o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
Seven Generations Multifamily
Final Development Plan | Project Narrative
Past Meeting Dates
Conceptual Review Meeting: 07.23.2021
Neighborhood Meeting Date: 08.22.2022
Planning & Zoning Commission Hearing: 12.15.2022
CR project name: 3221 Eastbrook Dr Multi Family Dwellings
Existing Ownership
The subject parcel of this proposal is under the existing ownership of the original
Seven Generations developer – Sustainable Real Estate LLC. David Sitzman of
Sustainable Real Estate LLC may be contacted at 3500 John F Kennedy Pkwy, Suite
220 Fort Collins, CO with inquiries.
Proposed Ownership
The subject parcel is proposed to be purchased and owned by Black Timber Land
Company, a Fort Collins-based firm, upon final approval of entitlement drawings
and recordation. Contact information for Black Timber can be found on the
Development Review Application, submitted with this application. Black Timber is
anticipating to continue ownership post-construction.
Overview and Background
The applicant is proposing to utilize the existing zoning, Employment (E) to
develop an infill mulitfamily building with seventy-three (73) proposed dwelling
units that are to be sold at market rate. The application was subject to a Major
Amendment process and Type 2 review before the Planning and Zoning
Commission to update the proposed use on site - as the parcel was previously
entitled as an office park in 2007. The Planning and Zoning Commission appoved
the multifamily use at the December 15th, 2022 hearing.
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
A modification is provided with this application to develop a residential use on the
property because the Employment district limits the gross percentage of
secondary uses allowed per each development plan to 25%. The modification
request is made with the conclusion that the lack of continued development on
the parcel over the previous fifteen years indicates the market does not demand
additional primary uses on this property- as was initially entitled in 2007. Rather,
the parcel could serve a benefit to the community by providing a secondary use
that complements existing primary uses within the district. The Planning and
Zoming Commission found this analysis to be correct, and approved the
modification at hearing.
The 2.90-acre development will be of the allowable density and height requirements of
the Employment district. As with many infill projects, the proposed development
will utilize existing infrastructure present on site.
Current Site Conditions
The existing site is roughly 2.90 acres and consists of one parcel located directly
east of the Union Pacific Railroad, south of city-owned open space, west of
Eastbrook Drive, and north of existing offices. Fort Collins High School is a major
landmark, two blocks east of the site across Timberline Road. The pacel is in an “L”
shape with a small parcel existing northeast of the “L”. This smaller parcel is
occupied by an approximate 10,000-square foot medical office building which
houses several pediatric doctors and dentists. The two parcels combined make up
the greater Seven Generation Office Park which was entitled in 2007. The two
parcels share a common vehicular access point.
Built with the medical office building (off-site) were initital improvements (on-site).
These initital improvements include: drive aisles and parking stalls (although not
striped), stormwater facilites, undeground utilities, a natural habitat buffer with
robust plantings, and a trash enclosure. Mature tree canopy exists along the north,
west, and south sides of the property.
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
Site Access and Circulation
Vehicular access to the site will come from Eastbrook Drive, a local street that
connects to the arterial East Horsetooth Road. Access points are already pre-
determined as drive aisles were previously constructed on-site with the
construction of the adjacent medical office building. The applicant is working with
the neighbors to the northeast to ease parking concerns and allocate spaces for
the medical offices. The exact details of what spaces are to be allocated and how
many will be discussed over the next few months and the entitlement process.
A robust pedestrian circulation sytem is proposed with the major amendment.
Connecting sidewalks may bring future residents east to Eastbrook Drive on the
north/south sides of the proposed mulitfamily building. These circulation routes
are connected through the site as the walk wraps the exterior sides of the
multifamily building and it’s entrances. An existing connection is maintained to the
north of the site connecting future residents to the Vermont Trail. On the interior
(northeast sides) of the multifamily building, a pedestrian plaza is proposed to
create an amenitized gathering space for both future multifamily residents and the
employees and patrons of the adjacent medical offfices. While the pedestrian
plaza is not accessible to common vehicles, the plaza will double as an aerial
access path/ staging area for emergency services.
Site Design
The site design for Seven Generations Multifamily has the dual responsibility to
utilize existing infrastructure and provide a vision for compact, efficient
development. Given that the drive aisles and parking were already constructed,
combined with the need to be sensitive toward the verdant existing natural habitat
buffer (to the west), lead to the majority of improvements within the interior of the
site (or the northeastern portions of the parcel). Thus, the proposed multifamily
building is sited in a manner that follows the intent of the building layout
proposed in the 2007 approved plans. The multifamily building also follows the
contextual setback of the existing medical office building adjacent to the property.
The Seven Generations Multifamily development will utilize the gathering space
area to provide a vibrant addition to the existing neighborhood. Specifically, the
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
proposed pedestrian plaza will have a unique opportunity to utilize urban design
pinciples and provide a shared amenity for future residents, adjacent employees,
and patrons. Potential programming for the amenity areas may include include a
BBQ area, outdoor games, formal and informal seating, outdoor work stations,
and artistic site lighting. Materials within the plaza will relate to the proposed
multifamily building to create a sense of cohesion on site. Connections from the
plaza have been provided so pedestrians can easily gain access from the parking
areas, adjacent medical offices, and Eastbrook Drive. Landscape areas are to be
planted heavily with trees, shrubs, and ornamental and native grasses to increase
the biodiversity and aesthetic quality of the development.
Bike parking facilities will be dispersed thoughout the site. Enclosed bike parking is
to be provided within the proposed building – adjacent to entrances and under
covered overhangs. Surface bike parking is allocated north of the multifamily
building and along the western portion of the site.
Architectural Design
The Seven Generations Apartment building is a proposed 3-story apartment
building, incorporating a mix of forty-four (44) one-bedroom units and twenty-
nine (29) two-bedroom units, for a total of 73 units and 102 beds. The units are
accessed via an interior corridor connecting the three stairways at both ends and
at the corner of the “L” shaped building. The main building entries are located at
the east end of the south wing, and at the southwest corner. Secondary entries are
provided at the north end of the west wing and the inside corner of the building
accessing the central plaza area. Vertical bike racks will be located inside the
building near the elevator and with close access to the central plaza and the
power trail to the north. Exterior covered bike racks will also be located at both the
east and north entrances. All mechanical equipment will be placed on the roof of
the building, providing a clean aesthetic around the site.
The overall architectural design reflects the surrounding commercial office
buildings and complements these buildings with a modern aesthetic. The
architectural design incorporates varying vertical elements to break up the length
of the building and reduce the repetitive nature that is typically seen with multi-
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
family buildings. The building’s roof design combines flat roof, parapet and
projecting shed roof elements. The stairways and entries to the building use a bold
color palette and large panels of glass that wrap the corners to provide visibility
and transparency for the residents. The entries will be covered by a steel framed
canopy hung from the building, which uses both form and function to create a
strong sense of entry while reducing the scale of the stair towers and providing
residents protection from the elements. The parapets at the stairways are sloped
to pay homage to the existing Seven Generations office building to the north,
further integrating the new building into the existing site. The walls and balconies
adjacent to the stairs use lighter contrasting colors with large slider windows for a
clean look that complements the modern style of the building. The proposed
materials include brick, stucco, lap siding and vertical board and batten siding.
When placing the materials around the building, care was taken to ensure that the
design was cohesive, and no façade was identical to another. The projected deck
elements and roof covers accentuate the design further, both by providing a
horizontal break in plane and reducing the scale of these elements. The nine
corner units incorporated on the highly visible outside corners and ends of the
building provide large wraparound decks which are supported by angled columns
that converge at the projected roof cover, creating a unique design element that
makes this project stand out in the multi-family housing market.
Stormwater and Wastewater Strategy
Much of the site’s utility infrastructure was previously installed with the initial phase
of development. This inlcuded the water main loop and services (looped from
Eastbrook Dr), sanitary sewer main and services (outfall to the north), and
stormwater infrastructure. Majority of the existing infrastrusture will be preserved
to provide service to the proposed development.
The site generally drains from southeast to northwest. An existing water quality
pond is located in the northwest corner of the site which is well established with
mature vegetation. The intent is to limit the site distrubance and protect the
existing water quatlity pond. To satisfy the current Low Impact Development
requirements, and offset any additional water quaility requirements due to a slight
increase in impervious area, additional stormwater quality enhancement will be
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
provided by below grade filtration galleries. The site’s stormwater outlets into the
open space north of the site and the Foothills Master Drainage Basin.