City of Forl Coilins
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City of Fort Gol.lins,
c/oJim Clark
281 N College Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Date: 10/31 /01
Staff has reviewed your submittal for C:A.T.:, 22ND FILING, COMMUNITY
HORTICULTURE CTR PDP,#53-85AV, and we offerthe following comments;
Department: Current Planning
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Tom Reiff of the Transportation Planning Department offered the following
1. Provide a detailed. design of the culvert and sidewalk to determine if a
handrail is necessary and, if so, where it would be placed.
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Len HiJderbrand of Excel Energy (Public Service) offered the following comments:
Provide a detailed drawing of the proposed perimeter fence.
No trees may be planted within 4' of gas lines.
The same comments apply as stated on 5/3/01 (copy attached).
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The following comments were expressed at staff review on 10/24/01:
1. What is the official name of this project, C.A.T. 22nd or Community
Horticulture Center? The subdivision plat should be the Centre for Advanced
Technology 22nd Filing, maybe with Community Horticulture Center below. The
development plans should reflect both names, also.
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2. The City is still waiting for the necessary off-site easements. At least a letter
of intent from each affected property must be received in time to review prior to
public hearing.
3. There is some plat language that may need to be changed.
4. The grading detail on the utility plans is not very detailed. Why are there 2
grading plans?
5. There are some notes on the utility plans that are not aorrect.
1. The line weights and types are hard to read.
Transportation Planning
1. The culvert detail needs more work. Handrails may be needed.
2. What does the fence surrounding the site look like? A detail is needed.
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
It is possible to now schedule an administrative public hearing for the project. The
date and time is being worked ouf.
Department; Natural Resources
Issue Contact: Doug Moore
No outstanding issues-
Issue Contact: Doug Moore
Preble's Mouse Survey expire after 1 year-
Preble's Mouse Survey expire after 1 year, Ute ladies`=tresses orchid after three.
The Preble's Mouse Survey on file with the Natural Resources department is dated
September 27, 2000_ Contact your consultant on information about updating the
survey. 3.4.1(0)(2)
Department: Stormwater Utility
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Floodplain Cornments:
Fage 2
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1. A floodplain permit is needed for the structures (gazebo and picnic shelter) that
are to be built in the floodplain. I have completed much of the permit for you (see
attached). Please attach to the permit a drawing that shows that these structures
are not enclosed. Therefore they do not need to be elevated. Please complete
the blanks marked with an "x". Make sure to fill in the flood elevation information
at the upstream side of each structure. A copy of the floodplain use permit is
enclosed. The application fee is waived fo� City departments.
2. Please include on the plat the floodplain and floodway Iines for the fully developed
eondition hydrology.
3. On the drainage plan, the floodplain line near the western edge of the property
does not appear to match the Anderson fully developed condition report. Please
review and revise as necessary.
4. The dumpster in the parking lot will need to either be relocated out of the
floodplain or anchored at all times so that it will not float during a flood. The
dumpster enclosure is not considered secure enough for flooding purposes. We
strongly recommend moving the dumpster out of the floodplain..
5. Please secure fhe bike racks, picnic tables, etc. that will be placed in the
floodplain so that they will not float during a flood. Please make a note in the
drainage report that this has been done.
6. Drainage report, P.1. Please describe in more detail the floodplain analyses that
were done for this project. Please mention that a FEMA Conditional Leiter of Map
Revision has been approved and that a Letter of Map Revision will be completed
after construction. Please make a complete reference to both Anderson reports.
7. Drainage report, please include a copy of the FEMA FIRM map documenting the
map panel number, date, etc. Please mark the site location on the map.
8. Drainage report, P.1 Please make a note that the main building for fhe
horticulture center is located outside the floodplain. _
9. Please include on the drainage plan the cross=secfion lines and ba.se flood
elevation lines. Please label all lines.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Erosion/Sediment Control Commenfs:
1. Please contact Bob Zakely to set up a meeting to go over the erosion eontrol plan
for this site.
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Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Since the property will be owned by the cify, easements can not be granted from one
division within the city to another, howe�er areas of dedication need to be shown on
the plat for all drainage fa.cilities. Please provide these areas for all drainage swales
and forthe water quality ponds. Please call Wes Lamarque at 416-2418 for any
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide spillway cross-section with calculations for design point A1. This
flow will be coneentrated and may need erosion protection.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide calculations in the report for all storm sewers and eulverts that
indicate whether or not riprap is required. If riprap is required, please call it out on
the plans with all dimensions shown.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please show the existing eontours at least 50 feet west of the site to verify grading
tie ins and show the flow patterns in this area.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please show all drainage faeilities on the landscape plan and be sure there is 10 feet.
separation between utilities and any trees.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide a profile view for the three 15=inch storm sewers underneath the
Sherwood Lateral. Also, please add note: "All storm sewers and culverts shall be
inspected by the City." to the storm sewer plan and profile sheets.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide riprap calculations.
Department: Water Wastewater
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
No permanent structures may be placed in utility easements/alignments (bouldecs,
sheds, etc.).
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Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Show all existing and proposed water/sewer lines on the landscape and site plans.
Maintain the required landscape/utility separation distance on the landscape plans.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Provide profiles for all sanitary sewer lines which are being laid/relayed.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
What does "see note sheet 1" refer to on the plat????
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Clearly define the abandonment procedure for all water/sewer lines being
Issue Contact: Jeff HiIJ
Call out all fittings, fhrust blocks and valves on all water lines on the overall ufility
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Maintain the required cover over all water and sewer lines.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Include the standard general notes pertaining to depth of bury of water lines and
polywrapping of D.I.P. on overall utility plans.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Include a note to core drill all openings into existing manholes.
Department: Zoning
Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
REPEAT COMMENT: building envelopes for all buildings (including accessory
buildings like the shelter, gazebo, pump house) need to be shown and dimensioned.
They now show what I guess is an envelope, but they haven't labeled it. Also;
they've shown the distance from buildings to lot lines, but haven't shown dimensions
of the envelopes.
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Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
REPEAT COMMENT: What's the drive aisle width in the parking lot
Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
Need elevation drawings of shelter, gazebo, etc. If they aren't a part of the approved
plan, then a minor amendment for elevation approval will be required at time of
building permit application.
4 Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
The landscape note regarding installation prior to CO or securing it in the amount of
125% mentions landscape phasing. But it's nofi elear to me from the landscape plan
that there is more than 1 phase. If there are going to be multiple phases, need to
make sure phase lines are shown on landscape plan.
I am presently looking at scheduling this item for an adminis#rative public hearing in
early December, hopefully the evening of Wednesday, December 5th. Please
respond to these latest staff comments by November 15th, if possible, and re-submit
the necessary number of copies of each doeument. Be sure and return all of your
red-lined plans when you re-submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this
project, please feel free to call me at 221-6341.
Yours Truly,
City Planner
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