HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN'S EDGE (FORMERLY 2430 OVERLAND TRAIL - RESIDENTIAL) - PDP - PDP160045 - MINUTES/NOTES - CORRESPONDENCE-NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING (4)• • Mountain's Edge Neighborhood Meeting (2430 Overland Trail) Fort Collins Bible Church 1/25/2017 Start time: 6:30pm End time: 8:35pm Project Planner: Ted Shepard* *Filling in tonight: Pete Wray Attendance: Pete Wray, City Planner; Nicole Hahn, Traffic Operations; Stephanie Blochowiak, Environmental Planner (Stephanie Blochowiak responding to EP questions and also taking notes) Summary of themes in concerns expressed tonight: Density of project; parking issues/not enough parking;,impacts of traffic through neighborhood; safety issues (current and anticipated) at Overland Trail/Drake Rd; stormwater /drainage flows of site; housing types and ownership; natural area amenities; impact to trees. Notes Pete Wray welcomes everyone to meeting for mountain's Edge proposed project. "I'm not the Project Planner. Ted Shepard is, however, not available tonight due to a family emergency." Pete: "At the sign in table you provided your email. If you're interested in receiving notes from meeting tonight we can email the notes from the meeting tonight to you. Also on the table were comment cards you can fill out tonight and fill out and put into the box on the table, or take them home then submit them later to us via email, mail, in person or by fax. We've also provided a small copy of the project plan and steps in the City's development review process." Pete: "To begin with, the meeting notification went out to the surrounding project site area, approximately 1000 ft. that is why you received notice of this neighborhood meeting. This is an Administrative Type I review and a neighborhood meeting was not required since is a Type I review. This is low density mixed use neighborhood zoned area. Proposed is single family residential and single family attached residential. The review is a Type I Administrative Review so that means if the project moves forward, then a Hearing Officer would render a decision. Rather than during a Type II Review which would go to Planning and Zoning Board Hearing to render a decision of approval or denial." Pete explains more about differences between Type I and Type II development project review process. Pete mentions he is also a neighbor to the project and in the project notification area. Pete: "The Project Planner, Ted Shepard, Ted's contact information is on the information provided." Pete: "Tonight the purpose of the meeting is to hear from the Applicants about the proposal, for them to present the project and to let you all know about the proposed project. And for any comments i • provided tonight will be heard and considered and will be part of the record that goes to the Hearing Officer at the time the proposal is ready. A Project Development Plan has been submitted for the project. Several rounds of review may then occur. If the project is deemed to meet city code then the project can progress to a public hearing. Anyone can attend the public hearing with the Hearing Officer." Pete explains in more details the process from PDP to Hearing to Final Plan including comment periods and appeal period/option. Pete: "Tonight please provide comment one at a time. And we want to give everyone a chance to comment and be heard." Pete turns over to the Applicants/Developer to present. Start time: 6:38pm Jeff Mark: Property owner and Developer begins presenting -18 acres on site -There have been some changes to townhomes. Explains locations of different types of housing proposed. Private streets to be maintained by HOA. -Pointing to different locations on map on display. Location of open space on SW corner and will be amenities in the open space. -Town houses anticipated to be 300 — 350,000 price range -Single family homes expected to be 400-450,000 price range Participant Question: "On SW corner where you said there would be facilities or amenities — what would that be?" Applicant/Consultant Response: "The intent would be a natural aesthetic area. Perhaps soft trails to be included. Would like to keep it as a natural area that is walkable. But not an area that is to be heavily programmed." Participant Question: "So isn't the main reason for leaving that open is for the buffer that is required?" Applicant/Consultant Response: "Well you need to have a 50ft buffer off the ditch. Which would be this area here (points to display map). What would be required would be smaller than what is propose " Participant Question: "And who would be responsible for the maintenance of that area?" Response: "the HOA." � Particpant: "So you will have an HOA?" Developer Response: "Yes there will be an HOA." Participant: "For the townhomes AND single family homes?" Developer: "Yes for both there will be an HOA." � Participant Question: "(asks those in attendance) How many people are residents in this area? Can you raise your hand if you are residents." (Vast majority hands raise/go up). "How many of you are concerned about the density proposed here?" (90-95% of hands stay up and people nod yes). Particpant Question: "I'm curious how, from a City perspective the density can increase so much in this area compared to nearby area?" Pete: "the low density mixed use neighborhood zoning is intended for new development and the minimum is 4 dwelling units per acre. Gross is 9 dwelling units per acre. " Participant question: "so are we maxing out in this neighborhood?" Pete: "What they are proposing is within the allowable density in this zone." Applicant/Consultant: "Generally the area is /has been zoned prior to annexation. The zoning was established. We didn't request a zone change. We took what the City had already defined as the zoning. The idea for LMN is higher density and at corners that then feathers into neighborhoods. In putting the single family detached homes closer to the single family detached homes that exist that was our attempt to feather into the neighborhood while the townhomes are located further away from the existing single family detached homes." Participant Question: "Is there a difference between feathering and a sledge hammer?" Applicant/Consultant: "The density is within the range allowed for the zone." Developer: "Full transparency, we could do up to 178 units per acre here. And put in more, say a gas station on the corner. But we want to be a good neighbor and work with neighborhood as best we can." Participant Question: "Can they or will the units be allowed to be mandated owner occupied?" Applicant: "State Law does not allow us to mandate ownership." Particpant: "So someone could buy all of them up and then rent them out." Applicant: "We have no say in who purchases." Pete: "The City doesn't regulate ownership." � � Participant Question: "Where will you tap into water and sewer and would there be affects to our water pressure?" Applicant/Consutling engineer explains: "the pressure question would be good to follow up with City Utilities. We will be tapping in here and here (points and explains on display map)." Participant Question: "what are you going to do about fences?" Applicant explains and points on map where fences would go. And mandated fences required by City. Participant question: "so you won't mess with our existing fences?" Developer: "No. unless you want to coordinate with installing fences or sharing fences." Participant Question: "will there be a buffer between fences?" Applicant: "what we have heard is that we want this to be private. But the City prefers a buffer or common area tract of about 10 ft so there is a drainage swail and this would be maintained by the HOA." Question: "so people could walk back there?" Applicant: "No it would be a drainage swail." Pete: (to applicant) "want to describe entire drainage for site?" Applicant explains outfalls and points on map. Majority site drains to three different detention ponds. Drain to Dixin Creek at 2 yr historic rate. Other will drain to north. Overflow wier to direct flows. All structures will be above ground." Particpant question: "so how does this go down my property line?" Applicant asks where property line is and on display map points out flows relative to participant's property line. Particpant Question: "so it looks cute up there - the townhomes - but they are three stories high?" Applicant: "no they are two story." Participant Question: "so where is the parking for the 500 cars? Applicant: "There will be street parking, garages, and visitor parking. And two public streets that allow for on street parallel parking." Participant: "How many spaces in the garage?" Applicant: " I believe each one has two garage spaces. " Developer confirms. �J • Particpant: "And some of them have three bedrooms. So you'll have three people and three cars." Applicant: "The City will hold us to the parking spaces required." Participant: "I would like to say that on the north side neighborhood on Stuart where there are townhomes now all the parking is taken up because people do not park in the garages. My concern is that there is already a parking problem and this will make it worse." Applicant: "We will meet the parking that is required by the City." Participant: "There were nine ambulances called for this past year for Overland trail/Drake corner. How are we going to handle the traffic on a busy Saturday night (at the drive in)? How will the additional 500 parking spots be addressed and managed?" Pete: "Nicole can respond to traffic." Nicole: "we do have the applicant complete a traffic study and look at amount the traffic is adding and in addition to other projects developing in the area. Some of the comments for this project: we do have safety concerns at Drake and Overland. Not typically injury accidents rather property damage only. Failing to yield. We are working with the Applicant to look at safety solutions there. Some of the options we've looked at is an acceleration lane." Participant: "What about the bicicylsts coming through?" Nicole: "the bicycle through-traffic will be important for the cycling community and we know this piece is important to include in design as well. " Particpant: "but what's the projected traffic on Blue Grass going to be?" Participant: (reading from traffic study) "'It should be noted that some using Drake Rd may migrate through neighborhood to east. (feigned surprise) "imagine that." (again reading from traffic study) "any traffic imbalances will likely be minor." "I have been on the City's bee-hind for years on that route. It is a school route. And for nineteen years I hear there's no money." Nicole: "We do have a neighborhood traffic mitigation program." Participant: "that fires me up and I've had to holler at people it's a bad thing. And now we're going to have more traffic and there are people that are going to start cutting through our neighborhood and this is going to be a real problem." Nicole: "I think this is a great area for traffic calming. Now is the time to re-engage with the area communities to look at traffic calming options." Participant: has questions about specific right turn and left turn lanes into development. Nicole responds. • • Participant: "And what about the acceleration lane and then a turn lane right after that. I've had my own staff working traffic trying to direct traffic on Saturday night. Put this on the record: I'm gonna lose my business when this neighborhood starts complaining when they can't get out of their neighborhood on a Saturday from Memorial to Labort Day." Participant: "they are gonna go down Blue Grass to get out Saturday night." Participant: "I think because you don't live there that you don't understand. Unless you have been there May to middle of August you have no idea." Particpant: "Why do you need to continue Blue Grass through at all?" Nicole: "The City has connectivity requirements. For the traffic grid. This was always planned to connect through. " Particpant: "so there is nothing we can do now? (sarcasm) It can't be changed now? Because that is how it was planned?" Particpant: "I've got a question back on the drainage. My yard backs up to the south. I mean to the north. When we had the spring creek flood my basement filled up. What would happen if another event occurred would my basement fill up more?" Applicant/Consulting engineer: "We would be diverting most of the water coming to the area south to Dixon creek. There will be far less volume going to this area (north). We would be detaining to the 100 yr storm and releasing at the 2 yr historic level. " Pete: " stormwater does have plans in the future for additional regional detention across Overland on that west side. On the corner area. And then on the Hughes property there is that existing large detention area. " Particpant: "are you going to change elevation much? Applicant: "It will pretty much be stepped. (points on display map) These will be the same then these will be lower and then these a little lower." Particpant: "what's the scale represent? Applicant: "1:50 ft. " Particpant: "then the east line - is there a minimum amount of feet between new and older division to be in place? Like 22ft or 25 ft?" Applicant: "There is no required buffer yard. Fence lines can come up to the line. The City has asked us to provide a separate tract to accommodate drainage so there will be a 10 ft drainage buffer area. But there is not a requirement. " • � Participant: "my real question is about the private alleys - how wide will they be?" Applicant: "Curb to curb 20 ft wide. " Participant: "So you can park one car on one side?" Applicant: "There would be no on-street parking in the private streetlike drive." Participant: "So all the cars wifl be in the garages?" Applicant: "Yes." Participant goes on to ask several questions about what would happen during major snowstorm events and if the private drives get blocked by a car on either end that is stuck. And emergency access. Applicant: "These are designed to meet fire access. I would say events with snowstorms. There is no difference between this development and other developments and streets. If a car gets stuck in the middle of the road or end of the road the challenges would be the same. We are providing access loops. Cars getting stuck can happen in any neighborhood." Particpant: "Just north of Belvin Jr. High - can't get out now. And children walk to and from school. That is gonna be really bad and unsafe there for them and for any of us who use that route." Participant: "We almost need a light there. Which I know they won't put in. " Participant: "What is really upsetting is that when people need to slow down then accelerate. For this Overland /Drake area. It causes pollution. I get tired of the City saying this is a major intersection. It is a curve." Nicole: "We cannot put the onus on this one developer for all improvements at this Overland/Drake area. In the future likely to see more permanent improvement. To help with bike traffic, help the weaving that happens here. " Participant: "is there enough right of way now for a roundabout because that seems like a really good solution. " Nicole: "not now but perhaps in the future. " Participant question: "what about sanitation: what tis the plan for sanitation services ?" Applicant/Consultant: "do you mean sewer? Participant: "No trash." Applicant/Consultant: "Each individual home owner would have their own trash service. " Developer: "the HOA would manage that. " � Participant: "Who writes the rules for the HOA?" � Developer: "We have standard language for the HOA. Generally most HOAs coordinate to have less trash carriers on a street. " Participant: "Would be required by developer to put in a speed bump on Blue Grass ?" Participant: "they have to because the City says there's no money." Participant: "Ted Shepard said there would need to be consensus by the neighborhood to put in a speed bump." Nicole: "That is something that can be discussed and could help with traffic calming. We would need neighborhood support." Participant: "when is the City going to put in two lanes both ways on Overland Trail? So four total?" Nicole: "That was in the masterplan previously. It most likely is not going to happen now though." Particpant: (coming up to point on display board) "I've lived here about 25 years. I'm not sure how you talk about this water doing this way. Right now all water slopes to this corner. When I first lived here this area used to be slope. How are you going to have no water here? What is that historic rate mentioned?" Applicant/Consultant: "we are changing the grading on the site. With changing the grading on the site we are able to direct the majority of water to the south and limit the amount that goes north. As for 2 yr release rate that is the historic rate. " Several more questions about water flows and managing for drainage in small and large events. Applicant responds and describes more of drainage plan. Participant: "What about dust control during construction? Are we going to be choking or gagging on dust?" Developer: "every development requires mitigation for dust during construction. Silt fences, berms, seeding, water on the ground." Participant: "So will BlueGrass remain closed until construction is complete?" Pete: "that is something that can be coordinated with this project. " Developer: "we can put in tracking pads to direct traffic." Participant: "And that is already planned in the master plan - that street comes through. Comes right through my driveway. And I'll be dead when that goes through." • • Participant: "we could have two access points and not have access through Blue Grass." Applicant: "there is no minimum for access points but we do have limits and spacing for access off of arterials. " Applicant and Nicole explain in more detail constraints on access points. Participant: "Can we revisit the water pressure deal? How would this affect water pressure in the area?" Participant: "And when we've spoken with utilities they say well that's the way it is." Nicole: "I can follow up with someone from utilities." Developer: "water lines will need to be sized correctly. That will be a code we will meet." Participant: "so the way doing the detention ponds there will be certain amount of water going downstream into Dixon Creek. " Applicant/Consultant: "we have to meet the 2-yr historic rate. We have to detain more and release slower in order to meet 2 yr historic rate and not exceed that. "We are detaining to historic two year. So we are not putting more into Dixon Creek than there has been historically in 2 yr events. " Particpant: "Is there any re-contouring planned along the drainage?" Stephanie: "Currently there are no plans for altering the ditch. The idea is to keep in place what is there. To limit the area of development and impact to that area as there is good growth there of native and non-native vegetation. However, if there is a desire to add undulations or contours we could of course look into incorporating that into the design of that natural habitat area." Participant: "I have a question about the natural area. So what would be the start date? For the project?" Pete: "well we don't know how long the development review processs may take. Generally 2-3 months depending on rounds of review, then another month for final approval . then the project becomes eligible for permitting. Guessing maybe this summer. " Participant: "so we're anticipating in August or September mayber? For start to the project?" Pete: "I really can't say specifically." Participant: "we neighbors would like to know. " Pete: "It depends on the rounds of review and when the proposal is ready to go to a Hearing. So a few months at least." Participant: "So this August or September? And so some of the trees there anticipate some of the trees will be saved? So with loss of trees you are required to replace trees correct?" Applicant/Consultant: "part of the process is that we meet with forestry dept staff on site. They give every single tree a rating. An inventory is made of every tree type and size and condition. Associated u �J with every tree is a mitigation number. The number could range from zero to five trees for mitigation per one tree lost. Every single tree has a mitigation number. Recently met with forestry and numbers are high and many will be required to be upsized. " Participant: "The trees do need to be checked for birds?" Applicant: "we had an ecological characterization study done already." Participant: "But that was in July and if the project is done in this year then another check needs to be done right?" Stephanie: "A standard note is included in approved plans referring to songbird nesting season Feb 1— July 31. If tree removal occurs within Feb 1—July 31 then a survey by a qualified ecological consultant or wildlife biologist must be completed to observe any active nests. If active nests are found then Colorado Parks and Wildlife must be notified to identify the species. If the species is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, then removal would need to wait until after nesting season. If the songbird is not protected by the MBTA then removal methods according to CPW could occur. If the species is endangered or threatened other regulations would apply." Participant: "I live in northeast corner. Are there a mix of tree types needed?" Applicant: "yes the City has biodiversity requirements. Cannot have any species more than 15�o total site." Particpant: "So along the north side of the property. You have some trees to go there? " Applicant: "there will. This is sort of a conceptual drawing now. But there will be " Participant: "Greenspace area in NE corner - talking about runoff. Tying into existing there?" Applicant: "Yes the existing swale along south side of drive-in will tie in there. " Participant: "And who will maintain it? City?" "Was county. " "Will it be City maintained?" Applicant: "We will not be adding additional flow. " "I was wondering who would maintain that area. " Pete: "We can figure out the maintenance responsibilities." Particpiant: "One clarification on the alley business. Where only 20 ft wide. " Participant: (walks up to display map and pointing) "Is this all alley?" • • Applicant: "This is all street like private drive. So they're never allowed to park on the street. 1.2 or 1.7 vehicles per unit is the requirement. We will be required to show we are providing at least that number." Particpant: "we don't want our neighborhood overrun with all the people that will come in with this development." Applicant explains parking and pockets of parking. Points to areas on map. Participant: "when they have a party now where do they park. We have area, we have space, we have large driveways. Across the way is not another house. So the dynamic is not the same." Applicant: "I appreciate the comment. We will provide the minimum parking required and work to design in as many visitor parking spaces as possible." Participant: "we all know it is a lot of disruption. It's going to happen. The biggest will be traffic. When the drive-in goes every Friday and Saturday night. I really want to encourage use of this intersection. And discourage movement through neighborhood." Pete: "describing example of Lemay and project and similar traffic mitigation measures that can be looked at. Perhaps keep a clear zone. Of course the drive-in nearby is a unique situation. " Particpant (Drive-in owner): "we have three EMTs on staff to help those accidents coming off Horsetooth. I know every firefighter by name. it's an issue on that road." Participant: "I'd like to go on the record to say to consider decreasing the density on this site. What I've heard from the neighbors are traffic and stormwater concerns. What kind of recourse to we have with all the numbers and stormwater issues if something happens? What kind of recourse do we have? If the dust is more than anticipated? Who do we go to?" Pete: "You'll have Ted' s contact information. And can always call the City and then be put into contact with correct and most appropriate person to respond. For any and all development projects it has to meet our requirements. It has to meet our environmental, stormwater, density and design requirements. If it doesn't meet them then they must ask for modification of standards. If it doesn't meet standards and modifications are not supported then Staff does not recommend approval. Again your comments tonight are part of the record and remember you can attend the Hearing. " Particpant: "Are we told when this Hearing takes place?" Pete: "yes to everyone. We will also send notice out to that list on the table the sign in sheet." Particpant: "talking before about the elevation. And how will change. Along Overland will be tiered down. How do those townhomes look on that end?" Applicant: (pointing on display map) "these townhomes will be a little higher than this property line and drain out to here." � . Participant: "What about lighting? What will the lighting be like? Curious how that will look." Developer: "We would be happy to minimize that. Caveat: we don't make the rules we just need to follow them. We want to be a good neighbor." Participant: "LED lighting and brightness. LED sure great but they can be really really bright." Stephanie: "I can speak to the lighting. We do have requirements for outdoor lighting that lights must be fully shielded and down directional to help eliminate glare up into the night sky. As for LEDs while we do not have a code requiring this we have been highly recommending and requesting 3000 Kelvin LED temperatures or less, so warmer color temperature in order to limit the amount of blue light in the night sky. The cooler temperatures and blue light — research has been shown that color affects biological rhythms more than others at night. There is also a group in the City working on incorporating International Dark Sky Association standards into our standards and there was a City Council resolution a few months ago that spoke to recommendations for getting the City of Fort Collins on track to becoming a Dark Skies friendly City. Particpant: "can we see the elevations of the site." Developer: "Do you mean a grading plan, topo, site grading etc." Participant: "Well what will it look like from the backyards of the existing homes ?" Applicant: "there are grading plans and other plans available to view online. On the City documents site." Participant: "Going back to Overland. You mentioned turn lanes. Headed south. Heading into bluegrass. There is no center lane now. Is there a proposal to add that or widen that?" Applicant: "we would be required to widen Overland for entire length of site. " Participant: "I have density and parking concerns. I would imagine there is required open space in all new proposals. But has it — the location for the natural area - forced too many units north of that ditch. I think it's na�ive to say two car garages that two cars will be in the garages. There's no alternative to park anywhere else. In my opinion. Where off street parking for 111 units? I'm saying every house there's not going to be extra cars. But I don't see where they're doing to go. I think it is because the density is too high. I don't' know where they're going to park. You can park on the open space I guess. I know the City has standards. But if you look at those standards. If there were a way to widen those streets so can be more. Even if that means less open space." Developer: "we can look into ways to control with permits or create covenants for parking. On the density. Of course developers want to max density no matter what. The maximum here could be 178. To be transparent about that. But trying to accommodate and we did some things well tried to do some things upfront like by reducing number of units." 0 • u Particpant: "when talking about those homes. Making those homes the exteriors match the homes behind them. That would happen right?" Developer: "Well we'll have design standards. " Particpant: "I'm curious about the overall height of these townhomes. And is the garage above ground and then two stories above that? " Applicant: "I'm trying to remember the exact total height. Isn't the maximum 2.5 stories (to Pete). There is an exact height allowed in LMN. Will not exceed that height. " Pete: "to clarify does not mean 2.5 stories on top of garage. And the single family homes follow same guidelines." Participant: "Is it an option for property management company or separate to buy up bunch of these townhomes and rent them. You're building the properties but also responsible for selling the homes?" Developer: "No another entity would be selling the homes." Participant: "So we could have townhomes but they could all be rentals. That's my question. Right now it is a pretty quiet neighborhood. If all becomes rentals. And then theft issues. And then with all the cars that would bring. What happens when you have 111 units? Let's be realistic. When you have all those people crammed into that area." Participant: "what are the City regulations now so many people per something or other." Pete: "the you plus two unrelated occupancy. But we don't regulate ownership." Particpant: "on your single family houses supposed to be buffer? Lots look 50ft wide. So how close will they be together?" Applicant: "10 ft between each home." Particpant: "so it will be a solid row of homes." Applicant: "During a meeting prior to annexation we worked to alter lot lines instead of everything aligning exactly with existing homes lot lines. This ends up helping — so the houses are offset." Participant: "I'm sure there as a developer, that this seems to be a hostile environment. But, I can't help but stand here to say this seems to be the dreaded three words. Student oriented housing. What happened to the single family only housing plans?" Developer: "We never submitted a plan that was only single family. We have never submitted a plan that was only single family. That was not us." . � � Participant: so I also have concerns about the density. For me personally I would love to see some senior ranch style housing. I tried to move a senior out here but everything has stairs. So if you fill that in with some senior houses instead I would prefer that. " Participant: "Have you ever done projects in Fort Collins before?" Develoepr: "This will be our first community in the City of Fort Collins. We own other property in the area to come through later. " Developer explains various example projects in other surrounding communities on Front Range including Windsor. Participant: "(to Pete) do you know what's the acreage on the Lemay/Vine site the Lemay/Lincoln project?" Pete: "Capstone? that overall is less than 30 acres." Participant: "my point is this isn't student housing. There's 800 units going in there on that other site and there are 4-500 bedrooms. But I am still concerned about parking." Pete: "We can provide the parking numbers. We don't have them right now but we can provide them." Particpant: "I came in late I apologize. I have a family. Do we know if these will be ugly cheaply made townhomes that will be terrible colors? I want know what kind of quality will these buildings be?" Developer: "all of our builders build quality products. You can do down and check out examples in other areas nearby. In Windsor. And online. " Participant: "for example near Blue Spruce they look so cheaply made. " Developer: "I can't speak to that." Participant: "what happens with that open space? Can you change it to a gas station later?" Developer: "No it will be included on the plat for the whole site." Participant: "What about trees in drainage area? Can we have trees there? And some evergreens?" Applicant: "I would be happy to add evergreens." People laugh. Participant: "Good. Because I want evergreens. " Particpant: "there's no bus stops within a mile of this area. Or bus routes. No public transportaion. Is the City thinking of anything in regard to that? , � � Nicole: "In the strategic plan (10 yrs) I believe there is a plan for here- for public transporation - yes but currently it isn't funded. They (Developer) do have to build the future stops the future stops that would be required for future service. Short answer: those plans would eventually complete the network. " Particpant: "How do you perceive school buses addressing that? So may have kids in there. Will there be bus stops for kids?" Nicole: "we work with school districts on development projects to look at needed stops." Participant: "what is the next step from today?" Pete: "The City continues to review project development plans. Depending on the number of rounds of review then if and when ready will go to a Hearing in front of a Hearing Officer." Participant: "What step are we on in the diagram? Five?" Pete: "We are here at the neighborhoodd meeting. We are reviewing the project application now. Once get to a point where project meets City requirements and say it is ready for Hearing. Not until Staff satisfied with requirements. Then will schedule a Hearing. Notice goes out when hearing is and that is something anyone can attend and provide comment at. " Particpant: "so we are on step five." Pete: "No we are on step two." Participant comes up to Stephanie and wants to make sure earlier question to participants was recorded asking about hands raised and how many were concerned with density. Wanted to make sure it was recorded that 90-95% those at the meeting raised hands — concern with density. Stephanie assures participant this was recorded. Participant: "So are these plans totally set? Because I don't want townhomes going in there. Is there any wdy to say no we don't want this?" Participant: "Yes how can we stop this?" Pete explains process again and recording of comments. Traffic questions raised again, parking and density. And how to stop the project. Stephanie: "If I can step in and speak to the specific question of `how to stop this.' To be clear there is no way to stop this beyond buying the property. Private property owners have rights. We all want our private property rights to be honored when it is our property. But it is hard when it is adjacent and cannot control change there. As for the housing types here, from a City perspective, we want more diversity in housing types. Units like these are needed. We talk about the missing middle and it is a statewide problem. In Fort Collins we have affordable housing issues to address. We appreciate and value your comments and thank you for coming tonight. And understand the concerns of the � � ` neighborhood. But I want to say that as City Staff and as Planners we are thinking of the entire community of Fort Collins and trying to balance the needs of the entire area. That is the reality and what we work to do. Not everyone wants to live in or can afford a single family detached home. Senior style ranch homes were mentioned earlier. Well, not all seniors want to live in those type of homes or can afford those types of homes. There is a need city-wide for different housing types and townhomes are included in that need. We appreciate your comments and concerns and have recorded them. And there is an appeal process if the project plans are approved. However, I don't want to set a false expectation that there is "a way to stop this," and want to provide context for desire for mixed housing types. Participant: "But what about the elementary schools and all the kids that will come in with this development how will the school accommodate them?" Nicole: "we work with the school districts on those plans and meeting those needs." Participant: "I do not disagree with what you are saying. But I think this area is not the right area for this type of project and for this type of housing and density." Stephanie: "I am sorry but that is what most people in most neighborhoods say, but, there is a community wide need for housing and different housing types." Participant: "But there are no other services in this area there will be people stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with no retail or schools or other services nearby." Stephanie: "In twenty years there will most likely be more of those services near this area. The changes can be a challenge but there is a balancing act necessary." Pete: "We want to thank you all for coming. Please make sure you take handouts and signed in. Remember your comments will be recorded." Time: 8:35pm Most people start dispersing although some come up to Applicants and Developer and City Staff to ask some more questions, get clarifications, or provide some more comments. Neighborhood Meeting Sign-in Sheet Did You Receive Written Current Notification of this Address? Proposal Name: . �r;� �. 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O Nathan Hammer, 970-690-8896, 2433 Compass Ct. • Too many people create more problems than you can handle. I see this becoming a high density area that will create problems! I.E. Police Proposed project does not continue the neighborhoods adjacent. The overall density of project is too high for area. The buildings are not guaranteed homeowners and will be rentals which will take away quality of life as well as property values. These properties will not help the middle-class population to buy homes vs renting as the prices of home ownership is still too high. Traffic is a huge issue to consider. Height of townhomes is also an issue — why block view of Horsetooth? I'd rather pay extra taxes than have this development. Rose Serna, 2800 Morgan Ct., ROSEYYVONNE@LIVE.COM, 970-941-2116 . This project (Mountain's Edge) will destroy part of Fort Collins' identity and character. It will be a shame to see this type of project with its high density so close to our best resource, the reservoir There are major issues regarding traffic and drainage mitigation that will greatly reduce the quality of living for current Brown's Farm residents and future residents of the project. Developer's greed should be stopped, especially on a corner that is so iconic for our city. James Herzog, 2800 Morgan Ct., Fort Collins, Co 80526, iczoq@yahoo.com • From the meeting: o #1 concern—Traffic and parking o#1 overlooked (by developer)—The Drive-Inn they're way underestimating the effect. Rod Holland, 23875eccomb, 80526, rholland.03@pmail.com • Density will cause huge traffic problems. Especially on Yorkshire and Bluegrass St. I already can barely get out of my driveway now. The new development will add 800+ trips a day in that area. Scott Chapman, 2536 Yorkshire St., Rusticambiance@qmail.com, 970-219-5151 • The amount of increased traffic down Bluegrass onto Yorkshire will be huge. The traffic study mentions >800 trips will be into this neighborhood. I guarantee a majority of this traffic will filter onto Yorkshire. There has to be a better alternative to enter the neighborhood. Parking is also a huge issue when owners have more than 2 cars. The density is way too big. Robin Smith-Chapman, 2536 Yorkshire St., 80526, Rsmith@hach.com • � • 1. Since the developer (1eff) offered to pay for speed bumps, please have them added on Yorkshire (Drake to Stuart) and Bluegrass. 2. Can you lease plant large evergreen trees at the site's NE corner for our privacy? We are in the sight line for a long row of condos, and large evergreens in that corner would help. • This is a terrible project for this location. It places too many people in an area not suited for the additional traffic. High density dwellings are not appropriate. Bluegrass should not be a thru street. The corner of Drake/Overland is already an awful, dangerous intersection. No development should take place until it is improved. There are no schools, businesses anywhere over here—forcing everyone to commute by car. Currently there is no bus service. Kelly Reasoner, ki.reasoner@earthlink.net, 224-2291 • 1. How is this "affordable" housing? I thought a priority of L-M-D was for it to be affordable? 2. PLEASE put a buffer of land along the eastern boundary! We are losing value on our home due to the loss of our view. Our quality of life will go down due to this development, by developers who DO NOT live here! 3. Traffic from this will be a nightmare! 4. I would like to see a decrease in density, OR, a development that is designed to be affordable for single families. Eliza Walthers, 2421 Compass Ct., Fort Collins, 80526, elizawalthers(�yahoo.com, 970-472-5144 • Appreciate the meeting and the opportunity to ask questions. The developer reps were very polite and knowledgeable. Would like the City to address 4 lanes of traffic on Overland and put a stop sign or 20 mph speed limit on the southbound portion of Overland. There is ^'zero visibility when turning N. off Drake. Thanks! Jack Barnes, iktumi(a�qmail.com • Please provide audio amplification for hearing challenged! �om�ent Card Please providP your written comments about the �roposed project below: '�� i �� �" "a� � ��.�..: t ��� ,� '� � ►.�, - _�x..�; . l'-- P ¢__�,�r.��-�I1 i iv_ uJ2_1_Lr__��__ir`G� i_,(�o Co,v_sTiz vcTr_Q�_ _��z_virf� � - L f'�95. - — _ _ _Gc1 i L L ..._.��tJTr�l� --t��0 tic_--�`_v_�(�R.�9-S_S �r2 � - - c�����zv� s � _ �`%_�{�,��� �� �>,�, <� �3�-- �L��� o.cJ_�L1L���_��� ��_. � ��_--�.�- -- o � s�_/�- � o _s'-�(��------------ ----__-------------- - - ------ ---- - ------- 3 � 11_J __�--�1_/_ _l� __�-/9-O���t�(JG-__�-� �� � n .�-, u L d�.-�-- �C��s�_ Go,�'� � �2.—/-��7--- - - � � �t /-��- �Q� j�_ ±�G__ � �' T _� 7 r�f�_L_,�_ _I Nk � �--C=7rf(iG� _� _ � �� G� - --% N�rc� ��}v2r}e�s �6/Z. �/f�� S _�_�' rb 2�� �: � '- Coi�tact information (optional): 3-0 �``� f i��c +4,� L-� --_-._. Name �'y7-,��G -I3G`� ---------- - ----- _ ___ _ _ Phone ���i�GrMcJ �Si3c_��a�o�Cr. Err�ail Address _.Z9/� ��4UEC"s�fiS 5 �Jrz, 1�1�i�ing Add����;5 ,c�� i �3as �-�_- • �