HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAK/COTTONWOOD FARM AMENDED OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - 54-87AL - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - APPLICATIONCtry of NoN Colllns ��..r. � POS�'1�° Fax Note ,� �N co.roe�. Phone R Fax � � n�. . � �s�s ��� � �� � �7 �r_-- � " C1� pa�e �1 2 pe�a8► ��� ���_ �'�- '��� �'U�, ����� �� F'°"' C�,J �NT PLANNI � NG DEPARTM�NT ph�M '�f .� �" '����� APPLICATION FORM Z�al� �Faxa i'rojecl Name:-�"l�ra.�b� � S�/f � S�S-�ae Project L.ocallon {Slrccl A�IJress): �o�`��w��� � ��.���d� e Projcc Descriplion� � ����-S �'���'�����e � .¢��-c _���� e '1'�day's Date: � //—ZZ�.�� .__ _._. _, lse ]nfurmatlon: Cross Acrcag� Existing Zonii r�opos��� use Tolal Number of' Uwclling Units� ., Tolal Commcrcial Tloor Area• .. � .. a G E N E R A I. I N�O R M AT 1 O H: Lis� all awne�s having e lega�/oquitablc iuterest i n the propeny: N �+ a Owner's Name(til:�%e�rc�.� /�, X��r��,E. A lienne's/ConsullanNs Name: �cui � � m PI� � �.?�i� SE �-f-`ia�v,� hC � Sirccl Address: O lt/, n v�c/ Slreet Address; �,.SS/ s, ,L�r��prF ,�,�a..�,, _��-� p Ci�y, Slatc, Zip: � ZS Tete hone:� Cil , Sta1e, Zi � � .. _ p y p� Telephone::�;)79,��Fz TYPE OF RE,�UEST Plcasc indica�c the �ype of application submiticd by chccking thc box prcceding appronna c rcqucst{s}. Conibined requcsts requi� Il�c combincd individoal fecc. Make checks paynblc to Ihc Ci1y of Fn� Collins, Slarred requesls (') also rcquirc a<Iditional �aymeut to Larimcr County Clcrk aiid Recorder in Ihc a�nnunl noled, AdJilional lianduu�s are availaUle cxhiaining inform�tion requirements for each of �he following rcvicw processes. � � •��I�li/�rculior� nlJ i'E'V�'YSe ,S'lC�P IY1tL5� j)P ,S1�i7C'l� � i+''�� � �vU7'N;; I'rchminary or Final Suhclivision ('lats submillcd concurrcnlly �wilh a I rcliminary or I'inal 1'UU i'lajn, CZ!'/RC Silc Plan, Non-Confomiing Usc, Itcvicw, or I!.lII' Siic 1'I�n sl�all bc char6ed a�w-half Ihc Prctiminnry or �ii►al tiubclivision Plat fcc. P��v �1Ui��itN�STRATIVE �CHANGE Uescriptian of Ihe c�anse and reasvi�{s) for the request: PXanning Activn: Date; r�y, Building Inspecti�n � . Action: � Date: � Ry: Eng�ncerin�; . � Action: � � � � [?ate: . oy: OEhcr(ifuppllcablc) CER'�'IFICAT�ON I ccrtify lltc infortn�tion �nd exMibits submillcJ rre true and correct io Ihe best of my know�edge and tbat in liling Ihis ap��liculion I s�nt act i n�; with tlie knotivledge, cons�nl, ancl �ulhorily of lhe owners ofihe properry (includi�►g nll ow�tcrs I►aving a Ic6a1 �►r eqtiiluhlc iuteresl ii� thc re�) properly, s�s delinecl in Seclion 1'•2 of ll�e Ciiy Code; and including common areas Iegally connecled tu or nssoci.�ted witll tlie ��roE�erly which is Ihe subjcet of Il�is appJication) without whose ca�senl and nutl�ority the requesled �ction could no1 lawfully be �ccon�- plis)i�d. t'ursuanl eo said autl�ority, I l�ereby ��ermit Cily o(Yicials to cnter upc�t Iltc pru����•Iy for Uie purposc of inshcction ancl, if neces- s;►ry, for posting st >>ubl ic nolicc; on the proJ�crty, / . Nt11f1G; Pl u�' �ui .S � ,��Dr , A(MfCSS; � �, _ # � Tcic��hoi�e:_�na/�., ��,�f , �D f�/// � . � � � �