HomeMy WebLinkAboutC.A.T. 22ND FILING, COMMUNITY HORTICULTURE CENTER PDP & FDP - 53-85AV / AZ - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - APPLICATION7b�ay's Uatc November 1, 2000 �or OfGce Usc Only; Lffeclivc 1)a c Currenl Planning rile If �� •��j�� Planner �� Clll'1'CII�: 1�1�1i111111� DCj)�il'�:111CI1�; Applicatio» liorni "w�« ��a����� LOf11111U111 Ly I10Y'L1 CU I LUY'e �enter Proj�ct Lucation �strcc� Ad����css): Northwest corner of Centre �lvenue and Rolland Moore Drive — Projecl escri�iliou: A City owned and operated botanic gardens with a strong community�ocus General Liform:�liun: Lis! ull ��roperl�� nuaiers hu��inb n IegnUequi�ulrl�r rii�ui�r.s( i,� rhe prol,er��� (,91luch se��nra�e sh�els rjuecc.s.rui�). O�vncr's Nanic (s): Ci ty Of FoY't Col 17 ns s������ r��i���-�SS: 281 North Col leqe cii�-i5�;���/zip: Fort Collins CO 80524 '�'�i�i�i������: _ 970-221-6881 r:,X: 970-221-6586 I.an�l Usc liiforuialiuu: Gross /1crc,��c/Sc�iiarc l�outa�c: I8 acres ��X�stinbz����i��b:Employment Pro��osedUsc:PUb11C recreat 'r��ial Nunil�cr ofD�vclling Units: n/a cul tural faci 1 i ty 'folal Comincrcial I�loor Area: 8,400 S. f. �1�i��licaul's/Cuusull:�nt's N:ui�c: Nanic of lirni: _Ci � of Fort Col 1 i ns �'����i:�<<: Jim Clark si������ n�i�i���ss:281 North Col 1 eqe c�i�-�si:�i��zi�,: Fort Col 1 i ns CO 80524 'i•��i�i�i������:970_221=6881 _---�':,x: 970-221--6586 7'}���c ��f Rcc��ic�( !'l�'use in�licnle (/�c I����e of u����llculiun submi!(crf h�� c/iccGing //ic bux precerli�r�,� ry���ruprinle rcyucsl(.t). �Iddifiu�iul hnitduuls nrc rtrnilnL/e ut�,lnining submi«nl requireniciils for enci� uf Nrc fi�Iloming rci�ic►i� f/l'OCCSSC.S. U Anuexalion t'cliliuu will� Inilial Luuin�; ltls(�UI:S'I'IiU 'LONli: l�ec :b 1,188.00 ❑ Rczanin�; Peliliun RI3QU1?S"1'I:U 'LONI3: l�cc $977.00 �1 Overall Development Plan (ODI') Pee: $1,599.00 �$.50 for each APO labcl ❑ Project Development Plan (PDP) wilhoul Subdivision I'lat I�ee: �3,887.00 +$.50 for each APO label XJ�Ij( Projecl Uevelopnient Plan (PDY) witl� Subdivisiun I'lat Pee: $5,879.00 +$.50 for each AI'U labcl U I�inal Plan williout Subdivisiou Plat I�ce: $ I ,000.00 U rival Plan wilh Subdivision I'lat l�ce: $I,OOO.UO U Prcliniinary Subclivisiou Plal I�ce: $1,3120.00 L] I�inal Sub�livision Plal I�cc: $2,17�iA0 U ��linnr Anicnclnicnl I�cc: $l)2.00. l.l Major Ainencln�cnt I�ce: $3,20C,.00 L] No��-Confi�rming Usc IZevicw I�ee: $1,�89.00 ❑ Vacation of ROW or �asement I���: �s.00 i��:�� Si►��� orri���b �i����►„��,� ❑ Sni�ill Projccl ]�ccs I'ec: Vnrics-Chcck �vilh Ihe Currenl Planning Department L) SUcct N�in�c Change I�cc: $5,00 U l:xlensicin iif I�ival A�i��roval I�cc: �5GG.00 LJ Mu�liltcaliun of Slanclar�ls l�cc: `�200.00 �'JCI:R"I'II�ICfI "1'IONONRI:1�IsRSL S'IDL' 111_ Ills SICNIsD. c5 � ;-y�, i��,C:, .�'�;,f17� City of Purt Collins Ii;;a,t' 71,Y�:�: ',:'i:;�?�f^� � • . _ `�i� a`-F' '�i_1��,..1: � r ; t' i; "-� ; - ;,t�`;' ,'�r:i;� n� � ` �;':. ' • � ccc-rrr�i•c- I/I/)n�lll 11111�'Olt �111ILNDlI11;N7' Description of the change and reasons(s) for ihe request: APPROVALS: Planning Action: • Date: Building Inspection Aciion: � Date: Enyinecriny Action: Date: Other (if applicable): E3y: 13y: ay: m CLRTIFICA7'ION I certify lhe informalion and exl�ibils submitted are Irue and coneG to llie best of my knowledge and that in filing �his application, I am acling with the knowledge, consent, a�id aulhority of the owners of Ihe property (including all owners having n legal or equilable inleresl in Ihe rcal property, as defined in Section 102 of Ihe Cily Code; and including cotnmon areas legally connecled lo or associaled with lhe property whicli is the subjecl of Ihis application) williout whose consent and authority the requcsted aclion should nol lawfully be accomplished. Pursuanl to said aulliori4Y, I hereby ��crmil Ci�y officials lo enler upon Ihe properly for lhe purpose of inspection, and if necessary, for posling a public notice on the properly. Name (please PRIN'T): - Address: ' "1'elephone: SignaUire: ' '',� . , .,, �� City of Purt Callins �:;,+;� :I;':,�, :•�; .��.,.�: , , ,� �'�i�; ,,> +u��, �i�,,r+ ��,1�,", �.�:�.,.,: ;;� , s . ��''!if5 � �.�s�� -;}. - _ :;� . :;� -;.;, ,•r�. ' �,. .�`'� ,