� April 12, 1996
Mr. Eldon Ward ,
Cityscape Urban Design, Inc.
3555 Stanford Road, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Eldon,
Staffhas reviewed your submittal for the Miramont Village P.U.D., Final (#54-87A� and offers the
following comments:
I. - - - SI�'E PLAN COMIV�N'TS - - -
A. P1an Comments:
1. The development I.D. sign at the entry appears to encroach upon the 300' sight distance
easement Please shift the sign back far enough into the median to be behind the sight distance
easement line (i.e., as shown on the landscape plan).
2. Please note that the pedestrian access gates will not be locked and that they will be handicap
3. Please align the 20' foot emergency access with the middle, east-west drive/street. In other
words, please shift the 20' emergency access approximately ninety (90') feet to the north to align
with the twenty feet of travel lane on the private drive.
4. Please place a ramp at the south end of the pedestrian walk that runs between lots 49 and SU.
This new ramp should align with a ramp on the opposite side of the street
5. If lots 26, 27, 44, a.nd 46 are fenced, the fences will encroach upon the six (6') foot rear lot
utility easements. To avoid the potential for conflict, please adjust these lot lines.
6. Please continue the four (4� foot walk which runs alongside lot 22 around the north side of the
cul-de-sa.c so that it can be accessed without having to walk through the drive lane of the cul-de-
sac. Please place a ramp at the end of this continued walk as well as an aligned ramp on the
sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.
7. There is a ramp at the northeast corner of lot 38; this ramp does not seem to lead anywhere or
align with anything. Thus, the described ramp is probably not necessary and can be removed
from the plan. On the other hand, the ramp to the west of lot 52 is probably a good location for
a ramp, but shauld have a ramp on the other side of the street (to the west) to align with (i.e.,
between lots 16 and 17).
� �
8. In reference to the above comments numbered 2, 4, 6 and 7, I'm aware that these strcets will not
have much tra�c and that it would not be very dangerous to walk in them, but should any
handicapped people live in this development or visit it, their movement should be
�. Land Use �reakdown Comments:
1. Under "Minimum Pazking Provided," as there are no carports represented, please remove the
word "carpoR."
2. Under "Setbacks," please clarify language of the 20' front setback note/description.
C. t=eneral Notes Comments:
1. As agreed to dwing Preliminary review, please remove the "on average" part of note #9, That
is, Note #9 should read as follows: "Homes will achieve an energy score rating of Cr80 or
better." .
2. Please add a note stating that all private drives have public access easement on them (as done
bn the plat).
1. Please provide an inset/blow up detailing the landscaping on and along the retaining wall (north
of lots 2'7-30). -
2. Please double check the coaelation of the quantities shown on the I.andscape Breakdown and
those represented on the actual plan, and adjust any discrepancies accordingly.
3. Please provide for trees in the portion,of the median in Southridge Greens Boulevard that is
within the property of this development.
4. Note number 14, under Plant Notes, calls for construction phases. If phases are planned, it is
necessary to indicate/delineate the proposed phase lines on the site plan and landscape plan.
5. Please add the following note to the Plant Notes: "All underground utilities shall be located
before landscape development."
A. Enginecring:
1. See attached comments.
�. Stormwat�r:
1. See attached comments.
C. Zoning•
1. Stall lengths for "on lane" parlcing is required to be a minimum of twenty-three (23') feet for
standard vehicles and nineteen (19') feet for compact vehicles; plans indicate stall leng�ths of
twenty-one (21 � feet. Please refer to the Parking Lot Development Guide for appropriate ratios
of compact to standard length pazking stalls (used for calculation of spaces only).
� �
D. Mapping: (plat related)
1. Please show how Lemay Avenue�was dedicated.
2. Please indicate the status of the dedication of the south half of Southridge Greens Boulevard.
3. Please draft a note about the restrictions in the sight distance easement(s).
4. How large is the easement along the east line of lots 38 and 39?
5. Since this PUD will have onlyone address, the lots may need to be renumbered to facilitate the
finding of the units (i.e., for emergency response).
E. Fort Co9lins-Lov�land Water District:
1. See attached comrnents.
F. Building Inspechons:
1. See attached comments.
G. Public Service Company:
1. There is a concern that fourteen (14') foot building setbacks from rear edges of sidewalks will
cause water stop boxes to be greater than one (1� foot from the rear edge of the easernent,
thereby reducing clearances from stop boxes to gas lines to less than the four (4� foot standard.
H. Poudre Fire Aut6ority:
1. The concrete portion of the Fire Lane is to be twelve (12') feet wide, with fow (4� feet of
grasscrete on each side. The Fire Department prefers gravel or asphalt to grasscrete; if this
preference can be accommoda.ted, please do so.
I. Police:
1. The street to the narth of this complex is shown as "Roxborough." This street name needs to
be changed as an "Oxborough" already eXists.
J. US West:
1. US West requires additional easements as discussed with Tricia KTaetch (sp?) on 3/25/96.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. In order to stay on schedule for the May 20, 1996 Planning
and Zoning Board hearing, please note the following deadlines:
Plan revisions aze due by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 1996.
P.MT.'s, 10 prints, colored renderings are due Monday, May 13, 1996.
*** No plans or supporting documents will be accepted after revision date (5/U96).***
If you should have any questions reg,arding these comments or if I could be of further assistance to you
in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me at 221-6641.
Mitchell Haas
Projeet Planner