HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE SAVOY - FDP230012 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) REPORT400 North Link Lane | Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Telephone: 970-206-9455 Fax: 970-206-9441 GEOLOGIC AND PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION THE SAVOY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Prepared For: MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 1400 16TH Street, 6TH Floor Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention: Carter Laing Project No. FC10152-115 November 17, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE .................................................................................................................. 1 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 1 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 2 SITE GEOLOGY .................................................................................................... 3 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS .......................................................................................... 3 Expansive Soils and Bedrock ............................................................................. 4 Seismicity ........................................................................................................... 5 Radioactivity ....................................................................................................... 5 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS .................................................... 6 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ............................................................................... 6 Natural Sand and Clay ....................................................................................... 7 Bedrock .............................................................................................................. 7 DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 8 Site Grading ....................................................................................................... 8 Sub-Excavation .................................................................................................. 8 Utility Construction ........................................................................................... 10 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................... 11 Subgrade Preparation ...................................................................................... 11 Preliminary Pavement Thickness Desig n ......................................................... 11 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURES ............................. 12 Foundations ..................................................................................................... 12 Slabs-on-Grade Floor Construction .................................................................. 12 Surface Drainage ............................................................................................. 13 General Design Considerations ........................................................................ 13 WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES ........................................................................... 14 RECOMMENDED FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS .................................................. 14 LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................... 15 FIGURE 1 – LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURES 2 AND 3 – SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 4 – CONCEPTUAL SUB-EXCAVATION PROFILE APPENDIX A – LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX B – GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX C – GUIDLINE SUB-EXCAVATION SPECIFICATIONS MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 1 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 SCOPE This report presents the results of our Geologic and Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation. The purpose of our investigation was to identify geologic hazards that may exist at the site and to evaluate the subsurface conditions to assist in planning and budgeting for the proposed development. The report includes descriptions of site geology, our analysis of the impact of geologic conditions on site development, a de scription of subsoil, bedrock and groundwater conditions found in our exploratory borings, and discussions of site development as influenced by geotechnical considerations. This report was prepared based upon our understanding of the development plans. The recommendations are considered preliminary and can be used as guidelines for further planning of development and design of grading. We should review development and grading plans to determine if additional investigation is merited, or if we need to revise our recommendations. Additional investigations will be required to design building foundations and pavements. A summary of our findings and recommendations is presented below. More detailed discussions of the data, analysis and recommendations are presented in the report. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. The site contains geologic hazards that should be mitigated during planning and development. No geologic or geotechnical conditions were identified which would preclude development of this site. Expansive soils and bedrock, regional issues of seismicity and radioactivity are the primary geologic concerns pertaining to the development of the site . 2. The subsurface conditions encountered in our borings were variable across the site. In general, the overburden soils encountered in our borings consisted of 22 to 25 feet of clayey sand, sandy clay, and clean to slightly clayey sand and gravel. Weathered claystone bedrock was encountered at depths ranging from 22 to 24 feet below the existing ground surface to the depths explored in four borings. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 20 to 24 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater levels will not likely affect planned development at this site. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 2 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 3. Swell-consolidation testing indicated generally non -expansive to moderate swelling soils exist at anticipated foundation depths. High swelling soils were generally encountered within the upper 5 feet of the overburden soils. We anticipate shallow foundations such as post-tensioned slab (PTS) foundations may be appropriate for the planned structures if placed on a 4- foot sub-excavation. Deep foundations may be considered as a lower risk alternative in areas where high swelling soils are encountered. Individual soils and foundation investigations conducted for specific structures should address procedures for mitigating problems associated with expansive soils and bedrock. 4. Pavement subgrade mitigation for swell is likely over the majority of the site. Mitigation may consist of moisture and/or chemical treatment of the subgrade soils. A minimum of 12 inches of chemical treatment (fly ash or lime) should be expected. Anticipated pavement thickness recommendations are provided in this report. 5. Overall surface drainage should be designed to provide rapid run -off of surface water away from the proposed struct ures. Water should not be allowed to pond near the crest of slopes, on or adjacent to pavements, or adjacent to structures. All permanent slopes should be re-vegetated to reduce erosion. 6. Further investigations are required to make design recommendati ons for foundations, floors, and pavements. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located southeast of Le Fever Drive and Cinquefoil Lane in Fort Collins, Colorado. At the time of our exploration the site was ungraded and undeveloped. The 8.29-acre parcel is generally in a plains area, and is primarily vegetated with natural grasses and weeds. The site is relatively level. Multi-family residential complexes exist to the west, south, and east of the site. A vacant grassland exists to the north of the site. No water features or rock outcrops were noted on site. An irrigation canal trends roughly northwest to southeast approximately 600 feet east of the site. Several reservoirs exist approximately 1,200 feet east of the site. We understand the parcel is planned for development of a multi-family apartment complex. A clubhouse is also planned. Associated pavement areas will include parking and access drives. We anticipated buildings will be wood and/or steel framed structures. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 3 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 SITE GEOLOGY The geology of the site was investigated through review of mapping by Colten et al (Geologic map of the Boulder-Fort Collins-Greeley Area, Colorado, 1978). Geology was further evaluated through review of conditions found in explorator y borings, and our experience in the area. According to the referenced mapping, the site is characterized by quaternary sediment underlain by the Pierre Shale unit (Kpu). Overburden soils were judged to be quaternary sediment of eolian (Qe) origin underlain by lenses of alluvium (Qpp). EOLIUM (Qe) Eolian deposits are wind-blown and typically contain varying fractions of clay, silt, and fine sand. Problems associated with this unit can include collapsible soils, where silt contents are high and swelling soils, where clay contents are high. Both of these potential issues are more severe when the soils are dry. In this investigation, we did not encounter collapsible soils, but expansive soils are present at this site. PIERRE SHALE (Kpu) The overburden soils are underlain by the upper shale member of the Pierre Shale unit. This unit consists of gray concretionary silty shale. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Our investigation identified several geologic hazards that must be considered during the planning and development phases of this project. None of the geologic hazards identified will preclude development of the property. Development plans are preliminary. Planning should consider the geologic hazards discussed below. The hazards require mitigation which could include avoidance, non-conflicting use or engineered design and construction during site development. Geologic hazards at the site that need to be addressed include expansive soils and bedrock, and regional issues of seismicity and MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 4 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 radioactivity. The following sections discuss each of these geologic hazards and associated development concerns. Mitigation concepts are discussed below and in the DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS section of the report. Expansive Soils and Bedrock Colorado is a challenging location to practice geotechnical engineering. The climate is relatively dry, and the near-surface soils are typically dry and relatively stiff. These soils and related sedimentary bedrock formations tend to react to changes in moisture conditions. Some of the soils and bedrock swell as they increase in moisture and are called expansive soils. Other soils can settle significantly upon wetting and are referred to as collapsing soils. Most of the land available for development east of the Front Range is underlain by expansive clay or claystone bedrock near the surface. The so ils that exhibit collapse are more likely west of the continental divide; however, both types of soils occur all over the state. Covering the ground with houses, streets, driveways, patios, etc., coupled with lawn irrigation and changing drainage pattern s, leads to an increase in subsurface moisture conditions. As a result of this moisture fluctuation, some soil movement due to heave or settlement is inevitable. There is risk that improvements will experience damage. It is critical that precautions are taken to increase the chances that the foundations and slabs- on-grade will perform satisfactorily. Engineered planning, design and construction of grading, pavements, foundations, slabs-on-grade, and drainage can mitigate, but not eliminate the effects of expansive and compressible soils. The soils and bedrock at this site include clayey sand, sandy clay, and clean to slightly clayey sand and gravel underlain by claystone bedrock. Approximately 15 percent of the soils encountered are judged to be high swell risk. High swelling soils were primarily encountered in the upper 5 feet of the o verburden soils. Problems associated with the existence of expansive materials are typically mitigated through currently utilized foundation and floor slab techniques. Individual soils and foundation investigations conducted for specific structures should address procedures for mitigating problems associated with expansive soils and bedrock. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 5 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Seismicity This area, like most of central Colorado, is subject to a low degree of seismic risk. No indications of recent movements of any of the faults in the Larimer County area have been reported in the available geologic literature. As in most areas of recognized low seismicity, the record of the past earthquake activity in Colorado is somewhat incomplete. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in our borings and ou r understanding of the geology, the site classifies as a Seismic Site Class D (2015 International Building Code). Only minor damage to relatively new, properly designed and built buildings would be expected. Wind loads, not seismic considerations, typically govern dynamic structural design in this area. Radioactivity It is normal in the Front Range of Colorado and nearby eastern plains to measure radon gas in poorly ventilated spaces in contact with soil or bedrock. Rad on 222 gas is considered a health hazard and is one of several radioactive products in the chain of the natural decay of uranium into stable lead. Radioactive nuclides are common in the soils and sedimentary rocks underlying the subject site. Because the se sources exist on most sites, there is potential for radon gas accumulation in poorly ventilated spaces. The amount of soil gas that can accumulate is a function of many factors, including the radio- nuclide activity of the soil and bedrock, construction methods and materials, pathways for soil gas and existence of poorly ventilated accumulation areas. It is difficult to predict the concentration of radon gas in finished construction. We recommend testing to evaluate radon levels after construction is completed. If required, typical mitigation methods for residential construction may consist of sealing soil gas entry areas and periodic ventila tion of below-grade spaces and perimeter drain systems. It is relatively economical to provide for ventilatio n of perimeter drain systems or under slab gravel layers at the time of construction, compared to retrofitting a structure after construction. Radon rarely accumulates to significant levels in above-grade, heated and ventilated spaces. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 6 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Subsurface conditions were further investigated by drilling nine exploratory borings at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The borings were drilled using a truck- mounted drill rig and with 4-inch diameter, continuous-flight auger. Our field representative observed drilling logged the soils found in the borings and obtained samples. Summary logs of the soils found in the borings and field penetration resistance values are presented in Figures 2 and 3. Samples of soil and bedrock were obtained during drilling by driving a modified California-type sampler (2.5-inch O.D.) into the subsoils and bedrock using a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Samples recovered from the test holes were returned to our laboratory and visually classified by the geotechnical engineer. Laboratory testing included determination of moisture content and dry density, swell-consolidation characteristics, Atterberg limits, particle-size analysis, and water-soluble sulfate content. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix A. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions encountered in our borings were variable across the site. In general, the overburden soils encountered in our borings consisted of 22 to 25 feet of clayey sand, sandy clay, and clean to slightly clayey sand and gravel. Weathered claystone bedrock was encountered at depths ranging from 22 to 24 feet below the existing ground surface in four borings. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 20 to 24 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater levels will not likely affect planned development at this site. A more detailed description of the subsurface conditions is presented in our boring logs and laboratory testing. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 7 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 TABLE 1: Summary of Swell Behavior by Soil Type *Swell measured after wetting under the approximate weight of the overlying soils (overburden pressures). Natural Sand and Clay The soils encountered on this site included clayey sand, sandy clay, and clean to slightly clayey sand and gravel. The thickness of soil was variable across the site, ranging from about 22 feet to 25 feet. Field penetration resistance tests indicated the clay soils classified as stiff to very stiff, and the granular soils classified as medium dense to very dense. Nineteen samples of overburden soils were selected for swell-consolidation testing. The results indicated 0.2 percent compression to 9.6 percent swell after wetting under approximate overburden pressure. High swelling soils were encountered in the upper 5 feet of the overburden soils. We anticipate most of the site will be considered to have low to moderate risk of swell. Bedrock Weathered claystone bedrock was encountered in four of nine test holes. Bedrock was encountered 22 to 24 feet below the existing ground surface and is generally shallower towards the southeast edges of the site. Our experience indicates the Pierre Shale formation can contain layers of expansive claystone that may be encountered during design level investigations. Soil Type Compression Range of Measured Swell (%)* 0 to <2 2 to <4 4 to <6 >6 Number of Samples and Percent Sandy Clay 0 5 4 1 2 0% 42% 33% 8% 17% Clayey Sand 2 5 0 0 0 28% 72% 0% 0% 0% Overall Sample Number 2 10 4 1 2 Overall Sample Percent 15% 50% 20% 5% 10% MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 8 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Site Grading At the time of this investigation, site grading plans were not available for review in conjunction with this subsurface exploration program. It is important that deep fills (if planned) be constructed as far in a dvance of surface construction as possible. It is our experience that fill compacted in accordance with the compaction recommendations in this report may settle about 1 percent of its height under its own weigh t. Most of this settlement usually occurs during and soon after construction. Some additional settlement is possible after development and landscape irrigation increases soil moisture. We recommend delaying the construction of buildings underlain by deep f ills as long as possible to allow for this settlement to occur. Delaying construction of structures up to one year where located on deep fills is recommended. The existing on-site soils are suitable for re-use as fill material provided debris or deleterious organic materials are removed. Prior to fill placement, all trash and debris should be removed from fill areas and properly disposed. Import fill should generally have similar or better engineering properties as the onsite materials and should be approved by CTL. The ground surface in areas to be filled should be stripped of vegetation, topsoil and other deleterious materials, scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted as recommended below. Site grading fill should be placed in thin, loose lifts, moisture conditioned and compacted. In areas of deep fill, we recommend higher compaction criteria to help reduce settlement of the fill. The placement and compaction of fill should be observed, and density tested during construction. Guideline site grading specifications are presented in Appendix B. Sub-Excavation Expansive soils at this site generally consist of the upper 5 feet where soils are drier in areas near the surface. A grading plan or cut/fill plan for the site was not available at the MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 9 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 time of this report. Drilled piers and structurally supported basement floors are normally recommended for higher swelling sites. Sub-excavation is a ground improvement method to reduce the potential swell and potentially allow for footing foundations and basement slab-on-grade floors. A preliminary estimate of the depth of sub-excavation is 4 feet below foundation bearing elevation. Site grading will impact how the sub-excavation is applied at this site. We conservatively estimate that drilled pier foundations may be required for about 60 percent of the lots unless sub-excavation is conducted. Additional investigation is recommended to better delineate the lots that merit and don’t merit sub-excavation, if this approach is desired. The bottom of the sub-excavated area should extend at least 5 feet laterally outside the largest possible foundation footprints to ensure foundations are constructed over moisture-conditioned fill. A conceptual sub-excavation profile is shown on Figure 4. We recommend that a civil engineer create sub-excavation plans. The sub-excavation depth and geometry should be verified by a surveyor prior to filling. The excavation contractor should be chosen carefully to assure they have experience with fill placement at over-optimum moisture and have the necessary compaction equipment. The contractor should provide a construction disc to break down fill materials and anticipate use of push-pull scraper operations and dozer assistance. The operation will be relatively slow. In order for the procedure to be performed properly, close contractor control of fill placement to specifications is required. Sub-excavation fill should be moisture-conditioned between optimum and 3 percent above optimum moisture content with an average test moisture content each day of at least 1.5 percent above optimum. Fill should be compacted as recommended in Site Grading. Special precautions should be taken for compaction of fill at corners, access ramps, and along the perimeters of the s ub-excavation as large compaction equipment cannot easily reach these areas. Our representative should observe placement procedures and test compaction of the fill on a full-time basis. The swell of the moisture-conditioned fill should be tested during and after the fill placement. Guideline sub-excavation grading specifications are presented in Appendix C. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 10 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 If the fill dries excessively prior to construction, it may be necessary to rework the upper drier materials just prior to constructing foundations. We judge the fill should retain adequate moisture for about two years and can check moisture conditions in each excavation as construction progresses, if requested. Sub-excavation and replacement with low swell fill will likely allow use of footing foundations and enhance performance of slab-on-grade basement floor construction. Sub- excavation will also enhance performance of concrete flatwork (driveways and sidewalks) and pavements, potentially reducing warranty and maintenance costs Utility Construction We believe excavations for utility installation in the overburden soils can be performed with conventional heavy-duty trenchers or large backhoes. Groundwater is not anticipated in excavations. If groundwater is encountered during construction, dewatering may be accomplished by sloping excavatio ns to occasional sumps where water can be removed by pumping. Utility trenches should be sloped or shored to meet local, State, and federal safety regulations. Excavation slopes specified by OSHA are dependent upon soil types and groundwater conditions encountered. Seepage and groundwater conditions in trenches may downgrade the soil type. Contractors should identify the soils encountered in the excavation and refer to OSHA standards to determine appropriate slopes. Excavations deeper than 20 feet should be designed by a professional engineer. Water and sewer lines are usually constructed beneath paved roads. Compaction of trench backfill can have significant effect on the life and serviceability of pavements. We believe trench backfill should be placed in thin, loose lifts, and moisture conditioned to between optimum and 3 percent above optimum content for clay soils and within 2 percent of optimum moisture content for sand. Trench backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). The placement and compaction of fill and backfill should be observed and tested by our firm during construction. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 11 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Subgrade Preparation Based on the borings, the near surface soils on this site will consist of sandy clay and clayey sand. These soils will range from moderate to highly plastic and will provide relatively poor subgrade support below the pavements. Mitigation for swelling soils is typically required beneath roadways where the swell potential is greater than 2 percent. Lime or fly ash stabilization of these soils will improve their subgrade support characteristics, in addition to enhancing the workability of the clays and reducing water infiltration into the underlying subgrade and the potential movements under the pavements. Over-excavation can also be used to help mitigate swelling soils. Preliminary Pavement Thickness Design Preliminary guidelines for pavement systems on this site are provided. Final pavement sections should be determined based on a design level geotechnical investigation and anticipated frequency of load applications on the pavement during the desired design life. Flexible hot mix asphalt (HMA) over aggregate base course (ABC) or rigid Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements can be used at this site for automobile and light truck traffic use. Rigid pavements are recommended in any areas subject to heavy truck traffic. We anticipate asphalt pavement sections for local residential streets will be on the order of 4 to 5 inches thick over 6 inches of aggregate base course. Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement is recommended in areas subject to any heavy truck traffic such as garbage pickup and/or dumpster trucks and any heavy delivery trucks. We anticipate the use of 6 to 7 inches of PCC for general area pavements which are not subject to truck traffic. Any areas subject to frequent heavy trucks should be designed based on frequency and wheel loads. PCC pavements in this area are typically reinforced due to the underlying active clays. Properly designed control joints and other joints systems are required to control cracking and allow pavement movement. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 12 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURES The property is currently planned for construction of a multi-family apartment complex. The following discussions are preliminary and are not intended for design or construction. After grading is completed, a detailed soils and found ation investigation should be performed. Recommendations provided here are general and for planning purposes only. Foundations Our geologic and preliminary geotechnical investigation for this site indicates non- expansive to moderate swelling soils exist at anticipated foundation elevations. Higher swells were measured in the upper 5 feet of the overburden soils. Structures may likely be founded on shallow foundations such as post-tensioned slab (PTS) foundations if a 4-foot sub-excavation is used. This may reduce potential edge uplift and increase support characteristics. Deep foundations may be recommended as a lower risk alternative. A design level geotechnical investigation may identify potential hazards for specified areas not indicated by our borings which may suggest the need for a deep foundation system. Slabs-on-Grade Floor Construction Slab-on-grade floors may be considered on low and some moderate risk sites where potential heave is acceptable to builder s and homebuyers. Structurally supported floors should be used on lots with high or very high risk of poor slab performance. Sub-excavation may be used to reduce potential heave where moderate to high swelling soils are sub- excavated and should allow wider use of slab-on-grade floors. Structurally supported floor systems should be planned in areas where slab risk is judged high or very high. Our firm also generally recommends structurally supported floors for moderate (2 to less than 4 percent), high (4 to less than 6 percent) and very high (greater than 6 percent) risk sites where walkout and garden level basements are planned. The performance of garage floors, d riveways, sidewalks, and other surface flatwork may be poor where expansive soils are present. Slab performance risk should be more thoroughly defined during the design level soils and foundation investigation. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 13 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Surface Drainage The performance of foundations will be influenced by surface drainage. The ground surface around proposed residences should be shaped to provide runoff of surface water away from the structure and off of pavements. We generally recommend slopes of at least 12 inches in the first 10 feet where practical in the landscaping areas surrounding residences. There are practical limitations on achieving these slopes. Irrigation should be minimized to control wetting. Roof downspouts should discharge beyond the limits of backfill. Water should not be allowed to pond on or adjacent to pavements. Proper control of surface runoff is also important to limit the erosion of surface soils. Sheet flow should not be directed over unprotected slopes. Water should not be allowed to pond at the crest of slopes. Permanent slopes should be re-vegetated to reduce erosion. Water can follow poorly compacted fill behind curb and gutter and in utility trenches. This water can soften fill and undermine the performance of the roadways, flatwork, and foundations. We recommend compactive effort be used in placement of all fill. General Design Considerations Exterior sidewalks and pavements supported above the on-site clays are subject to post construction movement. Flat grades should be avoided to prevent possible ponding, particularly next to the building due to soil movement. Positive grades away from the buildings should be used for sidewalks and flatwork around the perimeter of the buildings in order to reduce the possibility of lifting of th is flatwork, resulting in ponding next to the structures. Where movement of the flatwork is objectionable, procedures recommended for on-grade floor slabs should be considered. Joints next to buildings should be thoroughly sealed to prevent the infiltration of surface water. Where concrete pavement is used, joints should also be sealed to reduce the infiltration of water. Since some post construction movement of pavement and flatwork may occur, joints around the buildings should be periodically observed and resealed where necessary. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 14 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Roof drains should be discharged well away from the structures, preferably by closed pipe systems. Where roof drains are allowed to discharge on concrete flatwork or pavement areas next to the structures, care should be taken to ensure the area is as water tight as practical to eliminate the infiltration of this water next to the buildings. WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES Concrete that comes into contact with soils can be subject to sulfate attack. We measured water-soluble sulfate concentrations in three samples from this site. Concentrations were measured between below measurable limits and 0.01 percent. Sulfate concentrations less than 0.1 percent indicate Class 0 exposure to sulfate attack for concrete that comes into contact with the subsoils, according to the American Concrete Institute (ACI). For this level of sulfate concentration, ACI indicates any type of cement can be used for concrete that comes into contact with the subsoils. In our experience, superficial damage may occur to the exposed surfaces of highly permeable concrete, even though sulfate levels are relatively low. To control this risk and to resist freeze-thaw deterioration, the water-to-cementitious material ratio should not exceed 0.50 for concrete in contact with soils that are likely to stay moist due to surface drainage or high-water tables. Concrete should be air entrained. RECOMMENDED FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS Based on the results of this investigation and the proposed development, we recommend the following investigations be performed: 1. Review of final site grading plans by our firm; 2. Potential additional investigation to help determine extents of sub-excavation; if considered. 3. Construction testing and observation for site development; 4. Subgrade investigation and pavement design after site grading is complete; 5. Design-level soils and foundation investigations after grading; 6. Construction testing and observation for residential building construction and paving. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP 15 THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 LIMITATIONS Our exploratory borings were located to obtain preliminary subsoil data indicative of conditions on this site. Although our borings were spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of subsurface conditions, variations in the subsoils not indicated in our borings are always possible. We believe this investigation was conducted in a manner consistent with that level of skill and care ordinarily used by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the locality of this project. No warranty, express or implied, is made. This report was prepared from data developed during our field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis and experience with similar conditions. The recommendations contained in this report were based upon our understand ing of the planned construction. If plans change or differ from the assumptions presented herein, we should be contacted to review our recommendations. If we can be of further service in discussing the contents of this report or in the analysis of the building and pavement from the geotechnical point of view, please call. Very truly yours, CTL | THOMPSON, INC. Hadi Al-Jassim, EIT R.B. "Chip" Leadbetter, III, P.E. Staff Geotechnical Engineer Senior Geotechnical Engineer Reviewed by: RBL TH-1 TH-2 TH-6 TH-9TH-8 TH-7 TH-3 TH-4 TH-5 PRECISION DR BROOKFIELD DRCINQUEFOIL LNI-25KECHTER RD.LADY MOON DR.E. HARMONY RD. SITE ROCK CREEK DR. LEGEND: INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING TH-1 MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 FIGURE 1 Locations of Exploratory Borings VICINITY MAP (FORT COLLINS, COLORADO) NOT TO SCALE 150'75' APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1" = 150' 0' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 23/12 13/12 29/12 22/12 33/12 31/12 WC=8.6LL=35 PI=17-200=90 WC=9.4DD=116SW=2.1 WC=9.3DD=124SW=0.7 WC=8.6LL=35 PI=17-200=90 WC=9.4DD=116SW=2.1 WC=9.3DD=124SW=0.7 TH-1 17/12 13/12 20/12 25/12 50/6 WC=8.9DD=122SW=4.0SS=<0.01 WC=11.8DD=112SW=0.3 WC=8.9DD=122SW=4.0SS=<0.01 WC=11.8DD=112SW=0.3 TH-2 21/12 30/12 21/12 19/21 37/12 WC=11.0DD=118SW=1.7 WC=9.0DD=122SW=-0.1 WC=11.0DD=118SW=1.7 WC=9.0DD=122SW=-0.1 TH-3 26/12 23/12 31/12 14/12 20/12 28/12 WC=10.7LL=42 PI=24-200=79 WC=7.7DD=111SW=6.1 WC=15.7DD=115SW=1.7 WC=10.7LL=42 PI=24-200=79 WC=7.7DD=111SW=6.1 WC=15.7DD=115SW=1.7 TH-4 23/12 32/12 31/12 27/12 17/12 WC=6.1-200=41 WC=11.6DD=116SW=0.2 WC=6.1-200=41 WC=11.6DD=116SW=0.2 TH-5 Summary Logs of Exploratory Borings FIGURE 2 DEPTH - FEETDEPTH - FEETMILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 15/12 12/12 26/12 28/12 30/12 30/12 WC=7.8DD=91 SW=0.9SS=<0.01 WC=4.5LL=22 PI=11-200=32 WC=8.8DD=125SW=3.7 WC=3.5-200=10 WC=7.8DD=91 SW=0.9SS=<0.01 WC=4.5LL=22 PI=11-200=32 WC=8.8DD=125SW=3.7 WC=3.5-200=10 TH-6 20/12 14/12 18/12 20/12 24/12 WC=9.2DD=106SW=1.6 WC=17.5DD=112SW=-0.2 WC=9.2DD=106SW=1.6 WC=17.5DD=112SW=-0.2 TH-7 23/12 25/12 19/12 27/12 17/12 12/12 WC=7.0DD=127SW=9.6 WC=6.5DD=117SW=0.9 WC=11.2DD=115SW=3.4 WC=14.4DD=115SW=2.0 WC=7.0DD=127SW=9.6 WC=6.5DD=117SW=0.9 WC=11.2DD=115SW=3.4 WC=14.4DD=115SW=2.0 TH-8 11/12 16/12 19/12 16/12 18/12 WC=5.2DD=95SW=-5.3SS=0.010 WC=8.7DD=117SW=1.9 WC=5.2DD=95SW=-5.3SS=0.010 WC=8.7DD=117SW=1.9 TH-9 DEPTH - FEETDRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 15/12 INDICATES 15 BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. CLAY, SANDY, MOIST, STIFF TO VERY STIFF, BROWN (CL) 1. NOTES: THESE LOGS ARE SUBJECT TO THE EXPLANATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS IN THIS REPORT. WATER LEVEL MEASURED SEVERAL DAYS AFTER DRILLING. SAND, CLAYEY, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, BROWN (SC) 3. LEGEND: SAND, GRAVELLY, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE, BROWN (SP, GP) WEATHERED CLAYSTONE, SANDY, MOIST, M,EDIUM HARD, GRAY, BROWN DEPTH - FEETWATER LEVEL MEASURED AT TIME OF DRILLING. Summary Logs of Exploratory Borings THE BORINGS WERE DRILLED ON OCTOBER 21, 2021 USING 4-INCH DIAMETER CONTINUOUS-FLIGHT AUGERS AND A TRUCK-MOUNTED DRILL RIG. FIGURE 3 WC DD SW -200 LL PI SS - - - - - - - INDICATES MOISTURE CONTENT (%). INDICATES DRY DENSITY (PCF). INDICATES SWELL WHEN WETTED UNDER OVERBURDEN PRESSURE (%). INDICATES PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE (%). INDICATES LIQUID LIMIT. INDICATES PLASTICITY INDEX. INDICATES SOLUBLE SULFATE CONTENT (%). 2. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Conceptual Sub-Excavation Profile FIGURE 4 MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS TABLE A-I: SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=116 PCF From TH - 1 AT 9 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=9.4 % Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=124 PCF From TH - 1 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=9.3 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-1COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=122 PCF From TH - 2 AT 4 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=8.9 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-2 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=112 PCF From TH - 2 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=11.8 % Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=112 PCF From TH - 2 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=11.8 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-3COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=118 PCF From TH - 3 AT 9 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=11.0 % Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=122 PCF From TH - 3 AT 19 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=9.0 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE - KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-4COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ADDITIONAL COMPRESSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=122 PCF From TH - 3 AT 19 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=9.0 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-5 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ADDITIONAL COMPRESSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=111 PCF From TH - 4 AT 4 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=7.7 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-6 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=115 PCF From TH - 4 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=15.7 % Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=116 PCF From TH - 5 AT 19 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=11.6 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-7COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=91 PCF From TH - 6 AT 2 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=7.8 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-8 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=125 PCF From TH - 6 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=8.8 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=106 PCF From TH - 7 AT 4 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=9.2 % Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=112 PCF From TH - 7 AT 19 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=17.5 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-10COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ADDITIONAL COMPRESSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=127 PCF From TH - 8 AT 2 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=7.0 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-11 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of SAND, CLAYEY (SC) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=117 PCF From TH - 8 AT 4 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=6.5 % Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=115 PCF From TH - 8 AT 9 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=11.2 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation FIGURE A-12COMPRESSION % EXPANSION-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=115 PCF From TH - 8 AT 14 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=14.4 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-13 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) DRY UNIT WEIGHT=117 PCF From TH - 9 AT 9 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT=8.7 % MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSFCOMPRESSION % EXPANSIONSwell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-14 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0.1 1.0 10 100 PASSING WATER- MOISTURE DRY LIQUID PLASTICITY APPLIED NO. 200 SOLUBLE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY LIMIT INDEX SWELL*PRESSURE SIEVE SULFATES BORING (FEET)(%)(PCF)(%)(PSF)(%)(%)DESCRIPTION TH-1 4 8.6 35 17 90 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-1 9 9.4 116 2.1 1,100 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-1 14 9.3 124 0.7 1,800 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-2 4 8.9 122 4.0 500 <0.01 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-2 14 11.8 112 0.3 1,800 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-3 9 11.0 118 1.7 1,100 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-3 19 9.0 122 -0.1 2,400 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-4 2 10.7 42 24 79 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-4 4 7.7 111 6.1 500 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-4 14 15.7 115 1.7 1,800 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-5 9 6.1 41 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-5 19 11.6 116 0.2 2,400 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-6 2 7.8 91 0.9 200 <0.01 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-6 9 4.5 22 11 32 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-6 14 8.8 125 3.7 1,800 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-6 24 3.5 10 SAND (SP) TH-7 4 9.2 106 1.6 500 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-7 19 17.5 112 -0.2 2,400 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-8 2 7.0 127 9.6 200 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-8 4 6.5 117 0.9 500 SAND, CLAYEY (SC) TH-8 9 11.2 115 3.4 1,100 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-8 14 14.4 115 2.0 1,800 CLAY, SANDY (CL) TH-9 4 5.2 95 500 0.01 SAND (SP) TH-9 9 8.7 117 1.9 1,100 CLAY, SANDY (CL) SWELL TEST RESULTS* TABLE A-I SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTING ATTERBERG LIMITS Page 1 of 1 * NEGATIVE VALUE INDICATES COMPRESSION. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL|T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 APPENDIX B GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTLT PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Appendix B-1 GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of the excavation, transportation, placement and compaction of materials from locations indicated on the plans, or staked by the Engineer, as necessary to achieve preliminary street an d overlot elevations. These specifications shall also apply to compaction of excess cut materials that may be placed outside of the development boundaries. 2. GENERAL The Soils Engineer shall be the Owner's representative. The Soils Engineer shall approve fill materials, method of placement, moisture contents and percent compaction, and shall give written approval of the completed fill. 3. CLEARING JOB SITE The Contractor shall remove all vegetation and debris before excavation or fill placement is begun. The Contractor shall dispose of the cleared material to provide the Owner with a clean, neat appearing job site. Cleared material shall not be placed in areas to receive fill or where the material will support structures of any kind. 4. SCARIFYING AREA TO BE FILLED All topsoil and vegetable matter shall be removed from t he ground surface upon which fill is to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features, which would prevent uniform compaction. 5. COMPACTING AREA TO BE FILLED After the foundation for the fill has been cleared and scarified, it shall be disked or bladed until it is free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content (0 to 3 percent above optimum moisture content for clays and within 2 percent of optimum moisture content for sands) and compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D698. 6. FILL MATERIALS Fill soils shall be free from organics, debris or other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps having a diameter greater than six (6) inches. Fill materials shall be obtained from cut areas shown on the plans or staked in the field by the Engineer. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTLT PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Appendix B-2 On-site materials classifying as CL, CH, SC, SM, SW, SP, GP, GC and GM are acceptable. Concrete, asphalt, organic matter and other deleterious materials or debris shall not be used as fill. 7. MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY Fill material shall be moisture conditioned and compacted to the criteria in the table, below. Maximum density and opt imum moisture content shall be determined from the appropriate Proctor compaction tests. Sufficient laboratory compaction tests shall be made to determine the optimum moisture content for the various soils encountered in borrow areas. FILL COMPACTION AND MOISTURE REQUIREMENTS Soil Type Depth from Overlot Grade (feet) Moisture Requirement (% from optimum) Density Requirement Clay 0 to 20 feet +1 to +4 95% of ASTM D 698 Sand -2 to +2 95% of ASTM D 698 Clay Greater than 20 feet -2 to +1 98% of ASTM D 698 Sand -2 to +1 95% of ASTM D 1557 The Contractor may be required to add moisture to the excavation materials in the borrow area if, in the opinion of the Soils Engineer, it is no t possible to obtain uniform moisture content by adding water on the fil l surface. The Contractor may be required to rake or disc the fill soils to provide uniform moisture content through the soils. The application of water to embankment materials shall be made with any type of watering equipment approved by the Soils Engin eer, which will give the desired results. Water jets from the spreader shall not be directed at the embankment with such force that fill materials are washed out. Should too much water be added to any part of the fill, such that the material is too wet to permit the desired compaction from being obtained, rolling and all work on that section of the fill shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to the required moisture content. The Contractor will be permitted to rework wet material in an approved manner to hasten its drying. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTLT PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Appendix B-3 8. COMPACTION OF FILL AREAS Selected fill material shall be placed and mixed in evenly spread layers. After each fill layer has been placed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than the specified percentage of maximum density. Fill shall be compacted to the criteria above. At the option of the Soils Engineer, soils classifying as SW, GP, GC, or GM may be compacted to 95 percent of max imum density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or 70 percent relative density for cohesionless sand soils. Fill materials shall be placed such that the thickness of loose materials does not exceed 12 inches and the compacted lift thickness does not exceed 6 inches. Compaction as specified above, shall be obtained by the use of sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other equipment approved by the Engineer for soils classifying as CL, CH, or SC. Granular fill shall be compacted using vibratory equipment or other equipment approved by the Soils Engineer. Compaction shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area. Compaction equipment shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the required density is obtained. 9. COMPACTION OF SLOPES Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction operations shall be continued until slopes are stable, but not too dense for planting, and there is not ap preciable amount of loose soils on the slopes. Compaction of slopes may be done progressively in increments of three to five feet (3' to 5') in height or after the fill is brought to its total height. Permanent fill slopes shall not exceed 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). 10. PLACEMENT OF FILL ON NATURAL SLOPES Where natural slopes are steeper than 20 percent in grade and the placement of fill is required, benches shall be cut at the rate of one bench for each 5 feet in height (minimum of two benches). Benches shall be at least 10 feet in width. Larger bench widths may be required by the Engineer. Fill shall be placed on completed benches as outlined within this specification. 11. DENSITY TESTS Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer at locations and depths of his choosing. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When density tests indicate that the density or moisture content of any layer of fill or portion thereof is not within specification, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density or moisture content has been achieved. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTLT PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 Appendix B-4 12. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed un til the Soils Engineer indicates that the moisture content and density of previously placed materials are as specified. 13. NOTICE REGARDING START OF GRADING The Contractor shall submit notification to the Soils Engineer and Owner advising them of the start of grading operations at least three (3) days in advance of the starting date. Notification shall also be submitted at least 3 days in advance of any resumption dates when grading operations have been stopped for any reason other than adverse weather conditions. 14. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under "Density Tests" above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry density, moisture content, and percentage compaction shall be repor ted for each test taken. 15. DECLARATION REGARDING COMPLETED FILL The Soils Engineer shall provide a written declaration stating that the site was filled with acceptable materials, and was placed in general accordance with the specifications. APPENDIX C GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS (SUB-EXCAVATION) THE SAVOY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Note: This guideline is intended for use with sub -excavation. If sub-excavation is not selected, the guidelines in Appendix B should be followed. C-1 1. DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of the excavation, transportation, placement and compaction of materials from locations indicated on the plans, or staked by the Engineer, as necessary to achieve preliminary street and overlot elevations. These specifications shall also apply to compaction of materials that may be placed outside of the development boundaries. 2. GENERAL The Soils Engineer shall be the Owners representative. The Soils Engineer shall approve fill materials, method of placement, moisture content and percent compaction, and shall give written approval of the completed fill. 3. CLEARING JOB SITE The Contractor shall remove all vegetation and debris before excavation or fill placement is begun. The Contractor shall dispose of the cleared material to provide the Owner with a clean, neat appearing job site. Cleared material shall not be placed in areas to receive fill where the material will support structures of any kind. 4. SCARIFYING AREA TO BE FILLED All topsoil and vegetable matter shall be removed from the ground surface upon which fill is to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features which would prevent uniform compaction. 5. COMPACTING AREA TO BE FILLED After the foundation for the fill has been cleared and scarified, it shall be disked or bladed until it is free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content, (optimum to 3 percent above optimum) and compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 698. 6. FILL MATERIALS Fill soils shall be free from vegetable matter or other deleterious substances and shall not contain rocks having a diameter greater than six (6) inches. Fill materials shall be obtained from cut areas shown on the plans or staked in the field by the Engineer. On-site materials classifying as CL, CH, SC, SM, SP, GP, GC, and GM are acceptable. Concrete, asphalt, and other deleterious materials or debris shall not be used as fill. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS (SUB-EXCAVATION) The Savoy Fort Collins, Colorado C-2 7. MOISTURE CONTENT Fill materials shall be moisture treated to within limits of optimum moisture content specified in “Moisture Content and Density Criteria”. Sufficient laboratory compaction tests shall be made to determine the optimum moisture content for the various soils encountered in borrow areas or imported to the site. The Contractor may be required to add moisture to the excavation materials in the borrow area if, in the opinion of the Soils Engineer, it is not possible to obtain uniform moisture content by adding water on the fill surface. The Contractor will be required to rake or disc the fill to provide uniform moisture content throughout the fill. The application of water to embankment materials shall be made with any type of watering equipment approved by the Soils Engineer, which will give the desire results. Water jets from the spreader shall not be directed at the embankment with such force that fill materials are washed out. Should too much water be added to any part of the fill, such that the material is too wet to permit the desired compaction from being obtained, rolling and all work on that section of the fill shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to the required moisture content. The Contractor will be permitted to rework wet material in an approved manner to hasten its drying. 8. COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIALS Selected fill material shall be placed and mixed in evenly spread layers. After each fill layer has been placed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than the specified percentage of maximum density given in “Moisture Content and Density Criteria”. Fill materials shall be placed such that the thickness of loose material does not exceed 8 inches and the compacted lift thickness does not exceed 6 inches. Compaction, as specified above, shall be obtained by the use of sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other equipment approved by the Soils Engineer for soils classifying as CL, CH, or SC. Granular fill shall be compacted using vibratory equipment or other equipment approved by the Soils Engineer. Compaction shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area. Compaction equipment shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the required density is obtained. 9. MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY CRITERIA Fill material shall be substantially compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 (AASHTO T 99) dry density at optimum to 3 percent above optimum moisture content. Additional criteria for acceptance are presented in DENSITY TESTS. 10. DENSITY TESTS Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer at locations and depths of his choosing. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When density tests indicate the density or moisture content of any layer of fill or portion thereof not within specifications, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density or moisture content has been achieved. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115 C-3 Allowable ranges of moisture content and density given in MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY CRITERIA are based on design considerations. The moisture shall be controlled by the Contractor so that moisture content of the compacted earth fill, as determined by tests performed by the Soils Engineer, shall be within the limits given. The Soils Engineer will inform the Contractor when the placement moisture is less than or exceeds the limits specified and the Contractor shall immediately make adjustments in procedures as necessary to maintain placement moisture content within the specified limits, to satisfy the following requirements. A. Moisture 1. The average moisture content of material tested each day shall not be less than 1.5 percent over optimum moisture content. 2. Material represented by samples tested having moisture lower than optimum will be rejected. Such rejected materials shall be reworked until moisture equal to or greater than 1 percent above optimum is achieved. B. Density 1. The average dry density of material tested each day shall not be less than 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 dry density. 2. No more than 10 percent of the material represented by the samples tested shall be at dry densities less than 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 dry density. 3. Material represented by samples tested having dry density less than 93 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 dry density will be rejected. Such rejected materials shall be reworked until a dry density equal to or greater than 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 dry density is obtained. 11. INSPECTION AND TESTING OF FILL Inspection by the Soils Engineer shall be sufficient during the placement of fill and compaction operations so that they can declare the fill was placed in general conformance with specifications. All inspections necessary to test the placement of fill and observe compaction operations will be at the expense of the Owner. 12. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicates the moisture content and density of previously placed materials are as specified. 13. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under “Density Tests” above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry density, moisture content and percentage compaction shall be reported for each test taken. MILESTONE DEVELOPMENT GROUP THE SAVOY CTL | T PROJECT NO. FC10152-115