April 12, 1996
Mr. Eldon Ward
Cityscape Urban Design, Inc.
3555 Stanford Road, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Eldon,
Staffhas reviewed your submittal for the Miramont Valley P.LT.ID., Final (#54-87AI� and offers the
following comments:
A. Plan Comments:
In an effort to avoid having to come back and do this later, I'd suggest changing the name of
either Roma Valley C.ourt or Rhone Valley Court. Something tells me these sound too much
alike, and the Police Department would ask that one of these names get changed.
2. The pedestrian connection between lots 18, T 9, 29 and 30 should be six (6') feet wide, not 5'.
Please make this adjustment.
3. In many places there are ramps to make street crossings accessible to handicapped persons, and
this is good. However, along with each of the locations, there should be ramps on the opposite
side of the street as well, in order to accommodate crossings in both directions. For instance,
at the comers of Roma Va11ey Court, at lots 40 and 47, there are ramps; there should also be a
ramp between lots 58 and 59 to accommodate crossing to the south. This is the case at virtually
all ramp locations. �
4. Is there any potential to connect the Southridge Greens Boulevard sidewalk to the north of lot
3(on the north side of the street) up through the landscaped area and into the Miramont PUD
further to the north? If so, please show this on the plans.
5. Please label Mai1 Creek Lane on the plan.
6. Please delineate the property line/boundary on sheet 2 of the site/landscape plan.
B. General Notes Commentss
1. Please add a note stating that all private drives have public access easement on them.
C. Plant List and Notes Comments:
1. Please double check the conelation of the quantities shown on the Landscape Breakdown and
those represented on the actual plan, and adjust any discrepancies accordingly.
2. Note number 14, under Plant Notes, calls for construction phases. If phases are planned, it is
necessary to indicate/delineate the proposed phase lines on the site plan and landscape plan.
3. Please add the following note to the Plant Notes: "All underground u#ilities shall be located
before landscape development."
« „• « „ « „
4. In e Legen _, P.D. is described as rivate drives; please change this to private drives.
A. Engineering:
1. See attached comments.
B. Stormwater:
1. See attached comments.
C. US West:
1. See attached comments.
D. 1Vlapping: (plat related)
1. The boundary closes, but the legal has a direction call missing.
2. Lemay Avenue is already dedicated; please show the reception number/book and page on the
plat. '
3. What about the dedica.tion of the north half of Southridge Greens Boulevard?
4. What is the name of the street that dead ends at Tract I? Also, why is Tract I not dedicated as
5. Please label Southridge Greens Boulevard on sheet 2. -
6. There is no way to locate the emergency access easement.
E. I�'ort Collins-Loveland Water District:
1. See attached comments.
F. Natur�al Resources:
l. Please suggest that the covenants require that the trash hauling service be consolidated.
2. Please ensure that the covenants will not prohibit composting. ,
G. I.ight and Power:
1. There is concern with regard to the location of the storm sewer, particularly at the intersection
of Southridge Greens Boulevard and Miramont Village (no street name assigned). The
streetlight is on the northeast corner of this intersection and the inlet is on the nortliwest corner,
thus it will be necessary to trench along behind the sidewalk on the north side of Southridge
Greens Boulevard:
This concludes Staff comments at this time. In order to stay on schedule for the May 20, 1996 Planning
and Zoning Board hearing, please note the following deadlines:
Plan revisions are due by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 1996.
P.M.T.'s,10 prints, colored renderings are due Monday, May 13, 1996.
*** No plans or supporting documents will be accepted after revision date (5/1 /96). ***
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or if I could be of further assistance to you
in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me at 221-6641.
Mitchell Haas
Proj ect Planner