Tom Peterson
375 E, HORSETOOTH • SHORES 3, SUITE 201 • FORT COLLINS. COLORADO 80525 • (303) 225-0168
February 14, 1989
Mayor Ed Stoner
Assistant Mayor
Council Members:
Bob Winokur
Larry Estrada
Jerry Horak
Susan Kirkpatrick
Chuck Mabry
Loren Maxey
Fort Collins City Council
P. 0. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members:
On February 21, 1989 you will be reviewing the proposed Noel annexation.
This annexation consists of 287 acres located in the Foothills' zone west -
of Overland Trail.
The annexation proposal has been a subject of discussion with Staff for
sometime. The proposal is submitted with full "staff" recommendation of
approval and it is with their support that we proceed.
We know the Council is having a difficult time with the complexities of this
annexation. I would like to assure the council that we have the best interest
of the City and ofcourse myself in this matter. With that in mind I would like
to present the following facts.
1. It is the applicants desire to be annexed into the City of Fort Collins.
If she applicant is annexed he can develop the property below the 5,200 foot
elevation to the interest of both the City and myself. If, however, the
property is not annexed, I will have no other alternative but to develop
under county zoning which trill necessitate me developing all of my property
which includes the Foothills above the 5,200 foot elevation.
2. If I trade or sell my property to CSU the City will have no control
whatsoever on the development of the property or to the preservation of the
Foothills, the City would also lose any fees that otherwise would flow to the
City, and to any access to the Foothills.
It seems to the applicant that the best of all worlds if for the annexation
to be approved, the applicant to transfer density to the lower half of the
property and preserve the Foothills for the populace forever which is the prime
objective of the City.
It also appears obvious to the applicant that the. City is well protected
because the applicant still has to go through the process of a P.U.D.
375 E. HORSETOOTH - SHORES 3, SUITE 201 - FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80525 - (303) 225-0168
Mayor and Council Members
page two
In closing I would like to point out the City will receive over four million
dollars in fees from the development of the property with no further investment
or expense to the City.
Considering that the City has this property earmarked for purchase in its
master plan, this annexation saves the taxpayers and the City an additional
one million four hundred thousand dollars in acquisition costs.
If I can be of any further help to the Council I am available for discussion
in person, or by phone at 493-8929.
Thanking Council for its consideration and patience in this matter, I remain,
Wallace R. Noel