135 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(303) 223-7335
for the
a 1.7 acre retail and convenience store
development on North Lemay Avenue
135 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
BB Investments Inc.
William Geisenhagen
4800 Happy Canyon Road, Suite 230
Denver, Colorado 80237
September 4, 1987
NORTH LEMAY PLAZA P.U.D. 87-496 September 4, 1987
A. Statement of Appropriate City Land Use Policies Achieved by the Proposed
Plan. Policy 3a. "The City shall promote maximum Utilization of the Land
Within the City."
Explanation: The property is.situated on the West side of North Lemay
Avenue, an important N-S arterial street, and is contiguous on over 50 of
its boundaries to existing urban development. Currently zoned RLM, the pro-
ject'includes a 10,672 S.F. retail center and a 2,600 S.F. convenience store
with gas pump uses to serve the existing and developing residential district.
Policy 21. "All levels of commercial development, including convenience ....
shopping which have significant negative transportation impacts on South
College Avenue will be discouraged from gaining their primary access from
College Avenue."
Explanation: The Plaza is located one mile East of College on Lemay thus
syphoning off the negative traffic impacts of private vehicle and transfort
users, as referred to in the policy.
Policy 22. "Preferential consideration shall be, given to urban development
proposals which are contiguous to existing development within the City limits."
Explanation: The Plaza enjoying 50% contiguity with existing urban development
supports this policy. By its location on North Lemay, the project takes ad-
vantage of existing urban level services, utilities and facilities, including
police and fire protection, water, sewer, electricity, gas, telephone and
cable TV. It will be served by urban level streets with curb gutter and side-
walks, and bike paths giving access to the recreational areas of nearby City
Park in Greenbriar.
Policy 26. "Availability of existing services shall be used as a criteria in
determining the location of higher intensity areas in the City."
Explanation: The property is served by existing gas, water, electricity,
telephone, sanitary and storm drainage facilities. Storm drainage improve-
ments will be part of this development.
Policy 39-, The City should direct efforts to promote improved traffic and
pedestrian circulation and public transit to areas North and Northeast of
the City.
Explanation: This project is located at the intersection of Conifer and
Lemay Avenue in Northeast Fort Collins. Lemay Avenue is an important N-S
link in the overall street system. This project would provide a catalyze
for improvements to.Lemay to occur, for as we.all are aware, street improve-
ments occur when development takes place. Development to North is a key
City goal and policy.
Policy 49. "The City's Land Use Policies Plan shall be directed toward
minimizing the use of private automobiles and toward alleviating and miti-
gating the air quality impacts of concentrated use of automobiles."
Explanation: The project, located in an existing residential area, encourages
walking and biking to the facility, specifically from the single family de-
velopments to,the North and West.
r �
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Policy 74. "Transitional land uses or areas (linear greenbelts or other ur-
ban design elements) should be provided between residential neighborhoods and
commercial areas in order to enhance the concept of a mixture of land uses."
Explanation: The location of the storm detention area to the West of this
project provides a landscaped -linear green belt open space transition between
the commercial/retail uses of this project and the existing residential
B. Project Description
The project located at the intersection of a collector and arterial provides
the opportunitydesign access points compatible with intended traffic volume.
Two curb cuts are provided;one on Conifer Street and the other on North
Lemay Avenue. The convenience store is placed to screen the gas pump area
from the intersection thus reducing unsightly asphalt from exposure to the
corner. Landscaping is of the utmost importance to the developer. The plan
details a comprehensive high quality approach to landscape and buffering to
the intersection.
The turf area will be bermed 4' high around the two sides facing the corner.
This has been done in response to neighborhood concerns regarding the blank
brick walls of the building. Although the building is only a single story
in.height, berming was felt necessary. The setbacks of 45' and 49' from
the improved curb line should produce a softening affect to the corner. There
are three gas pumps angled to receive traffic flows from two directions. A
large landscape island to the South will screen and buffer the pumps. The.
pumps will have a canopy positioned with the least amount of exposure to the
street frontage. .
The retail shops are set back from Lemay approximately 195' and from Conifer
Street approximately 30'. It is intended that this building will contain
personal service shops supportive of uses typical of neighborhood needs. A
service drive at the rear of the building will control trash and delivery
The architectural character of both buildings will be fully brick walls with
wood stained accent trim and roof band.
The buildings will have a sloped hipped roof system covered with wood shake
shingles. Building heights will be approximately 14' to the bottom of the.
canopy with a maximum height at the peak of 221. The convenience store and
retail stores will have a height of 10' to the bottom of the roof with a
maximum height at the roof peak of 22'.
C. Developer and Owner
The store will be operated by PDQ Stores. The owner will be BB Investments
Inc., Attention William Geisenhagen, 4800 Happy Canyon Road, Suite 230, Denver,
Colorado 80237.
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D. Development Schedule
The convenience store will become the first phase of the project. All site
improvements will be completed with the convenience store. The retail build-
ing will not be built until sufficient pre -leases are signed to ensure usage.
E. Social Compatibility
A neighborhood meeting was held September 1, 1987, to which minutes were
edited by Ted Shepard, City Planner. Approximately 23 neighborhood residents
attended and voiced concerns and objections of varying degrees. Some felt
the existing Lemay Avenue street system is in need of improvement, some felt
that with proper mitigation through landscaping and building design, the pro-
ject would meet their approval. There were some that felt that no matter
what design or mitigation we pursued, they would oppose the project.
We believe the project is designed to meet the criteria of the LDC7 Social
Compatibility Guidelines and will serve as a fine example of convenience
store design and placement.
We would be happy to meet or discuss all aspects of the project at your con-
venience throughout the planning process.
s A. Gef ro