Miramont Valley, Mail Creek Crossing Meeting
Attendees '
Sheri Wamhoff City of Fort Collins, Engineering
Ward Stanford City of Fort'Collins, Engineering
Ted Shepa.rd City of Fort Collins, Planning
Mitch Haas City of Fort Collins, Planning?�
Basil Hamdan City of Fort Collins, Stormwater
Mike Grimm City of Fort Collins, Stormwater
Bill Neal Mirainont .Associates
Gary Nordic Miramont Associates
Eldon Ward Cityscape Urban Design
Terence C. Hoagland Cityscape Urban Design
Dennis Donovan Land Development Services
Norman Whitehead Jr Engineering, LTD
Apri124, 1996
• Miramont Associates does not believe that they should be responsible for the crossirig of
mail creek or for paying for it.
o Miramont Associates does not own the land to the south of there lots, this is owned by
GT Land, This is the land to the north of mail creek and south of it to the section line.
• Miramont Associates proposed making a connection thru to Mail Creek Drive and
improving this road to standards for the impacts. (Bill Nea1 stated that he understood the
neecl for the connection to be made)
� A new location for the crossing was proposed. This was based on a fields visit (involving
City sta� after the erosion buffer limits were staked, The proposed location is between
H'ighcastle Drive a.nd the cul-de-sac to the east.
� The option of bridge vs. box culvert would require analysis to deterime impacts to the
water-surface profile, as well as impacts to stream stability. The objectives ares not to
increase flooding or increase instability with either the bridge or box culvert design, as
well as minimizing the amount of structural controls placed in the channel.
o The Mail Creek Stability Study by Lidstone and Anderson, Chapters 5 and 6, addresses
ba.nk and bed stabilization altematives. The applicant should review these chapters and
base any proposed crossing designs on the study. The range of alternatives include a"do
nothing" approach to a very "structural" approach. Not a11 approaches are necessarily
acceptable or approporaite for this reach. A floodplain management goal is to select the
option that provides adequate protection while maintaining as naturalistic a stream
corridor as possible.
• Miramont Associates stated that they would rather look at enhancing the mail creek than
doing the bridge across mail creek. This was in reference to a conversation that evolved
around the eurrent eondition of this creek.
Miramont Va11ey, Mail Creek Crossing Meeting (page Z of 2) Apri124, 1996
Again the discussion went to making a connection from RomaValley to Mail Creek Drive
was brought up. 7r Engineering, Cityscape and Vaught Fry will get together to look at
possible configuratioris. At least ttuee options will be produced, one showing the new
crossing over Mail Creek and two others showing a connection from Roma Valley over to
Mail Creek Drive. The connection to Mail Creek Drive would look at the possibility of
reconfiguring this road in front of the houses that front on this .road (to the south of the
connection) to provide them with some sort of a buffer so that they would not be as
impacted. After these options are created they ase going to submit them to the City for
City review and comments.
These options will need to be taken to the lveighborhood. Therefore a neighborhood
meeting is needed. This will need to be a meeting that covers a lot of different issues.
Discussion need to occur regarding; The connection of Fossil Creek Parkway to the
existing road through there neighborhood which is in dire need of upgrading; the means to
how this road will be upgraded - neighborhood participation, Poudre R-1 participation?
and City participation?; the inner corinectivity between Miramont neighborhood,
Huntington Hills and the old county sub.
The neighborhood meeting will be held in June (mid to late). Will wait to schedule this
meeting until after Miramont Va11ey has gone to the Planning and Zoning Boacd on Ma.y
20, 1996. This is so that they don't get a bunch of neighbors in protesting this project
talking about the possible corineetion thru to Mail Creek Drive. They are going to provide
the Row to the south for the possible creek crossing and phase the project so that they
could make the connection off of Roma Valley to Mail Creek if that is the desired change
by replating that portiori of the project. Phase line will exist just to the south of the lots
fronting on Highcastle Drive� They were wanting the Row to convert back to the home
owners association (if the crossing was not made). The only way tlus eould happen is if
the homeowners owned a strip of land on each side of this Row, otherwise the Row would
be divided between the adjacent lot own_ ers;
It was suggested by Ted Shepard that Nfiramont Associates and Mare Palcowitch go
speak with the Fossil Creek homeowners association and present the street connection
options prior to the formal neighborhood meeting. This would a11ow the homeowners
association a chance to look at the configurations and a chance to digest them and
formulate some questions ahead of time. The current schedule allows for this between
the 1VIay P&Z meeting and the June neighborhood meeting.
The following parties will need to be involved with the rieighborhood meeting:
Mirainont Associates Marc Palcowitch �
G�' Land Land Planners
Private Engineers Poudre R-1
Parks a.nd Recreation Gary Diede
Matt Baker City Planners
City Engineers City Siormwater (Flood Plain Administrator)
An agenda will be created closer to the meeting date and will be distributed around for all
to see.