HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAK HILL APARTMENTS PUD - FINAL - 54-87V - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORMOAK HILL AP*MENTS FINAL PUD Activity A: ALL DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA ALL CRITERIA APPLICABLE CRITERIA ONLY CRITERION Is the uiten6n. applicable? Will the afterion be satisfied? •i If no, please explain . • c zo a � Yes No Al. COMMUNITY -WIDE CRITERIA 1.1 Solar Orientation x 1.2 Comprehensive Plan IX x 1.3. Wildlife Habitat x 1.4 Mineral Deposit x 1.5 Ecologically Sensitive Areas reserved reserved 1.6 Lands of Agricultural Importance 1.7 _ _ Enercv- Conservation Ix I x 1.8 Air Qualitv IX 1.9 Water Quality x 1 x 1.10 Sewage and Wastes I. Ix I x A 2: NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY CRITERIA 2.1 Vehicular. Pedestrian, Bike Transportation x x 2.2 Buildina Placement and Orientation x x 2.3 Natural- Features Ix I x 2.4 Vehicular Circulation and Parking x x 2.5 Emergency Access x x 2.6 Pedestrian Circulation x x 2.7 Architecture x x _ • 2.8 Building, Height and Views 2.9 Shading _ x x 2.10 Solar Access x x 2.11. Historic Resources x 2.12 Setbacks X I x 2.13 Landscape. x x 2.14 Sians x 2.15 Site Lighting x x -2.16 Noise and Vibration 2.17 Glare or Heat x 2.18 Hazardous Materials A 3. ENGINEERING CRITERIA 3.1 Utility Capacity 3.2 Design Standards X1 x 3.3 Water Hazards Ix 3.4 Geologic Hazards x . 54 OAK H APARTMENTS FINAL PUD DENSITY CHART Maximum Earned Criterion Credit If Ail Dwelling Units Are Within: Credit a 20% -21=feet of on existing or approved neighborhood shopping cantor. S t e e l e S 20 b JO% 650tool ofanexisting trorWtslop. C 10% 4WOtool ofonexisting orapproved rogtandshopping cantor. 'Harmony Market 10 d 20% 3500feel ofonexisting orresomedneighborhood paik.communilyporkorcommunity toctilly. Miramont 20 W e 10%e 1000feet ofaschoamating oil the requiremontsof the compulsory education laws ofthe Slal rColorado.Front 10 Qf 20% mmioeioromworemptoymentcenter. OakRidge Business Park 20 m g 5% 1000feelofachildcarecenter. h 200/6 'North"FortColtins. 20% The contra Buskless District. Aprojectwhose boundary Is contiguous to existing urban developmenl.Credit may be earned as follows: projectwhose propertyboundory has 0 to 10%contiguity. 1 30% 10 to 15%—For projects whose property boundary has 10 to 20% contiguity , 15Io20%— For whose propeMboundoryhas 20to30%configul 30 ,prclects 20 to 25%—Fa projods whoso proporly boundary has 30 fo 40%configutty. 25 to30%—For Pro)edswhos propertyboundary. hsos4010 50%conllpWty. k If It conbo demonstrated tholl the project will reduce non-ronewablo energy useoge other lhrcughiheapprncatloriofalternotiveenergy systems orftjj*ghcornntlitodenergyconservation measures beyond that rawatyrequired byCityCod%a5%bonusmaybeearned rot every s%reduction ih onergyuse. I Calculate a 11% bonus for every 50 ocresirrAided In the project. m CdcUlole the percentage of the lolol ocres In lfw profed )hot are devoted to recreational use..enlar W of that percentage as a bonus. 7.3 If Me oppkant comWIs to preserving permanent offsite open space that meets the atysminlmrun roqulremenh, cclmlole the percentage n of this openspope acreage to the told development acreage. enter this percentage as a bonuL It part of the total development budget Is to be spent on neighborhood public transit facilities which ore not otherwise required by City Coda a enter 2% bar" lot every 5100par dwelling unit Invested tf gaff of the total development budget is to be spent on neighborhood facilities and sorviceswhich are not otherwise required byGyCode. P enteral%boriusfor every $100ordwelling unit Invested Cn• If a commitmentls being made to develop a specIfied percentage of the rotor nurnber of dwelling units for low Income families, enter that Cl percentage as a bonus, up to anwximumof30%. If a commitment Isbeing made to develop aspecified percentage of the total number of dwelling units for Type 'Pi and Type 7 handicapped (lousing as dofined.by the City of fort CoMr%calculate the bonus as follows: Or Type wl .511mes Typoe' V is rY1 TypoW—tAlimes two-'untis O Tunrfs In no case shall the combined bonus be greater than 30%. If the site orad)acentproperty contains onhistoric building or place, abonus may beearned for the following: 3% — For preventing or n-Jligollng outside hrivanGes (e.g. enutionmentol. land uso. oestheliceconornic and social factors) adverse lolls S preservation 3% — For ossnukhg that newstruchxeswillbe In keepingwlth the choroctei of the buildup or ptace.whi o ovolding told Lots 3% — For proposing odoplive we of the building or place thotwRl load to its cohlinuancie. presiivolidnand Irnprovornent Inan appropriate nwnner. If o portion or ail of rho roqukod porldng In the mulllplo fomlyprojed Is provided undergroundwlihln the building. or In an elevated parking structure as on accessoryuse to the prknarystruchmo. a bonus may be earned as follows t 9% — For provfding75%ormore dthe parking Inastructure. 6% — For providing 50.74%of the potWng In o structure: 3% —. ForprWkAng25.49%ofihoporWngIna structure. U It a convrilmont is being mode to provide approved outomolWire extinguishing sysloms for the dwq&g units. enter a bonus or l0%. 10 TOTAL 127.3 —30—