The area South of Southridge Greens Boulevard and North of Mail Creek (ODP Parcels
J and K), a relatively flat portion of the site) has been planned with additional single family lots
at a somewhat higher density. These lots are similar in size to many of the lots at Oakridge
and many other south Fort Collins neighborhoods.
Several planned open space corridors separate the various housing types, while
unifying the Miramont project. It is proposed that these open spaces and the streetscapes
along Highcastle Drive, Lemay Avenue, and Southridge Greens Boulevard will be landscaped
with the quality and type of landscape improvements that are being established at the Upper
Meadow and Castle Ridge.
The applicant's project goals are consistent with the adopted Goals and Objectives and
the Land Use Policies Plan of the City of Fort Collins with regard to neighborhood planning,
compatibility, mixed use development, and locational criteria for various land uses. Applicable
policies include:
Policy 3 The City shall promote:
a. Maximum utilization of land within _the city;
d. The location of residential development which is close to
employment, recreation, and shopping facilities.
Polricy 12. Urban density residential development - usually at three of more
units to the acre - should .be encouraged in the urban growth
Policy 74 Transitional land uses or areas (linear greenbelts or other urban
design elements) should be provided between residential
neighborhoods and commercial areas in order to enhance the
concept of a mixture of land uses.
Policy 75 Residential areas should provide for a mix of.housing densities.
Policy 79 Low density residential uses should locate in areas:
a. Which have easy access to existing or planned
neighborhood and regional/ community shopping centers;
b. Which have easy access to major employment centers;
C. Within walking distance to an existing or planned
elementary school; and
d. Within walking distance to an existing or planned
neighborhood park 'and within easy access to a
community park; and
e. In which a collector street affords the primary access.
Development of Miramont Phase Three is expected to begin in the fall of 1994, and
be completed by 1997.