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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
The Landing at Lemay North Rezone
Exhibit B - Request for Zoning Map and Structure Plan Amendment
January 19, 2023
Project Team
Developer/Applicant Planner/Landscape Architect Civil Engineer
Monica Unger Russell Lee Danny Weber
Thompson Thrift Residential Ripley Design, Inc. Northern Engineering
111 Monument Circle, Ste 1500 419 Canyon Ave, Suite 200 301 N Howes St #100
Indianapolis, IN 46204 Fort Collins, CO 80521 Fort Collins, CO 80521
The applicant, Thompson Thrift Residential, requests an amendment to the City Structure Plan and an
amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone a portion of the 26.5-acre property located at the southeast
corner of Vine Drive and Lemay Avenue. The southern 17.1-acres are currently in for review for a rezone.
At the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 15, 2022, there was concern that a portion
of land was remaining industrial land, which has initiated this secondary rezone of approximately 9.4
acres from Industrial (I) to Medium Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District (M-M-N).
Figure 1 - Zoning Map
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
This property currently lies vacant and underutilized. The purpose of the rezone is to develop a
multi-family project that embodies the highest and best use for the subject property that will more
closely align with adjacent development patterns and goals identified by the City. The City Plan
anticipates that Fort Collins is likely to add 70,000 new residents by 2040, and studies completed by
the City have shown that the demand for housing will exceed the City’s capacity by around 2,000
units by 2040.
This applicant team is also sensitive to the value associated with industrial land within the City, and
has conducted a third-party market study to analyze the stock of industrial lands in northeast Fort
Collins. Based on the study completed in 2021, “within Fort Collins and a mile from the site there
are approximately 50 acres of vacant indust rial properties, plus an approximate 135 acres
Employment Zone on the abandoned airport runway. In total this equates to 185 acres available for
industrial/light industrial within the city, near the proposed development site”. The study concluded
that within the immediate area, as well as in the City as a whole, there is ample availability for
future industrial development.
The graphic below, taken from the City Plan, shows the total vacant land by use-type available
today (on top of the box), the amount of land projected to be developed by 2040 (in the blue at
the bottom), and the amount of land that is projected to still be vacant (i.e. “surplus) by 2040
(amount in the center). (Confirming source.)
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
As can be seen, despite projecting that the land currently set aside for residential development will
be exhausted by 2040, there is projected to be a “surplus” of vacant land set aside for these other
three categories, which includes industrial. Any additional residential development will need to
come from one of the other areas.
This letter has been provided to illustrate the rezone’s compliance with the City of Fort Collins Land
Use Code standards, City Plan Policies, and overall compatibility with the surrounding land uses
and infrastructure.
Request for Zoning Map Amendment
This request for a Zoning Map Amenment is justified in accordance with the following section of
the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code.
Fort Collins LUC Section 2,9.4(H)
(2) Mandatory Requirements for Quasi-judicial Zonings or Rezonings. Any amendment to the
Zoning Map involving the zoning or rezoning of six hundred forty (640) acres of land or less
(a quasi-judicial rezoning) shall be recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning
Board or approved by the City Council only if the proposed amendment is:
(a) consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and/or
(b) warranted by changed conditions within the neighborhood surrounding and including
the subject property.
(3) Additional Considerations for Quasi-Judicial Zonings or Rezonings. In determining whether
to recommend approval of any such proposed amendment, the Planning and Zoning Board
and City Council may consider the following additional factors:
(a) whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment is compatible with existing
and proposed uses surrounding the subject land and is the appropriate zone district for
the land;
(b) whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significantly
adverse impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water, air,
noise, stormwater management, wildlife, vegetation, wetlands and the natural
functioning of the environment;
(c) whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in a logical
and orderly development pattern.
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
1. The Zoning Map amendment is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan (City Plan
adopted in 2019)
Strategy LIV-1d. Update the East Mulberry Corridor Plan to reflect land use and policy
directions established as part of City Plan. Include a full assessment of annexation impac ts
as part of the plan update, or as a stand-alone effort, to help inform the annexation process
and long-term service provision.
The Landing at Lemay property lies within the East Mulberry Corridor Area. The
previous Corridor Plan was adopted in 2002, and City staff is currently in process of
updating the plan to better reflect the evolving needs of northeast Fort Collins. The
City held meetings in 2020 and 2021 with City Council members as well as local
businesses and residents to gain input on the revisions that will be made to the Plan.
Feedback received was that there is a community interest in preserving Industrial
properties which were most accessible from I-25 and East Mulberry.
The subject property lies about 1 mile north of East Mulberry Street and would require
traffic to pass by several existing residential developments, placing a lower value on
preserving this property for industrial uses given its distance from Mulberry. The green
areas shown on the map below depict areas proposed to be annexed into the City as
part of the East Mulberry Plan project. This illustrates the considerable potential for
future industrial properties which will better align with the community interest.
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
Policy LIV 1.6 - Adequate Public Facilities Utilize the provision of public facilities and services
to direct development to desired location, in accordance with the following criteria:
➢ Direct development to locations where it can be adequately served by critical public
facilities and services such as water, sewer, police, transportation, schools, fire,
stormwater management and parks, in accordance with adopted levels of service
for public facilities and services.
The subject property is bordered by developed properties to the south and west,
providing an existing network of public utilities in the immediate vicinity. The
proposed M-M-N zoning for this property will allow for a logical extension of the
existing street and utility framework established by the multi-family development to
the south, and the newly constructed Lemay Ave to the west will provide adequate
vehicular and pedestrian circulation to surrounding areas. Transfort also has an
existing bus stop approximately ½ mile south of the property which offers stops each
hour. Additionally, the applicant has agreed to take over the maintenance of the
landscape within their adjacent Lemay Avenue overpass right of way to the back of
walk to support this public facility.
Policy LIV 4.2 - Compatibility of Adjacent Development Ensure that development that occurs
in adjacent districts complements and enhances the positive qualities of existing
neighborhoods. Developments that share a property line and/or street frontage with an
existing neighborhood should promote compatibility by:
➢ Incorporating context-sensitive buildings and site features (e.g., similar size, scale
and materials); a
➢ Locating parking and service areas where impacts on existing neighborhoods —
such as noise and traffic—will be minimized.
The adjacent zoning districts include Low-Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District
(L-M-N) and Low Density Residential (R-L) zoning to the west, and the property to the
south is currently in process to be rezoned from I to MMN. To the north and east are
properties zoned Employment (E) and L-M-N. Rezoning the subject parcel to M-M-N
will provide a more appropriate transition between the lower density residential
properties to the west and the higher intensity industrial and employments areas to
the east. The architectural character associated with the future multi-family
development on this site will be more sensitive to the context of these adjacent
residential uses than what would likely be developed on an industrial -zone property.
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
The Lemay overpass flattens out at the southern half of the site. The subject property
is visible from Andersonville at this point. A multi-family development provides a
more logical transition to the industrial to the east rather than having industrial uses
100’-200’ from residential houses.
A neighborhood meeting was held with the residents from the Andersonville
neighborhood. At that meeting the applicant asked if the neighbors preferred
multifamily versus industrial and residents in attendance expressed a preference for
Policy Liv 5.3 – Land for Residential Development
Use density requirements to maximize the use of land for residential development to
positively influence housing supply and expand housing choice.
City Plan has identified the need for increased housing supply and emphasizes a
broader mix of housing types and densities to support the changing population and
housing market (page 29). This need for housing stock is a result of an increase of
jobs in Fort Collins and a housing market that has not been able to keep up with the
rising demand. City Plan identifies the greatest need for housing supply to be for
higher density products such as multifamily and attached units. Rezoning to M-M-N
will allow for the subject property to directly contribute to these City goals.
Policy SC 4.2 - Design for Active Living Promote neighborhood and community design that
encourages physical activity by establishing easy and equitable access to parks and trails,
providing interesting routes that feature art and other visually interesting elements, and
locating neighborhoods close to activity centers and services so that active modes of
transportation are a desirable and convenient choice.
According to City Plan, a key characteristic of the Mixed Neighborhood Place Type
(which aligns with M-M-N zoning) are properties which are located within walking or
biking distance of services and amenites. The subject property is located within ½ mile
walk or biking distance of several breweries, restaurants, and grocery stores, and is
approximately 1 mile from Old Town Fort Collins which will encourage active living.
2. The Zoning Map amendment is warranted by changed conditions within the neighborhood
surrouding and including the subject property.
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
In addition to being consistent with with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, the proposed
rezone is warranted by the following changed conditions within the surrounding
• The Capstone property which lies directly south of the subject property received
approval to rezone from I to M-M-N in 2015 and has since been developed as a
multi-family project, setting the precedent for compatible multi-family projects in the
• The airport is no longer in operation. Concerns raised by City staff in the 2003
consideration of a rezoning to M-M-N for the Capstone property included concerns
about locating residential areas too close to the airport. With the closure of the
airport, this concern is no longer an issue.
• Woodward recently constructed a new campus on the 100+ acre property at the
southwest corner of the Lincoln and Lemay intersection, located less than ½ mile from
the subject property. This property was rezoned to be within the Innovation
Subdistrict, which is part of the Downtown District. The Innovation Subdistrict was
created to promote development that supports employment and industrial uses,
which enabled Woodward to accommodate their new office/manufacturing campus
that is anticipated to retain and/or create between 1,400 and 1,700 primary jobs. The
loss of 9.4 acres of I-zoned property is more than offset by the increase in industrial
use and jobs realized by the Woodward project. The Woodward developemnt would
also benefit from adjacent housing and continue to promote City Plan Poilcy SC4.2 by
placing market rate housing within ½ mile of this major employer. This would
encourage pedestrian and bike transportation to work, reducing carbon emissions
and promoting the City’s climate action goals.
3. The Zoning Map amendment is compatible with existing and proposed uses surrounding the
subject land and is the appropriate zone district for the land.
The rezone will be compatible with existing land uses for the following reasons:
• The properties to the west are zoned R-L and L-M-N which have a lower intensity
than the properties to the east which are unincorporated, but are developed as
industrial. Rezoning the subject property to M-M-N will provide a more natural
transition between land uses.
• The northern 9.3-acres of the subject property will remain as industrial-zoned land
and will maintain future employement opportunities within the City of Fort Colli ns. The
industrial-zone district also accomodates uses such as convenience shopping, child
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
care centers and housing which will support the multi-family use proposed for the
subject property. This remaining industrial-zoned area will still have adaquate
circulation, with direct access to Vine Drive to the north, a 2-lane collector street at
this location which transitions to a 2-lane arterial street as it approaches I-25 to the
4. The Zoning Map amendment would not result in significantly adverse impacts on the natural
environment, including, but not limited to, water, air, noise, stormwater management, wildlife,
vegetation, wetlands and the natural functioning of the environment;
No significant adverse impacts are anticipated on the natural environment for the
following reasons:
• There are no significant natural features identified on the subject property or adjacent
properties. Additionally, a multi-family development within the M-M-N zone district
would typically be a lower intensity use than a development within an industrial-zoned
property would, therefore reducing any potential environment impact for the
surrounding areas.
• The proposed rezone will provide housing opportunities in a location which will have
access to a multitude of employment and service areas within a 2-mile radius.
Providing housing in areas that are within close proximity to jobs, healthcare,
recreation, retail, and restaurants significantly cuts down the amount of time residence
must spend in their cars, thus reducing their environmental impact.
5. The Zonining Map amendment will result in a logical and orderly development pattern.
The rezone will result in a logical and orderly development pattern for the follow ing reasons:
• The property south of Duff Drive was rezoned as M-M-N in 2015, and the property
directly to the south is currently requesting a rezone to M-M-N, so the proposed
zoning will provide a logical extension of that zone district to the north.
• The transition between the proposed M-M-N zone and the existing industrial zone is
defined by extending the centerline of Link Lane across the subject property to create
a clearly defined boundary.
• The proposed rezone would place a medium-density use along the newly-
constructed Lemay Avenue, a 4-lane collector street. This complies with the City Plan
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RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
which promotes placement of townhome or multifamily developments along arterial
streets where transit and other services and amenities are available (page 98).
Request for Structure Plan Amendment
This request for a Structure Plan Amendment is justified in accordance with the following section of
the City Plan.
City Plan (page 221) states: a plan amendment will be approved if the City Council makes
specific findings that:
• The existing City Plan and/or any related element thereof is in need of the proposed
amendment; and
• The proposed amendment will promote the public welfare and will be consistent with the
vision, goals, principles and policies of City Plan and the elements thereof.
1. The existing City Plan and/or any related element thereof is in need of the proposed
The Structure Plan Map needs to be amended in order to rezone approximately 9.4-acres of
land. The resulting M-M-N zone will be able to accommodate a multi-family housing project
and create an appropriate land use transition between industrial development and single -
family neighborhoods.
Since the current Structure Plan was adopted in 2018, additional conversations have occurred
regarding the best suited locations for industrial properties, and City Staff has identified the
areas closest to East Mulberry Street and I-25 as the lands which would be most appropriate.
This parcel is outside those parameters.
Additionally, the need for more housing has increased considerably in the last 2 years. Based
on the monthly report issued by the Fort Collins Board of Realtors, the median home price in
Fort Collins increased by over 14.5% for townhomes/condos in the last year alone. Meanwhile,
the number of days on the market decreased by 31.5% from 89 to just 61.
The Fort Collins Housing Strategic Plan was since released in 2021, reinforcing the urgency for
increased housing supply. The tables from page 27 of the Strategic Plan illustrate that there is
a shortage of affordable housing for both the rental and ownership markets. For the rental
o: 970.224.5828 | w: ripleydesigninc.com
RIPLEY DESIGN, INC. | 419 Canyon Avenue, Suite 200 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
market, housing shortages are reported for residents with up to 80% AMI (Area Median
Income) and up to 150% AMI for the ownership market. The evolving needs in the City are a
clear indication that there is a need for action.
2. The proposed amendment will promote the public welfare and will be con sistent with the vision,
goals, principles and policies of City Plan and the elements thereof .
The proposed Structure Plan Map amendment is part and parcel with the rezoning request.
See arguments above to show how the amendment is supported by City Plan Principles and