February 7, 1996
Mitch Haas
City of Fort Collins
Community Planning and
Environmental Services
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mitch;
urban design, inc.
3555 stanford road, suite 105
fort collins, colorado 80525
(970) 226-4074
FAX (970) 226-4196
Attached are five sets of prints of the Miramont Village - Preliminary PUD plans, revised
in response to Staff Comments. Specific responses include:
A. Plan Comments:
Part of the intent of the Preliminary PUD design is to create the opportunity and
encourage a consistent street tree program at the Lemay/SouthRidge Greens
intersection. The potential street trees on the south side of the street would be
by others, and have been so noted.
3/4. A pedestrian connection from the cul-de-sac to the public street has been
added. Based on the location of likely pedestrian destinations, we feel that the
addition of mid -block walkways would be unattractive to the adjacent
homeowners; and would be a convenience to only a very few people.
As indicated in the VPS, some streets have such low traffic volumes that there
is no need to provide separate walkways. We feel that the small cul-de-sac in
o0rG61A the northwest corner represents this type of condition. While we could add a
walk around the southwest portion of the cul; this would only add unnecessary fJ�
p�p�Ra' `' pavement and force increased front yard depth. ... + qa7rr gg0000 Toe oaaTA 91o¢�
The city has consistently not required walks on both sides of single loaded
streets or private drives. As per All Development Criteria A-2.6, we feel that
the proposed walkway system accommodates pedestrian movement safely and
conveniently. The addition of the superfluous walkways or painted crosswalks
on minor local streets as suggested in the Staff comments would detract from
the attractiveness of the development.
5. This development is not proposing a fence along the north property line.
6. The purpose of including side loaded garages on some units is to provide an
alternative to a consistent/monotonous streetscape of garage doors. Depending
on the floor plan finally selected for lots 38 and 39 either, both, or neither, of
• / per/ /� r Q p
urban design, inc.
these lots may have driveways that access the side street. As noted, the �Q �•
building foot�ri.nts shown are for illustrative purposes onl � �
general intensity of the proposed development..., �o
C. General Notes Comments:
1 &3. In the past Staff Planners and/or P&Z Board members have asked for these
types of clarifications. Therefore these notes will remain on the Preliminary
A. Residential Uses Point Chart (Density Chart):
04 /1. When accurately measured (see attached) 51 of the 52 lots are within 4000
feet of Harmony Market.
4. The existing facilities at Collinwood provide employment for 49 persons.
Approved PUD plans include a 50% increase in beds and an additional 15,000
sq. ft. of medical office space which will equate to an additional 60 to 70 jobs.
The current definition of Major Employment Center in the LDGS is "... the
location of one (1) or more nonresidential uses which employ or will employ a •�rER
combined total of more than one hundred (100) full-time employees during a�fr�ckC�*1
single eight -hour shift." Collinwood is also part of the approved
OakRidge/OakRidge West Master Plan (ODP), which is clearly a major
employment center.
7. With 15 points taken under Criteria 'Y', the proposed plan achieves 81 points.
o�v o According to the City Staff analysis (Woodland Station Preliminary PUD,
February 6, 1995) a commitment to a minimum of G-80 on the City's Energy
\Score rating system, which exceeds the City minimum of G-70, will result in
energy costs of $ .173/sq. ft. vs. $ .245/sq. ft., "an improvement of about
�Fti'+�aM�•..�vr 30%."
� _,:; -Ta 7o QEVr�J
Mt�l� it 1�O should also be considered that as soon as public improvements to the
adjacent Ramparts at Miramont are completed, this project would achieve 30
points for contiguity (Criteria "j"). Or if this site would have simply been
TTIL06 combined with the Ramparts or the Miramont Phase Three Preliminary PUD,
T�� there would have been no doubt as to the number of points being adequate.
This site represents a logical continuation of the phased development of a well
6f -- planned mixed use development including a variety of housing types.
A. Engineering:
1. The engineering comment that the emergency access onto Lemay is not OK for
permanent access seems to contradict the conceptual review comments and
the direction we received from Poudre Fire Authority on this subject. The
access is proposed to be limited to pedestrian and emergency vehicle access
only, and will be designed to PFA standards.
urban design, inc.
2. The developer of Miramont has reached agreement with the adjacent property
owner regarding the dedication of the SouthRidge Greens Boulevard right-of-�
way. ACT--hL
C. Zoning: (XaCWfi°`'-1
Ft Wt-L.
,j'1-3. These comments apply to the Final, not Preliminary, PUD.
0,4, �4. 28' streets have consistently been allowed with parking on one side. By
defining the proposed parking stalls, it should be more clear to both residents
and guests where parking is appropriate. Proposed new City street standards
would allow parking on both sides of local streets only 2' wider than those
proposed on these single loaded private streets.
E. Transportation:
Walks on both sides of these single loaded, private streets are not needed or
H. Streets:
1 . Snow removal is by code the responsibility of the adjacent property owner; in
this case the owners' association.
L. Water Conservation:
1 . The requested notes will be included on the Final Landscape Plans as required.
Ten sets of prints, reductions, and color renderings will be submitted by February 20th,
as requested. Please d_ o not hesitate to call if you need further information; or if we need to
meet regarding any of our revisions
Eldon Ward, President
Cityscape Urban Design, Inc.
cc: Jim Postle, James Company
Tricia Kroetch, RBD, Inc.
Criterion Credit
a 2000 feet of an existing or approved neighborhood shopping center; or
2000 feet of an approved, but not constructed neighborhood shopping center
b 650 feet of an existing transit stop (applicable only to projects having a density of at least six (6) dwelling units per
acre on a gross acreage basis)
c 4000 feet of an existing or approved regional shopping center - Harmony Market
d 3500 feet of an existing neighborhood or community park; or community facility (ex: golf course); or
3500 feet of a publicly owned, but not developed, neighborhood or community park, or community facility (except
golf courses); or
3500 feet of a publicly owned golf course, whether developed or not
2500 feet of an existing school, meeting all requirements of the State of Colorado compulsory education laws -
Werner Ebmentary School
f 1 3000 feet of a major employment center - Colinwood, 20% 2b%
g 1000 feet of a child care center 5%
In "North" Fort Collins 20%
i The Central Business District 20%
j A project whose boundary is contiguous to existing urban development. Credit may be earned as follows: 30%
0% For projects whose property boundary has 0-10% contiguity;
10 - 15% For projects whose property boundary has 10 - 20% contiguity;
15 - 20% For projects whose property boundary has 20 - 30% contiguity;
20 - 25% For projects whose property boundary has 30 - 40% contiguity;
25 - 30% For projects whose property boundary has 40 - 50% contiguity;
k If it can be demonstrated that the project will reduce non-renewable energy usage either through the application of alternative
energy systems or through committed energy conservation measures beyond those normally required by City Code, a 5% bonus
may be earned for every 5% reduction in energy use. Homes in this development wX on average achieve an Energy Score Rating
o/ G-80 or more. This exceeds current City mitrmums by 15 to 30%.
I Calculate a 1 % bonus for every 50 acres included in this project.
Calculate the percentage of the total acres in the project that are devoted to recreational use. Enter 1/i of that percentage as a
n If the applicant commits to preserving permanent off -site open space that meets the City's minimum requirements, calculate the
percentage of this open space acreage to the total development acreage and enter this percentage as a bonus.
o If part of the total development budget is to be spent on neighborhood public transit facilities which are not otherwise required by
City Code, enter a 2% bonus for every $100 per dwelling unit invested.
p If part of the total development budget is to be spent on neighborhood facilities and services which are not otherwise required by
City Code, enter a 1 % bonus for every $1 00 per dwelling unit invested.
` 20%t of Open Space Landscape = $55,000
q If a commitment is being made to develop a specified percentage of the total number of dwelling units for low income families,
enter that percentage as a bonus, up to a maximum of 30%.
r If a commitment is being made to develop a specified percentage of the total number of dwelling units for Type "A" and Type "B"
handicapped housing as defined by the City of Fort Collins, calculate the bonus as follows:
Type "A" .5 X Type"A" Units
Total Units In no case shall the combined bonus be greater than 30%
Type "B" 1.0 X Type"B" Units
Total Units
Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments
The City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Revised September 1994
Criterion Credit
If the site or adjacent property contains a historic building or place, a bonus may be earned for the following:
3°% For preventing or mitigating outside influences adverse to its preservations (e.g. environmental, land use,
aesthetic, economic and social factors;
For assuring that new structures will be in keeping with the character of the building or place, while avoiding
3% total units;
For proposing adaptive use of the building or place that will lead to its continuance, preservation, and
3% improvement
in an appropriate manner.
If a portion or all of the required parking in the multiple family project is provided underground, within the building, or in an elevate
parking structure as an accessory use to the primary structure, a bonus may be earned as follows:
9% For providing 75% or more of the parking in a structure;
6°% For providing 50 - 74% of the parking in a structure;
3% For providing 25 - 49% of the parking in a structure.
If a commitment is being made to provide approved automatic fire extinguishing systems for the dwelling units, enter a bonus of
If the applicant commits to providing adequate, safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle connections between the project and
any of the destination points described below, calculate the bonus as follows:
5°% For connecting to the nearest existing City sidewalk and bicycle path/lane;
5% For connecting to any existing public school, park and transit stop within the distances as defined in this
Density Chart;
5% For connecting to an existing City bicycle trail which is adjacent to or traverses the project.
Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments
The City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Revised September 1994