,„7.-n Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
SUBJECT: Resolution 89- Making Findings of Fact Regarding two Appeals of
the Planning and Zoning Board Decision of Approval on April 24, 1989 for the
following three items: 1. Oak-Cottonwood Farm Amended Master Plan, 2. Harmony
Market Preliminary P.U.D., and 3. Harmony Market P.U.D., Phase One, Final.
RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends adoption of the Resolution.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 30, 1989, the City Council considered two appeals
seeking to overturn the Planning and Zoning Board's decision of approval on the
three above referenced items. The City Council considered the testimony of the
Planning Department, the appellants, and the developer of the Harmony Market
P.U.D. In subsequent discussion, the Council determined that the Planning and
Zoning Board's decision was not arbitrary and was properly supported by compe-
tent evidence in the record. The Council further found that the Board properly
interpreted and applied relevant provisions of the City Code. Finally, the
Council determined that the Board conducted a fair hearing, did not ignore its
previously established rules and procedures, and did not consider evidence that
was false or grossly misleading.
In separate votes, these two appeals were denied by the City Council thus
upholding the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board. In order to complete
the record regarding the appeal, the City Council should adopt a Resolution
making findings of fact and upholding the approval decision of the Planning and
Zoning Board.
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
May 30, 1989
6:30 p.m.
The regular meeting of May 16 was adjourned to this date and time.
1 . Call Meeting to Order.
2. Roll Call .
3. Consideration of Two Appeals of Actions of the Planning and Zoning
Board on April 24, 1989.
On April 24, 1989, the Planning and Zoning Board granted approval to
amend the Oak-Cottonwood Farm Master Plan to allow a
Community/Regional Shopping Center as an additional land use on Parcel
B-1. Prior to the amendment request, the parcel was designated on the
Master Plan as allowing Business Services. The amendment request also
included designating detailed, specific land uses on Parcels 1-G and
1-H in order to provide a transitional buffer of allowed uses. The
second action of the Planning and Zoning Board was to grant
preliminary approval for the Harmony Market P.U.D. This was a request
for a Community/Regional Shopping Center on 50.90 acres with a total
leasable floor area of 332,550 square feet divided between three
retail anchor tenants, five retail spaces, future additional pad
sites, and one office pad.
The third action of the Planning and Zoning Board was to grant final
approval for the Harmony Market P.U.D. , First Filing. This request
included a Pace Membership Warehouse consisting of 100,000 square feet
on 16. 12 acres.
These three actions are being appealed to the City Council for a
finding and a resolution.
4. Resolution 89-110 Directing the City Manager, City Attorney, and
Municipal Judge to Develop a Creative Strategy to Address the Problems
Associated with Cruising.
In December, 1988, the Council Health and Safety Subcommittee was
asked to review the situation surrounding cruising in the downtown and
make recommendations to Council . Based on the information gathered by
the Subcommittee during the intervening months, the Subcommittee
recommends that the City Manager be directed to develop a creative
City of Fort Collins
strategy to address the problem behaviour, traffic congestion and air
quality problems associated with cruising.
5. Resolution 89-111 Approving the Nomination of Susan Kirkpatrick to the
Board of Directors of the Colorado Municipal League.
This Resolution formally approves the nomination of Councilmember
Kirkpatrick to the Colorado Municipal League's Board of Directors.
City Council has expressed its strong support in nominating
Councilmember Kirkpatrick to the Board of Directors of the Colorado
Municipal League. The - Resolution formalizes the approval of
that nomination.
6. Resolution 89-112 Stating the Support of the Council for the Annual
Conference of the Colorado Municipal League to be Held in the City of
Fort Collins in 1992.
The Colorado Municipal League is a non-profit, non-partisan
organization that represents and serves cities and towns in Colorado.
More than 240 Colorado communities are members of the league and
benefit from its informational and advocacy services. The City of
Fort Collins is a long standing member of the Colorado Municipal
Each year in June, the Colorado Municipal League hosts its annual
conference in a member community. Fort Collins has been selected as
the host community for the 1992 conference. The CVB has been working
closely with the Colorado Municipal League to evaluate the varied
conference requirements.
The opportunity for the City to host the conference is a valuable one.
7. Other Business.
8. Adjournment
C of Fort Collins