HomeMy WebLinkAboutKUM & GO #0951 - FDP230009 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (3) FUEL SYSTEMS | GENERAL CONTRACTING | ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES | WASTE SOLUTIONS ENERGY SOLUTIONS | AUTOMOTIVE & COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT 200 S. RARITAN STREET DENVER, CO 80223 PHONE: 303-744-2125 DENVER BRANCH WWW.SENECACO.COM STORE.SENECACO.COM February 20, 2023 Mr. Erica Morton Olsson 1880 Fall River Drive, Ste. 200 Loveland, CO 80538 RE: Proposed Kum and Go #0951 Spill Response and Remediation Plan Ms. Morton, Seneca Companies is presenting this supplemental procedure for responding to and cleaning up surface fuel spills that enter a storm drain, specifically for the subject facility. Following the initial Spill Response Procedure by Kum & Go personnel, the following steps must take place by Seneca Companies Waste Solutions and Environmental Services, and/or Environmental Restoration, the on-call emergency response contractor. 1- Determine which pump the fuel originated and the flow path to the storm drain(s). There are two storm drain inlets most likely to be impacted in the event of a surface spill, located at the southeast and southwest corners of the facility. See attached map. 2- The proposed storm inlets located at the southeast and southwest corners of the property are both going to be piped to a concrete spill containment structure (see attached), which will prevent the spill from flowing further downstream. The vault is designed to contain approximately 150 gallons of fuel and allow any normal drainage to flow through to the outfall. Fuel spills are isolated by closing the gate valve located approximately 2 feet downstream if the vault. The fuel can then be promptly removed through an access hatch/manhole lid installed on top of the vault. 3- Inspect the initially impacted storm drain(s) for explosive vapor concentrations as % Lower Explosive Limits (LEL) with a calibrated 3-gas meter. Inspect for evidence of free phased fuel or sheen within the storm drain. 4- To confirm the vault performed as it is designed, screen all inlets and manways along said flow path within the conveyance lines for explosive vapors and presence of fuel. 5- If fuel impact is noted beyond the containment vault, place an absorbent boom at the furthest inlet/manway, and at the storm drainage outlet (open ditch, pond, creek, etc.). 6- Collect a representative sample of the storm water exiting the outlet to the ditch, submit to a laboratory for VOC 624.1 (Clean Water Act method). 7- Mix BioSolve, a biodegradable surfactant/degreaser/vapor suppressant/detergent with water in a power washer tank. Concentration of solution dependent on application (see attached spec sheets for BioSolve). 8- Start cleaning each impacted manway and inlet starting downstream and work upstream to the primarily impacted storm inlet. After each manway/inlet is cleaned, insert the vacuum hose as far FUEL SYSTEMS | GENERAL CONTRACTING | ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES | WASTE SOLUTIONS ENERGY SOLUTIONS | AUTOMOTIVE & COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT 200 S. RARITAN STREET DENVER, CO 80223 PHONE: 303-744-2125 DENVER BRANCH WWW.SENECACO.COM STORE.SENECACO.COM up each conveyance line as possible and allow the vacuum air flow to remove potentially trapped vapors for about 5 minutes. Repeat on each inlet/manway. 9- Clean all affected storm conveyance lines with a line jetter to recover any potentially trapped fuel between manways and inlets. 10- Clean concrete surface along spill pathway with detergent as best as possible. 11- After the initial cleaning efforts, screen each affected manway/inlet for explosive vapors again to gather before and after cleaning readings. If elevated vapor readings continue to be present, repeat the cleaning process. Make sure the gate valve is reopened after cleaning is complete. 12- Recover all petroleum contact water with a vacuum truck, recover and replace downstream oil absorbing booms as necessary, sweep, recover and properly containerize any absorbent material used to clean up the surface spill, and haul all waste to an approved waste disposal facility under standard waste manifesting procedures according to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). 13- Seneca Environmental Services will handle reporting spills to the city of Fort Collins and the state of Colorado, collection and analysis of environmental samples, and preparation of reports for submittal to Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) and/or the Department of Public Health and Environment to obtain No Further Action/Determination. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-744-2125 or mdimino@senecaco.com. Seneca Companies appreciates the opportunity to assist you in this matter. Sincerely, Seneca Companies, Inc. Michael C. Dimino Branch Operations Manager Environmental Services and Waste Solutions Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety Recognized Environmental Professional #10 Spill Response Procedure If a spill occurs at your facility, please follow these protocols and report the spill within 1 hour. Within 2 hours, fill out and scan/email this form to tankcompliance@kumandgo.com Small Spill Instructions (Spill covers an area less than 5’x5’) 1.Hit FUEL STOP on POS terminal or gas console. Stop spill, block off area w/ caution signs, and put down absorbent material (pad, kitty litter, floor/oil dry, etc.) to soak up spill. Must prevent fuel from leaving site, entering storm drains, ditches, or creeks. Place absorbent boom at both curb cuts south of canopy. Periodic inspections should occur and replacement as needed. 2.All spills must be reported to Seneca within 1 hour of spill. Call Seneca directly @ 866-515-2643. Spills are emergencies. Follow prompts after hours to get to answering service. (DO NOT call the state regulatory agency directly) 3.Bag off pump(s) if necessary and submit Service Request in Cherwell if repairs needed and to arrange disposal of used absorbent materials. 4.Fill out Spill Response Sheet and scan/email it to Tankcompliance@kumandgo.com immediately. 5.Complete KG incident report and submit. 6.Follow all instructions given by Seneca team personnel. Large Spill Instructions (Too large to handle, spill leaves the site, or if spill enters storm drains/sewers) 1.Hit FUEL STOP on POS terminal or gas console. Stop spill using the emergency shut off switch, block off area, and Call the Fire Department to clean up the spill. Place absorbent boom at both curb cuts south of canopy Periodic inspections should occur and replacement as needed. 2.All spills must be reported to Seneca within 1 hour of spill. Call Seneca directly @ 866-515-2643. Spills are emergencies. Follow prompts after hours to get to answering service. (DO NOT call the state regulatory agency directly) 3.Bag off pump(s) if necessary and submit Service Request in Cherwell if repairs needed and to arrange disposal of used absorbent materials if left behind. 4.Fill out Spill Response Sheet and scan/email it to Tankcompliance@kumandgo.com immediately. 5.Complete KG incident report and submit. 6.Follow all instructions given by Seneca team personnel. Store # Date of Spill: / / Time of Spill: AM / PM Product (circle one): NL NL+ NP DSL E85 Other(explain): Amount (gallons): Cost of Product ($): Location of Spill Onsite (Dispenser #, etc.): Cause of Spill: Did Spill leave site or enter drains/storm sewers? Y N N/A If YES, explain: Weather Conditions: Method of Cleanup Absorbent Pad Kitty Litter Floor/Oil Dry Fire Dept. Seneca Other (explain): (circle one): Notified of Spill (circle all that apply): Kum & Go Seneca Fire Dept. Other (explain): Date/Time Notified: Bagged off Pump? (circle one): Y N N/A Reported Repairs to Help Desk? (circle one): Y N N/A Associate Name on duty during spill: Date submitted to Tankcompliance@kumandgo.com: / / Kum & Go #0951 949 E. Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO BioSolve® InfoSheet Emergency Spill Response BioSolve has long been a standard component of emergency response procedures at fire departments and hazmat operations throughout the United States for fuel and other hydrocarbon spills. Hundreds of fire departments, municipalities and commercial fuel dealers purchase BioSolve on a regular basis for use on their fleet vehicles. BioSolve offers emergency responders many unique advantages for controlling fuel, solvent and other hydrocarbon spills that improves safety, simplifies operations and reduces cost. Initially, the most important challenge for responders to non-ignited Class B spills is to reduce the risk of fire and explosion that result from the accidental release of volatile hydrocarbons. BioSolve reduces this risk by addressing the source – encapsulating hydrocarbons to reduce or even eliminate flammable vapors. If a spill has already ignited, BioSolve works in two ways: efficiently knocking down the flame and neutralizing the fuel source. While foams blanket the spill and cut off the supply of oxygen, they do not render the fuel non- flammable. Additionally, responders must be diligent about maintaining the integrity of the foam blanket to prevent the fuel from reigniting. BioSolve is also an environmentally friendly solution. BioSolve is water-based, biodegradable and non-corrosive. It promotes full removal and recovery of hydrocarbons by emulsifying them into an aqueous solution that can be readily vacuumed up or absorbed, leaving minimal residual product in the spill area. BioSolve eliminates road oil sheen that might pose a hazard for emergency workers or a driving hazard when a road is reopened. BioSolve will not harm asphalt and will help minimize deterioration to asphalt from fuel spills. BioSolve also promotes biodegradation of any emulsion that may be washed into drainage areas. Protocol – Surface Spills On small spills, BioSolve may be introduced via a water extinguisher or Indian tank-type sprayer: 1. Add 40 oz of BioSolve concentrate to an extinguisher or sprayer and fill to 2.5 gallons or mix a 12% solution in an alternative sprayer. Close tightly and shake to mix contents. 2. Cover entire spill with BioSolve solution, working in a circular motion from the outside perimeter toward the center of the spill. 3. Thoroughly agitate spill area with a forcible stream of water using a course spray. 4. Wash or brush to containment area and dispose of as local rules permit. On large spills, BioSolve can be applied through a fire hose using a foam eductor system. Set eductor to 6% checking that inlet pressure and flow rate are matched to the eductor for proper proportioning. Set standard adjustable or automatic nozzle at hard cone to course spray. The BioSolve Company 329 Massachusetts Avenue • Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 USA Telephone: +1 (781) 482-7900 • Fax: +1 (781) 482-7909 Email: info@biosolve.com • www.biosolve.com BioSolve® The trusted solution for over 30 years TBC IS1004Rev0411 Protocol – Sewer Spills Fuel spills that have entered the sewer system pose a unique challenge for emergency responders. Not only will fuels remain flammable, but also the sewer traps and concentrates vapors creating an explosion hazard. BioSolve encapsulates the fuel both making it non-flammable and reducing associated vapors as it disperses and eventually reaches wastewater treatment works. Tests have shown that BioSolve has no adverse impact on wastewater treatment operations including harm to digester bacteria. For treating sewers, educt BioSolve at 6%, following large spill protocol described above or apply BioSolve concentrate directly into a manhole and flush / agitate with plenty of water from a high pressure nozzle to assure dilution to at least 5%. Where possible, collecting effluent from a storm drain system for secondary treatment is desirable. BioSolve is sold as a concentrate and must be diluted prior to use. BioSolve is a non-foaming formula when mixed with water and agitated. Using BioSolve will not interfere with visual oversight of cleanup activities. BioSolve WILL NOT make fuel spills non-flammable until thoroughly agitated with water. Extreme caution should be exercised in all stages of cleanup operations. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Wherever possible, it is preferable to physically recover as much contamination as practical. Effluent from treatment with BioSolve is easily transported and treated at a local POTW or wastewater treatment facility, subject to local regulations. Unrecoverable effluent treated with BioSolve has significantly less detrimental impact on the environment than effluent resulting from traditional and untreated responses. BioSolve is listed on the US EPA’s NCP Product Schedule. This listing DOES NOT mean that EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies or authorizes the use of BioSolve on any oil discharge. This listing means only that data has been submitted to EPA as required by Subpart J of the National Contingency Plan, 300.915. This material is made available for use by professionals or persons having proper technical skills to be used at their own discretion. The statements made herein are guidelines only and may require modification to site specific conditions. Nothing contained herein is a warranty or is to be taken as a license to use without proper authority. BioSolve should always be used in accordance with all Federal, State and Local rules and regulations.