feet to tfie Pa�int ofBeginning. The ahove descnbed tract of Iand c�ontains �_383 acres and is subject to aIi ea�nents and ri�ts-of VVBj� l70W OA fP.C(5fd OT @Xl5#filg. � 22b434.01 �'ebruary x�, I99b C1�tc Farn�j �rdic/Fi�it Na� EX�iIBI� 1 Oenver 3aCi!l458.552fi 07-17-1997 03��M FROM F�Y�KORH�H�RTY.et.al. TO 2262248 P.10 � � 8Q'�BDIfLE C � i� ��� �! �'a� l�� �1 �h� lY��l��,�� ��' �S �� ����� � ,�os�ig � R��r�, �e'�e �� �asi� �� i�� i� �t��ie#p�4� �eac$e��e �i e! �e�k �b�st�us. ���r ��qPe ����o �� ���3�i�t�$ �x�ii�d sl� �v���1� � � • - c�s�i��.ng �hc� � �.3s� �� � �oa�as��� �� �� �e� ���1�! a ts �3� �� ��'�� ��4~ F.�� a�� eti�► ala ��� ��a� ���a ��a�l.� ��e�a , � ar � � �� �a�s �� � ��.aaa � � ���s� � a3.,p� ffie sas� �is� o� �a��x�y' ���C�. �t� ��� �re+��� . �.�e " Ll�f �9� �+d� ` �t� �O • '�1 ° 05� 1�es�. ��e g . 9 ���t �� tb� � � � _l l��+A �CIi'1� 7�°�� � �'�� ��s �3i a 08 !'��' ' t��lt� a ���9'1 t�� • i$ t 33� ��� � i � . �� f � $� � �iu� �t � lffeat ri���-e����r ala�e �� �e�a��� �r�ve e � �2� �3e� ��� ����- ���� � f�� ��u� 41' �f � ��� t���, �.iA. �� ��� t4� a��� ,s��m � a��vs �va �e � �t�t hav� � ��t�ra�l� ��� ��' . �� . �0 + � s�diva o� ��� . af! �� � i�,o @�o� ��- �$�11 �! ��' ��= 00°' . �as�� 14a.�� ta�etl .tbee�aa �ex� +�a�.e� Of� r����ofw'��a ail�l '�7a� �� �� ��! � �.�aega ��� g4 m ��A� � �i� �� �l�a eg �� �it��V m� �.�'8�s�� 9f� F#�i�! t�i�rs� �b�q �ai� �'�r� eou� 7�° i� s��� i�es'� � 8�Z o �� �a�� � � �i�et �ri �e �as� 1lfan�- o� ���e�Y �iat� �ia� �'�li»�i �h+�nc� �s� !4� �d�s li�t�� eto� ��°R�o��A !€�e ��t�.�a geet �� tt�► � � � 3�eet��. .- : ,�� . , ,: . _ �.-,4: 0'7-17-1997 03�3'0PM FROM FREY�KORB�H�RTY�et.al. TO . � �� 2262248 P.11 A •s , Lat 1, Th� Plat of Front Rarige Haptist Chureh M.�nor Subdivision acccrding ta th� PLst r�corded october 2, lgg�, a� Receptfo� Ido. 97,q481b4, County Qf La�imer, Sta�e og Colar�do. � Qa�[ Faxai/ NDrd1CjL+`Y'�onC Rar�ge ' EY,IiTBZT 3 07-17-1997 03��'M FROM FREY�KORB�H�RTY,et.al. TU , . �� . `� � '�H� ��-��i� �RUUP ��� �� �.:�a� �s�ocr�r as�.ti� F4AT�0l.].�Ni,4. GOWBAfld�1 2Q63 � � ��� �_`t,_ , `,�4: 1:� #1�?-- 2262248 P.12 ��� s� � loc�bod in the N� Qast� c�#'9ec�ost I: Ta�v�i� 6 Not�, ii�e �4 West o� �ta bh3 �cip� lUt�idi�, CatY �F�a�t CaIl�. �o�me�' a� i.a�ia� � vf Ca�a, b�g a�e �Iy d�aibod a� f�Ilow�: C� tbs TToa� Iffie of ��+Taa�+eas� Qus:t�ar of Sx�aa 1 as �g Aia�th 8�°SS'S�3" �st �ad wi� �i �gs �d �a+�a se]�aiee �_ ' �memo�ag st #6e � com� of s�+3 No�t Q�at'�a' $f S�o� I. �c�, �� �4�°il'E15" �e� 7�7r0 �t �o tl�e l�ta� � o#I.ot i, Fs+c�nt Ii�ge �a� G'�+ar,h M� ��aid ��a b�g o� � So� d�'�way �ais df �olaa�O St� Ht�hw� �'v. 4�; �ueooe a1a�g 3�ud � I�iae, 3aroRh 86°lb'tffn E�, 34i.� �t ta i� No�t armec m¢'sa�d Lat I; �, alo� ��ast Ii�o �f said Lv� l, South OD"i l'�" ��t, i 05$ 33 %ek �0 4�e PC?�€�1'T t9�B�►T(���89°�5" �, �8 45 � �,No�h�°11'OSS" � i9 Q3 � �n,ae. S�aasth 88°12'3S" �,1$S 5� ��o � po�at a� iL0 V�Te� ��tty tiu�e af Ho�tk � yh�ae,�ag � �at�.c�wap 1i� �h 41°47�5° � SE1.� � � d�g ssid'�Aieatr�oC�a►�r 3i� Na� 8�°12"33w B�esk Z73.� f� ts � 5�t caQnez a$ sai+d Lot 1, $�eaoe � the �t �e o#' �d Lot 1, � Oa°�1'45� F�t, �$.SZ �t tA #1� Po�nt of T�e abaa�d�ed �cco�dC�0�4�+es ��ss�jeei#o'ag e�ta�d� wa�t ama� a�s.. nooa�,d �r � - so�a�tog � Jc�y 8, 2+.�9'i � e Pls'9v 9CixK• �N1�rt.vAAlut Cpt�pkACO.U4'AN �� � �� �_ _ .�� . . ., �.�_:, �+�,rr_ TOTAL P.12