1400 Douglas Street.Stop 1580 Patrick R.McGill/UPC Senior Counsel-Real Estate,Law Dept.
Omaha.Nebraska 68179
P 402 544 5761
F 402 997 3603
November 12, 2014
VIA EMAIL ONLY: rmounce@fcgov.com
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
Attn: Ryan Mounce, Project Planner
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Re: Comments to Notice of Riverside Community Solar Garden
File No. FDP140027 ("Project")
Dear Mr. Mounce:
Thank you for allowing Union Pacific Railroad Company ("UP") the opportunity to
submit the following comments in response to the City's notice on the above-referenced
Project. UP is a Delaware corporation that owns and operates a common carrier railroad
network in the western half of the United States, including the State of Colorado. The
proposed Project location runs along UP's main line corridor. Additionally, there is an at-
grade rail crossing over these main line tracks on nearby East Mulberry Street.
UP believes that maintaining industrial use areas along existing rail corridors reflects
good land use planning. UP requests that if the City considers approving the Project, the
City should examine the risks associated with locating a trail and other community use so
near to an active rail corridor. The Project likely will result in increased pedestrian,
vehicular and bicycle traffic near and over the railroad tracks. Increased likelihood of
trespassing on the railroad right-of-way should be expected as well.
At-Grade Rail Crossing Safety
The safety of UP's employees, customers, adjoining land owners, and the communities
we operate through is our top priority. At-grade rail crossings are areas where railroad
operations and the public come into close contact. Due to the proximity of the East Mulberry
Street rail crossing to the Project location and the Project's proposed access, we recommend
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City of Fort Collins
November 12, 2014
the City notify UP and the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to schedule a diagnostic
meeting regarding the proposed Project. Appropriate modifications to the street siding and
warning devices on the rail crossing may need to be included as part of the Project. Should
the Project be approved, UP suggests the City consider holding railroad and crossing safety
presentations, such as Operation Lifesaver, for the public on appropriate basis.
Increased Traffic Impact
An increase of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle traffic may conflict with train
operations by causing trains to proceed more slowly through the City, and/or make more
frequent emergency stops, which would make rail service less effective and efficient. Any
increase in traffic from the Project may also render inadequate the current safety devices in
place on the East Mulberry Street crossing and other nearby at-grade crossings. Should this
Project be approved, UP requests that the City examine any increase in traffic and
implement appropriate mitigation measures, such as any appropriate modifications to the
nearby rail crossings and proposed access to the Project.
Any increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic will increase the likelihood of
trespassing onto the railroad right-of-way. UP requests that the City examine the Project
impacts associated with the increased likelihood of trespassing and set forth appropriate
mitigation measures. In particular, the City should require the developer to install barrier walls
or block fences, pavement markings, and/or "no trespassing" signs designed to prevent
individuals from trespassing onto the railroad tracks. Additionally, buffers and setbacks should
be required adjacent to the right-of-way.
UP requests the City ensure that the drainage plan relating to the Project does not shift
storm water drainage toward UP property and infrastructure. Any runoff onto UP's property
may cause damage to its facilities resulting in a potential public safety issue. If the Project is
approved,we ask that the City require the applicant to mitigate all safety risks and the impacts of
the railroad's 24-hour operations during the construction of the Project.
Trees and Shrubbery
Any proposed trees or shrubbery near UP's property line may become a rail safety issue
in the future. Any growth of the proposed trees or shrubbery onto UP property may result in UP
needing to trim them to the property line, which could affect the health and life of the plants.
Moreover, any maintenance of the trees or shrubbery on UP property could be disruptive to UP's
operations. If the City considers approving the Project, UP requests that any trees or shrubbery
required for the Project be planned so as not to encroach onto UP property.
City of Fort Collins
November 12, 2014
Noise and Vibration Impact
UP appreciates the City giving due consideration to the above concerns, as this proposed
Project may result in impacts to land use and public safety. Please give notice to UP of all
future hearings and other matters with respect to the Project as follows:
Schia M. Cloutier
Manager, Real Estate
Union Pacific Railroad Company
1400 Douglas Street - STOP 1690 Omaha, NE 68179
(402) 544-8805
Please do not hesitate to contact Schia Cloutier if you have any questions or concerns.
Patrick R. McGill
Senior Counsel Real Estate
Union Pacific Railroad Company
cc: Schia M. Cloutier