Cityrof_ p ��'ai1S o�-iation Developmernt Review Fee Date Received/ �i ��� ��
���1 ��]E,��6 U� ;�%�� ����� f�j Total Amount Paid ��
/������ P�°� Project Name:
Project Location: Date: `'� � � � �"
Type of Submittal
Please indicate the type of application submitted by checking the box
precedinQ the appropriate request(s).
Fee structure amount due
❑ Overall Development Plan (ODP) $500 each
❑ Fina] Development Plan (FDP)
This fee includes 2 rounds of review
_, Additiona] round ofreview
a'! 000 �ach
$ 500 each
� Annexation $?0 X _ acres = _ + $?50 =
The maximum fee for each annexation documend filine shall be $2,U00
❑ Minor Amendment
G Major Amendment
G Re-zone
� Modification to Land Use Code
$158 each
$2,500 each
$200 each
$200 each
- W�reless Telecommunication Equipment (WTL) $65 each
C� Road Projects acres (of roadway) X�3,500 =
❑ Vacation of Easement(s) *"" f! o1'vacations X$400 =
❑ Vacat�on of Ri�ht(s)-of-Way "'�` * # of vacations _ X$800 =
�1 Ded�cation of Easement(s) and/or Riglit(s)-of-Way �'`*
# of dedications _ X $250 =
CI Project Development Plan (PDi') or Basic Develo, rr,eni Review
Project requ�nn�; Transportation Se;vices Review ar.�d/or utiJiTy plan revie�.v
This fee i�cludec 3 rounds of review
Detacl�ed Sin<�le Famih� �]60 per unit
Multifamily or other residentiaJ units $1 I� per unii
n ofunitsX$115—
�C Commercial, Industnal, Retail, and/or Non residential
building square footage $0.25 per square root �,
� (p� Z�� �o?s = �`'�,lvB�J
%C Si.ze of the development (area be�ng platted or if not be�ne
platted size of parce] accompanying al development ��`'i 6�
improvements) $250 per acre � acres X$ Z50 = r
Project fee $2,000 each �.000 •
Total of above amounts
Ifthis fee zmount e�:ceeds 530,000 then the fee amount shall be adjusted with the
.`ollowinc formula: $30,000 + �/z (the amount oti�er 30,000 ) _
The maximum fee for ar,y residentia] 0?�'LY project shall be £500 per resident�al unit.
��is check shouid be usee to venfy the ;ee amount (does not apply to mixed-use
de�-elopmenuj. PDP fee shzll be the lesser of this amount or the above calculated
zrnount � ofresidenrizl units �: 5500 =
1,: fh�s ,`ee zmow�t equais or esceeds �65,000 then d,e Ciry ?�anaEer shall have the zbilir�
cc rzeuce che ;ee zm�unt.
�edachon for a�ordable housmg — z copy or the City ]e�ter certiiymgJ 2uthor.zin� ?he
afford2ble nousu�= sh211 be prov;ded vr,th £rus app!:cation .;mount of reduct+.on to be
z��i!ed V
2U12 form
����j i
TCtal p,�vedforpDP '��ft`�`
General Information:
O�► ners Name(s): ,����� 7`% �,L`i
Street address (%�rj � ����j/_ �
Ciiy; Stat�/Zip: ��/y�� /�/�,
�yy«. ---.�—
Telephone:��r�1��. S�Qv Fax: —
Applic:ints/ Consultants Firm Name:
������- �l�'�����1�_
Contact: �/� ��
Street address: ��/ �j _1���, ` ��
-� -�r
City/S1ate/ Zip f������`���' � ���� --
Telephone: �,��? �j�/ Fax: �l. Q. 3�
By s�en;ng this pennit I acicnowledge that I am acting wilh
the i<nowled�e, consent, and authonty of the owners of the
property (including all owners having lega] or equitabl�
interest m the real property, as defined in Section I-2 ofihe
City Code; and including common areas ]e�ally connecied
to or associated with the property �a�hich is ihe subjed nf
chis application) withoul whose consent and authonty 1he
requested action could no� Jawfully be accomplished
Pursuant to said autliorit}�, T hereby permit City officials �n
enier upon the property for purposes of inspection.
Name (please int
Signature _
Telephone T
Foot Notes:
When a development project invulves a change of use for a
building, the charge per square foot shall app]y to the portion of
the overall buildme size for which the change of use �s proposed,
provided that the ne�+ use _�enerares more traffic than the e�isiine
use, as determined by the current ]nstitute of Transponation
Ent�neers 7np Generation i£the ne�a use does not eeneraie more
traffic than the existine use then the charee per square foot for
shall apply or�y to the net additional buiJding size (ifanyj
1'hese fees do not include the cost of filine fees for the recordine of
the Development Ae-reement When a De� elopment Aereemem or
Amendment A�eement is entered into the Develcper sh21? be
responsible for the cost ofrecordine the document. Szid 51ine fees
shz11 be calculated and prcvided when the signed docw-nent �:.
setumed to �he Ciry for sienzwes and fii;nQ
'' 1 t�s iee does not ir,clude the cost oi f ling fees Fil�ng
fees shzl] be aetzrmined a� the ilffiE Gf final ciocument
sLb,:uttal 2nd w;il be reGuired pror �o fii;n,.
cc Chri<_t�e Wt:;te; Engineer;ng
Deveicpmen` Rev;�w �n�ineer:n°