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Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.JDMMBW1Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.MBWYSG2“”“”“”“”“”Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00¾. Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.MBWYSG31)The Property Owner, Owner's Representative, Developer, Design Engineer, General Contractor, Sub-contractors, orsimilar title for the developing entity (here after referred to as the Developer) has provided these ErosionControl Materials in accordance with Erosion Control Criteria set forth in the Manual as an attempt to identifyerosion, sediment, and other potential pollutant sources associated with these Construction Activities andpreventing those pollutants from leaving the project site as an illicit discharge. Full City requirements and areoutlined and clarified in the Manual under Chapter 4: Construction Control Measures and should be used toidentify and define what is needed on a project.2)The Developer shall make themselves thoroughly familiar with the provisions and the content of thespecifications laid out in the Manual, the Development Agreement, the Erosion Control Materials compiled forthis project, and the following notes as all these materials are applicable to this project.3)The Developer shall implement and maintain Control Measures for all potential pollutants from the start of landdisturbing activities until final stabilization of the construction site.4)The City Erosion Control Inspector shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the desired start ofany construction activities on this site to allow adequate time for on-site confirmation (initial inspection whichcan take up to two business days after receiving the request) that the site is in fact protected from sedimentand pollutants discharges off site. Please contact erosion@fcgov.com early to schedule those Initial ErosionControl Inspections well in advance so that demolition, clearing, grubbing, tree removal, and scraping may beginwithout delay. Failure to receive an on-site confirmation before construction activities commence is an automatic“Notice of Violation” and can result in further enforcement actions.5)The Developer shall proactively provide all appropriate Control Measures to prevent damage to adjacentdownstream and leeward properties. This includes but is not limited to: trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements,roadways, structures, creeks, wetlands, streams, rivers, and utilities that are not designed for removal, relocation,or replacement in the course of construction.6)At all times the Developer shall be responsible to ensure adequate Control Measures are designed, selected,installed, maintain, repaired, replaced, and ultimately removed in orderto prevent and control erosion suspension, sediment transportation, and pollutant discharge as a result ofconstruction activities associated with this project.7)All applicable Control Measures based upon the sequencing and/or phasing of the project shall be installed priorto those construction activities commencing.8)As dynamic conditions (due to the nature, timing, sequence, and phasing of construction) in the field maywarrant Control Measures in addition, or different, to what is shown on these plans, the Developer shall at alltimes be responsible to implement the Control Measures that are most effective with the current state andprogress of construction. The Developer shall implement whatever measures are determined necessary, and/or asdirected by the City Erosion Control Inspector. The Developer shall insure that all Erosion Control Plans (Maps)or SWMP documents are updated to reflect the current site conditions, with updates being initialed and dated.These site inspections and site condition updates shall be made available upon request by the City.9)All listings, provisions, materials, procedures, activities, site work and the like articulated in this or other writtensite-specific documents (Including but not limited to the erosion control reports, development agreements,landscape, and drainage materials) shall meet or exceed the most restrictive language for City, County, State, andFederal regulations with regards to erosion, sediment, pollutant, and other pollution source Control Measures.The Developer shall be responsible to comply with all of these aforementioned laws and regulations.10)The Developer shall ensure that all appropriate permits (CDPS General Permit Stormwater Discharges Associatedwith Construction Activity, Dewatering, Clean Water Act, Army Corps of Engineers' 404 Wetlands MitigationPermit, etc.) have been attained prior to the relevant activity has begun. These permits or copies shall be madeavailable upon request by the City.11)The Developer shall furnish all conveniences and assistances to aid the Erosion Control Inspectors of materials,workmanship, records, and self-inspections, etc. of the Control Measures involved in the construction activities.12)The Developer shall request clarification of all apparent site construction issues that may arise due toinconsistencies in construction plans for the site or site conditions around the selected Control Measures bycontacting the Erosion Control Inspector. The Erosion Control Inspector will not be responsible for anyexplanations, interpretations, or supplementary data provided by others.13)All Control Measures shall be installed in accordance with the Manual.14)The City reserves the right to require additional Control Measures as site conditions warrant, to the extentauthorized by relevant legal authority.15)As with any construction standards, occasions may arise where the minimum erosion control standards are eitherinappropriate or cannot be justified. In these cases, a variance to thesestandards may be applied for pursuant to the terms, conditions, and procedures of the Manual.16)Inspection. The contractor shall inspect site pollutant sources and implement Control Measures at a minimum ofonce every two weeks during construction and within 24 hours following a precipitation event. Documentation ofeach inspection shall be recorded and retained by the contractor.17)All temporary Control Measures shall be cleaned, repaired, or reconstructed as necessary in order to assurecontinual performance of their intended function. All retained sediments, particularly those on paved roadwaysurfaces, shalM18)l be removed and disposed of in a manner and location so as not to cause their release into any drainage way.19)Any Control Measure may be substituted for another standard Control Measure so long as that Control Measureis equal to, or of greater protection than the original Control Measure that was to be used in that location. (ex.silt fence, for wattles, or for compact berms) Wattle alone on commercial construction sites have shown to bean ineffective substitute for silt fence or compact berms unless it is accompanied by a construction fence toprevent vehicle traffic.20)Any implementation or replacement of existing Control Measures for a non-standard control, or alternative ControlMeasure, shall require the review and acceptance by the City erosion control staff before the measure will beallowed to be used on this project. These Control Measures' details shall be submitted, reviewed and acceptedto be in accordance with the Erosion Control Criteria based upon the functionality and effectiveness inaccordance with sound engineering and hydrological practicesLand disturbance, Stockpiles, and Storage of Soils21)There shall be no earth-disturbing activity outside the limits designated on the accepted plans. Off road stagingareas or stockpiles must be preapproved by the City. Disturbances beyond these limits will be restored tooriginal condition.22)Pre-disturbance vegetation shall be identified, protected, and retained wherever possible. Removal or disturbanceof existing vegetation shall be limited to the area required for immediate construction operations, and for theshortest practical period of time. This should include sequencing and phasing construction activities in a way sothat the soil is not exposed for long periods of time by schedule or limit grading to small areas. This shouldalso include when practical advancing the schedule on stabilization activities such that landscaping takes placeshortly if not immediately after grading has occurred. Vegetation efforts shall start as soon as possible to returnthe site to a stabilized condition. Sensitive areas should avoid clearing and grading activities as much possible.23)All exposed soils or disturbed areas are considered a potential pollutant and shall have Control Measuresimplemented on the site to prevent materials from leaving the site.24)All soils exposed during land disturbing activity (stripping, grading, utility installations, stockpiling, filling, etc.) shallbe kept in a roughened condition at all times by equipment tracking, scarifying or disking the surface on acontour with a 2 to 4 inch minimum variation in soil surface until mulch, vegetation, and/or other permanenterosion control is installed.25)No soil stockpile shall exceed ten (10) feet in height. All soil stockpiles shall be protected from sedimenttransport through the use of surface roughening, watering, and down gradient perimeter controls. All soilstockpiles shall be protected from sediment transport by wind in accordance with Municipal Code §12-150. Allstockpiles shall be flattened to meet grade or removed from site as soon as practical, and no later than thecompletion of construction activities or abandonment of the project. All off-site stockpile storage locations in Citylimits shall have a stockpile permit from the City Engineering Department prior to using the area to storematerial. If frequent access from hardscape to the stockpile is needed a structural tracking Control Measure shallbe implemented.26)All required Control Measures shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity (stockpiling, stripping, grading,etc.). All of the required erosion Control Measures must be installed at the appropriate time in the constructionsequence as indicated in the approved project schedule, construction plans, and erosion control report.27)All inlets, curb-cuts, culverts, and other storm sewer infrastructure which could be potentially impacted byconstruction activities shall be protected with Control Measures. Material accumulated from this Control Measureshall be promptly removed and in cases where the protection has failed, the pipes shall be thoroughly cleanedout.28)All streams, stream corridors, buffers, woodlands, wetlands, or other sensitive areas shall be protected fromimpact by any construction activity through the use of Control Measures.29)All exposed dirt shall have perimeter control. Any perimeter controls that drain off or has the ability to betracked onto the nearby hardscape shall have some form of effective sediment control as the, or as part of the,perimeter control.30)All exposed slopes should be protected. All exposed steep slopes (Steeper than 3:1 H:V) shall be protected fromerosion and sediment transport through use of Control Measures.31)No soils shall remain exposed by land disturbing activity for more than thirty (30) days after activity has ceasedbefore required temporary seeding or permanent erosion control (e.g. seed/mulch, landscaping, etc.) is installed.This is not just limited to projects that are abandoned; this includes any project that is temporarily halted andno immediate activity is to resume within the next thirty (30) days, unless otherwise approved by the CityErosion Control Inspector. During a season when seeding does not produce vegetative cover, anothertemporary erosion control shall be implemented with or until temporary seeding or permanent erosion control canbe performed.32)All individual lots shall have effective sediment controls located on the street side and any down gradient side.Typically most lots drain to the front yet on those cases where houses are along a pond or drainage swale havethe lot drain in a different direction than the street, those individual lots will need protection on that downgradient side to prevent sediment from leaving the lot. See the Individual Lot Details for further clarification.Vehicle Tracking33)At all points where vehicles exit or leave the exposed dirt area on to a hardscape or semi hardscape (concrete,asphalt, road base, etc.) shall have installed at least one structural tracking Control Measure to prevent vehicletracking. All areas not protected by an adequate perimeter control shall be considered a point where vehiclesexit the site. Access points should be limited to as few entrances as possible (All perimeter areas shall beprotected from tracking activities).34)In all areas that the structural tracking Control Measures fail to prevent vehicle tracking, collection and properdisposal of that material is required. All inlets located near access points and affected by tracking activities shallbe prevented from the introduction of sediment into the drainage system.35)City Municipal Code §20-62, among other things, prohibits the tracking, dropping, or depositing of soils or anyother material onto city streets by or from any source. City Municipal Code, §26-498, among other things,prohibits the discharge of pollutants on public or private property if there is a significant potential for migrationof such pollutant. Therefore, all tracked or deposited materials (intentional or inadvertent) are not permitted toremain on the street or gutter and shall be removed and legally disposed of by the Developer in a timely andimmediate manner. Dirt ramps installed in the curb-lines are not exempt to these sections of code and shall notbe permitted in the street right of way (public or private).36)If repeated deposit of material occurs on a site, additional structural tracking controls may be required of theDeveloper by the City Erosion Control Inspector.Loading and Unloading Operations37)The Developer shall apply Control Measure to limit traffic (site worker or public) impacts and proactively locatematerial delivered to the site in close proximity to the work area or immediately incorporated in the constructionto limit operational impacts to disturbed areas, vehicle tracking, and sediment deposition that could impact waterquality.Outdoor Storage or Construction Site Materials, Building Materials, Fertilizers, and Chemicals38)Any materials of a non-polluting nature (steel, rock, brick, lumber, etc.) shall be inspected for any residue comingoff the material during routine inspection and will generally be located where practical at least fifty (50) feetfrom any permanent or interim drainage ways.39)Any high environmental impact pollutant materials that have a high likelihood to result in discharge when incontact with stormwater (lubricants, fuels, paints, solvents, detergents, fertilizers, chemical sprays, bags of cementmix, etc.) should not be kept on site where practical. When not practical, they should be stored inside (vehicle,trailer, connex, building, etc.) and out of contact with stormwater or stormwater runoff. Where not available,they shall be stored outside in a raised (high spots or on pallets), covered (plastic or tarped), and sealed (leakproof container) in secondary containment location. The secondary containment or other Control Measure shall beadequately sized, located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim stormwaterstructures or drainage ways and shall be monitored as part of the routine inspections.Vehicle and equipment maintenance and fueling40)Parking, refueling, and maintenance of vehicles and equipment should be limited in one area of the site tominimize possible spills and fuel storage areas. This area shall be located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feetfrom any permanent or interim stormwater structures or drainage ways and shall be monitored as part of theroutine inspections. All areas shall keep spill kits and supplies close.Significant Dust or Particulate generating Process41)The property must be actively preventing the emission of fugitive dust at all times during construction andvegetation activities. All land disturbing activities that result in fugitive dust shall be in accordance with MunicipalCode §12-150 to reduce the impacts to adjacent properties and community health. All required practices shall beimplemented and additional ones shall be followed. These practices include watering the sites and discontinuingconstruction activities until the wind subsides as determined by any City Inspectors.Concrete truck / equipment washing, including the concrete truck chute and associated fixtures and equipment42)All concrete and equipment washing shall use structural Control Measures appropriate to the volume of washand frequency of use. These Control Measures shall be located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from anypermanent or interim stormwater structures or drainage ways and shall be monitored as part of the routineinspections. These areas shall be clearly identified and protected from any wash from leaving the ControlMeasure. If frequentaccess from hardscape to the Control Measure is to occur, a structural tracking Control Measure shall be implemented.These Control Measures shall be frequently cleaned out.43)The Developer is responsible for ensuring washing activity is taking place at the appropriate Control Measure andsite workers are not washing or dumping wash water on to the dirt or other uncontrolled locations.Dedicated Asphalt and concrete batch plants44)Dedicated asphalt and concrete batch plants are not acceptable on construction sites within the City of FortCollins without an expressed written request and plan to reduce pollutants associated with that type of activityand approval by the City of Fort Collins specifically the Erosion Control Inspector. The Developer shall inform theerosion control inspection staff of any dedicated asphalt, or concrete batch plants that is to be used on site.Concrete Saw Cutting Materials45)Saw cutting material shall be in accordance with Municipal Code §12-150 for air emissions and all waterapplications to the saw cutting shall prevent material from leaving the immediate site and collected. Thesecutting locations, once dried, shall be swept and scraped of all material and shall have proper and legal disposal.Waste Materials Storage and Sanitary Facilities46)Trash, debris, material salvage, and/or recycling areas shall be, where practical, at least fifty(50)feet from any permanent or interim stormwater structures or drainage ways and shall be monitored as partof the routine inspections. These facilities should be located out of the wind and covered as able. Where notable to cover, locating said areas on the side of other structures to reduce exposure to winds, and followmaximum loading guidelines as marked on the container. The Developer is required to practice goodhousekeeping to keep the construction site free of litter, construction debris, and leaking containers.47)Sanitary facilities shall be prevented from tipping through the use of anchoring to the ground or lashing to astabilized structure. These facilities shall also be located as far as practical from an inlet, curb cut, drainageswale or other drainage conveyances to prevent material transport from leaving the local area. This consists ofthe facility being located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim drainage ways.Other Site Operations and Potential Spill Areas48)Spills: For those minor spills that; are less than the State's reportable quantity for spills, stay within thepermitted area, and in no way threaten any stormwater conveyance, notify theCity of Fort Collins Utilities by email at erosion@fcgov.com or phone (970) 817-4770. For any significant, major,or hazardous spills, notify the City of Fort Collins Utilities by phone only after Emergency Response (911) hasbeen notified and is on route, County Health Department (LCDHE) has been notified through Larimer CountySheriff Dispatch (970) 416-1985, and the State Spill Hotline Incident Reporting have been contacted1-877-518-5608. Written documentation shall be provided to the City within 5 days of the event. All spills shallbe cleaned up immediately.49)Selection of “plastic welded” erosion control blankets shall not be used in areas that wildlife, such as snakes, arelikely to be located as these have proven to cause entrapment issues.Final stabilization and project completion50)Any stormwater facilities used as a temporary Control Measure will be restored and storm sewer lines will becleaned upon completion of the project and before turning the maintenance over to the Owner, HomeownersAssociation (HOA), or other party responsible for long term maintenance of those facility.51)All final stabilization specifications shall be done in accordance with the Manual, Chapter 4: Construction ControlMeasures.52)All disturbed areas designed to be vegetated shall be amended, seeded & mulched, or landscaped as specified inthe landscape plans within 14 working days of final grading.53)Soil in all vegetated (landscaped or seeded) areas, including parkways and medians shall comply with allrequirements set forth in Sections 12-130 through 12-132 of the City Municipal Code, as well as Section 3.8.21for the City Land Use Code.54)All seeding shall refer to landscaping plans for species mixture and application rates and depths requirements.55)All seed shall be drilled where practical to a depth based upon the seed type. Broadcast seeding shall beapplied at double the rate as prescribed for drill seeding and shall be lightly hand raked after application.Hydroseeding may be substituted for drill seeding on slopes steeper than 3(H):1(V) or on other areas not practicalto drill seed and crimp and mulch. All hydroseeding must be conducted as two separate processes of seedingand tackification.56)All seeded areas must be mulched within twenty-four (24) after planting. All mulch shall be mechanically crimpedand or adequately applied tackifier. The use of crimped mulch or tackifier may require multiple re-applications ifnot properly installed or have weathered or degraded before vegetation has been established. Areas ofembankments having slopes greater than or equal to 3H:1V shall be stabilized with an erosion mat or approvedequal to ensure seed will be able to germinate on the steep slopes. During a season when seeding doesnot produce vegetative cover, another temporary erosion control shall be implemented along with, or until,temporary seeding or permanent erosion control can be performed.57)The Developer shall warranty and maintain all vegetative measures for two growing seasons after installation oruntil seventy percent (70%) vegetative cover has been established, whichever is longer and meets all the Criteriaoutlined in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual Chapter 4: Construction Control Measures.58)The Developer shall maintain, monitor, repair, and replace any and all applicable Control Measures until finalstabilization has been obtained. All Control Measures must remain until such time as all upstream contributingpollutant sources have been vegetated or removed from the site. When any Control Measure is removed, theDeveloper shall be responsible for the cleanup and removal of all sediment and debris from that ControlMeasure. At the point at which the site has been deemed stabilized and verified by City Erosion ControlInspector, all temporary Control Measures can then be fully removed. All measures shall be removed within 30days after final stabilization is achieved.59)The responsible party shall maintain and keep current all payments or related forms of security for the ErosionControl Escrow until 1) stabilization has been reached and 2) all Control Measures and/or BMPs have sedimentmaterials collected and the Control Measure removed from the site. At that time the site will be consideredcompleted and any remaining Erosion Control Escrow shall be returned to the appropriate parties.Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00General Erosion Control RequirementsThese notes are a summary for the legal requirements, that are set forth in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM), and that anyconflict is resolved by the more stringent requirement controlling. Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.MBWYSG4Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00‘’ ’‘’ ’’’’’’ Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet5MBWJDM1"=20'CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet6MBWJDM1"=20'CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet7MBWJDMN.A. Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet8JDMMBW1"=20'Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRNUMBERED LEGEND1332 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet9JDMMBW1"=20'CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRProject:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00NUMBERED LEGEND1332 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet10JDMMBW1"=20'Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Cut/Fill SummaryNameEARTHWORKTotalsCut Factor1.00Fill Factor1.002d Area59643.69 Sq. Ft.59643.69 Sq. Ft.Cut556.96 Cu. Yd.556.96 Cu. Yd.Fill2308.58 Cu. Yd.2308.58 Cu. Yd.Net1751.62 Cu. Yd.<Fill>1751.62 Cu. Yd.<Fill>CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR © 2018 Microsoft Corporation © 2018 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2018) Distribution Airbus DS Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet11MBWJDM1"=50'Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet12MBWJDM1"=50'Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet13MBWJDM1"=20'12345678ABCDEFG Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet14MBWJDM1"=20'12345678ABCDEFGTURN RIGHTMUSTRIGHT LANE Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet15MBWJDM1"=20'12345678ABCDEFG4-LANE ARTERIAL STREETTIMBERLINE ROAD4-LANE ARTERIAL STREET W/ LT TURN LANETIMBERLINE ROAD Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet1"= 20'H, 1"= 10'VMBWYSG16Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet1"= 20'H, 1"= 10'VMBWYSG17Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet1"= 20'H, 1"= 10'VMBWYSG18Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet1"= 20'H, 1"= 10'VMBWYSG19Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:Sheet20MBWJDM1"=20'CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW21Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW22Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW23Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00DOUBLE SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUTChapter 22, Materials & Construction Specifications Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW24Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00Curb FlareVaries Curb Flare Ramp Curb CurbFlare Ramp VariesPanels Panels 6"Ramp Width: 4.5' 5.0' 6.0' 7.0' 8.0' Note: Truncated dome panels are available in 2'x2' squares and 2'x2.5' rectangles. Combine the widths to fit the ramp. Panels may be cut to no less than a 2'x1.5' size. Panel Width Combinations: 2'+2.5' 2.5'+2.5' 2'+2'+2' 2.5'+2'+2.5' 2'+2'+2'+2' Notes: 1. Truncated dome warning panel: Install panels along with the concrete pour for the ramp. Specifications for the panel and installation instructions will be provided upon request. 2. This drawing shows vertical curb. For Drive Over Curb the warning detection location shall be placed in the same position 6" back from the back of curb. 3. If curb and gutter are poured monolithic with ramp, place dome edge at back of curb as shown. If not poured monolithic, place dome edge 6" from back of curb. Case 1-Directional Ramps Case 2-Non-Directional Ramps VariesPanels Ramp Panels Flare Curb Case 3-Mid-Block Ramps6"Panels Panels Flare 6"Flare VariesFORT COLLINS ONLYAligned withPedestrian flowGutter or Apron ℄Center line of rampBOC-Back of CurbFOC -Face of Curb -Flow line Varies2'-0"2'-0"A AFOC or ℄2'-0"BOC BOC 1:12 max slope1:20 slope Panels embedded in the concrete ramps Section A-A (Center line of ramp) NTSFlow line Curband GutterBOCSee Note 3 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW25Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00CONCRETE CURB EDGE DETAIL18" VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER DETAILVALLEY PAN DETAILSPOND OVERFLOW WEIRCURB TAPER DETAILNOTES:1. 6' wide pan for residential streets.2. All intersections to have access ramps.3. Standard Curb and Gutter Section, See Standard Drawing 701.4. 0" Curb Height, See Section A-A5. All of these pedestrian improvements must be in ROW or a pedestrian or public access easement.6. Pedestrian landing area, minimum required 4 ft length x 4 ft width, max slope in any direction is 1:50 or 14" per foot.7. Detectable Warning to extend the full width of the landing area and be 2.0' in the direction of travel beginning 6" from flowline. Material to be approved by the local engineer.8. T = Concrete thickness, 6" for Residential and 8" for CommercialTYPE IVATTACHED WALKN.T.S.SECTIONS A-AAPPROACHCLASSIFICATIONTYPESingle Family12'24'I, II, III, or IVCommercialMulti Family36'24'24'36'MINIMUMWIDTHWIDTHMAXIMUMIndustrial24'36'I, II, III, or IVI or IIRESIDENTIAL:*****DRIVEWAY WIDTHS High volume driveways (Type III or IV) allowed for 350 orgreater trip ends/day. * 30' maximum for 3 car garages. * *No single opening shall exceed 36'. Wider driveways shallbe divided w/a median not less than 6' wide.1/4" per ft.1" per ft.1:50 SlopeTWalkGutterSidewalk1:50(max.)1:12AA1:12 (max)6' (min.)Retaining Curb (Optional),See Standard Drawing 1603See Note 3See Note 4See Note 7See Note 5Ramp if walk continueson Private Property.If Concrete DrivewayExpansion Joint1/4" per ft.1" per ft.1" per ft.1:12 (max.)Pedestian landing area, See note 6FlareI, II, III, or IVGutterSidewalkBOLLARD DETAIL Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW26Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW27Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW28Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00CCAA3'-6"Ls1'6"Ws6"6"VARIES VARIES 6"Ws/2 Ws/2SECTION C-CSECTION A-AWELL SCREEN2'-6"WoPLAN6"GENERAL NOTESSECTION D-DDDAAABBREVIATIONSLEGEND6" Scale:Designed By:Reviewed By:SheetN.A.YSGMBW29Project:Date:Sheets11582 Colony Row Broomfield, Colorado 80021 Phone: (720)259-0965 Fax: (720)259-1519 No.Revisions:By:Date: WOHNRADE CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC.3304/26/2023TIM: 1805.00 S1.0 DEMO PLANCULVERT EXTENSION - PLAN VIEW S1.1 S2.0 S3.0