.,\ Building Permits & Inspections Division
City of Fort Collins April 12, 1989
feist meager & co. , inc.
1200 17th Street
Suite 2727 '
Denver, CO 80202
RE: Pace Permit
Dear Mr. Feist:
The City is indeed obligated to issue a building permit after all
assessed fees are paid and all conditions of the PUD and development
agreement are met.
Should work need to begin prior to our full review of complete architec—
tural drawings, a footing/foundation only permit may be obtained pro—
vided applicable fees are paid and the site has water service and an
all—weather access road.
Another option short of the full building permit is a "revocable” permit
which requires payment of ALL fees and approvals for a full permit from
all departments. Construction may commence through rough frame phase
only, while awaiting plan review to be completed by this office. The
designer and builder accept the onus for compliance with all City codes
prior to our completing the plan review. The City does not assume
responsibility for any omissions or errors discovered in the plans,
thereby reserving the right of revocation for failure to comply with the
In any case , prior to actual construction commencing, a contractor
licensed with the City must perform the work. The licensing process
involves approval by the Building Review Board and a written examination
by this office or equivalent test. The Board meets the last Thursday of
each month with placement on their agenda contingent upon a complete
application packet, including references, submitted to this office one
week prior. A one—time application fee of $50 and an annual license fee
of $100 is assessed.
At this time I anticipate approximately 15 to 20 working days to process
a complete plan review and permit application and about 7 days needed
for a foundation permit or revocable permit issuance.
Please contact me for any assistance.
F i Lee
Permits and Inspections Division
cc: Rick Zoubovitch, PACE
Frank Vaught, Vaught Frye
Mike Herzig
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6760
. •
USA gr,c-TRIcT7 CAIS .
RC'. E XERo: TELECOF'I EF: 7010 , 4-14_; g 1.
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4) That no part of the +e P.ar-earl shall be used except for tM4../
commercial, general office, and /or wholesale/retail sales and service and appurtenant
Service uses may include but not be limited to financial institutions, eof uses,
travel and other agencies and similar service establishments. Notwithstanding the foegoing, •
none of the following uses shall be conducted or permitted with respect to all or any part
of the C k_D
j...,:k2 Any public or r;vate nuisance;
,�,�z7rJx d1� S 3tt c -�- private
(B) 'n'yy noise or sound that is objectionable due to
intermittence, beat, frequency, shrillness or loudness; -
(C) Any obnoxious odor;
(D) Any obnoxious, toxic, caustic or corrosive fuel or
sus provided however, that inventories of gasoline, fuel oil, motor oil or other petroleum I '
Pr held on the Entire Parcel for resale shall not violate this restriction, and nothing in th.sASection 12(e)(iikashall limit development of the Entire Parcel for a full service •
or self service gasoline station, car wash, lubrication center or other related retail
automotive uses;
(E) Any dust, dirt of fly ash in excessive quantities;
yard, stock (F) Any mobile home or trailer court, labor camp, junk
y' yard or animal raising shop that boards animals;
of garbage or refuse; (G) Any dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction
rooms; (H) Living quarters, sleeping apartments or Ipdging
(I) ivals, fairs
or sales by transient merchants utilizing ehiclesng orcarn temporary boo� ,•
thsCtionS, shows, kiosks •
(J) Any mortuary;
(K) Any adult bookstore which sells or maintains
pornographic material as a majority of its inventory;
(L) Any youth-oriented restaurant, ?WA, IroViog
ait4r, skating rink, bingo parlor, dance hall, nightclub or barAorovided, however, a first-
class sit-down type restaurant which maintains parking spaces in the ratio ose
for each one thousand11000) square feet of floor space of the restaurant hall not v olate
this restriction-
where the sale or consumption of alcohol alcoholic constitutes
a significant t for f-sale uor stores)
n wheresuch facility's business, or where on-site entertainment is a primary ttraction;�provoictr.ri
however, a first-class sit-down type restaurant which maintains parkingj,.paces in the ratio
of tenJl0) spaces for each one thousand (J000) square feet of floor space of the restaurant
shall not violate this restriction,
( e ' G'"'l S,-`'r
( ` v w
rt�,NleeNu }, G
gaming club; (Q) Any pool hall, billiards club, or poker, card or C``�tlik �.
Ci ':
RCV EY:xERnx TELECnFIER 7010 . 4-14-89 1:31PM ; ;t# 1
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1,4 That no part of the ~' w + e Parl shall be used except for 4/XAf/
commercial, general office, and /or wholesale/retail sales and service and appurtenant uses.
Service uses may include but not be limited to financial institutions, brokerage offices, -
travel and other agencies and similar service establishments. Notwithstanding the. foregoing,
none of the following uses shall be conducted or permitted with respect to all or any part
of the lrc Parcel:
(A) Any public or private nuisance;
(B) Any noise or sot:.nd that is objectionable due to
intermittence, beat, frequency, shrillness or loudness;
(C) Any obnoxious odor;
(D) Any obnoxious, toxic, caustic or corrosive fuel or
Os- provided however, that inventories of gasoline, fuel oil, motor oil or other petroleum
in held on the Entire Parcel for resale shall not violate this restriction, and nothing
in thiStSeetion 12(e)(ii�shall limit development of the Entire Parcel for a full service
or self service gasoline station, car wash, lubrication center or other related retail
automotive uses;
(E) Any dust, dirt of fly ash in excessive quantities; -
(F) Any mobile home or trailer court, labor camp, junk
yard, stock yard or animal raising shop that boards animals;
(G) Any dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction
of garbage or refuse;
(H) Living quarters, sleeping apartments or lodging
(I) Traveling carnivals, fairs, auctions, shows, kiosks
or sales by transient merchants utilizing vehicles or temporary booths;
(J) Any mortuary;
• (Y_) !_wy ...L.A. 4-.1...-• +:..t
pornographic material as a majority of its inventory;
(L) Any youth-oriented restaurant, theatre, bowling
alley, skating rink, bingo parlor, dance hall, nightclub or barAp_Lo idcd, however a first-
class sit-down type restaurant which maintain parkirm spaces in the ratio of ten (10) spaces
for each one thousand (1000) square feet of floor space of the restaurant shall not violate
this restriction; .
(M) Any facility (except for off-sale liquor stores)
where the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages constitutes a significant portion of
such facility's business, or where on-site entertainment is a primary attraction(Trnvidrei,
however, a first-class sit-down type restaurant which maintains parking spaces in the ratio
of ten 00) spaces for each one thousand (1000) square feet of floor space of the restaurant
shall not violats this restriction.
(N) Any movie theatre;
(0) Any medical clinic;
(P) Any fitness center, health club or health spa;
(Q) Any pool hall, billiards club, or poker, card or
gaming club;
', (R) Any church or place of worship. `
• •
••pv„.0„/ 1.
GROSS SITE AREA 2 , 217 , 378 SF 50 . 904 AC 100 %
PUBLIC ROW 207 , 346 SF 4 . 76 AC 9 %
BUILDING COVERAGE 332 , 550 SF 7 . 63 AC 15 %
PARKING & DRIVES 900 , 250 SF 20 . 66 AC 40 %
OPEN SPACE RESIDUAL 777 , 232 SF 17 . 854 AC 36 %
BUILDING A PACE 100 , 000 SF 664 SPACES 6 . 6/ 1000
BUILDING B RETAIL SHOPS 13 , 650 SF 56 SPACES 4 . 0 / 1000
BUILDING C RETAIL SHOPS 21 , 000 SF 85 SPACES 4 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING D DRUGS 26 , 090 SF 160 SPACES 6 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING E CLOTHING 30 , 000 SF 180 SPACES 6 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING F RETAIL SHOPS 8 , 400 SF 34 SPACES 4 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING G FOODS 62 , 500 SF 500 SPACES 8 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING H RETAIL SHOPS 12 , 000 SF 37 SPACES 4 . 0/ 1000
BUILDING ! OFFICES 24 , 000 SF 96 SPACES 4 . 0/ 1000
FUTURE PADS (6) RETAIL 35 , 000 SF 200 SPACES ( EST . ) 5 . 7 / 1000
TOTAL 332 , 550 SF 2012 SPACES 6 . 0/ 1000
STANDARD PARKING 9 ' X 17 ' ( 19 ) 1989 SPACES
RATIO = 6 . 0 SPACES/ 1000 SF
• •
To achieve consistency and quality and yet permit interest and
variety in Architectural and Site Design , and to protect and
enhance values in each pad site , and the whole Harmony Market
P . U . D .
As shown on approved Oak / Cottonwood Farm Master Plan .
25 ft . Maximum
Minimum 80 feet from flowline of Harmony Road ; Minimum 40 feet from
R. O . W . of Boardwalk Drive & Lemay Ave . , Minimum 20 feet from the
private driveway running East-West .
A variety of architectural design & materials may be used . However
it is intended that a basic harmony of architecture shall prevail ,
and that no building shall detract from the attractiveness of the
Harmony Market Development .
The number of materials used for the exteriors should be kept to
a minimum , to achieve unity and simplicity . The following may be
used :
Walls Brick or customized architectural concrete masonry units ,
stone , stucco/ plaster or wood siding or similar .
� •
Roofing Buildings may have sloped or flat roofs ; sloped roofs may
use the following materials : Wood Shakes/ Shingles ;
Concrete Tiles ; Ribbed Metal ; Natural Clay Tiles or
similar .
Colors Exterior Colors of building materials should be earth
toned or pastels in the red , brown , sand , beige or
similar range .
Pad mounted transformers , switch gear and similar above ground
equipment shall be screened with suitable landscaping and screening
walls , as described above .
Mechanical equipment on building exteriors or parking areas to be
screened from view from Harmony and adjoining development parcels .
At rear or side of buildings and hidden from adjoining streets .
Trash containers concealed by landscaping and opaque screen walls .
Fuels and other storage tanks to be underground or screened from
public view and inconspicuously placed .
15 feet high pole lights having single or double box heads , high
cut- off luminaire down- lighting , bronze finish , at pads and
associated parking lots and drives .
Car parking to be set back minimum of 80 feet from flowline of
Harmony Road , and Minimum of 20 feet from R. O . W . line of Boardwalk
Drive and Lemay Avenue . Provide adequate parking spaces for the
individual pad user .
If required , to be provided near entry of building , but not
encroach on walkways . To be screened or landscaped .
Provide walkways between pads and their associated parking areas .
In addition between pads , on an East/ West Axis , with links to the
8 ft . Bike/Walk Trail in the landscape buffer on Harmony , as shown
on the plan .
To provide a compatible system of signage within each pad site , and
graphically consistent with signage used throughout the Harmony
Market P . U . D . The use of common design elements within the signage
is strongly encouraged . Signs may be illuminated but not moving ,
flashing , blinking or fluctuating . Ground lit or internally lit
signs are preferred . All signs to comply with City Sign Code .
Objective To integrate individual structures through harmonious
site and landscape treatment and create a pleasant and
aesthetic environment for users .
Density On each pad and its surroundings to be appropriate and
to serve to integrate the various elements of the site .
Materials Shall be long lived varieties and permanent in nature .
Short lived material , i . e . annuals , may be used to accent
or supplement the basic landscape plan .
• Buffers There will be an 80 feet wide landscaped buffer , from the
flowline of Harmony Road to the building and parking lot
line . This will be bermed and in a varying profile to
a maximum height of 5 ft . , sodded with bluegrass , and
planted with informally grouped Shade , Ornamental and
Evergreen trees , of species and sizes approved by City
Arborist .
Trees To be appraised by City Arborist , and preserved , wherever
possible .