Ft. Collins, CO 80525
July 291, 1993
Mr. Steve Olt
Community Planning and Development
PO Box 580
Ft. Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Mr..Olt:
We are reponding to your invitation to make written"comments,
about the Castle Ridge at Miramont PUO, since we will be unable to
attend the council meeting.
We are concerned about the effect of the present phase of
development on.the later phase which will directly affect us, since
we live across. Mail Creek Lane from the south boundary of the Werner
School property. We understand that the city expects a developer to
attain a minimum degree of density for a development as a whole.
This means that the large lots in the current phase will have to be.
compensated for by much smaller lots elsewhere. An earlier
presentation showed lots of approximately 700 square Feet directly
across from us, lots which were small.because the traffic on the
road on which they fronted made them less desirable. The road has
been eliminated from the plan, for which we are extremely grateful,
-but this, in turn, would lessen the need for very small lots in that
The.lots on Mail Creek are rather homogeneous, but the small
lots planned for the south end, directly across from lots of 2,000
square feet and more, seem inappropriate, We are told that the city
prefers to mix lot sizes, but a 3 to 1 ratio seems excessive. We
Worry that our property will suffer in value as a consequence. We
have been told that this will not be true, but we are skeptical.
We understand that the city can grant a waiver of its
requirements. We.hope that will be the case here, if the., current
phase is approved. Even a tapering off of lot size over the several,
lots nearest Mail. -Creek Lane, would help.
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. Other than
the issue we raise, the development looks to be beautiful and an
asset to the community.
Very truly yours,.
Robert S. Soar
Ruth M. Soar