Planning Development and
Transportation Services
Planning Services ]
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580
970.224.6134- fax
December 2, 2022
Mr. Les Kaplan
Imago Enterprises, Inc.
140 Palmer Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Mr. Ken Kiken
Milestone Development
1400 16th Street
Denver, CO 80202
RE: The Savoy, PDP210019
Dear Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Kiken
On Thursday, November 17, 2022, at the regular meeting of the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning
Commission, the Commission voted 6-1 to conditionally approve The Savoy, PDP210019 and voted 5-2
to approve the related Modification of Standard. Approval included the following two conditions:
1. Prior to Final Plan approval, the project shall provide 75 additional bicycle parking spaces to
meet the minimum bicycle parking required standards of 3.2.2(C)(4).
2. Prior to final approval, each street facing façade shall contain a minimum of one primary
entryway, similar in design to what is found on the opposing side of the building. The entryway
shall be emphasized using landscaping, roof forms, balcony overhangs, block walls, and must act
as the primary entrance to at least one or more units of each building.
If you have any questions regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission’s action, please feel free to call
our office at 970-221-6750
Kai Kleer, AICP
City Planner