City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
January 17, 1997
SecurCare Self Storage, inc.
c/o Eldon Ward
Cityscape Urban Design, Inc.
3555 Stanford Road, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Eldon,
and Environmental
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Staff has reviewed your documents forthe Miramont Self Storage PUD, Prelirr�inary that
were submitted on December 23, 1996, and would like to offer the following comments:
1. The Light and Power Utility offers the following comments:
a. Existing faeilities along the west side of Boardwalk Drive will be the source
for electric power.
b. Please contact the Light and Power Engineering Departrnent to coordinate
a t�ansformer location. It may be possible to have a shared transformer
between the storage units and the office building.
2. U S West offers the following comments�:
a. Review of these p:ans should not be construed as a commitment that
telephone facilities sufficient to serve this project are presently available. U
S West will provide telephone service in accordance with the rates and tariffs
on file with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
b. The owner is responsible for provision of all conduit, ditch crossings, and
street for telephone facilities within the project. In commercial buildings, the
owner also provides terminal space (usually 8' x 4') and power for the
telephone terminal, generally in a utility room. For residences, the owner
provides conduit from the location where the inside wiring is stubbed out of
the building wall to the telephone pedestal. Contact the U S West engineer
for conduit specifcations for the telephone eritrance cable.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 •(970) 221-6750
FAX (970J 221-6378 • TDD (970) 224-6002
� �
c. The existing exclusive U S West easement at the southeast comer of the site
� is shown 'incorrectly on the Plat. It is 30 feet east to west and 15 feet north
to south. � � . �
d. � Any relocation of existing telephone facilities required by these plans will be
., �_:_ Npaid:4for by'the developer.
3. The ,Park Planning Division stated that parkland fees will be assessed to the
residential dwelling unit.
4. TCI of Fort Collins requests that the dcainage easement be designated as a
drainage and utility easement.
5. The Traffic Operations Division states the following:
"A vehicular connection to Palmer Drive was considered as part of the
Oak/Cottonwood Farm ODP, but was changed to a pedestrian/bike access only.
This connection needs to be provided in the same manner. See comments on page
5 of the Utility Plans for Lot 1. The path should be a minimum of 6 feet wide and be
centered on the north property line of Lot 1 within a 10 foot wide easement. A repay
agreement will be needed so that the developer of Lot 1 will be reimbursed when
the property to the north develops."
6. The Zoning Department offers the following comments:
a. General Note #4 on the Site Plan references that the number and location
of building entries may vary. If entries vary from the 6uilding elevations, an
Administrative Change will be required. Please modify General Note #4 to
reflect this comment.
b. The subject property is located in the Residential Neighborhood Sign District.
Please identify the location of all proposed wal.l signage for the Planning and
Zoning Board's review.
c. Does the dotted line around the building (Lot 2) represent the building
envelope? If so, show dimensions of fhe building envelope and the distance
to the nearest property line.
d. Please provide and elevation of the proposed fence.
7. The Building Inspections Department offers the following comments:
a. Buildings which exceed 5,000 square feet in area must be equipped with an
automated fire suppression system or be compartmentalized by fire-resistive
construcfion as required by Section 3802, Uniform Building Code as
' �. � �
amended by the City of Fort Collins.
b. The site shall be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with
Uniform Building Code Secfion 3103 and UBC Appendix Section 3106.
Provide a designated and marked "accessible route of travel" befinreen all the
buildings on the site and building exits and entrances and the public way
(public sidewalk): Accessible routes shall comply with ANSI A117.1-1992.
with running slopes no greater than 1:20 and cross slopes no steeper than
1:50. Where routes cross lanes for vehicle traffic they shall be designated
and marked as a cross walk. Provide parking and signs per Appendix
Section 3107. Parking and access aisles shall comply with ANSI A117.1-
1992 with slopes no greater than 1:50 in any direcfion.
c. Buildings shall be designed to comply with the Fort Collins Non-residential
Energy Code (ASHRAE 90.1 with local amendments) or Residential Energy
Code (1995 Model Energy Code with local amendments) whichever is
d. Section 504 of the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by
the City�of Fort Collins requires that exteriorwalls of B-2 buildings located
closer fhat 10 feet from a property line be of one-hour fire-resistive
construction. No openings are allowed in such exterior walls located less
than 5 feet from the property line. A parapet extending 30 inches above the
roof surface is required unless the structure complies with the exceptions to
UBC Section 1710. Projections, such as cornices, eave overhangs or
exterior balconies shall not extend over the property line and must comply
with UBC Sections 1710 and 504.
8. Comments from the Engineering Department are attached.
9. Comments from the Stormwater Utilify are attached.
10. The Current Planning Department offers the following comments:
a. Separate signature Blocks are needed on the Site Plans for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
�as there are orwill be separate owners of these lots.
b. The signature blocks on the cover sheet may be deleted.
c. There needs to be a significant coordination effort befinreen the multiple
consultants on this project (especially the engineering consultants).
Engineering information in this .initial submittal was not coordinated �
d. A separate Plat(s) needs to be provided for this project. Please delete the
reference to Preliminary Plat from the title block on Sheet 2 of 7. The title
block of this sheet should state "Lot 1 Preliminary and Final PUD Site Plan".
� �
e. General No#e 9 on the Lot 1 Site Plan references bike racks. Where are they
f. General Note 10 on the Lot 1 Site Plan references the material of the trash
enclosures. Only one trash enclosure is shown. Is this adequate? All trash
enclosures must be gated. Please an elevation of the trash enclosures.
g. Please revise the Land Use Table on the Lot 1 Site Plan. The existing
zoning is "R-L with and PUD condition". The maximum building height of the
residential building is 27 feet. What about the remainder of the buildings?
h. A sidewalk connection from the office and residence to the public sidewalk
is needed on the Lot 1 Site Plan.
i. Off-site easements are needed for the access to Lot 1. Final easements
must be submitted by the revision deadline,
j. The grading lines, property lines and building footprints shouldn't all be the
same line weight on the Lot 1 Site Plan and Landscape Plan.
k. A significant amount of additional fandscaping is needed along the north, and
west property lines and between the detention pond and the southem
storage buildings and along the Lot 1 and Lot 2 property line.
It appears that the grading of the detention pond is going to impact existing
trees which are to remain. How does the applicant propose to protect these
trees? Tree protection notes.are needed on the Lot 1 landscape plan.
m. Four additional trees are needed between the back of the sidewalk,and the
building(s) on Lot 1.
n. The Lot 1 Site Plan shows finro buildings but the Lot Landscape Plan shows
1. Please clarify.
o. Please provide the standard landscape notes on the Lot 1 Landscape Plan.
p. Please provide a title for the Water Usage information on the Lot 1
Landscape Plan.
q. Please note all building materials and colors on the Lot 1 elevations. Roofing
material should be designated as "high-profile, heavy dimensional",
Samples of building material and colors should be provided. Please also
provide building dimensions on this elevation sheet.
.. � �
r. Please coordinate the building designations (A,B,C,etc.) on the Site Plan!
� Landscape �Plan, and Building Elevations.
s. A brick base is needed on all buildings on Lot 1.
t, The proposed tree and shrub symbols on the Lot 2 Site Plan legend can be
deleted as none are shown on this plan.
u. Please provide the building square footage and land use designations with_in
fhe building envelope on the L-ot 1 and Lot 2 Site Plans. General Note 12 on
the Lot 2 Site Plan should be revised to state "Only office uses are allowed
on Lot 2". <
v. Eitherdelete Landscape Note #7 on Sheet 6 of 7 or reference that changes
to location and quantities of landscaping will require approval of an
Administrative Change bythe City..
w. Landscape Note#8 on Sheet 6 of 7 should referenee that the letter of credit
is for 125% of the amount of the landscaping and installation.
x. Additional trees are needed on all sides of the office building on Lot 1.
t. Please delete the Notes on the Lot 2 Elevations (Sheet 7 of 7). The building
materials and colors of the office build.ing must be decided now as this is a
Final PUD. Roofing materials must be specified as "high-profile, heavy
u. Critecia #4b of Point Chart D and Criteria #2c of Point Chart E asks if the
project is contiguous to and functionally a part of an existing neighborhood
or community/regional shopping center, office or industrial park? No points
were claimed for Criteria #4b of Point Chart D, but 8 points were claimed for
Criteria #2c of Point Chart E. The proposed office and storage uses are
separated from the Harmony Market by a collector street and are not a part
of the Harmony Market. Therefore, no points will be awarded for Criteria #2c
of Point Chart E.
v. Criteria #4f ofi Point Chart D and Criteria #2f of Point Chart E ask if there is
direct vehicular and pedestrian access befinreen o_ n-site parking areas and
adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten
parking spaces. There is no direct vehicular and pedestrian access befinreen
the proposed uses on this PUD. Where is there adjacent existing parking or
future off- site parking that has direct vehicular and pedestrian aceess with
this PUD? Where are agreements for this direct vehicular and pedestrian
access? Without further documentation, no points will be awarded for�this
� I',� � " ` .
This completes the review comments at this time. Additional comments . may be
forthcoming as the various departments and reviewing agencies continue to review this
Please be aware of the followinq. dates and deadlines to assure your ability to stay on
schedule for the February 24, 1997 Planning and Zoning Board hearing:
Plan revisions are due by 12-:00 noon on February 5,1997. Please contact me for the
number of folded revisions required for each document.
No revisions will be reviewed after the above deadline. If revisions are not received
by this date, the item will either go to the Planning and Zoning Board with a stafF
recommendation based on the originally submitted documents or the applicant will
have the option to continue the item to the next month's P&Z agenda.
PMT's, renderings, and 8 folded copies of final revisions are due by 12:00 noon on
February 17, 1997.
_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _
Please contact me at 221-6206 if you have any questions or concems related to these
comments. I would like to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible, if necessary,
to discuss these comments.
/�,���. .
Michael Ludwig
Project Planner
xc: Sheri Wamhoff
Stormwater Utility
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file/Project�Planner �
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Curreni Planning _ __
I�ATE: December 24, 1996 DEPT: Engineering
PROJECT: #54-87AM Oak/Cottonwood Farm, IVliramont
Self Storage PUD - Preliminary and Final
PLANNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, Jarivary 13, 1996
Oak/Cottonwood Farm, Miramont Self Storage PUD - P/F January 17, 1997
Site/Landscape Plans
1. Provide a path connection from the vacated Palmer Drive to Oakridge Drive.
2. The northern access drive needs to match the width of the travel lanes on Oakridge Drive.
That should be 38 feet: It can narrow as it goes away fromBoardwalk.
3. The entrance curb radii can be 15 feet max.
4. The easement lines need dimensions.
Utility Plans
Lot 1
5. The northem access drive needs to inatch the width of the travel lanes on Oakridge Drive.
That should be 38 feet. It can narrow as it goes away from Boardwalk.
6. Provide concrete to the property line at the entrance drive. A detail of the access drive is
needed. A maximum 15 foot radius can be used for the curb returns.
7. Provide a path connection from Palmer Drive to Oakridge Drive.
8. Show the detached walk to be built along Boardwalk and indicate width and distance to be
detached. ,
(Continued on next page)
� _
Date: � � �' � � � Signatur ��
Oak/Cottonwood Farm, Miramont Se1f Storage PUD - P!F (Page 2 of2) 7anuary 17, 1997
• 9. Provide a barricade at the end of the access drive.
__ _
Lot 2 �
10. Indicate the width of the sidewalk along Boardwalk and the distance to be detached.
11. A maximum 15 foot radius can be used for the curb returns on the access drive.
12. Provide a driveway detail. This can be incorporated onto the horizontal control plan or can
be a whole separate detail.
13. Include the sidewalk detail with the curb and gutter details.
City of Fort Collins
, � � � / .�
Current I'lannin�
DATE; December 24, 1996 DEPT: Storffiv�ater Utility
PLArdNER: Mike Ludwig
All comments must be received by: Monday, January 13, 1996
PROJECT; #54-87AM Oak/Cottonwood Farm, Miramont
Self Storage PUD - Preliminary and Final
A written response for each of the following comments must be submitted, with the
redlined plans and report, at time of project resubmittal. The responses must note any
revisions or clarifications completed in result of these comments. If responses are not
submitted with ttie resubmittal, the project will be refurned to the applicant without further
review. This procedure will �help the review process become more efficient and effective.
Thank you.
1_ Please coordinate the grading and drainage plans for both lots. The proposed grading�
of each lot should tie in and match the respective off-site lot on both plans. The storm
sewer outfall design should also be coordinated as each lot's plans are contlicting and the
fuial approved outfall should be through the sidewalk culvert and not indirectly through a
swale as was indicated in the Lot 2 report.
Date:,— � �' �� � _- ----�
Signature _ _ _ - - -
LG: slSer� wa M I,o f�
PLAT /h,'�P��dcv:9
LANDSCAPE ,Ta�+n f! fT;,S j�
� � , ...
2. An easement has been dedicated by the Front Range Baptist Church along the north
property line of the proposed site. This easement is needed to convey the release &om the
future church detention pond. The access road must have capacity for this release; Also,
please show the existing easement on the plat.
3. The proposed grading of lot 1 shows a berm along the west property line. It appears
that an existing depression prevents runoff from drainiag off-site to the west. This
depression will be eliminated with the proposed grading. Off-site easements are needed
for any locations where drainage quandties or patterns are changed.
4. Please coordinate the plans for the lot 1 emergency overIlow channel. A temporary off-
site construction easement will be necessary if lot 1 is developed before lot 2.
5. Please provide profiles of the proposed storm sewers for both lots. The profiles should
include the location of the proposed tie-in of the lot 1& 2 storm sewers. They should also
show the relationship with other utilities.
6. The sub-basin labeled as OS 1 per the Lot 2 plan must drain to the pond on lot 2 for an
allowable release of 0.45 cfs. Both grading plans show this basin's runoff tlowing to
Boazdwalk Dr. This basin should be detained with either Lot 1 or with Lot 2.
7. Please provide a drainage swnmary table for the Lot 1 plans. The table should include
all contributing sub-basins and their respective areas, runoff coefficients, and the 10 and
100 yr flow rates.
'" ; _ �
8, Please provide the erosion control effectiveness calculations, construction sequence
schedule, and erosion control escrow calculation in the lot 1 report. Please also include
the sequence schedule and erosion control notes on the lot 1 plans.
9. Please proyide detail of the outlet and orifice plate for the pond on lot 1. Also provide
standard detail for the sidewalk chase and curb opening inlets.
10. Please provide an emergency overflow spillway for the lot 2 pond and show where this
overIlow will spill onto Boardwalk Drive.
Please refer to the redlined plans and report for additional review comments.
city _of Fort collins
Cu�rent Planning
Dt�TE; Jan�ary �, 1997 DEPt�RTl�ENT: �V�iWW
PIZOJECT: #54-87AM Oak/Cottonwood Farm, Miramont Self
- -
Storage PUD, Preliminary - Final
PLAllTloTER: Mike Ludwig
No Problems
Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
eCoordinate landscape with civil design. Show water and sewer services on landscape
plans and provide required landscape separations.
•Curb stops a.nd meter pits must be located in landscaped areas. Show location of
curb stop and meter pit on overall utility plan.
eInclude standard general notes pertaining to landscape separations and utility locates
on landscape plan:
•Inelude standard general notes pertaining to water line depths and polywrapping
eWater and sewer services may not be extended across adjacent lots. Extend sanitary
sewer main west on Oakridge Drive and talce service from Oakridge Drive.
•Existing sanitary sewer manhole on lot two has an existing 2' stub which must be
•Provide utility easement for all fire hydrants, water/sewer mains and curb stops.
•Include the thrust block and fire hydrant details in next submittal.
• See landscape and overall utility plan for other comments.
►� -
Date: _ _ Signature: _